Tell me games where I can have the most fun beating the shit out of evildoers with my righteous fists

Tell me games where I can have the most fun beating the shit out of evildoers with my righteous fists.

Batman Arkham, asylum and city.

he said he wanted fun

And I said batman arkham.

And Knight of course


You're welcome, tough guy

Terrible game

Only if you're bad at it

Web of Shadows.

Dumb sissy poster.

I will second Web of Shadows. I generally hate capeshit but I think this game deserved far FAR more attention. It was completely over the top in a MGR style so I bet capecucks found it too offputting since it did shit the comics didn't do. Spider-Man punching punches like Kenshiro with his arms going on fire, Vultures wings being made of fucking swords you have to skip across, three-headed giant Venom, the sheer force of your attacks blowing up the facade of buildings and busting open storefronts, why didn't this game get more credit?

It's impossible to be bad at it.

Clearly isn't, since you are

You actually suggested that the game was challenging. You weren't being serious were you?

Don't rub your pained ass all over the thread because you're upset you can't play God Hand right.

Zeno Clash

Nah man he's a super hardcore gamer who plays real games like Sonic Blast Man

You too, child.

You're both grounded.
Get off the computer and go outside.

Read more closely and see me after class


Don't backtalk me.
You need to let it go and stop shitposting about user and his shit opinions, he shut his trap, and I was gonna let you go, but you kept yappin, NOW you get no computer, and anymore outta you and I'll extend it till Saturday.


i miss him so much
