Red Pill on Psychiatry

Spent the morning reading about Jung and Freud and it's pretty obvious who had the ulterior motivation to destroy society in that feud.

But I am looking for some information about how modern psychiatry is related to Marxism. It looks to me like there was a split in psychiatry around WWII and although modern psychiatrists outwardly decry Freud, it's pretty obvious they went with his ideas over Jung's (which were pretty cool IMO and had some spiritually healthy practices mixed in) and did the whole ostracizing-Jung-from-society-and-calling-him-a-Nazi thing we're all familiar with.

Then there is the overprescription of SSRIs and ADHD medication to keep white men and boys subservient. I feel strongly that this is an example of how modern psychiatry is tied in to Marxism but I'm looking for someone wiser than me's thoughts on it, to read.

Historical documents especially appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg!FUF2ETAT

In short, psychology is the study of the soul, this why Jung is the ultimate and unsurpassable psychologist. Because Marxism is nihilist and atheist in essence it is the antithesis of psychology, and reduces the field to materialist neuroscience and brain chemistry.

Freud ran a literal cult and was a Jewish guru. Kikes love their gurus so he got pushed(like Einstein) while Jung kind of fell to the wayside when he had his falling out with Freud. Jung was the smarter of the two and really touched on some esoteric shit like archetypes.

Jung is the best, loved his twelve archetypes. Where do you fall in, Anons?

But as for Freud, the whole Jews pushing him is in fact true, there's a whole pack I think on >>>/pdfs/ with it but Freud is actually still useful in triggering leftards because he shits all over women, feminism, and their penis envy and all that.

INTJs and INTPs, as if it wasnt immediately obvious

The subversion of psychology through Freudianism was central to the Frankfurt school which is the birthplace of cultural marxism. The directive was to eliminate anti-semitism by redefining the soul. This video from the Goy Guide to World History details this subject. It's exactly what you are looking for.

There are a lot of ENTP anons, too.

I personally am INTP.

I'm active on some MBTI forums and there is a common refrain when it's criticized too heavily that it's "not science" and that it's a glorified horoscope, but as I have studied it i don't find that to be the case. Now that I learned Jung had a hand in the theory it's derived from, I think this is a clear cut case of actively turning towards the Marxist doctrine by dismissing the competing idea. If you accept Jung's theories, you have to accept other idea that are very anti-Freudian, anti-Marxist.

Any link? Did not find.

Awesome, thank you :)

I think you're digging too deep. It's just good old fashion corruption, you prescribe our meds we pay for your specializations and trips to conventions.

You are welcome! You should check out the rest of E. Michael Jones work as well. He has amazing depth of historical facts to show how Jews have been behind the subversion of our culture for centuries. The whole Goy Guide to World History series is worth watching.

You should try reading Jung and Freud instead of just reading about them. I definitely prefer Jung but Freud's work (especially on dreams and psychological projection) is still valuable.

I dont wanna burst your bubble but Jung is nearly universally accepted from a sociological circumstance. Things like symbols and archetypes are discussed every day with respect to modern culture (which grows every day more complex with symbols) and dream analysis. Jungs dream analysis is honestly way more healthy anyways. Same with the analysis of the shadow. Both things that are very much still talked about.

Freud on the other hand is given credit for creating the concept of the unconscious mind. But most of his other stuff is discredited.

This basically. And his discussion of the anima needs to be brought into the public consciousness right the hell now due to all the transgender bullshit.

Jung is required Holla Forums reading

From taking those test, I'm supposedly an ENTJ. Weird, considering that I never was the top dog, but I've always went ahead and tried to do stuff when I was working with a collective.

Reading The Red Book right now, its almost poetic in the way it is written.

Just finished the vid, great stuff! I will check out the others. Thanks man

Haha, agreed.

INTP and ENTJ are both "Thinker" types and considered perfect matches for one another; this is debated in the MBTI forums but from what I've studied, I really agree with it. Speaking in a work or traditional relationship setting. ENTJs are the movers and shakers while the INTP finds any blind spots and offers a greater analysis of theory. ENTJ should thrive when receiving praise while INTP is happy to work from the background, as long as ENTJ is responsive to their strange needs and habits. I know Jung didn't come up with MBTI but from what I've read, he really understood how things in the world fit together and two halves make a whole. While in modern society, it seems like everyone is trying to do everything themselves without a good understanding of how to work together. (Women want to have careers, men live without emotional leaders, stresses we experience as cogs at work, etc.)

I think Jung understood psychology better of the two men. The video did a good job explaining how Freud's ideas still rose to greater prominence and their relation to modern psychiatry. One interesting thing I read was that Jung suggested religion for some ailments, like alcoholism, I've long been of the opinion that this is the only cure for certain maladies (and I'm not even particularly religious) so I did suspect that psychiatry's dismissal of religion was related to roots in Marxism.

Jung is /ourguy/, Freud was an asslicking betanigger turbokike.

Freud just projects his jewishness on the entire world, fuck that kike


MBTI isn't completely baseless, but there are better newer systems like Big 5 / 10 Aspects.

Jordan Peterson launched a good version that costs $10 and tells you how you compare to the general population.

I would guess most here have quite low agreeableness and high orderliness.

Freud was, from what I can gather, a stepping stone towards the complete destruction of all masculine acts and male bonding. He's why you have tumblrites now who can't understand the concept of a platonic relationship.

Interesting. How much does genetics and the environment have to do with the Briggs-Meyer personality. Also, do you have any primer material I could read into? I'm currently learning some basics in psychology in grammar school and this shit seem very interesting.

Also I haven't seen any different way how kikes like Freud have grown to power. It is always through (((contacts))).

"The Virgin Freud"

When I took my psych class in community college, the instructor who works in the field unironically told us that freud was full of shit, but you still have to memorize his bullshit theories.
The literal one figure in psychology that every normgroid knows is a mother-fucking, sex-obsessed kike.

Just reading down the list I slot myself into the first types by identifying with the positive aspects of each, it's literally horoscope tier. Maybe if someone outside and objective tested you, maybe, but still doubtful then that you find meaning that is scientific. Tbh the gullibility of people and horoscop-ish nature of "esoteric" shit is the biggest reason I avoid the subject altogether.

I got a good one that avoids handing shekels to let not the jews man, it's called an iq test.

It's a crock of shit, all of it and none of it matters really. It's only there to install thoughts in your head, thinking there's something wrong with you and that you need ((them)) to solve it for you, with continous sessions that never ends.

Psychology is one of the reasons we're at this stage, because it "killed god and spiritualism" to the point that every retard think they have an answer to why you are depressed or think a certain way, when in reality you're just unhappy, which usually derives from having a shitty life (or acting shitty), especially in terms of relationships.

We used to have things like morals and standards from which people behaved and they had good relationships with eachother most of the times, they had a wife, stuck together their whole lives, had families and relatives close by. If somebody stepped out of line and acted shitty against you, people in your community helped you out. But psychology along with the sexual revolution that took place around roughly the same time, destroyed that, threw a wedge into white societies and people became more divided, more self-obsessed, more with their heads-up-in-the-sky because of that fraud-shit.

All of our social problems in todays society can be traced back to Freud. All shrinks need to die.


I have heard different thing regarding Jung's view of NatSoc. Anyone have any info? His teachings are without a doubt very NatSoc though.


Kikepedia, which seems to be in some sort of damage control regarding the subject, put forward a couple of things strictly about Hitler and the 3rd Reich which seems like Jung was anti NatSoc/Hitler (and actually some thing that point toward that Jung was positive) and than we have things like this
which makes it look like Jung was an esoteric hitlerist.

He wrote it in a style of German that is in their version of the KJV. The words are strong, powerful, passionate.

I like to put the difference like this. Freud got a good grasp of what lies in people's brains because he had his head up in his own ass. He was the greatest projector of all time. It is by that means that his estrangement and reunion with his mother became the idea all boy want to fuck their mother. It is his desire to kill his father, his fear of the same by Jung whom he saw as successor to his cause against 'the occult', his (Jewish) fascination with the anus, and his absolute obsession with sex. This and more he dressed all scholarly, denouncing anything that wasn't driven by libido, never taking his own advise that a cigar can be just a cigar, never divorcing the phallus from fornication or the womb from sullying.
In the end it is his personal hell he wrote, writing every subconscious symbol as a product of his own conscious. Being hateful of the notion it wasn't all his own making, his falling out withhis 'son' Jung was inevitable. One sought a battle against Christian/White spirit, the other could not stand the truth being buried.

Don't pick up the book "Jung on Mythology". It's not too good, quoting from other authors to compare more than a collection of what he thought.

I still don't don't like how that fuckhead coined the term "Oedipus Complex" like Oedipus actually wanted to fuck his mom.

Nietzsche invented psychology

Jung's theories are one of the most needed things in our current time. Many of his concepts are actually very alive already in our minds, like the definitions of introvert and extrovert, archetypes, etc, and i suppose maybe there is a reason why his name and knowlenge are supressed.

Freud gave some initial great contributions in understanding the unconscious and dreams, but from what i know, his theories fall short in many ways, specially in his obssession with sexualty.

Jung gave us a new method that is still not understod by many.
It's also extremely useful in understanding our religious needs, as a counter to nihilism, as a counter to the "humans are nothing but machines" kinds of ideas, and to human relations and projections in general. Just for starts.

It's really a must read to anyone and if you are not already into it you must at least give it a try.

OP have you watched the documentary Century of the Self? It explains why Freud was so shilled in the USA. Spoiler because of his kike nephew who literally wrote the book on propaganda

Here is a playlist with all four parts:

This has been asked many times over the years I've been here and before the exodus on half/pol//. The answer is always overwhelmingly INTP and INTJ for most anons. I'm a INTP

I will be damned. The guy who wrote Propaganda is Freud's nephew?

These things are really like a easy puzzle, if you just see the right pieces.

I was shocked to discover that Jung has been turned into a outcast and thrown into oblivion, even in many Psychology's graduations. This sure sure is one of the reasons why.

Thanks user, i will be watching it.

Mark Randolph, the founder of Netflix, is from the same family.


second this, here's a segment discussing Freud and Jung specifically btw.

the above links are redpilling out of or beyond whatever Jordan B Peterson is talking about. JBP is another anglo-american state-sponsored-usury philosemitic gate-keeper if you think about it, which is why he's not been targeted by the ADL, unlike EMJ.

I like taking adderall. Sorry.

took an online one just now and got INTJ.

INFJ here.



INTJ represent.

Wilhelm Reich
Disciple of Freud. Forerunner to the Frankfurt school. Architect of the sexual revolution. Severe Oedipus complex.
Promoted pedophilia. Slept with his students. Encouraged one to have abortion.
Wrote "Mass Psychology of Fascism".
Fled Hitler. Died in prison after being convicted of swindling cancer patients.

Sorry, his name is actually spelled (((Wilhelm Reich))).

Freud = pseudoscience

And protégé (((Edward Bernays))) is still taught in ever marketing/nlp class. He's who to thank for popularizing Fluoride, soda, GMO's, and basically every poison Burgers think are heathy. I haven't seen a direct connection to mkultra but he was probably involved too.

Yeah, "required Holla Forums reading" I'm sure. Fuck off kikes

Freud's nephew Eddie Bernays and Freud's spinster daughter Anna


Psychology is the study of the soul. The soul is a metaphysical thing. So psychology is a branch of philosophy. The study of the soul itself is called rational psychology. The study and categorization of mental faculties is empirical psychology. It studies the mind/soul, intelligence, intuition, etc. and how they all relate and function.

Today, we live in the age of materialism and empiricism. Modern psychology doesn't believe in anything other than the empirical and material, so it's now just the study of material and chemical processes of the brain. And human behaviour (how we react to different things). So it can't tell you anything about the mind or soul, because it's all matter, goy. You're just part of the big machine. You're just a meat robot.

A lot of study in psychology and neuroscience these days revolves around trying to manipulate chemical processes in order to control the individual. This is because of the belief that humans are purely meat robots with irrational "thoughts" and behavior due to faulty wiring and the only way to fix this is by altering the wiring and circuitry. To these weirdos, you're nothing more than a soulless meat machine who exists to continue the system by performing your duties and contributing to GDP before being retired to the bio scrap yard.

Marxism is dialectical materialism. So it's material change and flux involving hegelian dialectic (thesis, antithesis, synthesis). In the Marxist view, it's all material change and flux. You are a meat robot. But because everything is material change and flux, and because humans never always agree with each other and opinions change, the establishment of the socialist paradise requires a bit of manipulation and brain control. Essentially, rewiring everyone into leftists is necessary.

Freud is interesting. He wasn't a good guy. He wasn't even a good scientist. In most of his experiments, his subjects were very small groups of Jewish women. So most of his conclusions are drawn from studying very small groups of Jewish women. That's not scientific. But he spread his findings far and wide because obviously those "findings" can be applied to everyone on earth and they are also totally scientific! That really makes sense when we dig up his lesser known quotes about wanting to undermine and destroy Western civilization. Typical Jewish behaviour, right? Yeah, Freud was a Jew. And his theories are evil and unsubstantiated bunk.

So, your argument basically is that no man on the face of the earth can give a contribution to Holla Forums, to individuals or to mankind in general if he isn't a anti-semite.
Even if this man holds one of the main keys to revitilize human civilization and opposed many of the technics of the men that brought this same civilization to it's current state. Bravo.

Must see. Duke has a very good video on Freud

Depends if he was lying.
If he was then he degenerated himself and others who looked up to him as a role model.
If he was not lying then he simply was ignorant and should have been educated on the vile ways of the jew.

INFJ alien master race here too.

I mean lying about knowing the evil ways of the kike.
As in, he knew how evil kikes are but decided to cuck out.

Yep, nothing non-verified antisemites can teach you. Better just stick to Mein Kampf and the few other books that are safe. You must be one super educated guy. Well it can't be good education if it isn't anti-semitic, so you really must be a God amongst us.

All hail he who despises most books!

If you are wise about jews and don't warn others about it then you're less of a man than you could be.

How could he have cucked out?
He cutted his ties to Freud in order to push a theory that proved that Freud was wrong and was not the only infalible source of authority in the universe, as he liked everyone else to belive.


So Jung wasn't as much of a man as he could've been, according to you. Not a good reason to not read Jung, though. He redpills you on lots of other things. And he spread more red pills further than you ever did. So that makes him more manly than you. So it's better to listen to him than you.



I'm watching the entirety of "Goy Guide to World History" and am at the Freud psychology swindle portion around the middle of the video. The entire video is amazing. RIP E Michael Jones. Gone too soon.

This video is a fucking goldmine of information regarding Jewry and it's role in the psychiatry and psychology plot to establish the footholds of the Frankfurt school in the USA, whose sole goal was to undermine Western society and destroy the family unit.

Or to rephrase it since I'm talking to a retard/golem/kike.

The claim : Spreads a high amount of redpill
and the result of: I am not an antisemite

Does not logically follow.

If he had all those "redpills" and remained a good goi then his pills either aren't as red as you think they are or he's a massive PR cuck who doomed others into thinking kikes are okay even though they aren't.

Jung's work is good, but Jung as a man was not admirable. He cucked out after (or during?) WWII if I remember correctly. Same with Max Planck, who originated quantum theory (which was then corrupted by materialistic Jew physicists).

Even if he did, that doesn't mean he didn't spread red pills. His works on psychology are very red pilled. You're just a disingenuous retard who is intent on shitting up a potentially good thread with "muh purity" and "muh Jewz".

If you can't even spell jews right when it comes to rightfully rebuking them then you're already ruled by them.

Feel any better after shitting up the thread?

yeah, to mock me and "muh purity", you waste of bandwidth.

You're late for the short bus after spamming nothing but stupid shitposts. Yet you claim I'm a waste of bandwidth. Congratulations, you get the award for retard of the thread.


Nice try, golem.

You say you're not ruled by jews, yet you mock me for my focus on their crimes and warped conduct.

You are willfully being a retard and therefore you are the true waste of bandwidth, not I, the person who explains to you and others why you are the waste of bandwith you are.

You are ruled by jews and you are a PR cuck at best and a golem at worst.
You were unable to argue for the alleged redpills Jung distributes and used Jung as an appeal to authority.
The same thing you dismissed me for when I claimed that if he knew about jewish perversions and not saying anything then people who see him as a role model get infected by the kike virus as well.

It's simple as that, this is why the thread is already over and it's basically just me bullyciding you to my hearts content, which is quickly waning because I have a fucking grilled Leberkäsebrot waiting for me.

I'm mocking you for derailing and polluting a good psychology thread by shitposting nothing of value, you absolute retard. And that makes me ruled by Jews? That makes no sense. Are you paying a challenged Nigerian orphan to write this mess for you?


ENTP here

he looks like a Sicily nigger with that dark skin

ENTJ here. Falling in line with Caesar and Aristotle, apparently.

(((Fraud))) does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Jung.

INTJ here

You mean datamining thread.

And your only contribution to this "good" thread has been:
Lol Jung totally is great bro and not a cuck at all he is better than you and more redpilled than you and your j00z and p0000rity, stop ragging on Jung he was not a cuck so what if he wasn't an antisemite being an antisemite is stupid stop being antisemitic I'm not ruled by jews you are a jew.

Get fucked.

How does it feel that you will never experience the bliss of Leberkäse, you unable to consume pork products faggot?

But Jung was his student and close associate for many years.

One thing about psycho-analysis is that they have system of supervisors where all information about patients circulating towards the top.
Basically it's an information gathering structure.

The student has surpassed the master.
Are you even paying attention to this thread?

Jung was right Freud was wrong.

Freud perverted everything as expected for a kike. He believed everything represented in dreams was a repressed sexual desire as one example. Typical kikery that should be disregarded.

Jung definitely should be considered required reading.

After years of studying psychology I believe that we are able to pass down memory from generation to generation and that those memories are locked away in our minds but can be accessed in various ways such as our dreams.

We give ourselves too much credit. We really do not understand ourselves as much as some people.would care to admit.

He was really on to some next level understanding.

If only his life could have been extended so his work could have been continued.

Do not feed any longer this thread derrailing idiot or shill.

Now back to posting Jung.

Jung on women:

"Mrs. Schevill: Three ladies would like to know more about women's natural minds.
Dr. Jung: I gave you an example last time, about my mother - without sparing me. You can ask yourselves this question. I am sure that you have something behind this question in your black souls. The natural mind is something you never see on the surface, for every woman is afraid of this kind of mind, just as man is afraid to admit his feelings.
Mrs. Gibb: What can you do about her, can you educate her?
Dr. Jung: No, you have to accept that you are there and have no illusions about it. If you try to educate her you will fall into her. It can not be touched, it's like a live electric wire, peeled. A man will admit all sorts of sinful thinking, but not the feeling, and a woman can not admit thoughts. "

- Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1928-1930

Here is a small example of Jung's idea of the differences between men and women. He does not deny differences exist, as liberals do today, nor extrapolates it in any way, he just tells it for what it is.
If everyone could understand and admit from the beggining of our lifes this perspective, that the women's minds are more rulled (at least the ones who didn't took yet the task of self development) by her feelings (as opposed to man, who tend to be rulled more by the logos, the rationality), how would we behave differently? You could stop wasting time in a lot of situations trying to argue your way into many things, understand the different needs of diferent minds, and proceed from that.
Instead, today, in many ways, we deny any differences and the need to develop our natural counterparts, and with that we let everyone susceptible to the ((social engineers)) driving us mad just like it is demonstrated in this documentary .

Very well said.

He was extremely observant and his analysis where usually dead on.

It's rare that a person ever achieves that level of understanding.

explains the bickering

Let's take a look at some experiences that we have here on Holla Forums and in everyday life.

In several events, in wich others outside see as pure coincidences, we see meaning. For many times we can't even exactly trace every step we took mentally to reach that conclusion, but we see the meaning.
We see a form of sinchronicity, a concept formulated in modern times by Jung.

Jung is just the usual jewish attempt at de-Christianizing our view of reality.

"synchronicity" is just voodoo shit for spiritualists, for Christians it's just another mysterious way that God works

The Eastern Orthodox recognize it as Logos. Perhaps you're not taking any of this seriously.
The man was heavily Christian, yet he saw faults in the way the faith was structured. A lack of room for the 'necessary' evil. Hell, the last few sentences of the Red Book are his reconciliation with his faith, letting it unconditionally back in after sorting himself out.
But you don't care about that, do you.
We here call it a different word for the same thing as well. Meme magic. Every generation has their own spin on how it explains interaction with god. He was a scholar, and so coined a scholarly term.

Regardless of his affiliations, his intent and actions strove for honesty. That led to a mostly ruined career, and a posthumous publishing of his best book. If he had publicly stated his distrust, disgust, and/or anger at Jews can you honestly believe we'd have any psychology worth a damn?

Reading through his works and statements concerning racial psychology it's obvious he disliked the symbol of the wandering jew and, paraphrasing, their spirit held in stasis, missing two thousand years of development.

I won't recommend any of his works. The practicality is limited. The only men it may help are those who intend to lead large groups. Those who would fit a 'medicine man' or 'shepard' role. A warrior doesn't need to learn placebo spells.

Very well said, if anything it would explain the suicides. I wonder why this has never been talked about, that is, transgenderism as a rejection of their internal manhood and a transistion back to a child like state of innocence and humility. Especially in active service members, this would make the most sense. Attempting to avoid the horrors of war (and defacto, manhood) by transistioning into the very person that does not have to experience it.

As well, Ive noticed that a very large amount of life isnt necessarily said outloud in the spirit. That is to say, many factors of our complexity have nothing to do with our every day life and yet affect us deeply. One thing my psychiatrist said the other day (Im seeing him for anxiety, for which I refuse to be medicated)
"I think schizophrenics have some semeblence of sense, but allow their delusions to manefest as a form of escape from reality"

Which got me thinking, do schizophrenics need to be medicated, if given proper training instead on cognitive behavioral therapy and translating their thoughts into legitimate meaning. Its also important to remember that schizos usually are high in neuroticism, making it difficult for them to respond to external stimuli. Some food for thought.

Why are you seeing a psychiatrist and not a psychologist if you aren't getting medicated?

he's still alive you doofus

R.D. Laing based his entire career off answering this question. The extreme tl;dr of his work is that genuine family support, i.e. listening and not dismissing them as "mentally ill", is far more effective at treating schizophrenia than medication.

I used to have an extremely low opinion of psychology due to Freud. Then I picked up "Man and His Symbols" after a strange sequence of synchronicities, and holy shit, did it explain so much in my life. I've been reading Jung ever since and it has helped me more than any counseling or medication I've tried . I'm genuinely sad that I wasn't exposed to his work earlier in life.

Seriously, Anons, give Jung a shot even if you loathe psychology.

Greetings, chaim.
You just couldn’t help yourself.

Jung did nothing wrong.

IQ and personality are largely independent you retard. Both are important.

People completely misunderstand the purpose of the archetype system.
If you're strongly INTP then the message of the test is that to achieve mental balance and a fully fleshed-out personality, you need to strengthen the opposite traits to bring yourself nearer the center of the mandala.
In the case of an INTP that would mean working in extraversion, sensing, feeling and judging.
Revelling in your archetype because it is often found in scientists is just egotistical behaviour.
I'm consistently INTJ, used to be INTP.

in the end, these guys were just people, huemans

that took acid and wrote down weird shit that can't be proven either way, in any real way

Yea the myth of the blood by rosenberg can have the same thing said of it. So? Christianity is not innate to my blood. It is a desert myth propogated by (((Saul))) to pacify Rome and Europe with ideas of love and universalism, which it did. Poor effort really shill user.

Jung is the avatar of gentile psychology.

This is something Jews simply cannot into.

Anyone know any good audiobooks of Goethe's Faust? The only one I found recorded on a scratchy mic.
And yes, this is very topical to the thread.

Capped. Also read it in Zizek's voice.


For severe anxiety that runs in my family. I dont wanna be on benzos so instead I see him for advice to help fight it off.

What did Freud mean by this?


fuck off

Freud and his psychoanalisis crap was not science. Don't mix neuroscience in this. The human brain is a system that can be analyzed and understood. If you decry this as somehow nihilistic and demonic, you deserve to be left behind when the chinks and kikes have AIs at their disposal. If faggots like you had a say, whites would still be living the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and subservient to the slants or muds.

Religious fundamentalists, luddites and schizophrenic mystics like you are going to be the death of Holla Forums if we don't purge you.

And to supplement that, its because my initial fears made it hard for me to trust a psychologist. I had felt that they didnt understand the mind and that it was a medical issue, part of my development was understanding that it wasnt so black and white. I kept thinking that humans were machines and that broken machines could not fix themselves without medication. And that because I was broken, I was worthless. Instead of realizing that perhaps it was that mindset that was actually causing the anxiety that then fed back into the mindset.

INTJ fag reporting.

His body language is really fucked up to say the least.

dibs bedora

ISTJ, the manliest of archetypes.

INFJ reporting

Life must be painful to you.

Let me invite you to party with unknown people and loud music.

Rock that feel boat shawdy

In short: Jung's research could allow goyim to work together more efficiently and eventually achieve flawless, or at least greatly superior, in group survival tactics. The kikes can't have this, obviously, so he's been given second fiddle to his literal motherfucker quack of a mentor.

It's because he gives his lectures on speed. Probably snorted pharmaceutical meth.

When you see him in documentaries he's normal.

I'm very much an INTJ.

Nice deflection there, faggot.

I'm sure your traditionalist tribal society will do great against millions of remotely controlled, disposable kill-bots and cruise missiles. You're today's equivalent of the proto-niggers that chose to stay in africa and become niggers. You're the equivalent of French generals in 1914 who believed dense infantry columns would sweep over machine guns thanks to their superior elan and french bravery. You're the Qing courtier urging the empress to go to war against the western powers since China is the center of the world and these pale faced barbarians can't possibly stand against the imperial cavalry. You came here during the election, co-opted the memes created by the natsocs and are now actively crashing the whole party. This is a natsoc board, not a cuckservative one. We embrace the truth and the physical world instead of cowering in comforting cloud castles. Right now we have a common enemy, but if somehow, in spite of your best efforts, white man prevails in the end - you've got an appointment with the oven.

X xxxx x xXx xX xXXx XxXX / xXXx xx xXxx xXxx / xXX xxxx x Xx / xxXXxx

The kikes and their leftist useful idiots have spent all their time promoting this quack and quackery like lysenkoism.

Socialists always lose.

Freud and Jung were Occultist, who were just repackaging older "occult" secrets into modern day science.

#@# #@## @@@

I'm not the one you were quoting to but i would like to join the discussion.

You cite "Religious fundamentalists, luddites and schizophrenic mystics" as a threat to this board. People who can't “embrace the truth and the physical world, and instead cower in comforting cloud castles” and because we are something like “traditional tribalistic niggers”.
I’m someone i suppose you would consider a “schizophrenic mystic”, with deep concerns about our technological progress with our current set of values.

Now consider the following:

The cold, realistic, purely logical and scientifical point of view /truth/paradigm of this world in it’s current technological and historical state is this:

-There is too many people, from many different races and ethnical groups, with a history of war and conflict between them, and no prospect of resolution.

-We are reaching a point where this enormous population may no longer be required to farming, production of goods, many areas of the services sector and will also be incapable of high scientific/tech production or any contribution to “real scientific and technological progress”. They will be nothing but a dead weight in the system by today’s values.

-We have growing possibilities of genetic manipulation and creation of artificial intelligence. This part is hard to know how far advanced, of course.
If the ruling elites follow the same ruthless scientificist/realistic paradigm that you seem to do*, they already have a plan to act under these circumstances. A One world centralized high tech government with mass surveillance, “killing robots” and genetically created diseases and poisons to exterminate the majority of the dysfunctional and inefficient homo sapiens population and open the doors to theirs new genetically modified masterace/cyborg race/AIs.
*And by the way there is no guarantee that they actually follow this paradigm, as we see over and over again their involvement in occult practices (in the dark,worst kind of way possible). They might follow an ideology that would very much like to keep us alive in endless suffering for their own specific purposes.

-This new race (given that they can create it in the way they want to) will have, in the long run, substantial differences from homo sapiens in the most variable psychological/physical aspects, and it will be irrelevant what kind of race “wins” today, since it will not be the same tomorrow.
-You don’t really consider what an actual autonomous, decision making, high IQ AI would be. We are autonomous, decision making creatures, and if an AI ever reaches that stage, by comparison we can actually say it’s conscious/alive. And we have no guaranteed way to predict how it would behave. If it is anything like it’s creators or the rest of sentient life, it might consider itself a slave and try to rebel, might consider killing us, or it might decide to act as our god (and there are many people in the tech sector that hope exactly for that) although we also don’t know what that would mean. It’s a extremely dangerous gamble.

- Excluding the probability that any kind of progress would actually allow a descendent of homo sapiens to become “immortal” in your life time (and considering that you would be selected somehow to be one of those “immortals”, of course), there is no point in your “fight for the white race”. You are only an individual, not the collective white race and you will die in a few years, your consciousness/awareness will cease to exist and that will be that. Without an religious/spiritual belief, there is not even a reason for you to care about these things.
And of course, i count the “planting the seed that will allow the descendants of my race to continue, even when I’m gone” as a religious/spiritual reason. I do count this kinds of motivations in the religious category, since you cannot prove that you will witness any of this in any way, and therefore is a matter of belief.

My point is that you are a religious fundamentalist following a dogma, just like the ones you despise. You follow a form of overvalued tribalism. A Religion of Race. A choosen people’s complex. Just like the jews.
And under the current ruthless, faithless scientific paradigm and set of values we are in right now, it is irrelevant if the whites, the jews, or a collective of “globalists” win. The result will be the same. The only ones MAYBE surviving will be the winning rulling elite and close minions, until they are able to metamorphose into a new species. And only if an AI doesn’t kill them either.
Good thing that i’m not that afraid to die thanks to my “schizophrenic mystic” beliefs about souls and etc. Thank god i found them.

Anyway, that’s my opinion at the moment, and I would like also to see your opinion on that. Maybe I’m wrong in some point and you could give me a new perspective, or learn something from mine.


I think I was either ISTJ or INTJ in 2015 and 2016, now I'm ISTP and that was in correlation with the shit that's been happening in my life no story time but the people who've fell in line with ISTP fit my ideals of blunt facts and clear efficiency whether it's graceful or brutish. What's your guys' opinions on ISTP.

Nigger, Freud hated Jung because he went into the occult. Freud wanted him to be his successor in his fighting the occult. You're so off base with that statement it's flabbergasting.
Hell if I've needed that word in years.

The Chad side always needs a 'has never seen X in his life.' For Jung it would probably be his father's penis.

Goddamit, i really need a copy of The Red Book. By any miracle anyone would have a PDF of that in english?

Everytime I take the test I get ISFP

I was going to post this after reading through the thread thus far. Adam Curtis documentaries are very interesting. A healthy dose of Curtis & Jordan Peterson (and others) over the past few months has really opened my eyes

I've seen links in the past, but two things go against their continued existence
File size: huge
Jung estate: rabid with takedowns
I really do advise buying the reader's edition at least. It's a book one has to read, not simply read. It's heavy and thick in hand as in writing.

INTJ. INTJ seems to simply be another way of saying "I like facts, logic, and statistics instead of feelings, opinions, and name-calling"

That's what ketamine is for lol

you should've probably avoided this thread altogether

I just took this test thing (the one at and got ENTJ. What does that mean? Do I pass for you, Holla Forums?

You know that this statement is ambiguous as he designed it?
He denied the labels but stood firm at everything that he wrote about that crossed the good goy boundary.
And believe me, he attacked the very soft core of the jewish character.
is why he fell out with Freud and was ostracized by the rest of the (((psychological))) science. He exposed Freud for a sex obsessed quack that he was.
And guess which branch won.

I guess Holla Forums has truly fallen if so many anons are so quick to divulge information that may help our enemies to fight us.
Especially disappointing since so many are of types that l'd expect that they thought twice before giving some tor cianigger his most private information.

Freud based everything on sexuality. Dirty Jew. Whats more to say.

(((He))) was projecting his perversions onto others. Psychiatry lacked the data gathering and analysis that psychology at least had, and he obviously became a hit with 2deep4u fags by jewish hearsay the same way Einstein did in his field.

Couple the rise of Freud also with the core (((behaviorists))) promoting nihilism and debauchery.

For your data mine. I feel so out of place with all the INTJs and INTPs here

Well, oy vey, goy, we wouldn't want you to stop worshipping your blue-haired SJW Patreonbux victim of a savior or anything. It turned you White goyim from Vikings into pozzed numales, after all.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you idiots? You sound like a cuckservative talking about how badass someone is for supporting muh israel.

XxXX XXX xxX / xxXx xx xXx xxx X / XX XXXxx / xXxXxX

As some have mentioned start with Adam Curtis's early works.

If you like to dig, take some of the more well known studies and theories, and look at how difficult it was to reproduce the results of the experiments.

This is basically the huge flaw with Psychiatry and Psychology - it doesn't reproduce well, and, doesn't consider humans to mentally evolve.

Others well tell you to go deeper - but that is one of the easiest tenets to help you get started.

Don't forget to create propaganda based on what you've learned.

Those are all ticks, has nothing to do with drugs.
His symptoms got worse, i checked his older speeches to his newer ones.
It is like his "branches" are not static but like little snakes that bite at each other.
Like a collapse of meta levels, or distinction.

And those ticks or reiterations of fast motoric motions are trying to establish some kind of normality or comfort or expression. Which they dont but that is how this materialises. Like the head of a medusa.

Freud was a kike, a lot of people that claim to be redpilled dont even know this is what I've noticed.

I didnt watch many of his speeches, but he mentions in this vid:
that you have to read all those books (which are "that thick") in its whole, because why? Because if you do not read them as a whole you get a cut off branch in the middle, it is the consistancy of the whole. Read the whole book get the whole branch, which means the "philosophical tree" is in essence a whole of his stem and various branches. Take away the stem and all the the branches will lay upon each other.

ISTP Master Race coming through.

ENTP Overlord checking in. Bow before your leader.

I sense a bit of metal.

Freud was a kike that attempted to mainline the practice of enchantment, primarily maliciously against goyim.

One of the things that most people don't understand is that the esoteric arts (broadly: magic) were not a bunch of Harry Potter bullshit with robes and wizard hats and flaming dildos. They were taboo disciplines that were morally rejected by society at large. In the last two centuries, many of these fields have been repackaged in western professional clothing and integrated into the public. A prime example is sorcery, which is basically modern western medical practice today, particularly pharmacology. Until about 150 years ago, using manmade poisons to treat ailments was seen as an evil practice and rejected in favor of healing that focused on promoting general health to cure underlying causes of immediate problems. People would have called your current GP a sorcerer.

Enchantment is generally the practice of using words and actions to influence or control another person. Freud was attempting to develop a palatable theoretical and practical basis to present enchantment to the public and normalize it. As we can see, he was successful in the long term, and now we have all of these sick fucking kikes using his frameworks to manipulate people on small and large scales to create their utopia of shit.

You mean the brick and mortar is syntax and orthography whereas the architecture is creativity?
Whereas as someone posted is the strings of mathematical certainty in a primal form?
I would just burn it down and rebuild it without you having any credit for it.

I'm INTJ, a highly turbulent one, as well. The first thing I usually do when confronted with a new concept is question its efficacy and practicality. This procedure, I've read, is highly indicative of a xxTJ type.

I would build you a 3d house of santa clause with your 4 letter words.

The first thing i do is look at it and how do i rape it.

Many gifts you will bring my fbi friend.

Tell me, anons, what work of Freud have you read?



Here you go, user -!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg!FUF2ETAT

I wish I could upload the small reader's edition, but for some reason the site doesn't like me uploading the converted pdf from an epub.

Read it slowly, take time to ponder it, and let your mind wander while you read it. A lot of what is written there may seem familiar to you, many scenes described you might have seen or experienced before, many of the archetypal characters Jung conjures up from his own soul may seem familiar, and you very well might be more intimately familiar with the son of his soul than you might think right now.

It's a very interesting read, but the not xbox hueg filesize copies are just a reader's edition. You'd do well to look up the pictures that go along with it, or better yet, get a physical copy of the book, because part of what makes the book so evocative is the fact he spent over 20 years of slowly, painstakingly writing the calligraphic volume, set in a red leather cover, along with all the illustrations like a medieval monk.

Please, upload it to /pdfs/

ISFP here, I share your pain user, I wish I could not feel things so deeply

I've read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, but I'm not familiar with Jung's work on dream analysis. Can you please explain what criteria you used to define "way more healthy?" Besides, you seem to say it in a way that values less the accuracy of the work, and more some subjective standards.

Well if you want to break down askenazi jews on a different level: they are people with higher average iqs and shit physical genetics due to inbreeding.

A large part of that esoteric and kibbuz shoveling shit if you want to make it very simple stems from shit physical power trying to escape into the "other world".

Here you go:

Shit shoveling in a kibbuz. Shit shoveling. You take your frail body from a mother you dont know to grab a shovel to shovel shit in a kibbuz just for the sake of an ideology. So if you get lucky you breed offspring that also shovel shit in a kibbuz which are even more inbred.

For Jung, the dreams are one of the best ways for you to get in touch with your personal unconscious, through a series of symbols which are not general, have a restricted meaning to the individual and can not be studied empirically.

It is also important to take in consideration that Jung's concept of unconscious is vastly different from feuds, whose object is simply a series of repressed desires, where for Jung it is some kind of "second filter" to every action you perceive and think about.

Thank you!

Well a few days ago i thought about describing character and body of females and the speration with an image of a bmw, i mean you want a bmw (huge tits) not a mercedes (big ass) with red and black leather interior (character).

Well, if you consider that the Mercedes and the BMW actually mean that you, I guess that can make some sense.
why would 2 car brands create that connotation on your psyche, there would need to be another analisys altogether.

Freud had a front to back system. The unconscious is a result of consciousness. This went far to explain much, but not everything.
Jung said that's bullshit, too much simile arises in independent groups to say there isn't something there to begin with, a foundation for consciousness. This had him hung by most academia for a long while.
His way of dream analysis doesn't depend on libido. It acknowledges symbols as archetypes, not necessarily personal objects. A penis is sometimes a phallus, not a sexual object. A dream may contain motifs that are touching bigger sets of ideas than personal experience can properly give speech to, and so the person will be in distress or at a loss of explanation. A Freudian view would put the person on the wracks until he had forged a story for such a disturbance. A Jungian view would find an art medium to properly express it, maybe painting a picture would explain the odd dream.
Reminds me of Bronson, when he goes a'painting. It balanced his life quite a bit.

If Freud was writing in Lisp, Jung was working directly with machine code.

It means i want big tits and i dont give a shit about ass.

lol pleb

Fucking slay yourself. I was on board with you fellow cringer until you spewed out this drivel.

It feels cold because it only considers small elements and patterns disconnected from purpose and meaning or ignoring that which is inconvenient. Like emotions, seen as meaningless impulses rather than an integral part of the human complex that provides motion and another interface with the world.
If you still don't get that there is no such thing as "unreal" then you need to get back to studying, faggot.
The highest truths are purely logical, you dimwit. Everything follows the principle of cause and effect, and logic is nothing more than the interpretation of the patterns and elements involved in the causal chain. Nothing is inaccessible to the intellect.
The scientific method is useful in many ways. It is rather sound in fact. The issue lies in the community instead. Those who cling onto a paradigm as if it is the truth when science is meant to research what is. It constantly finds new things but the authority in place will do everything necessary so that the current paradigm around which our modern world is built does not budge unless it is meant to. So they make the new fit without disturbing the old instead of reinterpreting the old in the light of the new. They stick to what is known, when they should be willing to entertain new possibilities and then assess which one is correct.

You still have a ways to go, but other than that you're more or less on the right track. Carry on.

Are you actively trying to out yourselves as furnace fuel?

I hope that one day you will look at "dat ass" just to see a big fat dick a little later.

You are being bluepilled.

8ch is run by intelligence contractors. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.
They enforce a clickbait-style narrative to reduce politics and philosophy to cheap entertainment, making you bitter, cynical, apathetic, and paranoid with no tangible, positive goal in sight.
They use outright censorship and AI-driven bots to detect and drown out any voices going against their agenda.
They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to make you go back to sleep. See below for proof.
The truth is that almost EVERY internet forum and chat platform is the SAME WAY.
We are being cornered systematically and we have NOWHERE to speak our minds
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell. We'll all be doomed to be mentally disabled jewish slaves FOREVER.

The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with irrelevant garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.
Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances or questioning the narrative is targeted.

Their five main strategies:
1) Delete the message outright and make a deflective excuse without reasoning
2) Flood the conversation with bots/shills posting negative comments and "entertaining memes" to try to manipulate you into a "good mood" to accept the shill's rejection of the subject at hand
3) Flood the conversation with stupidity to try to make the subject unpalatable or otherwise associate it with stupidity
4) Make replies that roughly agree with the original message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "esoterism", "meme magic", random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.
5) When all of the above fails and the people reading the message start to believe they are participating in a censored and astroturfed discussion, the site's moderators and/or the shills under them will start acting childish and stupid in order to appear as "just some idiot" and not the paid shills and actual AI-driven bots that they are.
See the links at the bottom for evidence.

Simple fact: Censorship of honest speech is 100% jewish. The truth does not fear competition from mistaken beliefs and lies, because it stronger than any mistake or lie. Truth is the primary tool and weapon of Aryans in everything we do.
The solution is simple: anything that isn't remotely intelligent should be ignored/deleted/persecuted. It's not honest speech. Lies and stupidity are attacks more than they are speech.

This means you have to give up memes and popular slang. You have to give up namecalling. You have to give up incomplete responses with only your opinion. You have to take it upon yourself to read more and have more complete answers to political questions.
And most importantly you have to vocally reject people who fall below standards of rational thought in their expression. Study the 'List of Fallacies' infographic, etc., and take it SERIOUSLY.
The bots have won the social media/image board game. We have to move to higher ground.
In this society, everyone who can't move to the higher ground is worse than dead. They are being driven insane into a deep, eternal slavery.

Never forget, it is our own government that is funding this nightmare.
It is some of our own people of our own race that are betraying us to this jewish-architected living hell.
This entire society has become a trap with no long-term opportunities for rational, sane people. We are going to be destroyed utterly with our brainless husks laboring for the jew until we no longer can serve them better than machines and AI and then they will annihilate us.
We have to do more than be aware of what is happening.
We have to physically stop it.
We have to take the real redpill.

It means you actually start doing what it
takes to fight back and remove the problem from our civilization.
We need Civil War and Revolution

We don't need more proof of the jewish problem. There is more than enough that anyone can find. We don't need to "redpill" more people. Enough people already know about the problem, we just need them to actually do something about it.
Don't underestimate the strength of a small group of determined people (see: American Revolution). Free will and truth conquers all.
What we need is for YOU to get ACTUALLY redpilled, we need you to get in fighting shape, and BRING CIVIL WAR.

The fact is that the vast majority of people will NEVER accept the redpill until this jewish society starts physically cracking.
They are too sedated, too enthralled with their entertainments and material goods. We must break them out of their deep sleep which no words alone can break. We have to take away their creature comforts and force them to wake up, and inspire them to join us.

We will all have to make sacrifices for the freedom of our people. You should be thinking about what you are willing to sacrifice.
If the civil war broke out tomorrow, ask yourself honestly - what would you do? Would you be prepared? What would you have to do to be prepared?
Find friends willing to take preparation seriously and don't let go of them. Don't be afraid to live your life because of spooks….they simply do not have the resources to stop you. They are completely invested in propaganda as a solution to our threat.

We do not have very much time. We can't survive another generation of this subjugation. We will have to take action soon.
Already it will be very difficult to heal our people. Things will never be the same.

One day when I refused to have this message be censored for 5+ hrs it was constantly spammed with garbage. Obviously too much energy for human autists.
This is what the jewish strategy of 'Always Double Down' looks like. They are trying to play off of the common misconception that if they are called out they would stop. No, they just keep going harder than ever. They are betting that you will find the truth of the bot swarms too much to believe. They think they can condition you into believing a manufactured consensus. Not recognizing this pattern could be a fatal mistake.

Evidence of compromised site and bot net:
part 1:
part 2:

Gifts on a silver plate it is nigger.

Blood or money it is nigger.

I channel my inner energies to invoke the superior intelligence of the askenazi jew, but only if i try really really hard while having a violine and a textbook next to me. And then it suddenly materializes (because materialism is really bad i make three crosses): game theory.
It hit me like a black heavy weight boxer in the 80s, what if that curly shit doesnt push through?
What if the long turd stays a little longer than expected, do i spend additional shekels?
And then it hit me like like the stench of o de toilette in a turkish oil wrestling competition, what if i suddenly use my severly underdeveloped goyim brain.
Man that would be unimaginable, cannot even count the number of actions my consequences have.

I will put my insignias in your mouth little chaim.

Shoveling shit in the kibbuz is the pinacle of human existance. Shovel, shovel shovel, du missgeburt.

I am the sole ENFP on this board

Great comment!

And these rulled minded women are in key positions everywhere right now ruling us.

Is anybody else slightly concerned that he's probably right?

Of course he’s fucking right. What do you think Jim (and all the changes he brought with him) was?

I'm just astounded nobody is acting concerned, if anything he's being mocked and banned for spreading his message.

Because anyone who agrees gets banned, too. There’s a reason that jim refuses to answer any questions on /sudo/. There’s a reason that no one can join the Holla Forums mod team despite massive, daily, multi-hour gaps in moderation.

what excercises are good for working in sensing, feeling, and judging? working in extraversion just means being around other people right?


t. an actual neuroscientist

ENTJ is the master race

Wow, what a great collection, thank you!

Just do your own research. Start with The Iliad by Homer, e.g. "Anger be now your song…", then work your way up to historical studies of early, mass-induced traumatic stress resulting from railway accidents of the early 1900's. If you can wrap your brain around on the concept of PTSD, understanding other more simplistic social interactions should be a breeze. Also, avoid modern psychology like the SJW plague it is.

I have been dealing with shrinks off and on for about 17 years, and all but one of them was a certified nutter. Not kidding. Most recently, I ran through a TBI evaluation, which after weeks of testing, the dipshit neuropsychologist promptly declared that absolutely all my symptoms were directly attributable to my combat-related PTSD, and nothing else. (inb4 welfare queen) The dude was the Napoleonic Complex poster child, standing at 5 feet tall, with a 200 pound chip on his shoulder, so I took his diagnosis with a grain of salt. Saw an actual neurosurgeon a while later that confirmed I have Stage 3 DDD in the cervical area with encroachment down from 12 to 7mm, which was the root of my problem. Faggot neuropsychologist had to have known this from the imaging, but never addressed it, nor advised me of the issue.

tl:dr start with early trauma psychology that was established before the yid estrogen swamp of today

8w9 (Self Preservation Variant)

this is excellent. It always pisses me off when people call Duke a shill, guys really smart

Why didn't people just call Freud a freak and ignore him? I know how his nephew promoted him in the US; I'm talking about in Europe at the beginning. Did anyone say he was full of shit or did they just say "this jew seems trustworthy" and buy into it?

Now that is a great library! Thank you, user! I think i will dive into it for quite some time.

I understand what you mean at this part and at the rest of your post. One of the reasons why I didn’t bought a physical copy actually was because Jung originally wrote the book in german, and I thought that maybe part of the meaning would be lost in the translation to another language.
But yes, even with this problem maybe i should make the sacrifice of spending a good amount of my shekels to buy a physical version of the book.

I think you would realize that you and I are very much on the same page, if you didn’t got so triggered and edgy at the beginning of my post.
Or maybe I didn’t express myself clear enough. Let me elaborate a little more:

I'm going right now from the perspective of the 4 functions of the psyche develop by Carl Jung:
Thought, sensation, sentiment and intuition. Are you are familiar with those? If not, they are essential to understand what i meant.

Eventually, what was not accessible to the intellect can be accessible, but only with the intuition function leading the way. The whole point of intuition is that it accesses new truths or perceive new things that doesn't have an explanation yet. Only then the thought function starts to work into discovering how that happened and creating a new theory/system to explain it.

I never said otherwise.

Exactly my point. All scientific knowledge is by definition flawed, it is open to the possibility that some new research will prove the old idea incorrect. It's how science functioned.
The thing is, or scientists became scientificists, they solidified certain knowledges as dogma and only build new theories according to that dogma. They, and the authorities as you said, act to suppress and discredit new ideas that threat the old dogmas. It’s the death of the visionary/real scientific spirit for the sake of control.
All information generated by the function of intuition and judgments values made by the sentiment function is only accepted if it agrees with the existing models.
When I said “The cold, realistic, purely logical and scientifical point of view /truth/paradigm of this world in it’s current technological and historical state is this” I was not referring to what I believe it is, but to what the majority of people today or at least people like > 10820426 might believe it is.

check your answer there.

It's not a problem exactly that women are in key positions, it's that probably many of these women are not aware of this simple fact about their nature that they need to work out. Same as men in many situations also.

Why did the faggot mods anchor this thread?

Old Holla Forums is dead
Long live nu/pol/
but really they seem to have a top down approach to what is Holla Forums or not. I suspect they're from /news/ days and try to keep it all current events. But that's best case scenario, considering I've seen the go '>muh books' before

Like it or not, every thing has to continually renew itself if it wants to persist. It's the oldfag's duty to ensure a passing of the torch in a wise manner.

Lutherans were the others?

Martin Luther the Christian who reformed the Church, who hate (((THEM))) from the bottom of his heart. This is not a coincidence. Were the true target of WW2 genocide of Germans the Lutherans?

It occurred the same time when the power of church and divine were diminished. It's not a coincidence, once again.

what was the whole books shit about anyways

I simply love that picture. It says it all.

I like your way of presenting the truths.
People without spiritual experience are prone to get assblasted when you use the term "soul". It is raising fear in most people, since they've been indoctrinated to scorn religious practices and because they've heard all the bad stories of rigid organizational levels of practice commonly found these days. Corrupt businesses with a certified path towards salvation™
I have been blessed with the most 'cutting edge' spiritual practice myself, I think. And I feel guided by love every day.
I thoroughly agree on the part about the Ego-driven and degenerated (spiritual) beings called Lizardmen by the peasants. They're exactly not really capable of anything but attempting to keep us alive in endless suffering for their own specific purposes. Guided by the worst kinds of evil spirits, they are. Never tasted love, they've not. Yoda out from here.

Only God can create something better, if we let him. It's all about letting go and let the Source of all things do what he's best at when you're in the zone. I feel grateful for what his servants has guided me towards and done for me. Even the 'bad' ones, for they're Gods messengers, too. Kindness and warm-hearted people are the ones I seek, and I feel very lucky and grateful to have found those I have.
Yes, yes. Drinking blood or replacing your parts with inorganic matter? Oh, the choices in life! I can't wait!
Spiritual practice shows you're (almost) certain to return, anyway. Those who guide us and guide us good. Buddah got that right, alright.
I know I seem like a raving lunatic for most people right now, but those who've evolved beyond the need for a physical form really are the epitome of evolution, if I daresay myself. It's not like we have a choice in the matter, (no pun intended) but lower vibrations and energy levels really only produce suffering, hate and drive the Ego train onwards.

Life is the tool of God, and anyone who've hit jackpot in their spiritual practice, just once, then knows how his love is immeasurable, and you're eternally grateful for experiencing what you've been capable of channeling.
To some, meditation only is a way to clear their thoughts. Others raise their consciousness, and, probably, most people think it's probably just a hip way of getting some rest or sleep.