Webm Thread: Saturday Morning Cartoon Edition

Last webm thread dead in the water

Post your webms/mp4s

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=common core propaganda&oq=common core propa&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.7539j0j7


At least you're keeping it somewhat Vidya






















Is there more? Do they fug?



Given that kikes want actual war with Russia and that the industry has exhausted every other avenue for battle settings, who says there won’t be?



now is mine







And then you guys say that Rick and Morty is a totally cool show. They are freaking sjw's. Beating people up for having the wrong opinion and even using the wage gap bullshit.




Vid unrelated

My nig nog


R&M was made with the clear intention of pandering to young conservatives, but since the people making it aren't conservatives, you then get bullshit like this. The show was passable during first season, but already ran out of steam in the second






















What. The. Fucking. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!









Song source?






Still after more.

In no way, shape, or form is that even remotely true.

That is not how old math was taught, you were taught to not subtract one, but instead reduce the next number by one and write it above, so as not to confuse it, you don't place a number under it.

I was taught the Old Math method because the schools abandoned "New Math" because like Common Core it was seen as a method that did not get results by complicating the issue.

Common Core adds way too many steps to a simple math problem, which makes you slower on the uptake. For old math, it's just as many steps as number places of the biggest number, while Common Core adds 3 steps for every number place and makes it near impossible to comprehend numbers above 4 digits using that method.

If they seriously think this is fooling anyone, they need a crowbar to the head, and they need a crowbar to the head no matter what they think, this is hurting our children.

Teach your kids Old Math, it will save them years of pain.

If your kid is learning Common Core then it won't save them years of pain because there they can mark you wrong for not using their special snowflake method.



It could be said that some people's opinions are so bad that they deserve to be killed in a pre-emptive defense. I do not have to wait for those who are clearly radicals to commit acts of terror. Their deaths are justified. Totalitarian ideologies have no place in the western world. Kill 'em all. Let God sort them out.



I'm not talking about some stupid bullshit like grades, i'm talking about real fucking life.

School grades do not matter, college does (and you don't need a university at all to succeed, just cheap community college) You need to teach your kids Old Math so they can actually fucking function in REAL FUCKING LIFE.

School is a trial run for all you care, when they're out there on their own, they need those skills, and if the schools aren't providing em', then you have to.







It would probably be funnier if someone agreed to be followed around, instead of them getting mad.

could possibly


This song seems so familiar. Does anyone know what it is?












Because the point isn't to get the answer. It's to learn about number theory and relate it to algebra. This panic over common core is overrated and the reason most parents can't help their kids is because they themselves do not understand the basic concepts being taught to their children. I went over this on a thread on /sci/. Most people complaining about things like this don't know shit about math.








Here ya go, user.

Where is this from?

This just makes me cringe because I think of all the stupid 4kids stuff like Luffy & others singing the U.S. national anthem.

Goodbye friends, I was happy to go on a visit to your board , good luck .

Thanks friend.

It's a remix of with youtube.com/watch?v=teMdjJ3w9iM

11/10, I audibly laughed


I really hate this kind of "epic trolling". they have to pay these cam whores money to be able to do this. then they just pretend it upsets them to cause drama and get more people to watch them.

Goddamn it that made my day

The bullshit you are defending is only an improvement in theory, in practice it is highly inefficient and completely unnecessary. If you understand the definition of each number up to 10 and if you understand how bases of 10 work along with the rules of addition/subtraction then you don't need to understand the process behind calculating huge sums, you only need to know the correct method to get the right answer. The reasoning behind it is simply so you can make sure you don't fuck up, most of the shit you learn is long forgotten so the only purpose for the foundation in this case is to build up, acting like paying closer to simple addition will make kids better at maths is retarded. The old method is perfectly good because it allows those that don't understand it to progress until they figure out how it works by experience. The new method being shit has been proven through Common Core, the people writing it needed to lower standards at higher grades because they wasted too much time acting like professors to five year-olds.

No problem, amigo.

The 90s and the early 2000s for cartoons was a magical time.

One Punch-man

Most people don't really understand this, especially not how it relates to much more broad mathematics. The division between arithmetic/algebra/calculus is arbitrary and should be done away with. This does that.

Until you have to deal with more complicated math, then you get kids that completely fail to understand how things like variables and functions can exist, when in fact, they have been using them all along.

No, and you would know that if you actually looked at some shit being taught.

Except that doesn't happen, as evidenced by parents and assorted retards that can't into number theory or basic algebra who are freaking out about basic problems for children.

Your post basically proves that you don't understand math and you don't know why it has been changed. Read a book, nigger, preferably a math book.

You don't understand this much, do you? These girls are what we call "trollbait". They exist solely to soak up attacks from troll and they somehow managed to make that into a money-making gesture. I say all the more power to them. Keeps the retarded trolls busy and not shitting up the rest of the internet with the "le epic trololol"ing.




Oh well, enjoy the new 12mb version of the original! ;D

And no I'm not going to DMCA the guy its fine, if people are laughing its what matters

I guess. I just hope everyone else knows that.

You are looking at this from the perspective of someone that has already finished education. Kids go through a number of developmental phases where their brain recieves information differently. At the stage where they learn addition, substraction, multiplication and division most children will not have a highly developed ability to think abstractly, that is why you teach them simple things they can either touch and see or that is a very simple repetitive task like how kids can learn to tie shoes but don't understand how to manipulate string to make different kinds of knots.
Fuck off with this hipster bullshit, application goes above all.
Yeah and these parents that can't do it still manage to be able to progress with the old method without understanding it. They may be retarded but at least they are capable of getting the necessary results despite their inability to understand it. I know plenty of maths majors that are absolutely horrendous at basic number calculations because they are so used to simply dealing with vague variables, shit people don't use quickly falls out of practice, I doubt they suddenly stopped understanding how it works but they still prove themselves to be retarded. Same goes to the parents, which is why I am not talking about the parents at all, you seem to be the only one mentioning them here. I am talking about the children because they are the ones learning it.



I guess the crux of the issue is that I think kids are more than capable of learning, and you don't. We will have to see about that, but I think this is still a better way from my perspective, and yes, math majors can be very junk at arithmetic. I know, because I'm the same way. I can't quickly add numbers or multiply. However, I think this is a fair trade-off for being able to do more complex math, which is what is required in the new economy. Our kids won't have the luxury our parents did, like working right out of high school or getting by with a trade. It won't be enough to be able to do every-day math.

But until this batch of kids gets through college, we will have to wait and see. As it is, there is little you or I can do about common core.

Or social economics teacher back in grade school theorized that eventually schools will only teach bare fundamental things before moving onto advanced courses, simply because as stuff increases in technical complexity, humans only live a majority set limit and you can't spend 30+ years in school

Thus they'll have to very quickly teach the basics before moving onto the complicated stuff

Its like me as an older adult have zero problems figuring out how to make change without a calculator, but if you go to a store today and the till is down its a good chance the cashier will not know how to make change

No, you clearly have no idea that trying to blast kids with abstract equations from the get-go isn't going to teach them shit and will instead leave them lost.

Kids aren't autistic savants, they require that they walk before they run, that they read See Dick Run before they even think of reading the fucking Iliad, that they learn simple equations, then double digits, then move on to mulitiplication.

They are more then capable of learning, but if you don't keep it simple when they're young, and you focus more on obscuring the equation rather then telling them how numbers relate, then you'll end up with shitty fucking kids.

I've met juniors in fucking college who are unable to read without difficulty, can't do basic math, spellcheck and basically have to relearn everything in college rather then moving on into the more advanced specializations, fresh out of the regular school system, and Common Core has produced WORSE FUCKING RESULTS if you'd care to look them up.

I don't care if you think you're doing good by promoting this grade lowering nonsense, you're not doing good, in fact you're fucking evil for being a fool who's easily drawn in by promises of the land of milk and honey.


Been looking for this anime for awhile can anyone give me a source?


You keep bringing up abstraction, but the whole number system is an abstraction in and of itself, and simplification of it, like we've historically done for quick number crunching is another level of abstraction. This is literally the opposite of that.

As for kids somehow being worse at math due to this, I find that claim isn't backed up by any evidence, but just people that feel that this is not the way to do it. Results so far seem to be okay in Kentucky. Care to show me what "results" you are talking about?

As for whether this is "evil", that's another odd claim. This is just mathematics. It's not good or evil. At the end of the day, they won't be tested on arithmetic, but their real understanding of mathematics. I find it hard to believe that somehow exposing them to real mathematics earlier will cause them to be worse at it.


Maou Yuusha, also known as Maouyu

reminds me of Phantom crash ….

they should release that game with an updated Multi player


Enjoy your Titty monster + Economics anime.

Sadly, I doubt there will ever be a season 2 So enjoy what you can

Why didn't the professor just stick by his comments? He was obviously full of shit and he somehow thought he could convince people otherwise.

Or is that "professor" on trial for something?

I'm not an american so I'm not really familiar with these congressional "trials", but from what I've gleaned from this one, and the FBI trying to hide Clinton's fuckups they do a pretty good job.



Oh now you're shitting on numbers because they're abstractions designed to simplify numbers because you got BTFOed?

You're absolutley wrong. Numbers themselves are abstractions, yes, but abstracting a fucking equation with a thousand steps, making what is simple into something complex which obscures the result, it does not work.

Numbers are abstractions that fit a bunch of numbers into one object so the mind can comprehend it, while Common Core splits those numbers up needlessly and makes the original abstraction worthless and goes against the point of an abstraction, which is to simplify, not to increase complexity with more parts.

An equation is like a machine, the less parts to it for the desired function, the better.

Get the fuck out.

I see you didn't look. Get off the board, shill.

I fail to see how "new math" or "common core math" is in any way superior to "old math" especially since, for the majority of people basic math is essential, and advanced mathematics is only useful for a fraction of the population.

Keeping the basic functions as simple as possible makes it easier for the general population to use basic math. I couldn't imagine using common core math on huge numbers, as the amount of work you need to do grows with each factor of 10, whereas "old math" makes even division trivial.

sauce on song?, i like trashy foreign pop

I'm not shitting on numbers, I'm shitting on your assumption that teaching the real meaning of those number and their implications is somehow harmful for the understanding of those numbers.

If I teach you how an engine works and how traction relates to the rest of the car, and all that good stuff, it doesn't mean that you'll somehow have a harder time learning how to drive. It just means you learn more, even if you're a novice driver. This is the same thing.

You keep saying abstracting, but this is the opposite of that. Shortcut addition and subtraction are themselves abstractions of base 10 additions. When you write a simple addition, you're actually doing much more than that. This is the opposite of abstraction. When kids are told to write groups of powers of ten, they are learning about how the number system is built, about sets, and other stuff that you have conveniently ignored. The shortcut addition is an abstraction of those things. So no, I'm not wrong, you are, because you suck at math.

Your mind is capable of comprehending the concept behind the numbers. It will not kill you or harm you to know that our number system works in powers of tens, and it certainly won't harm you to know that composite numbers exist, or that they can be grouped to make bigger numbers.

Exactly, because the purpose of CC isn't abstraction. It's to teach the underlying principles of mathematics and numbers. Now we are in agreement. This is a good thing because they must learn this anyway. This becomes especially relevant when learning algebra and calculus, which you will note that kids will have to do at some point.

Only if you're trying to get an answer, not if you're actually wanting to teach someone why that answer works, and how the number system that makes that answer possible works. This is what is being attempted.

The onus is on you to back up your shit with evidence. I did look, and I didn't find kids becoming stupid by being taught more.

The issue here isn't this type of addition/substraction is being taught, the issue is that they punish students for not using it. If a kid gets the right answer using the old method because he finds the old method is more suited to his ability to do maths, he is marked wrong because he didn't use the new method. The excuse is that "he didn't show his working" even though you can very clearly see the process used when applying the old one, they just want to force their special snowflake method on students so it would look like they are doing something.
It will slow them down because processing it will take longer and it has indeed slowed students down from the fact that the people that wrote it admitted that they had to cut down on the number of things a student must be able to do by the time he reaches the age suited for starting higher education. Like I said, the people that wrote it tried so hard to act like professors to children in the first fucking grade that they end up wasting everyone's time.

You should really watch House Commitee of Oversight and Government Reform streams, the amount of banter from Gowdy and Chaffetz is enough to get it stickied on Holla Forums. These aren't really the type of courts where at the end they send someone to prison but rather Congress ripping people a new asshole when something goes wrong.

You know I at least give 4 kids the credit of trying to show some pride in this nation which is something we probaly would never see with todays cartoon channels. I mean can you see a show as brainwashing as steven universe saluting the flag? I sure as fuck dont




Modern media hates national pride because they're trying to push globalism.




It's not meant to be a replacement for basic arithmetic. It's just more stuff. Kids can still multiply and divide the old way. This hasn't changed.

The logic is that advanced mathematics will become essential for doing well in university, and that we need a more educated population that is proficient in mathematics and science. I find this is a good goal to pursue.

You would not use that for huge numbers or every day calculations. These problems are simply there to teach children advanced concepts earlier because they become relevant and formalized in math.

One good example is when kids are asked to make x marks for powers of tens, and . marks for powers of one. You and I know that this is just a caveman-tier way of showing powers of tens, but it also teaches the relationship between powers of variables, like x and x^2. The supposed "arbitrary" division between the two powers stops being arbitrary when the 10 becomes an x. This is just a preamble to that.

Long division will continue to be trivial to anyone not in elementary school. HS students are not being asked to do addition like this, nor are they going to be asked to make number lines to solve problems.

People are freaking out over elementary school problems, which are arcane because we do not expect advanced concepts in math for kids that age. In reality, this is just a simplified version of the algebra that will be taught to them eventually. CC does not do away with shortcut arithmetic, and it never will. That is not its purpose.

Basic math is also the foundation of advanced math, you don't know that, you can't move on and there's plenty of shit in basic that's needed for all other courses. What Common Core is doing is obscuring basic math and lowering grades to look a certain way in reports so politicians can have justification to pushing bills that remove freedoms and exert control in voting and turn the place into a nanny state.

if you don't walk before you run, you trip and fall into the asshole of society.

You teach the basic shit in school and pound it in their minds like a gay man in a pride parade, and college is where you diverge and learn the rest for your job.

You need to learn to read, write, and do math at the very least, the specialized training comes in college at the choice of the student.

You keep on trying to act like a bitch, and man you have succeeded in that. There's no arguing with you, you're just a shill for a flawed system that's worse then education already is in america. No one wants or needs you, especially the latter, because let's touch on other aspects of Common Core that you've failed to mention since you've already been proven to be a retard who repeats everything said despite being told to fuck off: the propaganda.

There is a HUGE amount of proof of intent to indoctrinate in the course, and the fact that you support it on any grounds when we all know it's a take it or leave it package coerced into schools via budget scams, you're no one but an enemy.

You see, Common Core is a last ditch effort to take hold of the new, smart and informed generation raised on the internet and no one is fooled.

Every kid with a laptop knows what you're doing and they don't like that you're trying to control them.

My advice to you:
1. Stop working as a propagandist and contribute to the country with a real job using your information skills, like say a writer or something since you're already fucked because you chose the wrong field, or kill yourself.
2. Stop trying to control people. It's really not gonna work.
3. Assassinate your higher ups if you're really working for a propagandist, do this before rule 1.








No one asked and you should still kill yourself.
And it's on that "4chan webm compilation" channel/video thing, isn't it?

How is teaching sets and bases propaganda? Really, I would like for you to explain to me how CC math can be used for propaganda. You're still trying to make the arbitrary distinction between "basic math" and "advanced math", when there is no such thing. It all works on the same principles.

Oh hey, when did 12mb become the new limit?

Do I have to use google for you?

google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=common core propaganda&oq=common core propa&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.7539j0j7

You've already lost, shill, the internet is a beast of truth that you have to accept.


Yeah, we were talking about math, though. I don't see any math in those links. Please tell me how math is supposed to indoctrinate you.

Oh, you sure got me, Mr. Internet Superman.

Your complete lack of understanding of mathematics and conspiratorial thinking in no way makes you look like a complete retard. Now the NWO plan is foiled. :(



anyone got the music from this one?

It was amazing.


fuck you
i was happier before i knew that existed


its from Gundam Unicorns soundtrack
I think its actually the track called "Unicorn"

a-user, I wanted the music in the webm


And as soon as I bring up the indoctrination you get real uncomfertable and cling to the math, which we already told you in simple terms why it does not work.

I gave you plenty of reasons why it's shit, you denied it. I gave you plenty of reasons why you should not accept it because of what it's packed with, you deny it.

You came into this conversation, not as an unbiased debater, but as a person pushing a specific viewpoint no matter how unfeasible it is. You are unreasonable and without logic, because you have an agenda.

Get off the board and get a real job, shill.


Sorry, I just got excited because fuck China.


enjoyed it nonetheless



Because we were talking about the math. You also misspelled uncomfortable while having a spell-check function on your computer. This is impressive.

Because your "reasons" were shit and so was the rest of your logic. Do you expect to be taken at your word?

I said that I think CC math is just fine stuff and as I do understand it, I see no problem in teaching it to children. How is this "unfeasible"?

Because you say so, right?

Yeah, totally. Everyone who disagrees with you must be a paid shill. Nobody could actually know more than you or have a different perspective on an issue.

I'm an unemployed physics student. I do it for free.










And here we have it folks, he does all this shit for free. Aint it sad? And apparently you being a physics student does nothing for you, no wonder you're unemployed.

I won't respect your different perspective because it's a WRONG perspective. You've been given another's perspective, one back up with facts that outshines yours and yet you don't change.

you're going to remain unemployed, or you're going to fail at any job you bullshit into. You're fucking stupid.


OP you are bring back some good memories. Kids WB was the best shit ever to me as a kid.



Futas were a mistake user




Who makes these?




I can see well why you don't have job, you seem to keep fucking with same method


has there been any follow up on this yet? Because just based on how fucking slow the FBI seems to be going on this Clinton is definitely guilty.

Seems like shes banking on winning the presidency then declaring "Executive privilege" or whatever to cover her ass.

American politics is really interesting, and I absolutely love seeing shitbags get grilled like this.

Its hard to believe that common core is useful when literally no other developed nation teaches math that way, in Canada I learned "old math" and never even knew there was a "new math"

The laugh track ruins it

fuck wrong webm

why would anyone do that though? That poor mouse.

It's almost like it's a fucking comedy show and not made to be a political fucking diatribe, you easily triggered Holla Forumsshitter.

i really want to hate this because futashit but

i hate myself

As far as I know they tried to delay as much as possible despite getting a subpoena. Haven't checked so no clue. Also if anyone knows, did Combetta have immunity when he pleaded the fifth until he was told to leave for being a cunt? Because if he had immunity then they can prosecute him because that is really the only case where you can get punished for pleading the fifth.

Pick any combination of the above




Some people will pay good money to watch the most fucked up shit.

Holy fuck why did I click that

That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen.

Here's the background track.

what game ?


Because it's consistent with in-universe logic?

Not to defend Minecraft: Story Mode, because it's shit, but I'd be more concerned if it didn't turn into pork.


Daddy!!! Help!!!


This sucks you can tell the wannabe trap isnt even enjoying it I bet he doesn't even like the taste of cum as much as me!!!!!!!!1




Please not the bunny webms

You'll never fool me again you monster


Too bad

thats from this years animation xpo right? shit, that stuff its always so good


you god damn homos, don't forget, we will soon get 16mb file limit >>>/sudo/6021

The Yogscast themselves are shit, but Duncan had some great playthroughs on his own channel. Too bad those faggots pulle him in too.


Shit taste tbh fam

I fear this may result in even more 1920x1080 webms than there are already

dont do it user, you will hurt your dick

Smh, I didn't say anything about Sips yet

His streams are so comfy

Yes I am ready

how do you know? the guy in the webm didn't.

try it then describe the experience. also, which vacuum cleaner exactly is that?

apink no no no





Let's not head to the other extreme now


reminds me of prey


how long til we get an AMV of this? i just want all the cringe

Sounds like quitter talk to me. What has man ever achieved by not sticking his dick into a hole?

On further inspection it's probably not the same one. The one I have is a Volta U2406. It looks really similar to that one but I think it's a little thinner. It's really small like the one in the webm and has a dick sized hole in the same spot though.

it's much too late to start dicking a vacuum cleaner though, the people in the apartments around mine would probably not appreciate the sound of a vacuum cleaner being humped after midnight

I recognize that artstyle, source?

literally in the file name

Holy shit that was brutal what he did the the black buni. Dats racist.

Yeah I noticed. I am ashamed of myself and will commit seppuku soon enough

wasted potential




Never liked that game


do it when you wake up then and report in the thread if it'll still be up or just report in the next one if not. besides, this will give you some OG cred. when half the world is hooked on robot waifus you'll be able to say something along the lines of "all you kids with your fancy, hot, robot cumsluts. in my day all we had were vacuum cleaners and let me tell you they did the job just fine" or something.






maybe at least at the beginning of it. and you'll be like 80 so your words will really hold value




This game was fucked up.





orgasmic, even movie wasn't as good as this webem is






this remembers me of that disturbing webm with SMT music, someone post it

Wait where are her nipples?

loli's haven't grown into their nipples yet

Oh, I see… source?

happens to the best of us user





There's nothing more depressing than seeing the elderly espouse views like this. Not because the views are wrong, but because they come from someone who was witness to a time before all the madness of modernity.
The younger generations are moved more by disillusionment, but I can only imagine that she's moved by a poignant despair at having watched her people led to suicide.




Glad my German ancestors fled Germany before shit went to hell. Don't worry old German lady! America is the life boat of Germany. After we make America great again, we'll be rooting you on to do the same!

They could have just killed them right there but after a few clean cuts he just made them suffer. Guess a full time job as a butcher does take it's toll on someone's psyche








They're scum, even as a minority
Model minority my ass


The deep web or the dark web?

The Chinese, nigga

Whats the difference? :^)



It just ate the flower, the monster



When the hell did Deadpool get an anime?


look it up and you can find out.


I did this for fun.

looks amazing



its wierd but i could definitely get used to it




The fuck is this outrageous faggotry






new and improved version




is the original one also 320x240?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

no but i use a youtube downloader because i'm too lazy to make my own webms and the highest it goes to without going over the Holla Forums limit is 240p



Get webm for retards then, retard.

well I was going to make a bunch of new webm's anway, might as well do that one too.

Take a break from WEBMs, guiz, this is important.

i'm watching it in jim's stream right now hope something happens too make it worth it



gud shit, looks and sounds a bit like jet set radio. is this from an anime? is it any good?

The anime is air gear, its good I liked it but I haven't seen it in years so you need to decide for yourself on this one user



Looks like Rainbow Six Seige


This excuse stopped working years ago, kike.


I just now saw that post. Well, you know what they say, "there's a grain of truth in every joke".



Vore fetishists.

unholy matrimony of /fit/ and /pone/?




16MB when?








Can someone PLEASE post the webm of the robot with a little plastic dick fucking a bunch of pocket sex toys to the beat of Daft Punk's "Robot Rock"?
