Why the fuck is Quebec still part of Canada?
Why the fuck is Quebec still part of Canada?
who gives a fuck about cuckland
Someone please invade us and take out all the Marxists. Thank you. A hoser.
First of all:
Fuck Canada.
Second of all:
Fuck Catalonia.
Republic of Catalonia (unrecognized)
You literally just gave a list of things about Canada and then a second list of things about Canada.
Why hasn't Alberta left yet? Nobody cares about Lower Canada.
Every single province should leave.
Pic saved. As for your question, there's no simple answer but the following reasons are still relevant today:
1) Corruption
2) The role of third parties (CIA, RCMP)
3) Ottawa version of Project Fear - mostly deployed by Toronto-based media and the local media did very little to counter it. In fact, they actually participated in the effort.
4) Electoral fraud committed by the likes of Jean Pelletier, Chrétien (backed by Jews/the richest families in the country).
In my view, the PQ is/has been dead for years. They're unwilling (not simply afraid) to truly discuss nationalism because their priority today is promoting diversity to get immigrant voters (it's not working but they'll keep doing it by putting chinks, kekabs and niggers in newspaper ads). If you meet them and ask any difficult questions about what happened to the party, the unreported acts of violence committed by rapefugees, or why immigrants are flooding the regions and getting preferential treatment (jobs), they'll refuse to talk. If they ask, don't give your actual name (especially in the Montreal area). Don't forget this is Canada. The country where home invaders are poor victims and Ontario elected officials almost approved sharia law.
Sage because it's a pretty shitty thread and there's more important things to discuss right now.
Well, in just a couple of decades Catalonia won't recognize North America as a first world country.
Reminder that if anyone recognises Catalonia as an independent state; they are essentially declaring war on Spain. To do so means that you are saying that Spain does not have authority over its own Country. Now if violence breaks out, we may see opportunistic or idealistic forces from elsewhere get involved, but right now it would be idiotic for anyone to recognise Catalonia. For all we know it is just a great big publicity stunt by the media and antifa-types, and even if it is genuine do you really want to undermine the authority of Spain and thus incur their ire and mistrust for essentially no reason? And if you do want to undermine them, what is your reason? - Do you want waste your own resources and the lives of your countrymen in what is almost certainly a doomed venture dreamed up by deluded communists?
… I personally do want to see Catalonia secede, but it is a politically retarded move to recognise them now before anything has really happened.
Are you sure it isn't Quebec Solidaire who is constantly throwing sjw shit like multiculturalism down people throat?
I think beating up people for voting is a lot more antifa type, than being a republican.
Nor should they since North America is a continent.
But I get that no one wants to start a fight with spain.
I think it's pretty obvious that punchline will be "see, it's already happening".
OK so knowing nothing about Catalonia I assumed that the independence movement would be a bunch of based individuals who are sick of the EU and tired of multiculturalism….
HOWEVER, after doing a very minimal amount of research it appears that the general consensus is that people voting for Catalonian independence are in fact a bunch of SJW commie faggots who want to suck Religion of Cuck™'s dick.
Can somebody please clarify?
They're mere existence is bad for the EU
At first I thought you said "Won't recognize Canada as a country"
To be fair, our government already kind of does this kek. We're just a dumping ground for poos and ant people.
I think we should have War Of 1812, second round, this time we're gonna win and make it stick.
what's this Canada you speak of? seems like a giant empty space. time to give it some freedom.
Catalonia is like a cancerous lump on the shaft of your dick,you want it removed yet you don't want it removed.
Basically I have come to terms with it and thing it's better to have it removed is the whole agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons,I think it's the worse possible outcome for catalonia but that might wake up spain and make them react and uncuck themselves.
And yup catalonia is full of commietards
Pic is the last catalonian independence attempt.
I don't know much about the quebec ones but they seem more based and white nationalists than the civnat catalonians.
Quebec much like France is socialist and they depend on leeching off the productive provinces to pay for their liberal arts degrees. If they left Canada they'd lose access to sweet welfare bux.
Because if they secede, Canada invades them:
Censored on the anglophone wikipedia btw.
Maybe Canadians should stand up to their faggot government and do something?
sage and reported
May I have the english source please? I cannot read french language.
That's the point, it's censored in English. All sources are in French.
The only English source I could find is:
paradise of the fuck™
Paradise of the Cuck™
chu peut-être crissement naif, mais j'ai encore confiance en jean-françois lisée, peut-être pas dans l'organisation du PQ en tant que tel, mais je trouve qu'il est pas mal mieux que la caq qui est juste l'équipe B de team néolibéral intl avec coach charles sirois. je trouve jfl vraiment trop prudent sur bien des questions et il se peinture dans le coin sur la question de l'indépendance au moment où il va y avoir de gros bouleversements géopolitiques sur le plan mondial dans les prochaines années, mais j'ai l'impression qu'il cache un peu son power level pour pas déchaîner les médias et son opposition encore plus. entéka, jusqu'à preuve du contraire, encore le meilleur choix, même si très imparfait, et je lui suis reconnaissant d'avoir droppé quelques pilules rouges qui m'ont aidé ces dernières années à tout le moins.
question pour mes bros, où trouvez-vous vos communautés solides dans le vrai monde? au sud, ils disent de fréquenter l'église, mais au québec, pas mal sûr qu'il y a rien à faire avec les églises catholiques, même si j'ai retrouvé une foi chrétienne ces dernières années. j'ai l'impression que c'est le temps de nous réinventer une vraie religion au québec, prendre avantage de la liberté de religion pour s'organiser en tant que communautés en attendant de s'organiser en tant que peuple.
Fuck Canada balkanization is the future t. English Canadian but this OP is pure D&C garbage. Your OP post had to write the same thing twice because you can't even come up more then 10 reasons why we should hate each other. Fuck you OP you are a faggot, pic related is for you and your entire kike family.
Because Quebec is able to Ally itself with Ontario and essentially rule the entire country as a provence of its own. All of Canada must submit to the customary laws of Quebec and write anything and everything in French and take on migrants to harvest resources for the elite public servant class of bureaucrats in Montreal, which then gets to turn around and pass it's own laws banning things like the burka to preserve it's own character. Quebec is everything California wishes it could be, we just have a strong enough system of balances to keep California in check here.
Just remember what people actually voted against Quebecoise independence in the past: the political class, and the business owners; the commoners don't care about having an empire and see independence as a token status. But Quebec is indeed ruled by people with ambitions to control the rest of Canada from their ivory tower.
Patriots ralies
Gaming, Anime conventions specially the little ones, where most people know each other's, othewise you might bump in someone who get offended by the things you say and report you (even if a shit loads of SJW's might still be there)
PQ/Bloc/ conventions but try The parti independantist of Quebec, if you're looking for a more right wing convention.
Gotta love the tax funded CBC for ALWAYS having something on hand to show people.
North American Empire.
You already have Rael.
How about communion with pepsi and mae west?
Why the fuck is OP still a faggot?