Still breaking, no details as to who/why
Still breaking, no details as to who/why
Other urls found in this thread:
Calling it: scapegoats aplenty and no Hillary.
Which judge?
:^) Oh boy.
feel like the word happening is so diluted now
OP's article merely references the original CNN article.
Please charge Trump with treason so the civil war to rid America of jews and niggers can begin.
I'm gonna wet these knickers and I won't even change em
CNN's Marshall Cohen, Mary Kay Mallonee and Laura Robinson contributed to this report.
This is actually a happening m8. However this goes, its going to be interesting to observe.
What do you bet lads? I'm wagering they're gonna wheel out some bullshit and try to stab Trump in the dick.
I'd love to see what happens if the authorities were to try to take the US president into custody on accusations from an ABC investigation by some libshit faggot appointed by a kike.
The happenings keep happening, I wonder what the next month will bring.
Its gonna be Manafort getting bagged. They'll press him for info on Podesta,
Am I alone in thinking this is rather improbable?
Stone is not concerned.
I think it started with Awan and DWS. They led to Hillary which will lead to Obongo which will lead to Soros which will lead to the trillionaire kikes pulling the strings.
Trump has been uncuckable so far, I doubt anyone has leverage on him at this point. They would have used it.
Inb4 picture of Trump woth hand on the wall is posted.
I dunno, I don't see (((Rod Rosenstein))) and Robert "Nazi Hunter" Meuller making a move on shillary, but I admittedly haven't been paying much attention to this shit.
No, Mueller is as crooked as they come and has direct involvement in Uranium One. My bet is either Manafort or Kushner, who are legitimately involved in financial malfeasance which doesn't necessarily lead to Trump, or the Uranium One scandal is heating up and Mueller is making bullshit charges out of desperation. We will see, keep your powder dry and relax till arrests start happening. It could also be just fake news to keep the news cycle busy during the weekend, the supposed basis for the indictment is "a flurry of activity" at a grand jury room which is hardly conclusive and it is supposedly a "sealed indictment" so its pretty fucking dubious.
I honestly don't even know what's going on anymore.
I feel like the lack of information means they are going after a big fish that they are afraid of running and leaving the country.
every president is done that, i'm sure it was posturing so he doesn't get JFK'd
It ain't Manafort else Stone wouldn't be cracking jokes
That'd be intensely amusing, but I can't imagine it happening. Again, maybe I'm wrong.
I dunno about all that, seems like it'd be begging for the fake news title to spring up again to be that blatant in falsehood. Then again, its a fucking unnamed source that was "briefed on the matter" as the primary source.
What drew my attention was "Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday". Its a shame Trump didn't really go after these fucks, because they're basically able to publish whatever the fuck they want and there's no penalty if they prove to be full of shit.
Undoubtedly the case.
The question is, what sort of fish?
Will this be a move toward 'draining the swamp', some big old brown catfish or (((alligator gar)))? Or will it be a Trump Trout?
God damn, if they were to actually try to make a move on Trump, I'd about shit myself with glee.
Checked for Stone invariably being full of shit.
kek, I know he's a crooked old self serving fuck but I still get a kick out of Roger Stone. I dunno if it's the back tattoo or what but the guy amuses the hell out of me. Nice trips.
It definitely isn't Trump only because there isn't any reason for him to run nor is there the ability to at the moment. He is one of the most watched people on the planet, with a deeply recognizable face. I don't know who they are after, do we have any Anons who leaked anything anytime recently which might give any insight?
what is
I don't think Stone has ever like Manafort.
Ah ha nevermind I thought that was Shapiro. I don't know this guy.
It could be so fucking low on the totem pole out of pure desperation likeā¦ a russian driver for a russian dipolomat who met with someone that had drinks with Trump in 87.
If you can't see how hrs held his end up the deal up with everything up until this point, you're a fucjing shill.
If you think he doesn't remember the chanting of "LOCK HER UP" at ever rally he did multiple times a day, you're a shill.
He's got America's back, and he's been riding it out like any smart man would do. Action will happen. I was at multiple rallies and his shot eating grin when we'd chant was tell-tale. He's got something up those sleeves. Better believe it.
you forget weiner
One of the rumors awhile back that seemed credible was that Mueller hated the Clintons since he worked for them and knew them better than anyone - and wanted revenge. If this does go after the Dem camp, that rumor might be more than mere rumor. Anyone else recall that?
They're too smart for that. They're going to try and whittle away at his advisors and campaign people, while possibly building a case for impeachment. Maybe not though, because the kike/liberal judges who apparently run the country are doing just fine countering Trump's agenda on their own.
Rolling for Tony Podesta and Manafort.
you really think they slowed down wtih the fake news?
You'd think wrong.
I'm only Vegeta.
Its like I'm really on reddit.
Checked for truth.
They didn't slow down, they just tried to hide it more. It seems so, at least.
It definitely isn't trump because you cannot indict a sitting president. Impeachment is the ONLY process for removing a president.
rolling for john p
This guy gets it. Its impossible for it to be Trump, so the real question is: who is it?
He's an old-school professional troll. Regardless of his intentions his talent is worthy of respect.
Don't tell reddit.
current year and such and such
Thank you for contributing user.
Fucking checked.
Damn. It wasn't Rick Wilson.
OC my man, I made it during the elction
My money is on Manafort, reminds me of Shooter Mcgavin.
Does this guy purchase followers? How could anybody care about what this embarrassment has to say?
When has Rick Wilson ever been right?
How? How the FUCK are you going to run with this narrative?
That's not fucking illegal! At all!
And what's more, if Russia 'hacking' the 'unhackable' election is a problem,
Podesta, DWS, Comey, Lynch, Rice, Abedin. I hope to God not but, maybe Flynn? I want Flynn back honestly.
Also, someone needs to find a clip in some flick where a dude leaps 20' to roundhouse kick the shit out of some faggot with a gun.
This guy is clearly deluded. No one takes him seriously.
have some pepes and a putin
I read the first pic as "Washington Free Bacon"
and was wondering which pentagon contractor was in on it
He's a filthy jew trying to get back in the spotlight after getting blown the fuck out from the election.
Theyre rabid lads.
ty for your kindness friend
Equal parts pathetic and disgusting.
Is this your sock or something?
Clintons have nukes, you fucking morons
Fuck off back to reddit and die there please.
it's bullshit. The faggot has nothing except what he's hiding about Hillcunt otherwise he would have made a move by now.
Nah. I bailed on reddit not long after the general. Election night was hilarious.
She's pretty, source?
Sage for off topic.
its about time the left needs to learn there actions have consequences.
ah fuck
Chill faggot. I needed a quick source and it was the first link. I'm not gunna waste my time on a faggot that just thinks and never informs himself.
Go back to drinking soy lattes, sucking cock and reading npr you nigger loving faggot cocksucker.
nigger, Stone's career is common fucking knowledge. There's a god damned documentary on him.
You mean the netflix documentary, kike?
Yes the one where Stone overtly compliments Manafort. Keep googling more you fucking retard.
>Shills for (((google)))
>Shills for (((Netflix)))
>Shills for (((NPR)))
Kill yourself. Don't even bother going back to reddit.
Kvetch kvetch kvetch, is that all you do? They must pay you very little to be this transparent.
They must pay you with npr & netflix subscriptions so you can get you daily dose of child fucking and nigger loving.
There was that faggot LARPer on cuckchan who said Mueller is a blackmail victim working for DJT in exchange for immunity.
I dunno.
it's just going to repeat the the genetic fallacy ad nauseam. filter it.
Not expecting anyone that matters, i.e. Hillary and her cabal, get indicted.
Cuckchan LARPers are always wrong.
That's the only choice when you get caught being reddit.
Take a tea and matzo break, Schlomo, your kippah must be on fire. Use this last (you) to pay for that extra ounce of non-dairy soy creamer you like. Filtered.
Trump said on twitter that the probe was a farce today. This shit is just damage control for a dying conspiracy.
Someone ask him how his little nigger grandson is doing.
Filter is for cowards.
When they're wrong, they're wrong. They have to filter. No other choice. Their communist news sources and Soros funded streaming services can only get them so far.
I'm betting the kike completely ignored the screen shot and just kept regurgitating the same shit responses.
what possible benefit is there from scrolling though posts made by a disinfo kike using 4shit tier instigation?
Fucking Reddit.
what's next year? the year of the hot dog? How can you tell if it's 'fire' or some other kind of canine?
rolling for legally absurd indictment of Trump that judges arbitrarily uphold
Monday, you say?
well I'll be damned
Rolling for Comey for Perjury
Rolling for Manafort for pressure
You deserve it for being this fucking lazy.
more like the classic
I don't even have to read the response to know it's all the same shit. Sage because it's derailing now, which he probably wants.
I think this one is a closer match to you, huh nigger?
Reported, then. You have nothing to add to this thread but autistic screeching about a single linkās source and are too lazy to do anything about it.
spoiler that shit
Well that would be a good way to kick off the civil war. I just hope he doesn't perish of natural causes before the fighting starts because I want his final moments to be full of pain and terror.
My gut tells me this is all desperate flailing, maybe pulling out all their weak cards just to give the (((papers))) something narrative-friendly to keep printing.
Not a twitfag so I don't know the usual Hildawg crew accounts- anyone know if those fags are gloating or suspiciously silent? Here's a rare lil guy as payment.
OP here, can you guys do this faggot a favor and stop giving the attention whore what he wants?
I care about my threads.
Charges against Muller,no charges against Clinton or the king nigger.
This bald cuck always busts his "virtue signaling" load way too early.
The person that got indicted is the person responsible for the Steele dossier in the first place
This thread is being derailed hard.
Keep shilling NPR, Netflix & Google Nigger. I'm sure your reddit trash is just what this board needs.
what a dumb cunt
not you OP, I mean hillary
Reported. Commit suicide.
Rolling for somebody we've never heard of
it's desperate flailing because of this
Rolling for Clinton to get executed
You already said you reported me right here in a fit of crying autistic rage because your fake news article and child fucking streaming services were shit. Do you even know how to use the board, reddit?
Rolling for someone we've only heard of once before
rolling for just something because this shit is passed boring. At least a random wrongful charge just for drama.
Reported. Youāre too autistic and illiterate to even know who youāre talking to. No one cares about your reddit spam. No one cares what you are trying to shill.
Rolling for someone notable in legislative branch
Holla Forums is never right about dates, user. Weāre only right about the who, what, and why. You wonāt change that.
We have IDs, you kike. I know it's your first day here and all, but at least do a little bit of research before you come to shill your anti-trump garbage here for shekels.
Rolling for someone in the RNC
I remember white house user claiming trump brought muller on to investigate clinton in exchange for a pardon
Manafort has connections with Deripaska and was involved in shipping nuclear arms to Pakistan a few years back. I've mentioned Manafort before here about his involvement in the grey market cargo industry and links to influential smugglers and such. It will be very easy to pin shit on Manafort.
Rolling for literally a nobody with some tenuous connection to a barely anybody just to keep the fags wet for one more big gay blowout weekend before they get hilariously martyred in their revolution next Saturday.
Checked. Also timestamp
Ok. The cunt get hanged eventually then. There I fixed it
Praise Kek
Manafort sounds like a cool guy
Oh look two different kikes trying to turn this into a roll thread. Take NPRanon and Netflixanon and collectively kill yourselves.
Kek doesn't take kindly to that.
Someone, a literal who, is going to be indicted for talking to some online Russian bot. Xhe'll be given a slap on the wrist and Meuller will fade into obscurity.
Rolling for squirrels. They're inditing squirrels.
>>>Holla Forums
You are too autistic to post here. Leave now.
This is going to backfire on Mueller spectacularly.
Oh, please, do you have some information to share? Do you have some insights to adumbrate? We're so curious it's practically a crime to keep it from us, don't be shy. I would hate to derail a thread so replete with great content and discussion.
fuck it, rolling for Tupac
If you don't like a thread or find it boring then fuck off and don't post in it.
Go back to choking on nigger dick and whatching child porn you nigger loving libkike.
stop feeding it.
A jew or two
If they actually try and indict/arrest anyone around Trump, I suspect we will witness Mueller and his entire team getting tossed into the back of a van by a squad of marines. The Voyager space craft will be able to detect the "oy veys!" from interstellar space.
This really is the most interesting timeline in the entire cosmos.
more news at 11
Rolling for someone on the investigation team. The charges are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE
Dubs confirm, stop giving cuckchan any credibility. That place is pozzed beyond salvation.
rolling for any fucking eceleb that won't stop making youtube videos
why god
Anyone 'rolling' for gets should get a permaban back to reddit/4cuck
rolling 4u
Rolling for someone in executive branch, but below white house
Is that a female Jake Tapper?
There's so little information to go on that shitposting is inevitable. Such is the way of imageboards.
That was your first and only choice from the get go, reddit. You never stood a chance.
Mods are here since they stickied the thread. I'm sure they'll start taking out the trash soon enough.
Yeah but I remember when dumb shit like that wasn't taken kindly around here. Too many 4cuckers plague this board.
You know nothing of the fine art of divination
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
stop being a nofun faggot. there's literally nothing left useful on this topic other than making fun of these retards. No fed announces an actual arrest days in advance for fuck's sake.
why am I not surpsied
I can see you're an artist when it comes to sucking ass and failing miserly though.
MegaAnon on halfchan
Keep dumb 4cuck bullshit on 4cuck. This isn't the place for it.
I usually stay away from 4chan because it's become the chan version of Neogaf and reddit, combined.
cuckchan larpers are always trash, user, even if they're right.
Cool if true
What's a neogaf :^)
Checked. RollThreadCuckold BTFO again.
100% LARPing. The Fed canāt fall without being physically assaulted and burned.
There was a time when pointless kvetching wasn't tolerated around here. rolling for 44bacc to be indicted.
The exclamation marks really makes that shit look fake as hell.
Global report, then.
Now thats a fuggin roll.
this is your cue to leave
lol keep crying, child fucker.
Wipe the tears from your eyes, bitch. This isn't reddit.
but you're literally bitching like this is your hugbox. this is your queue to be filtered.
it's fucking annoying and there should be a rule at this point regarding cross-posting this dumb shit.
And yet youāre reported.
Did he turn on the dems? Is it going to be a switcheroo?
I know itās a reoccurring theme in tons of topics and not just specific to this one but holy FUCK Boomers need to finally get out of the fucking way and die and they need to do it yesterday.
inb4 some random russian nationals get hauled into court and sentenced to prison and the media says "good thing that's over! Now back to your daily 2 minutes hate!"
I'd cream myself if it's media shits getting the book thrown at them for spreading false information and instigating all these riots and unrest.
Their Holla Forums has actually gotten far less cucked since the election and basically purged the Redditors and Civic Nationalists.
The problem with Halfchan is the mods far more than the users.
What if it's Rick Wilson? I guess he'd have to wait a couple decades before his grandson would inevitably join him in prison.
reaction image for libs who think Trump is getting indicted
Fuck off back to Cuckchan then, faggot.
Please kill yourself if you actually believe this.
that's because there's no information out yet.
They're cucked because of their faggot mods not allowing them to raid or organize.
In terms of ideology it's roughly the same as here.
Reported. I love when report fags get a taste of their own medicine.
if it's not important that's good enough for me, thanks.
ramz-tier "@FBI this guy is a dangerous FBI informant!"
I'd just like to point out that you are a faggot
Here's an archive, just in case.
It will be labeouf for starting starting the hewillnotdividedivudeus live cam again
If you don't like "happening" maybe instead we could say ITS HARDENING
Did Mueller really flip?
Why even post if you're not willing to put any effort in to it. You could've at least archived your shitty link.
cleaned it up slightly
The mediaās going to eat shit on this one. Again.
Flynn and Manafort are the presumed central persons of interest in the Muh Russia fanfic. Mainstream public sentiment already has them in the crosshairs. If you really thought they were guilty, why give them the chance to flee by openly stating youāre not going to make arrests until after the weekend?
Itās someone who doesnāt see it coming, someone who thinks theyāre safe. A McCain, or a Jeb, or a Podesta. Or Her.
wew lad. That's pretty bad.
Anyone who reports is a faggot. They're like that loser kid on the playground who used to always say he's "going to tell on you" that nobody ever liked.
dubs say yes
We won't know till Monday.
So trump tweets out that ALL of the JFK files will be released with only the names of currently living peoples names and addresses redacted. In the name of full transparency and to put any conspuracy theories to rest
Literly 5 minutes later (((CNN))) breaks in with the story that the first indictment is coming down and arrests by Monday.
Looks like the order came down to try and shift the narrative back. the most logical choices are Manafort or Flynn for stuff that is completely unrelated to Trump in hopes to get them to flip. They aren't going to flip though because they are both essentially guaranteed pardons and Manafort has done more dirty shit with the Podesta' s and McCain's of the world than he ever would have with Trump. Also, he would be pretty much guaranteed a pardon from Trump if he keeps his mouth shut.
This is interesting to say the least. we will know by Monday one way or another if the Mueller is a good guy theory holds any water whatsoever. My personal thoughts are a tiger cant change their stripes and that crook has covered up everything including 9/11, anthrax, and Uranium One. He's not going to take this opportunity to bite the hand that has made him a multimillionaire. I hope I'm wrong and its Tony and John Podesta getting rolled up, but I will hold my breat
That 'day of rage' shit is going to kick off early if Monday sees HRC led off in cuffs. I can't imagine how much they'd shit themselves if that happened.
Also, do you think she'd flip? Or that the swamp would turn on her immediately to start distancing themselves? I think she'd stonewall everything unless they had her cold and she knew it. And that everyone would start distancing themselves because she's an albatross around the DNC's neck.
No, the indictment is related to the dossier
Major shit's about to go down
fuck forgot pic
snitches get stiches
Global report for being a spook.
It certainly feels like that. One way or another next week is shaping up to be a little bit crazy.
I like the sound of that.
This is 100% "knee jerk" by Muller, he got pressure from Hillary & King Nigger once the Uranium One & DNC funded Dossier stories broke so now you'll see a charge against Manafort for something like currying favor with Russia & investments since he was close to Trump at the time. Unsubstantiated or not, it won't matter - Muller will do everything he can to protect himself, Comey & Clinton. It will also give hefty talking points to MSM to further the agenda. If Trump decides to remove Muller it'll make him look even worse, which is why it hasn't been done already. Sorry goys, but prepare your anuses for some #doublebackfire
that wife is degenerate and would probably fuck an animal since she's so obsessed with getting off on being dehumanized; unless she's non-white. in which case, she's just a shitskin.
anyway, it's revealing of how powerful she feels Don to be. she probably has rape fantasies of Don, unwilling rape fantasies.
Care to share your thoughts on who then?
No, that is a stupid narrative, even if he did, he could not prosecute anything because of conflict of interest with his crimes that he was involved with, which at minimum involves the Uranium One scandal and covering for the Clintons, so he would be useless at prosecuting them.
One of them is definitely going to be Manafort. They even raided his house.
It doesnt matter; any charges they try to bring on this case are going to absolutely blowup in their faces. The defense will be able to point to hillary and the uranium and then start asking Muller about his involvement with the Clintons. It will backfire so hard it might even kick off a real purge.
The talk of removing Muller has caused him to play this hand now.If Muller charges someone on Trump's team and then Trump try's to remove Muller they will start screeching about OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE again.
This is also being setup to drown out the Clintion piss report and Uranium news.
Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing.
expect us
Media is just poisoning the well at this point, wait till the spin in monday its going to be insane.
Trump Tells State Department to Release ALL Remaining Hillary Clinton Emails ASAP
Truepundit via CNN so take it with whatever sized grain of salt you want, but this and the JFK tweet today makes it feel like Trump is going in full scorched earth fuck everything mode. Either he is distracting from the indictment, or he is feeling so secure he doesn't give a fuck anymore.
Not sure on who but I'm pretty sure it ain't either of them. could be though, we can only speculate.
So? Not every raid ends in an indictment. They likely just pulled that shit for the optics anyway.
fuck forgot the link
It's Manafort you dumb niggers
Manafort isn't the guy
And the people who post said pic still haven't answered the question asked. does the wall really belong to israel? Or is it just more stolen land and isn't actually theirs
archive you nigger
Tell me more CIANigger
checked and saving
It's a literal who that worked for Hillary on the dossier. The Russia connection is the aid/intern contacting pro-Russian agents to compile to dossier in the hopes that Hillary would win.
The files found in Manaforts home were nothing.
You know what? If it is Manafort then Stone is likely right. Theyre gunna come with some bullshit charge, nothing at all to do with the the election or Trump but possibly something very vaguely dealing with Russia. Mueller prosecutes, Trump pardons, fires Mueller.
I still don't think its Manafort. But I've been wrong before.
Chrit it's not Manafort. Meuller is charging a nobody aid/intern with a misdemeanor.
Holy shit
I thought it was more than one person they were planning on charging.
Journalism in Current Year+2 is really something else.
(((CNN))) was just guessing. They were all looking like they legitimately didnt have the slightest clue.
Well Pissgate actually started with Jeb! during the primaries, and then the DNC/Hillary simply took over the contract after Trump got the nomination.
Supposing you could only nab one or the other, who would you take down? The Bushs or the Clintons?
pretty fucking pathetic isnt it
They are going to charge Elvis or some shit. This weekend is going to be a total cock-tease.
the Clintons ofc. Bushes are over. (((People))) still love the Clintons. And the Clintons have a bodycount only achieveable by routine resort to assassination. Their continued political relevance is a stain on western civilization.
apparently it was the Washington Free Beacon that originally hired Fusion GPS.
Cuckchan said they looked like they did on election night and this meant it must be somebody on the Dems side. Is it true? Any videos?
What size knickers are they?
They looked like their typical libshit smug selves in the 5 minutes i could bear to watch. They weren't as giddy as i would have thought, but they just spent the time talking about Manafort and Flynn and how it was probably one of them. Their token republican got yelled down as soon as he opened his mouth. All in all a typical uninformative CNN broadcast
Interestingly, literally just before it was reported, Judge Janine on fox guessed that Muller would probably throw out some retarded charge as a distraction to all the Hillary/DNC stuff that's going on.
And now can we get that Gold Sherriff star?
Trumps tweet after the news broke.
bbbbbb-b-b-b-b-but h-he'll never put Hillary in prison!!! Drumpfghththght BTFO
This is what the shills actually believed, or were paid to believe.
huh, I never noticed the pepe on the dresser.
James Woods is a National Treasure, shitposting extraordinaire.
Are you kidding? That cunt would throw everyone under the bus immediately including her own flesh and blood if she thought it would save her own skin. The bitch is the definition of a mercenary narcissist.
But that's only assuming she's capable of admitting fault, user. I don't know if she could overcome her own hubris if put on the stand with cameras in her face.
Having your goons suicide people behind the scenes is one thing, but this is the same crone whose campaign slogan was 'I'm With Her'; to admit fault doesn't seem in her character.
I dunno user, you may be right but I think the prospect of dying in prison can do wonders for a person's humility. I really hope we get to find out which one of us is correct though.
Neutralize the Bantu men
Occupy the Bantu wombs
Do it.
It's funny of seeing how the commie spamming has started while this thread is stickied.
The kike fears.
CNN getting called the fuck out.
And there's this. Quite literally a shitpost.
Three optionsā¦
1. They go after Trump directly. It would more than likely spark chaos.
2. They go after Clinton/Podesta. It would probably spark chaos.
3. They go after a person whom only 3 people have heard of (2 of which being that person's parents) for something trivial like not using Hillary's hairdresser's preferred pronouns in a private recorded conversation. Will leave them looking like a complete joke.
No matter what, we get to see someone's hand getting played. Time to see if they have been bluffing, cheating or actually playing the cards on the table.
Holy shit, how repulsive. I'd ask whether she was Indian if the last name wasn't listed.
its Mccain
This is 100% "knee jerk" by Muller, he got pressure from Hillary & King Nigger once the Uranium One & DNC funded Dossier stories broke so now you'll see a charge against Manafort for something like currying favor with Russia & investments since he was close to Trump at the time. Unsubstantiated or not, it won't matter - Muller will do everything he can to protect himself, Comey & Clinton. It will also give hefty talking points to MSM to further the agenda. If Trump decides to remove Muller it'll make him look even worse, which is why it hasn't been done already. Sorry goys, but prepare your anuses for some #doublebackfire
You already said that
Sorry bout the double post - just checking back in.
I certainly hope it's McCain - I think both sides would like to see that malignant little swamp creature hang.
It can't be Trump himself because they don't arrest the President, they impeach him, and he stays in office until the end of the impeachment process. The President is immune from criminal prosecution while he remains President. Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment, then President Ford pardoned Nixon once he lost his immunity by stepping down. I imagine that Vice President Pence would do the same if Trump resigned or was impeached.
If there are to be arrests on Monday, it will certainly not be Trump, unless Mueller has no understanding of Constitutional law and precedent and no regard for his own career.
That is incorrect. The fact is the Supreme Court has never answered on whether the President is immune to criminal prosecution. They got close to being forced to make a decision with Nixon, but it never got to that point. We wouldn't know until either an acting President gets arrested or the court feels the need to rule on it.
It could be the other way around - the lack of information given to the public is so they can get the big fish off to Israel and then come up with some bullshit excuse on why they couldn't stop them from flying.
Reported both of you idiots for derailing. Go shit up a less important thread with your bickering.
>>(((Rosenstein))) appointed Mueller
I forgot about that. The jews might show there hand to far and get it cut off.
It will be McCain.
I hope not. He wouldn't see the inside of a cell because he's too fucking old and has brain cancer.
What if it was Comey going to jail who then proceeds to flip on Hillary and spill the beans about the whole Russia dossier shit?
Someone told this hothead he was in charge.
That is a theory that a bunch of Ivy-league law professor blowhards are throwing around as wishful thinking. The Constitution is actually quite clear about the issue:
Note that the Impeachment comes first. The only news sources claiming otherwise are liberal sites like the Jew York Times and the (((Chicago Tribune))), and even they eventually admit that it's most likely unconstitutional in the third or fourth paragraph, after they've already lured the readers into clicking that bait.
It makes no sense whatsoever to indict someone who has the power to pardon. The question of whether a President could pardon themselves has never been tested either. Theoretically, the President could pardon himself the same day, and stay in office for months or even years while the judicial system fought about whether the pardon was Constitutional or not. If the pardon was ruled unconstitutional, they'd STILL have to fight about whether the original indictment was constitutional in the first place. That would take up enough time to serve two full terms.
EVERYBODY knows that putting the indictment before the impeachment would open multiple cans of unnecessary judicial worms, so ANYONE who was serious about getting rid of a sitting President would be sure to go about it in the right wayāimpeachment first.
Private civil lawsuits regarding actions of a sitting President are a different issue, provided that those actions were UNRELATED TO THE OFFICE and also unlikely to impede the President from his constitutionally mandated duties (see Jones v. Clinton). I doubt that anyone could argue that any part of the Russia conspiracy theory were UNRELATED TO THE OFFICE or unlikely to impede Trump from his duties, so again, even in a civil suit regarding Trump's actions with regards to Russia would revert to impeachment first, indictment second.
Please also note that the failed impeachment proceedings during the Jones case stemmed not from the allegations made by Jones, but the gact that Clinton perjured himself three timesāa criminal act. What happened when Clinton was caught red-handed in a criminal act? The House tried to impeach him, because that's the correct and constitutional way to handle criminal acts by a sitting President.
She took meds before the show would explain that and her barking like a dog during her campaign rally last year.
I'm not getting my hopes up. Mueller is tied to the swamp so he's not going to be pulling the plug any time soon.
Throwing in some OC
because memes become reality
In nowhere there does it say that impeachment "comes first" or that an acting President is immune from criminal prosecution. Hypothetically, with the way you are presenting it, they could commit cold blooded murder and not be prosecuted until after the impeachment proceedings. Yes, they would be impeached but that is just the process for removal from office. I would fully expect a President that committed a real tangible crime (unlike whatever the alphabets may or may not try to claim with Trump) to be prosecuted in no specific set order to the impeachment proceedings, as long as it was done and done timely in relation to the crime and the risk.
Re-read what you posted and realize it does not state what you are claiming. At best it is open for interpretation to the highest court of the land, but chances are it will go the opposite way of what you are claiming.
There's so many happenings lately that some people haven't recovered from 2016 happenings. I call it Happening Fatigue.
Checking back2back dubs
you own nothing, you run nothing. nothing's going to happen you stupid desperate goyim crying about corruption
have your nazi rally tomorrow in shelbyville and come next week we will bring you down to your knees
nov 4 is coming
This is your brain on socialism. They will murder you if you let them. The left are beyond retarded and I would love to see their reaction when Trump wins in 4 years. They're already trying to get their rinos like Cuban into the right to try and split it. They've been a plague on the education system for decades and they will need to either get put in a nut house or put down.
They think every American is going to join them in welcoming their socialist utopia and the murder of everyone that disagrees with them. That's why they're pushing hard for open conflict. The weathermen tried it with their bombing campaign in the 60s and 70s and they eventually found their way into public education.
Mueller immediately got the ball rolling as soon as the Clinton Uranium expose went down. It's obvious that they have nothing on Trump, but they're trying to spin the media as much as possible to bury their bad press right now.
The problem with halfchan is its owner, you literal retard. He is not to be trusted and has a history to prove it. If anons, are still so cucked that they remained after multiple exoduses then there's little hope for them.
Hillary is going to fuck them hard for her own failure. She's been fucking the left since she lost and she will toss everyone under the bus to get back at them for that.
I still feel that it's going to be a whole lot of nothing. It won't be Trump or anyone important if they do go forward. It's going to explode in their faces like every narrative they've tried to push and the left are going to get more retarded and rabid. They're already attacking people who think differently than they do and more leftist mass murderers are going to start popping up as they further lose their shit.
The left love McCain for all of the shit he's done recently. That would be interesting to see the mental gymnastics they would have to pull if it were him.
Nixon was going to get his ass handed to him, so he left.
That's what it's mainly there for and for overruling lesser courts decisions.
I'll go buy some boots so I can shake in them, Mortechai. The door's that way; the stench of gefilte fish is overpowering my sinuses.
They probably could commit cold-blooded murder and face impeachment before prosecution. However, unlike the Clinton impeachment, the Presidential Murder impeachment would likely be a short affair rather than a drawn out affair.
Note that the judge (mistakenly) thought that the civil trial would not affect Clinton's ability to carry out his office. Once it clearly DID affect Clinton's ability to carry out his office, the House moved for impeachment. Clinton was not convicted during the impeachment. Nor was he tried or convicted of perjury. Instead, he admitted wrongdoing and resigned from the Arkansas State Bar after the fact. Bill Clinton was never convicted of anything as a sitting president.
The phrase "impeachment for, and conviction of" refers to the impeachment trial itself. Clinton was impeached, but he was not convicted, so he was allowed to stay in office. Nixon was never impeached, because he resigned before they could impeach him. Andrew Jackson was also impeached, but he was not convicted. The word "impeachment" != "removed from office".
Write as many cheques as you want gommie, we all know your bank account's empty.
Disagree. All they've got on Mueller is that the FBI knew about the shady uranium racketeering thing with the trucking company. If Mueller flipped, it would be easy enough to just say he was kept unaware by McCabe and/or other subordinates.
These days they can say whatever they want really as long as evidence to the contrary doesn't exist.
Doubtful. Wiener is always on his mind, user.
Some boomer humor to keep things light.
Someone tell me his is a jokeā¦please
Immense if factual.
Absolute madman.
Also interesting to me that the very liberal John Carpenter counts ultra-conservatives like Woods and Kurt Russell among his best friends, must have been nice living in an era when people could get on regardless of politics.
I'm shakin' in my boots.
The fact that they need to say this suggests it really is real.
Gr8 b8 m8. The division was pushed by money fed to media by the left.
lol ok, Just remember to use the 10 setting on your gun, it'll make it hit harder.
Liberals are circle jerking and hyping themselves up about how how Trump and his son are going down monday. It's gonna be a funny Monday when it turns out to be some small time joe schmo fall guy, who will be let out after a month. The salt is gonna be good.
That's your rally faggot not ours. Have fun switching t-shirts and being fake nazis
It's a jew with low verbal IQ.
Who is doing that, FBI informants?
What day isnt "sexually or mentally" abuse people and/or children for them? It's fucking sick.
Remember that the news coming out now on a weekend is important. People are going to be taking time off work, hanging out with friends, clubbing and partying. Usually they want their stories running all weekend, as nothing new will come out, but now they have to deal with the JFK stuff and this.
I feel it means they have nothing and they are indicting some rando in order to make it look like they arenāt wasting time and resources.
Isn't it funny how the MSM usually has a counter for these kinds of things? Something minuscule like "Trump has 2 scoops while everyone else has 1"
There is no counter to this. Only thing they can do is try to formulate a completely false scandal to distract them from their own scandals, or wallow in their own bed of shit they made. We've known about the fake Trump dossier for months, but now that it's leaking into networks like fucking C N N it cannot be covered up. It's going go snowball. Now, after this information that we've ==KNOWN== about for months is getting out into the open there is no way they can put the genie into the bottle. It's only going to get worse (for dems)
Trump and Pence will be arrested on Monday. They have been very bad goys. Paul Ryan will be the new president. He's a good goy. Everything will be fine.
what is this from those bitches are cute
HUMA got raided you faggot
They will try to charge Trump. Is their last chance. Unless Mueller can smell the sulfur and he bent the knee, but I doubt.
If they do not get rid of Trump soon, then Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Brennan, Obama, Clinton, Loretta Lynch, McCain and a hundred more are toast.
If indeed Monday is a happening, world will understand where the FBI and CIA rank and file stay
If dubs, Hillary gets cancered. If trips, Hillary genital mushrooms and is suicided. If quads, Hillary her ass, thighs and cankles liposuntioned by an abortion doctor with a vacuum + without anesthesia ā then suicided.
The any alphabets reading this - if you haven't jumped ship yet, now is the time.
Rolling for Hilldog
I think it's Podesta. Link is from the 24th. I think Manafort might be the informant.
oh my.
witnessed, hoping
you tried, Shareblue
That's it. I'm convinced anyone left of moderate right is an evil, vile nonhuman that deserves to have their families killed while they are forced to watch. They need to be taught a lesson for having the wrong views.
Shareblue, when will you grow weary of crying yourself to sleep?
I enjoy watching as my enemies try to regain control of their crumbling position by hurling impotent threats at us. Very entertaining.
Getting rid of dead sloppy weight is part of how (((they))) operate, it would be more beneficial to (((them))) to have their golems found guilty, force trump to promise their safety, kill them, then dump the blame on trump for breaking his word and killing his enemies and presenting him to the public as a murderer, then get new golems.
report &
Here's the kicker though. Notice how WFB is going way-way-way out of the fucking way to try and distance themselves from the dossier, and anything to do with it? Seems like big shit is going to hit the fan, and they want to protect their brand and name by getting out to the front.
Samefagging because glorious quad quads and fuck these shills.
I second thisā¦ what iz.
When you guys were deciding what to put on there, did you consider how fucking similar that one sounds to when some commie or normal fag complains about him being racist or sexist?
Yeah, it kinda feels like a synonym for "ignore this thread, nothing is going on" at times.
ahahahaha cmon faggot, you know you're kind will be slaughtered and the rest will hang
i'll check those digits, user
Saturday morning and still no mention of this in the NYTimes.
Fuck off with this fake news bullshit
was for
I will eat a handful of dry dog food for penance.
AHAHAHAHAHA Fuck off shlomo you can't hide this.
This smell like CNN trying to shift the narrative for the weekend off of Hillary's shenanigans.
If the JYT is pulling a "don't look here goyim nothing to see" it must be someone pretty good
Fuck this shit
It's a real possibility. I really think that would make the left implode.
Don't forget to sage
fuck uploaded wrong skippy to check those digits
Seems likely but not as bad of news as you think. Muller worked for the podestas.
This hasn't been said enough in the thread. The entire point of this (((news))) (that is actually a non story) is to give CNN something to push back against the news of the Steele Dossier and Clintons/Obama giving US uranium to Russia.
It is literally no news being bandied about as something major.
You're a kike and you're going in the oven soon. Just thought I'd point that out.
> The entire point of this (((news))) (that is actually a non story)
The nervous (((rats))) ITT suggest otherwise. I don't like to prognosticate but I'd say it looks like Mueller is about to take somebody down and they'll be from Hillcunt's circle.
I would propose a variation of Coulter's law
The longer it takes the (((corporate media))) to release a news story the more likely it damages the (((left)))
Likely checking to make sure their check cleared this friday and if come monday they will even have an job.
At this point, I believe them trying to save face by dispatching their own is quite likely their goal right now. It will either involve democrats jumping ship, or going down with it, but never the less the dem party is as good as over at this point. The dems jumping ship may choose to either lay low, or go and start up their own party, but they are tossing eachother off the sled at this point while the wolves keep picking up the pace on their trail. The thing that's surprising them the most is that these wolves aren't in a pack, it's an entire legion; a horde. Endlessly now pursuing them, with enough concentrated autism that scientists would have to define it on the periodic table of elements.
But make no mistake, this is going to be a political blood bath. And in many cases, a literal one too.
Just want to point out it has been several years now. And with the election and the rise of the awareness of the power of the chans in the general consciousness a horde of newfags have found their way into the bowels of the internet in the quest for 'not fake' news. The constant deriding of user's like us on the surface 'alt right' websites have also made the clear impression that the hidden hand of user's know far more than the public and are crushing the establishment left and right while the surface web conservative sites just wallow in tired old cuck memes, so huge numbers of normalfags have made exoduses into the deeper reaches in an quest to find us.
Just because you are way the fuck up the path on wizard status doesn't mean others willingly following that same path are any less important. At the end of the day you are an user. Same as them. Be thankful they are looking to be us, it empowers our abilities far more than most would like to admit and has been an major boon recently in turning even the most mundane of the surface level web into veritable battlegrounds for our way of seeing the world. This place is far from our only hub now user. Don't knock our hold home either, faggot central or not, that is where we were all born and forged whether you like the fact or not.
The one thing that gives me hope is that none of this indictment talk came BEFORE looking in to the Podestas. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also, did that FBI informant with the lifted gag order testify already?
Kys defeatist shill
Self-sage to avoid unnecessary bamp and maintain proper Flip animu imageboard etiquette
Is it just me or does OP's pic look like she's about to kiss a cock?
Will they finally go after that smug nigger Holder? He still owes everyone for that Mexican gun running crap too.
We're telling them to STFU right now. kek.
If he is well enough to work the needs of the country, he is well enough to handle a cell.
It's probably Manafort on some procedural crimes which Mueller will recommend 6 gorillion years in prison forā¦.until Trump scrawls out pardons for everyone on a cocktail napkin and sends Gov. Christie to fuck Mueller's wife.
October 23:
Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta
If he wants to save his own ass he will. He looked the other for the Obama admin and once that was revealed it probably became clear that he would play ball or go down with them.
C'mon Holla Forums, we can figure this out.
Opposition research isn't illegal.
The easiest prosecution is perjury. Who lied under oath, Holla Forums?
Hillary, but Comey more likely. He twisted himself up in lies. Hell, hes not the only one. Whos that former intelligence head who lied under oath, not the FBI head but the full blown headā¦ I forget his name. Anyways, he lied about the NSA spying while Obama was in office.
Clapper, thats it. Eric Holder should be nailed too, pretty sure everything he said was a lie.
Imagine being that much of a disgusting slob.I mean, you can feel if youre shitting yourself. You can feel if you need to have a shit. Digestive disorder just means she farts a lot, not that she should be shitting herself and telling others to clean it up. Thats like a leftist thing or something. Show me one right wing person who does that.
Double Czech
HD was a mistake :(
Ironically Trump was actually familiar with the real Teflon don back in the 90s. Iāve seen an interview with Sammy the bull Gravano where he name drops Trump. Trump couldnāt build anything in Manhattan without the mob bosses getting their cut. Trump was also seen dancing with another Gotti associate after he won at some NYE event. A guy that had once survived an attempted hit getting shot in the back three times. Iām thinking all this Russia shit must be alinsky inspired projection. Itās exactly what the dems were doing themselves. I feel like if they really looked deep into it they could drudge up some old mafia connections Trump had. But only a few obscure writers have even broached this subject. Also that fat Cuban guy that joe Rogan loves so much, Joey Diaz, claims that there are definitely connections. Heās a degenerate loser but he was in the know. I wonder why no one cares about this. I know that I donāt and I would even kinda get a kick out of a mob President but I just wonder why the fake news media doesnāt go with this. Maybe it doesnāt matter. Maybe all the old mob guys are dead. But I think itās because they want to pin their own crimes onto him. But anyway trump knew John Gotti.
Wishful thinking.
Indictments will be for small fry first.
confirmed for mistake
Irradiated glow in the dark CRTnigger til I die
Hillary is wishful thinking, Comey might get nailed, he appears to have pissed in both sides cornflakes.
Nailed for what? Leaking info to the media?
Comey was smart enough not to perjure himself
I havent been following this stuff like a hawk because its mostly irrelevant in that its outcome is already pre-determined and not able to be impacted. I followed until Trump didnt put Hillary in prison, Ive pretty much disregarded laws since then because they only apply to goyim and expendable puppets. Comey probably wont get touched, or anyone of importance. Lynch is still walking free etc, these people are untouchable by the jew controlled legal system.I will do what is necessary to protect my race, and laws are irrelevant. By this point, you should have dedicated yourself and been prepared to give it all if needed.
You know whats irrelevant? Your opinion
You sound upset. Our race is all that matters, which puppets no longer dance in the show is whats irrelevant. They arent going after Trump, that would most likely spark a war. I hope they do, that would be great.
You want to make a difference? Organize some state based voting for the individual republican candidates who are most extreme right. Thats what we should be doing, picking local candidates and turning twitter into a debate about them, and making it so that people vote along with Trump instead of needing every single Republican vote minus 1, like when Pence makes the final vote and Rand or Mccain or whoever vote againstā¦ Thats what we should be focusing on turning around and fixing. Dont you think? It could be a lot worse, democrats could get the majority and just shut down anything Trump goes for, for the rest of his term. Is that what you want? Is this more important than that? Thats my point.
Gas all newfags tbqh
Still no mention in the NYTimes. People talking about it in unrelated comments sections.
New reportā¦Fusion GPS has ties to CNN.
htt ps://archive.fo/eTHRG
(checked and heil'd)
Sometimes I wonder who mega user might be. Someone from the inside who defected? Sean Hannity? Trump himself? Don Jr? It could be anyone.
Mega user is a woman.
The dude thinks the earth is flat, he's a retard.
Mods are seriously deleting gore posts?
Huh you faggot mods? You deleting posts???
Likely means that the person that's gonna get indicted is a democrat. The same reason why CNN started publishing stories with the "does his motive really matter" on the Vegas shooting
Faggot mods don't delete this
Trump's family already confirmed to lurk the chans, Journalist-kun.
omg xD haha normies reeeeee xDDD
1) Lying under Oath
2) Not disclosing or sending the documentation requested (which was requested via a SOPINA if my memory serves me right) might be wrong
3) not putting shillary at a minimum under house arrest for such "disregard" for "sensitive" secrets.
Thanks for wasting a reply slot, Schlomo.
Unfortunately, many people don't know what program Hillary used to wipe those emails.
When looking further, the email server used a modified version of BleachBit (frankly a far better option that CCleaner or other cleaning programs.)
You use BleachBit when you
really, REALLY
want something gone.
Example -
I decided to fill a folder with .txt, .bmp, and some .docx files.
Keep in mind a friend of mine who is a god in file recovery was right next to me.
Shut down and booted back up, files still there.
Used BleachBit on the said contents of the folder.
He attempted a recovery, and could not get the files back.
If it is good enough for her to wipe 30 thousand emails off the face of the Earth, it's good enough for me.
Holla Forums automatically breaks links you aspie.
Nobody likes it when a goreposter shits up a thread and wastes reply slots, you fat nigger.
Yea I get it, she got rid of the evidence. Her predictable defense is that its national security stuff and she wasnt going to half ass it.
OH perfect some fucking spic cleaning lady will go down while the kikes walk free
Gotta agree with me though that's pretty faggish behavior to delete a post cause muh feels
I posted my shit I'm all done now
I'm not that fat user , lifting regularly and I watch what I eat
I thought the summerfags would be busy with schoolwork. Get the fuck off my board you /nufag/ preteen twink
Pretty weak goreposts man, that guy on the right is just bloody. First ones not bad, but you cant really see the detail. Youre shitting up a sticky, thats why they would delete it.
Or maybe it's because it's off topic, and gore doesn't actually keep anyone away. All it does is shit up threads.
many judicial seats are electoral and not subject to appointment
If you:
GatewayPundit has new breaking news on FusionGPS.
New report is that FBI paid Chrisopher Steele (British Spy) travel expenses in connection with researching the "Dossier"
See screen shot
It's pretty (((funny))) that Muller is suddenly making a move on his investigation only after all this news came out
Clearly reactionary. As the Left loses control of the narrative and with major publications coming out demanding Mueller's resignation, Mueller's mover is clearly an attempt to intervene. Only question now is whether Mueller has enough Sauce to ACTUALLY intervene. Possible outcomes:
(1) Mueller aims directly into the heart of Trump and inner circle with Category 5 evidence that blows everyone's mind.
(2) Mueller aims at the lesser figures in Trump's orbit, like Manafort, Flynn or Page. [But if this is what he does, it's actually a hat-tip that Mueller doesn't have shit on Trump and that the breaking news about Democrat/FBI corruption and dirty tricks has real legs and Mueller was forced to take action before the narrative grows for his own resignation as he increasingly appears to be a witness or perhaps even a target in the new matters coming to light]
(3) Mueller goes after Manafort but with a twist that bolsters the breaking Democrat corruption story-line: Mueller also arrests Tony Podesta and perhaps other Democrat operatives. THIS is totally possible and would be very interdasting because the recent news breaking about the Dossier leads to the perfectly reasonable theory that Clinton and her currupt cabal of Government insiders (including Obama officials) may have set up an Op against Trump based on the fake Dossier which was authored by the Russians.
This 3rd option is totally consistent with the news cycle. We heard about Tony Podesta being investigated by Mueller last week; All of the Clinton Corruption news has been breaking last week. The DNC started distancing itself from the "old" DNC last week. And Mueller is suddenly announcing indictments last week.
All of this would be consistent with option 3 above.
I can't be the only one that feels that happening becoming 'a normal reality' rather than 'a change' is actually a good thing
source? From what I can see he admitted everything he did while under oath, including media leaks. He's no fool.
First of all, that's the worst spelling of a word I've ever seen in my life. It's subpoena or sup (under) poena (penalty). I think it's safe to say you don't know WTF you're talking about
What's the crime here
First one is fake my dude, and so is the second one
CNN and WaPo are at least reporting it. The NYT wonāt even mention it. Not even trying to spin it. Are they questioning the validity of the leak?
Iād like to see what the ātravel and other expensesā are that the FBI picked up for Steele.
Dammit I fucking suck
Killing myself with a .45 right now
Back to the topic at hand , man oh man I want to see skippy hanged so fucking bad. Make the cunt watch then hang her the next day at sunrise
Having slept on this, I think nothing will happen, and no one will be arrested. The deep state had a terrible week and CNN flat out made this up, and it is totally fake news. Purpose was to change the discussion.
that buries them though. They would lose their last shred of credibility even within the libshit sphere tjat they depend on. I hope you're right, but i find that hard to believe, even though the NYT is still avoiding it as far as I know.
Have to say lads, the more I think about this, the less I am able to see Mueller's Monday announcement as being anything other than a "bad news" story for Trump.
Rosenstein, who didn't have the professional integrity to act on information that Hillary and Bill Clinton received $145 Million (!) in exchange for approving Uranium 1 transaction to Russia's benefit, suddenly found personal integrity to appoint a neutral fair investigator to investigate to Trump? No. He appoints Mueller.
Mueller, who didn't have the personal integrity to act on the same Uranium 1 information when he led the FBI, suddenly finds the personal integrity to conduct a fair, impartial investigation of Trump? No. Mueller hires a team that consists ā without exception ā of loud and proud Democrat partisan prosecutors and investigators, Democrat donors all.
So now Mueller suddenly leaks to CNN (!) the fact that the grand jury has issued an indictment that is now sealed and an arrest warrant will issue Monday. This happens after the conclusion of a 10-day period where the entire Trump/Russia/Collusion narrative that has taken up a full 1/5th of ALL Trump coverage since election, has suddenly been turned around 180 degrees, with several major publications calling for Mueller to resign as special counsel.
Then, suddenly, Mueller decides to make a move on his investigation. How can it be anything other than "Dems Strike Back" Episode II, which coincidentally lands on the Monday before the Democrat's long-planned national Day of Rage on Nov. 4th.
If the news on Monday is bad for Trump, the timing of Mueller's decision is CLEARLY political and will prove exactly what many are suspecting ā that Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and apparently most of the rest of the leadership in the FBI are political hacks aligned with the Democrat party and committed to using the power of the FBI against their political opponents, Trump specifically.
They better have the goods, because if they don't, then the very continuation of the FBI as a law enforcement agency is on the menu as we continue to learn how hopelessly corrupt our institutions have become.
They have no credibility. They have flat out made up bigger news stories than this, then when discovered that they were wrong, they just go on like nothing happens. Still waiting for them to admit they were wrong about "hands up don't shoot" and the follow up riot they startedā¦
it's going to be podesta and/or elias for perjury
Remember, Mueller was appointed to lead FBI by Bush in 2001. Obama asked him to stay on. Then Obama appoints James Comey to FBI in September 2013.
History of the FBI from 2001 to Present:
- No integrity on Uranium 1
- No integrity on Banking / Lending / Housing debacle around the Great Recession
- No integrity on Fast & Furious
- No integrity on Benghazi
- No integrity on IRS/Tea Party outrage
- No integrity on Clinton email Scandal (including outrage of Clinton and Lynch tarmac meeting)
- No integrity on Solyndra/Obama scandal
- No integrity on Russian Dossier
- INCOMING: - No integrity on Trump Investigation
i agree with your read on the situation. the timing lines up too well, but don't forget the Podesta' s have been on Muellers radar the last week and that's just when it was reported. im putting the odds at 80% stabbing Trump in the dick to regain control of the narrative and 10% at a Dem going down and 10% at Manafort and a Podesta going down to really further muddy the waters.
That makes no senseā¦ You don't get an arrest warrant then go shake it around. You get an arrest warrant then go arrest the guy. Why are they waiting until Monday? If they had arrested whoever Friday evening, they could keep them in jail all weekend. Who ever they arrest will be out by Tuesday morning at the latest now.
Furthermore, what if the indictment gets squashed at first hearing? This leak will just embolden the people who want to end Special Council, and disbar Mueller.
No the only chess move that makes sense here is, they played a pawn, (CNN) and they will lose that piece, but in the meantime they buy a little time.
Ya. The timing ALSO lines up with the theory that Mueller is about to Add-On to the Clinton/Obama/Dossier/Uranium-1 momentum by arresting Manafort AND Tony Podesta as first step to finally blowing open Clinton's black corrupt soul. But for me, I look at Mueller's team ā all partisan democrats ā and to support the theory that Mueller's Monday news will benefit Trump somehow requires the conclusion that Mueller and his Merry Band of Democrats have all ā for the first time in my lifetime ā decided to turn on their own party and go after the Democrats.
No. Never going to happen.
If you believe Hannity, it's because there is more "Bad Dem" news dropping on Monday and Mueller is trying to control the news Narrative over the weekend to prep his Monday announcement.
nah this is different than hands up dont shoot. the libs have been hanging their hopes on Mueller arresting Trump people, and if they got their hopes up with this and it turns out to be false they are done. the libshits will go rabid.
I just can't fathom why the police were not waiting outside whoevers house or office it was when the indictment was signed. This is just not at all how law enforcement works. Now whoever they have indictment for can be long gone by Monday, or it gives them time to destroy evidence, or murder witnesses, that sort of thing.
I don't know why anyone would at this point. Do people forget the run-up to the Iraq War or something? Whatever side of something Hannity is on I immediately distrust.
the only reason i take hannity with a grain of salt is because he had a private dinmer with Trump at the white house right before he started that retarded Tick Tock schtick.
Unless of course getting the warrant is largely the point. Wave it around and see if anyone gets fidgety, so as to gather information on who to investigate next.
Always squeeze every advantage you can from all events. Or they are simply desperate.
What now?! their names are so ridiculous!
Yeah, that doesn't make me trust Hannity more. It makes me trust Trump less.
oh no it isnt hannity
hes controlled op whos put there to act as a release valve by claiming that somethings gonna happen when its planned not to
of course maybe this time those plans wouldve been foiled, or maybe theyre trying to get hm his credibility back so he can act as a better release valve in the future
we'll see if something actually comes of this
You clearly are one of the anti-Trumps, which is fine, but your hate blinds you. Hannity, love him or hate him, is VERY dialed in with the Trump administration with Hannity's #1 prime time Fox show and all. Only a complete Moron would argue that whatever Hannity says is irrelevant.
You could plausibly argue that what Hannity says is the official Trump way of seeing things. I think that's probably true to some extent, and thus as an unofficial Trump spokesman you should treat Hannity with some skepticism. Just like, you know, everything that CNN saysā¦.
I still find it very telling that NYT and WaPo have no mention of Mueller indictments on their sites. Im starting to think CNN got caught in a trap.
I am pro-White. Period. Not "jews look h'white to me" pro-White, either. People don't get a pass for PNAC just because Trump likes to talk to them.
I told y'all niggers.
Unfortunately Mueller is deep state as deep state gets. The indictment will be against a Trump associate and the media will flog their weiner for the next few weeks to take the attention off of Fusion GPS and Hillary.
Mueller was put in place to threaten Trump and keep him "in line". When he went rogue and started going after the deep state and Hilldawg, Mueller had to drop the hammer quickly (more quickly than almost every other investigation like this).
This is going to be a bloody fight and this is the first salvo.
BleachBit uses a single pass wipe. Normal recovery software cannot do much after that. But for data forensic experts, that is not enough - even if data was wiped (with all 0 or a random pattern of 0 and 1), the previous magnetic orientation can still be detected.
Comey was complicit to Clinton handling of secret data, and did not pursued all technical means to retrieve data (or his men did and he decided to just cover it up)
Clintons, him, McCabe and Lynch are rope material
Her main crime is not tampering with the evidence. Her main crime is setting up an unsecured server at there home and using unsecured devices, so all the classified materials she received ended up on Russian, Chinese, Iranians and Weiner laptop.
See all this JFK file circus? They try to cover it up for 50 years now. Similar documents re Lybia/Benghazi, Egypt/Tunisia/Syria "spring revolution", shipments of weapons from Lybia vast warehouses to Syria and the creation of ISIS - most likely are in those 30k emails
Podesta (Tony) I believe. MAYBE Manafort. Hillary possible but she is out of the country I think. She would need to be first because she is a flight risk and would basically warn everyone. No ends to tie up if she's first
Hillary has been in the UK "pushing her book". I am unsure, but will likely be going to other European countries too.
I disagree. Pretty sure Trump and his team (Bannon?) talked to Mueller and laid out possibilities. One: Mueller goes to jail for his complicity. Or Two: Mueller tells them everything and he gets a do-over. By the way, has there been any official announcement about Mueller's charges? Did he personally say it?
holy fucking shit I choose to believe.
She is not "promoting books" she is attempting to hide offshore money so it cannot be traced.
It would be hilarious if this was just a mole/leaker hunt but that doesn't seem likely to me. How insular is the special council? Do they still use regular DOJ personnel or is it pure kike/democrat ringers? Is it possible there are non-swampniggers involved throwing out various flavors of dis-info to see who will bite?
20 years from now you will be just another skeleton rotting in a mass grave,these leftists need to wake the fuck up and realize the gravity of the situatio they created. There will be no mercy for what they did..
CNN reported:
There has been no further reporting from CNN and no reporting from NYT andWaPo. CNN is getting left hanging out to dry.
Pedoesta will not fall without Clintons. They practically share a belly-button, and I'm pretty sure Podesta is their hitman. From the 90's to odumbo years, Podesta was travelling to any major country with Clintons. He will not be touched.
They put out a baitā¦now they wait.
he has a team of FBI investigator. so that's a total crap shoot. that agency is 50/50 patriots and deep state puppets.
They STILL haven't shut the fuck up about the Russian boogieman?
Even if the Russians DID influence the election; so fucking WHAT?
We could say everyone in the world influenced the American election. Should internet be shutdown because foreign sources could influence Americans through internet?
This is so fucking stupid. Who care if Russia had influence, even lots of it? Is it even a problem?
is that real or just trolls
A Larry schweiker kike on Twitter says its pedostas and manafort
Anyone know about this fag?
The fact that we can't tell is fucked.
Thanks to pol I laugh my ass of at the gore and gag at people licking toilets. What the fuck has become of me..
Please provide source.
Theyāre all connected and theyāve all shared cheese pizzas. The question is who has flipped and who will be the first to wear the leg irons and sandals.
Watch as they will spin this to say Russia gave them weak propaganda in order to get Trump to win
I don't even know where to start. Fuck you.
Butthurt shitlib detected. Hang yourself, my dude.
Why are you so ass-mad?
lurk more or go back
Record status: corrected
Extrapolate this
Stop influencing me you foreign boogieman! Your postings might make me vote differently in my country! You aren't using your mind control waves and hot women on me again are you to make me vote for something other than the establishment candidate? Maybe you once attended a banquet with me and in that moment you casted your spells over me and rigged the election? We must have 0 contact with outsiders, shut down the internet, shut it all down chaim! Oy vey! REEEEEEEEEEEEā
What's the weather like in tel aviv?
If you seriously think that Russia would be the only foreign influence of US election, or fuck even if Russia is pro-Trump makes me laugh
You can begin by suck starting a taser
Lads, I am making a prediction here. Take it with a grain of salt, but cap just in case.
The indictment charges will go to either Manafort, Podesta or Schultz. If Manafort, he will save his ass by claiming he was a Dem plant meant to fuck up Trump's campaign by giving credence to the Russia scam. If Podesta or Schultz, they'll do as they're doing now and claim they had no prior knowledge and throw down evidence pointing to the former Secretary of State, Hillary Goddamn Rodham Clinton.
It'd be nice.
If it gets up to the Podesta level, a guy like that is savvy enough to know how to snitch on Clinton without getting himself killed.
Its hard to know what they're actually thinking.
Basically, only people who are already dead-set against Trump even care about this, cuz even the people who don't have a strong opinion either way are thinking, (regarding the premise) "Wait, so Russia HURT the country by telling us the TRUTH about Clinton?"
So if in some leftist fantasy world, they actually proved EVERYTHING they were trying to, more than half the people would already be like, "So?".
Then, of course, pushing the investigation gets the FBI looking at the real Russia collusion, which is by Clinton.
But leftists deny that, so they ignore the danger.
Its all just a clusterfuck.
You really should off yourself
Reminder to always replace the word (((Russian))) with US intelligence
Rolling for we will all be surprised with unforseen circumstances within a week.
Rolling for the frog god is pissed.
Thank goodness that the mods banned this piece of kike vermin
It's gonna be Manafort, it'll make Trump look bad & the left will win this battle. Even if it's something relatively small, like investing in Russian goods or being paid to lobby for them. Remember the FBI raided his condo??? MSM will squeal for weeks about how they won & it'll be non-fucking-stop coverage. It'll continue to push the impeachment narrative and likely turn normie Trumpers against the Don. Mueller is fucking deep-deep-super-deep-state with ties to the Clintons going back decades. Trump should've removed him at the beginning but he was too slow. Now any decision from him will be seen as non-partisan which it definitely fucking isn't. Trump screwed up thinking Mueller wouldn't fuck the country over to save himself, Clinton, Obama, McCain, Comey & the rest of them.
Frog god is not pissed.. Perhaps we're off track?
begging for dubs/trips/etc is the lowest form of shitposting. let nature take its course, user
Maybe he doesn't want to spoil the fun?
It actually gets really cold at night and in the early morning. Imagine North Eastern weather in the United States before fall but near the end of summer, with little humidity.
Guest right was betrayed and the unfaithful maids will hang
=BREAD AND SALT=>>10817305
Just kill me now fam
wow you're so right. i should have voted for hillary. man what was i thinking?
No, they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.
Fucking checked!
Donāt make assumptions. Just wait. But either way, it will be right-wingers charged and convicted.
Do we check these?
user even has Sharia Leboeuf mentioning Pepe.
CNN is full of shit and folks should carefully parse the wording of their 'news' these days. Will someone be indicted Monday? Who knows.. Has Trump fast-tracked Hillary email release? Not likely. The new fad with MSM is injecting their wet dreams into their enemies. Like this one:
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has made it clear to the State Department that he wants to accelerate the release of any remaining Hillary Clinton emails in its possession as soon as possible, according to three sources familiar with the President's thinking.
"ā¦familiar with the Presidents thinking."
We already know>>10814444
WTF is that even supposed to mean?
When you quote inline, add a space:
Also there's
Someone get this hothead outta here.
yeah, i get the feeling it will be manafort as well. would be great if he admitted to being a dem plant though.
I think you should to back to r/politics. There's no stopping the Trump train, the only hope the left has is fucking over tax cuts to fuck over the economy, but even the Republicans aren't that stupid especially after the dossier and Uranium One leaks laid the ground work for them ignoring this bullshit entirely.
Hillary tweeted this today.
Why in the fuck would anyone give someone they are arresting a head start? Especially when those they are arresting easily have enough money to leave the country? Jesus fucking wept.
Wouldn't you warn a friend?
that's an interesting point
Which tells me (((they))) want to get rid of her but can't really because she could very likely have a dead mans switch hidden, something tells me this house of cards is coming down on Monday.
do they still have the bots turned on or something?
of course, why turn them off?
to what lengths will the jewmerican federal apparatus go to sweep the crimes of the zog state under the rug for the sake of "national interests", for "security" and to maintain face and strength globally?
I get the sense the swamp is untouchable because the swamp is all there is to jewmerica - it's not like your institutions are set to serve the interests of the people when the cost of it is your aristocracy
as far as their zionist masters tell them to go. we might see something akin to goodfellas or casino, where the mob bosses start whacking people left and right in order to remove evidence.
I'm calling Manafort.
It will be for something related or similar to the Podesta thing, but there will be no mention of Podesta.
He'll also try to pin the whole Uranium One thing on Manafort to try to pin it on Trump and protect himself/Hillary/Obama.
The media will claim this as their vindication, even though nothing will stick and they won't really be able to tie it to Trump, they'll just keep implying it for as long as he's in office.
Mueller will then claim that he has more investigation to do and go back to being Trump's leash until the next time Trump tried to expose the deep state.
They won't win so much as they'll prevent their own annihilation.
And all because Sessions is an epic fucking cuck.
Oh absolutely, that's probably already well on it's way. Cartels are deeply linked to a lot of bullshit that has happened the past few decades. We need to take personal care too. While governments might not give 2 fucks about this place, cartels may.
I hope it is man fort , he flips and calls out skippy and tony p
They both flip and the cunt and bill get black bagged
Kang nigger hanging for population morale booster
Praise Kek
The #FakeNews tagline triggers them so fucking much even now. They have to constantly say they are REAL news. CBS News added REAL NEWS to their TV and radio bumpers also.
First mention in NYTimes
Iām sure theyāll get right back to us with the Real News typical bullshit.
Fuckin saved
This guy is nuts.
The more crap like this I read, the more convinced I am that the indictment will come down on a democrat.
I'm going to have a great time executing cucks
t. nigger
Checking double dubs of righteous truth.
Even if there was legitimacy to this, it's far past, It's been too late for decades.
If is to be believed, it's possible Manafort sold Podesta out in exchange for amnesty
What Mueller should do is bring charges against himself. Would be best scenario.
All I can imagine is stunt coordinated actors and actresses getting their shit pushed in.
Considering this, they will likely have their prepped bull bodyguards, as they are cowards. So, if SHTF just be sure to carry bear spray.
Double King, a fun trippy animation by Felix Colgrave.
Yep looks like it will be Manafort. MSM will have a field day with it, casting more and more suspicion on more Trump members who interacted with him. Nothing more much will happen, but Mueller will look to drag this investigation to 2018 mid terms or beyond.
I hope it all backfires, since all of Hillary's crimes are going ignored.
If Manafort falls, so do the Podestas.
Obama paid $1 million dollars to Fusion GPS
It's not Manafort
Jew bait thread
It's that cunt hillary the baby cooker
Check em
They really do take Alinsky tactics to heart, they live and breath it. Guilty consciences implying they have one anymore, they don't one and all.
You don't need to have a conscience to feel the fear that comes from your tangled web collapsing.
Very true too
They know they're lying mouths are going to be shut. They're just kicking and screaming now.
Wouldn't be the first time Alyssa Milano was a street-walker.
Don't embarrass yourself any longer.
Checked, that half dago cunt will will be fucked like the whore she is soon enough.
Fucking lol sure thing lamoes
They need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. It wont get better until they are silenced.
Someone tell me I'm wrong, that it's not going to be manafort, that the press isn't going to get to claim they were "right" about Russian Collusion, that Uranium One isn't about to be totally swept under the rug while the GOP refuses to investigateā¦
and all because fuck Jeff Sessions.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP colluded with the Dems to impeach.
They have been colluding with the dems since forever. They are the same party.
It's funny they're right but also wrong.
Normies of both stripes live in equally fictitious worlds.
Even we Anons who know many truths don't know every truth.
the kike party
That faggot was THIS close to having somewhat of a point regarding the average leftist vs. the average republican, and he had to turn it into "I am completely right because science and facts and they are completely wrong lol"
Kike plan
Rolling for Biggie Smalls to be indicted.
I'm pretty sure tomorrow won't be good news for Trump, but like every time it happened, the Dems will celebrate too soon and get fucked later by their own.
So filter man thinks that Manafort and two others are going to be indicted tomorrow. Is it worth it to stay up all night to see who?
Daily reminder that Podesta personally kidnapped a girl in Portugal for his pedophilia ring.
The writing has been on the wall for John Podesta for a while
He failed the NWO and for that he is going to be destroyed. He was a nobody pedophile that gained power through blood libel and infantile rape rituals who was supposed to deliver but couldn't trick electors in to getting Shillary in to office.
He is an arrogant faggot who has one way out if he knows what is best for humanity and wants to live. If not, he will hang. We haven't even gotten to the pedo shit. Look at his red shoe fat fuck brother's 9th floor art. I say torture them until they die of natural causes. Use nigger care doctors for good for once.
They wont touch Podesta. Just Manifort. They're going to pin uranium one on Trump.
It won't stick, but they're going to get their collusion. They will attack Manifort and not mention Podesta. Why does anyone think Mueller would do anything that could lead to Hillary?
Manafort is not getting indicted
you've said that a few times this thread. who do you think it will be if anyone?
It's going to be an aid/intern that's a literal nobody. The files found at Manafort's house were just bank transfer receipts and other files about his goings on in the Ukraine. Nothing hard to actually prosecute him for.
This all has to do with money being exchange for the Dossier and it's use to influence the election.
all the evidence says otherwise
Pamela Brown is so hot. I just want to do it in her Brown spot
I don't think they found what they were looking for in order to destroy. Hence the progression of truth since it. I think people searching truth are going to be pleasantly surpised.
Wasn't JFK up in mob business as well?
There was a twitter trend earlier about "DO SOMETHING", referencing one of Trump's tweets made earlier today. It had ~190k tweets and was full of people with imaginations running wild about Trump sitting in the White House with everything collapsing around him as he yells "do something" to save him from the possible indictment coming tomorrow. I can't tell if people are this delusional or if it's some sort of shill campaign, but I'm gonna have to go salt mining if it comes down to a democrat.
When I read that Tweet, I actually wondered about that.
If it is the case, I don't imagine it's aimed towards the average citizen. I kind of suspect Trump and Assange communicate indirectly. Each has a rough idea of the other's agenda and Assange takes shots at Trump on occasion but he does so rather mildly gently.
He might be indicating Assange to drop what he has.
Or I'm reading too much into it and Trump didn't mean anything by it.
his father was for sure, he made his fortune bootlegging / rum-running for the mob during prohibition. maybe jfk wasnt as deep as his father but im sure those connections were maintained in one form or another.
Stop being paranoid
Manafort confirmed
Those trips raise an interesting point. We all know how kikes steal everything they have.
Mueller trying to save face before he gets the axe.
So he is likely going to be indicted from for something years before Trump was even running for office? There are going to be some many leftist retards with the world's most severe case of blue balls after the way they are working themselves into a lather over the idea that this was the "end of Trump".
The context doesn't matter. Manafort helped Trump win, so these people want him brought down just as much as anyone actually in the administration. I'm already seeing celebrations on normiebook.
premature ejaculated "celebrations" of this.
during the obama administration and regime and related shit to it.
Again, Mueller's trying to save face before he goes down, but even throwing manafort under the bus isn't going to save them. They'll of course try to twist this 72 different ways to make it seem like the key detail of it being 2012 to 2013 doesn't matter, but that's where their narrative ends and goes right back to the Obama administration, and right back to the issue they're trying to ignore.
It's Paul Manafort. How is there not a thread on this already. He's turned himself in this morning tbh.
heh, sorry there was a thread and I missed it.
You could've linked it instead of just correcting yourself, to help others.
Awww shieeet!
Kek paid a visit on the most appropriate post.
I can't wait to get free weapons and money from the government