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This is where the war for the Democratic party begins and this is where it will end. I think most people recognize the lunacy of idpol by now though.
i'm really getting tired of idpol tbh.
fucking retarded tribalism, i feel like i'm in a zoo surrounded by monkeys trowing shit at each other
The Democrats are heavily reliant on feminist/black/hispanic etc "activists" that make identity politics the foundation of their support for the Democrats. I mean if the Sanders run didn't excite those groups (when the class-based policies he was advocating would disproportionately benefit non-whites), I don't know what will
The Democratic Party does not believe in class struggle, plain and simple. It does not give a shit about suffering or exploitation, it cares about feelings being hurt.
Does that count as two or three chins?
That picture seems like fatshaming to me. Slate should be ashamed.
ZOMG! Now that Trump has won, the subaltern is under dire threat from hateful language! All that economic stuff can wait. We have to """"work"""" to preserve our safe spaces!
You mean the people that lost them the election?
From:[email protected]/* */ To: [email protected]/* */ CC: [email protected]/* */, [email protected]/* */ Date: 2015-03-18 17:00 Subject: Heads Up
Dear John,
I just wanted to give you a heads up and put on your radar a diversity in
political hiring effort that is rolling out this week. As you know I'm
very concerned about making sure the staffing of the progressive movement
and Democratic Party reflects the full diversity of the country, and I'm
working with several great young leaders of color to help address this
problem. Alida Garcia, Quentin James, Greg Cendana, and I are working
together with a few dozen advisors to launch Inclusiv, a talent bank of
organizers and operatives of color.
Inclusiv will be going live in the next couple days, and we'll be in touch
to explore how it can best help you with your hiring needs. Thanks for all
your support and help.
Steve Phillips
s pacplus.org>tevephillips.com
I think we are beginning to see a divide emerge
the center liberal parties (democrats, blairites) are trying to strangle the growth of a genuine grassroots left movement
They don't want the lobbying and campaign finance system to be challenged. That's what they're most afraid of.
But that's the problem with identity politics, it doesn't.
It focuses on muh privileged elites role-playing as the oppressed.
if you want to live by idpol then be prepared to die by idpol, and when you do enjoy your facism
( ( ( ( ( (Goldberg) ) ) ) ) )
and you can look to the middle east and africa to see where tribalism leads you.
This article is good because the more the mainstream media pushes this narrative the more people will want to reject it.
Well, it at least makes the ideology obvious. Before this identity politics was just the way things were, most people didn't think about it and make a choice to accept or reject it.
don't you mean
That idpol sure does help us black folks, the poverty just keeps rising and rising, making more people having to resort to crime. I'm pretty sure it would help those white folks in rural areas, stop their poverty, crime and drug epidemic from increasing, seriously this shit really works.
No, what lead Africa to this current situation, was the Berlin conference in 1885 where some european nations + USA drawed lines in Africa with no regard for their tribal diferences.
But I thought these were spooks :)
they are, and that is exactly why they're causing problems
you fucking idiot
Identity politics =/= caring or talking at all about race or gender. All idpol can offer to marginalized groups is some words and some talking. But that's just empty rhetoric. It's all discoursive though, so the idpol people think that if they talk a lot about an issue among themselves, that equals to being active in addressing that issue, and that's the only way you can address that issue (which means they'll constantly nitpick about exactly how much of a politician rhetoric is dedicated to a certain issue).
So that's where we're at, the liberals want to double down on the idpol because they think that what they've done so far is the only way to address issues of race discrimination, gender inequality, and so on. It's just shitty theory, because they don't understand how economic issues are tied into those other issues.
And because they're really fucking arrogant and unwilling to learn and accept the world has changed, because it hasn't in their bubble.
Even most pretty left-liberal people roll their eyes and sigh when they hear this shit as it's blatantly pandering rather than genuine - they couldn't give a shit after the votes have been counted.
People aren't as susceptible to this any more, or gullible enough to think Hillary was a feminist etc.
Otherkin is even more cancerous
A little off topic but how isn't she a feminist? What exactly disqualifies her from being one?
Pretty sure that it is possible to be both a feminist and a terrible human being at the same time.
Being a feminist means being involved in the struggles of all women everywhere.
Liberal """"""""""""""""""""feminists""""""""""""""""""""" are only involved in the "struggles" of middle and upper class women.
The neo liberals got BTFO by the orange real estate orangutan, but they are still trying to cling to power, which will lead to another 4 years of trump.
Unless the bernie crats can purge them.
Time is ticking
Really makes you think
I agree, but not all furries are otherkin and not all otherkin are furries.
Who is Michelle Goldberg?
Whoopi's cousin