Commie pone thread
Post communist ponies
Commie pone thread
Post communist ponies
sage goes in all fields
this is not political discussion, reported
I for one endorse this cancer.
Well, ponies has always been a troll fandom. In the beginning it was all about spamming Holla Forums and Holla Forums with cartoon horse reaction images until the spectacular ass pain forced moot to ban ponies. It was the best triggering in cuckchan history. It's no wonder their asses never healed.
I still hate furries, and you guys are like the bastard son of furries and this new wave of autism cartoons like SU
Even furries hate furries, these people lack the self-awareness
Ponyfaggory is retarded, it was originally a joke/way to troll people. Then dipshits took it seriously and from there the cancer that is Bronies emerged. Go away.
you know this isn't a new thing, right? been here for six years. Horsefuckers aren't furries, anyways, I can't get off to shit-faced anthro animals.
That doesn't make it any better.
Laughing my arse off, to be honest.
how about…
how about
delete this
Rememeber to report every single ponyfaggotry post
Go back to halfchan, you whiny baby.
go back to /mlp/