ITT films the alt right will never understand

ITT films the alt right will never understand

This is incredibly problematic as an Islamic fundamentalist. In fact, it's more in line with the views of these nutjob nazi alt righters than the teachings of Mohammet.
And so on. I get really frustrated when my brothers insha'alah try to make me watch this video. The kuffar are everywhere and try to corrupt us always.

the movie adaptation of Sowell's Basic Economics

those fuckers need to leave their homelands already or die.
inshallah, brother


It isn't pro left or right you dunce, it's pushing a message of being human and valuing life amidst extreme perils of politics from either side.
The majority of the film has undertones that could be applied to ridiculous power crazy authoritarian governments, which can sprout from the back of any political persuasion.
They used topical imagery reminiscent of the Bush administration and America's actions around the world, combined with a lot of 1984 remixed.
They also have a perfect extreme of the left with an antifa equivalent terrorist group, which the movie goes out of its way to prove is just as wrong as the government.
There's also the underlying premise of the value of life which oh gee, doesn't seem to mesh very well with people who favor a "choice".
The movie also throws in someone who is closer toward a genuinely compassionate neutral, with characters like Jasper, who mellowed out as he got older.
Theo being a demoralized fence sitter who has the potential to make a difference and is willing to sacrifice.
It has degrees of characters that are all in, passionate and genuine, or opportunistic, sinister or apathetic etc…

You should've reddit spaced newfag. Not reading this shittily formatted post.


It's funny how some faggots go out of their way to not reddit space by making up a new form of cancerous formatting.

Its trash

How is a nigger human?

They have human DNA for starters

Sure they do.

So do chimps.

we are all one race, the human race. you racists really need to read more books besides mine kampt and KKK for dummies

How dare you call me a racist. Two of my idols are Thomas Sowell and the legendary, jewish god Ben Shapiro. Both acknowledge statistical differences in outcome for races without succumbing to racism.


It's a great fictional movie srs

If you compare several allele loci you can differentiate race with nearly 100% accuracy, stop reading that discredited fraud Lewontin's work.



I know but alt right faggots dont get film

Nobody will ever understand this kino.
