Battlerite thread fun allowed edition

Battlerite thread fun allowed edition
Though it looks like another DOTA clone at first glance due to the top-down perspective it's actually more similar to WoW arena meets Street Fighter. Core gameplay is great; but, the menus are poorly designed and the visuals need work.
While personally I'm a buyfag, it's early access and the monetization is jewish Overwatch/Hearthstone shit so most people on Holla Forums probably will pirate it. Checked zooqle and nothing came up. I'll keep my eye out for any torrents though.

Fuck of shill.

See the concept is good but, why did they had to go for the lol clone? Looks like a lol mod any way I look at it

Fuck off, seriously.


More uninspired garbage.

Shill harder, you nigger.

I've never heard of this game before discussed in the slightest, why is is suddenly normal to be making a thread out of it?
Seems more than a little suspicious really, fellow (((user)))

No Guardian no buy.
I had a lot of fun in Bloodline Chronicles but my friend who used to play it with me isn't interested in picking up Battlerite so there's no real incentive for me to get it either. Game just isn't really all that fun playing with randoms.

That's not a game. It's public suicide.

No thanks.

It's not an ASSFAGGOTS by definition.
It's not like Aoen of Strife, you don't assault any fortress and it's not divided into 2 sides connected with lanes.

I said retards like you would mistake it for a DOTA clone because it's top down.

I caved and bought the game too.
Partially because it just really interested me, and the other part because I don't want to deal with that stupid grind to buy a character shit later on.
The option to just straight up buy the game should really persist. They should handle it like Toxikk

The game is amazingly polished, so while it's Early Access I can safely say it doesn't present the same dangers of other Early Access games. All there seems to be left to do is iron small things out, as well as balance.

I won't speak too much into the gameplay itself until I've played more matches, but it's pretty fun and satisfying so far. It'll also take playing the game for a while to find any negatives.
I'll report back on that later.

tfw you will never be able to talk about this game without the few retards screaming ASSFAGGOTS because all they look glance at is a screenshot

More like battletrite.

Are you saying promo screenshots aren't representative of the game?

Isn't it just super ironic that the term ASSFAGGOTS came into being to avoid using the innaccurately broad term MOBA and now its meaning has been diulted down to the same level?

No. I'm saying they glance at a picture that looks relatively looks like an assfaggots and they immediately believe it is one. I made the joke about only glancing at it because if anyone actually looked at one of the pictures for a good second they would notice it isn't an assfaggots at all.

That it is

I'm looking at the second pic of op and all I see is dota.
Protip: it's not because of the camera.

That can't be right, I remember playing that game years ago, how could it still be in early access?

You're thinking of Bloodline Champions which was the devs last game which got fucked over by their publisher, Funcom. They remade it from the ground up into what they had wanted to do with it as Battlerite once they got out of contract.

Do you see lanes?
Do you see creeps?
Do you see jungle?
Did you miss the score board?

Besides the camera all you've got are the are abilities lined up at the bottom and the art style.