Jesus, fix your site

So hoping the site doesn't glitch again does everyone agree that the NX is at least interesting, as opposed to the PS4.5 and the xboneighty because it's not just ANOTHER slim form desktop? I've looked at both companies next step towards their seeming goal of just starting to sell alienware and I can't bring myself to feel anything. Even the travesty of Sony's 4K console not supporting Sony's 4K format which should be hilarious in every way just leaves me with nothing.

Whether the NX actually works or crashes and burns it is at least a spectacle you want to see because at least it will be different. If it fails it will fail in a new and completely unpredictable way, as opposed to something completely the same that will fail in completely the same way.

This is how people feel, yes? I'm not the one just desperate to find some reason to care so I can convince myself that gaming isn't just one long death march, right?

… what?
Dude, you know you already posted this thread, right?


Yeah, but it fucking vanished.

It's right here. >>10805339


…. oh.
Okay then.

Because PC gaming looks so bright, right?

Fuck off shill




Exactly what is supposed to be shilled? All new consoles looking awful?

That's some mental gymnastics right there.

It does actually
Theres a shitton of niche businesses and games being created and a lot more exclusives than 8 years ago plus Nip console ports and translations.

Well, given that new games are coming out all the time and I can go back and play old shit whenever I want, yeah, I'd say things are looking pretty good.
I don't know what is coming out, but I'll know what good games were released in 2016 in about 3 or 4 years.


No one is implying that. Are you implying that console gaming is going to die? Because if you do you are dead wrong. There will still be new consoles one decade from now.

Their physical existence is not what the thread is about but you seem to be autistic.

Let's hope they're not living room desktops like they are now.
they will be

i'm gonna need a bigger trashcan

If you can't find anything fun to play on the PC, then you are a retard.
There are 10s of thousands of games to choose from.
I have extremely high tastes and even I have more games than I can play.

For example here's what I've been playing recently.

That's not even counting my typical rotation, this is all shit I just started playing for the first time in the past few months.
If you can't find something fun to play, you must either be stuck on a console, and legit have no games to play, or you are experiencing vidya fatigue and need to stop playing until you genuinely have the urge to again.

You know Nintendo are likely going to bow out of making consoles (if not games entirely) after this one right? They're already gearing up to be the Disney of Japan and milk their IPs for all they're worth in any way imaginable except making video games.

Also if anyone's wondering the thread didn't vanish, the board goblin's been at it again

But it already is user

I wonder whats going on?
Hes been heavily hotpocketing lately?
I wonder if hes ok…

The same can be said for mobile.

Same is true for consoles.

You are the one saying proof of PC gaming being in a good state is that PCs can borrow 20 year old games from consoles without understanding how pathetic that is to hold up as some sort of merit. Also by this logic console gaming is doing great as well because you can both play old consoles and emulate on hacked consoles.