So Holla Forums,
2018 or 2019?
So Holla Forums,
2018 or 2019?
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You're just going to have to wait user
Keep believing, I did and EDF on PC became reality and soon so will Vanquish.
I waited years for this as well
Dont stop believing user, meme magic is real.
Should I try my hand at Felghana again? I got my ass handed to me by some boss at the second half of the game and didn't bother playing since, but the more I hear and see about Ys 7, Origin and 8 the more I want to play them
I'm just gonna play it in nip now. It's an action RPG.
Did you miss the invisible chest hidden way off the beaten path?
I was just shit and couldn't consistently dodge a grab attack that's pretty much impossible not to take damage on if you get hit by it.
Sekai Project will fuck it up!
Yes. Play Felghana, love Felghana. Felghana is great.
Emulate the PSP version, though. It lets you skip cutscenes, unlike the PC version.
Likely, but at least then I can easily find a torrent and actually play it while knowing what the fuck is going on.
I don't really mind the cutscenes that much. What I do mind is that the music is inferior to the PCE version
Will people stop being retarded for once? Also 2017, why the fuck would they need 2 or 3 years. Plus I'm sure they already started the translation, the game is available on Japan.
The plot is absolutely fantastic, if you dont know Japanese you are missing a real ride.
Next time go to a Falcom thread
This post is fucking retarded, ignore this and get the PC versiĆ³n from Gog
Probably gonna off myself in 2017.
Should i play the entire series first or can i jump straight to Seven?
Why wait?
Kickstarter soon, fellow Stalker.
because im too much of a pussy
The stories are only loosely connected. You can start with whichever one you want.
Start with Origin, as that is the best one.
2019? Hell no, the earliest I expect it is late 2017 if XSEED goes right ahead with the Vita release, which I highly doubt they will, and they translate it faster than they translated Memories of Celceta. What's more likely is that Falcom releases the PS4 version in spring of next year, XSEED picks it up along with the Vita release, and the west gets both in mid to late 2018.
That being said it's definitely GOTY 2016. I can't wait to play it again on PS4.
It took XSEED 14 months to translate Memories of Celceta, and while they've gotten better at translating things faster, Ys VIII is larger and much more text+voice heavy than Celceta.
I have a question: Does dawn of Ys and Lost Kefin have a PC port? i bought all the ones that came to steam, and played VII on the PSP, but i still haven't played these two.
Dawn of Ys has a PC-Engine fan translation. It's basically the only thing NightWolve is worth.
Lost Kefin has a fan translation for the Super Famicom release, but the games honestly dogshit don't bother.
i played the entire series up to VIII might as well play Lost Kefin too, even if it's dogshit.
Fair enough.
Is Ys VIII your GOTY too?
Oh, i meant VII, i don't have a PS4 so i can't play it yet.
I have high hopes for the game though, Falcom being on the last competent dev houses left in the industry, the entire series is GOTY for me, let's see if this change with after playing kofin.
It's not out on PS4, it's out on Vita.
The PS4 release is next year.
Don't have a vita either, i'm abstaining from buying any type of console this generation.
Will try to buy it day one when it releases for PC
Good luck with that. A PSTV is cheap, and Ys VIII works on it.
I'm patient and have a gigantic backlog, so i'm not in a hurry.
Also, the less money i give to all 3 console makers, the better for the industry.
Yeah he totally didn't write the de/compression used to rip/insert the translated scripts. Credit where credit is due.
I hate Wydwyrd for being a sellout-thief that made the Ys franchise more accessible to weeb newfags like you. The completely niche Ys community was better without you faggots, Atlus, and XSEED.
Due in large part to the Shytshyrt shenanigans the franchise is rapidly approaching normalfag-tier. Thanks no thanks.
when's PC release?
so where are the lewds?
Go away, NightWolve. I highly doubt a "normalfag" would import shit.
Go suck some more circumsized dicks WydWyrd your stolen translations you sold became "localized" thus allowing normalfags to not import and shitting up the community.
I've have Ys: Vanished Omens (essentially just Book 1) on SMS, Ys Books I&II on TG16-CD, and Ys 3 on SNES all original release. The games were niche, and nothing after 3 was localized because it was such a small niche. Then you came around, sniffing butts, sucking dicks, and being an all-around Jew.
As an actual Ys fan I have imports of Ys IV: TG16-CD, and Ys I&II PC, Ys Ark of Napishtim, Ys Oath in Felghana, and Ys 7. I would still have those latter imports regardless of Wydwyrd's faggotry, and having localized versions didn't make the franchise better. As I said it simply brought a bunch of buttsniffing normalfags to the community that for the most part do a lot of fucking crying about localization. LIKE THIS VERY THREAD.
Too little information OP.
Do you mean Japan or NA/EU?
How does that work? We're looking at sub 100k sales.
Hope it gets a GOG release. Giving money to Valve is just as cancerous these days.
Man, I've been stuck in Ark of Nepathism for about a year and don't feel like trying again. I'm at the top of some mountain against some bug boss who you can only hit with a weak jump attack and I die from two hits.
I'm sure great players can git gud from the get-go in these, but after origin I feel like the normal progression of the game (just killing every enemy you meet in any given area towards boss) will not give you the probable health and attack damage to take bosses on at a "normal" difficulty. I must've tried the mantis boss in Origin 40 times before I succumbed and went to grind 2-3 levels and it was easy as shit after that.
Another gookclicker themepark/grindcore?
Take floofy's advice and fuck off, faggot.
No, it's GOTY.