Get it while its hot lads
Slavboy drops the bomb on idpol and the liberal fixation on femininity and intersectionality
Other urls found in this thread:
breddy good video gualidy
Zizek repeats himself and doesn't really offer legitimate criticisms. It's mostly incoherent dot connecting
what the fuck
Knowing size this is probably much different in context but it's going to make so many people asshurt.
Zizek fucking auto correct
I really don't think Zizek is a communist at this point to be honest. I think he's a performance artist.
Maybe. I'm at work so I can't listen to it at the moment, unfortunately.
Maybe he drank too deep the well of Hegelian wisdom and it has driven him mad
Daily reminder the lesbians are the only true heterosexuals
I am implying that there's more material forces at work than idpol idpol idpol and when we hyperfocus on it, it doesn't accomplish jack shit
There are legitimate things to worry about. Over half of what Zizek says now isn't legitimate it's just stream of consciousness
There are material forces at work and it's precisely because the left is so balls-deep in idpol that we aren't able to use these material forces to our advantage. Mass discontent and chaos is instead benefiting reactionary forces! Without idpol, the left would be destroying the capitalist world order right now.
How are you helping by refusing to name any of our adversaries besides grouping them all into the rich as a singular identity.
Sure, it's a helpful identity, but there's complexity to this issue and you're simplifying it to the point you think theory is simple.
It's just shallow critique to say "this idpol that idpol, idpol is ruining communism" when idpol has become the only thing you're actively argumentative over.
I see just as much damage here, only there's not a catch phrase to go along with it.
No one can be this naive
Our adversaries? We are besieged on all side. The trumpites, the liberterians, the neo-liberals, the liberal feminists, the conservatives, they are all fighting us. And yet we're attacking potential allies becuz of muh WHITE MALE!
bitch you don't know who I am. capitalism will always be my number one target and it's what I spend most of my irl time talking about.
If it hadn't been for idpol faggots we'd at the very least have President Sanders and much broader support across the world.
You realise that quote is from a comment and not him?
now this is some first class bullshit lmao
By who. You know we are, but you can't name specifics because your knowledge of the economic and the government is little to none. You care about what relates to you, and apparently it's only identity politics.
Capitalism is the target of everyone here, you just really aren't helping it by making other people angry and distracted from topics that actually matter more than a generalized idpol.
of what? I was just talking of political rivals, but I'll be just as happy to talk about the multinational corporations, banks and billionaires that control our government, and the ideological, surveillance and military state apparatus that goes with it.
you guys literally shitpost to death every thread you're in. not to mention muh patriarchy and muh womenz is also idpol.
If you see a talking point on the internet repeated ad nauseum, don't believe that it came from a truly legitimate source if it can be debated anyways. There's more to swaying public opinion than you think. And people repeat it.
Feminism and women's rights have been integral to Marxism since the begining. There might have been some dissent, but removing class from women and emancipate them was probably one of the biggest goals of 19th century marxism.
Now you could say "b-b-b-but that's idpol still because you have rights waah", there's still work to be done relating to class, dialectically.
women are just as free as men in the west, or if you prefer, just as unfree. Yes there's still work done relating to class! That's what we're trying to do and what liberal feminists have been fighting against because of their idiotic post-modern fixation on language as opposed to reality.
So not free?
There we go.
There is reality being argued but you are so alienated from it, that you confuse liberalism and radicalism like any outside perspective does.
You're the one who's been defending the liberals. Why are you so afraid of us criticizing them?
You've been saying this entire time we shouldn't criticize idpol. and whatever idpol that isn't liberal is just more reactionary.
I never said that. I said non stop focusing on it and grouping all theory together with it, is fucking stupid
I was at a meeting the other day of all the so called "leftist" organizations on campus. if it hadn't been for me and one other socialists (2 out of some 50 odd people), capitalism and workers wouldn't have even been mentioned. idpol is consuming any form left resistance to the status quo.
Yes, a liberal group is going to be full of liberals. Congratulations for figuring that out by going to the general "leftist" campus club. You literally attended something for Democrats
And yet these people would be on our side if it wasn't for idpol.
There has been a distinction between liberals and communists for a century almost. Do you think this is a new phenomenon that demands our full attention? No, we can go on without them. The last thing anyone should waste their time doing is associating with Democrats at an official level, or trying to convince them, because everyone thinks Communism is the devil still.
There have to be other means of working through this, and none of them are self cannibalizing on theory.
Maybe in the university.
More and more of the people I work with are bringing up economics and politics unprompted. I just had a long conversation today with a coworker about automation and shit today. Last quarter our employer made over $2B and yet my raise was 20c. He was worried about his daughters and what they would do for work if automation eliminated all the accessible jobs.
Alot of people are scared and worried and even if they don't have the words for it they're feeling and talking about socialist things more and more.
Because they are uninformed, or wrongly informed. Which is why it's so important to talk to them.
They are on about twelve different levels of think tank rhetoric, it's hopeless
But here's the thing, they consider themselves leftists, they might even be opposed to capitalism as well. but they are so engrossed in what is essentially inter-sectional feminism that they don't do anything to fight it. not to mention, many sincere socialist organizations fall into a similar trap, to the point that they alienate the white working class, and men.
If you can't tell the difference between dialectical feminism and liberal feminism what the fuck are you doing reading Marxist thought to begin with
their focus too has been on language and superficial behavior.
So has anyone who hyper focuses on idpol and not the problems facing our society.
I dunno, man. I used to be a "proud democrat". It took Sanders, keeping up with every bit of political news & finding Holla Forums to change me to socialist. With their means, being in college & likely upper class, it shouldn't take much, I'd think.
I know some people are really hooked on their ideology, but if they're open minded or rational, it shouldn't take too much. I'm a bit of an optimist, but still..
I just called anfem man. My bad. :^)
the fact that you're choosing idpol over us is very telling
How is deciding to read feminist literature throughout history as part of its ties to Marxism choosing one or the other over some vague "us".
The problem is you are more furious at feminism than any other generation in recent memory.
The problem is political immaturity.
Even if this is in any way true, prove to me it's a "bad" thing.
Protip: you can't
so you identify with feminism as it is popularly conceived? You do realize that's liberal feminism. if you don't identify them as the enemy then you have no place here.
No. I am pointing out you get upset with feminism in general. The only person generally conceiving what they haven't even read or known developed in tandem with marxism is you.
Who am I kidding, most of you are pretending to be radicals and think the same utter bullshit on complicated issues
I am not upset with feminism in general. In fact I support the efforts of Apoists in Rojava to arm women and give them their own institutions. But considering the liberal framework of governance in the west, pushing for further progress on "women's issues" only reinforces the status quo. Perhaps now feminists might be more inclined to align with socialists thanks to a trump presidency, but I tend to doubt it, and tbh they'd probably make worse friends than enemies.
thats from the youtube comments section, you can look it up easily, now can anyone point me to the time of the video where zizek actually said that
why is he constantly fucking sniffing and wiping his face
I have never seen him go more than fifteen seconds without doing this. is it a medical condition? does it have a name?
The only status quo is material wealth and blowing it's existence, I think this election more than any other that America's voting public is stupid enough to believe this. And a whole bunch of other shit. Honestly your idea that feminism is the status quo is probably high school motivated, and made worse by being motivated by liberal feminists on the internet.
But this election cycle, it just showed Americans are ignorant of what radical feminism is, and they justified its existence themselves really.
Which isn't to say anything positive about Hillary Clinton because she is a fucking ghoul who deserves to die worst possible death. Just get an alien, make it drag her to its hive full of moaning men women and children and bones and webbing, break her legs, and have her impregnated with a xenomorph because she fucking deserves it
But then again so do most Americans who don't deserve to be anywhere near public office
Yeah, they're called tics. I used to have those pretty bad; a form of OCD.
an-fem leads us to the only correct answer
kill all liberals
is that all that's going on here? when he speaks it sounds like his sinuses are all full of fluid. I figured he had like a legitimate nasal problem and was just dealing with it as best he could
There is no "hyperfocus"
It is an issue or it is not
It is when you have adhd. I have a feeling that some people here have adhd. Because nobody who respects themselves politically enough to get to this point wastes all their energy on the only thing stormfaggots can agree with you on.
Not only is it suspicious but its annoying to people who actually read.
But the stormfags don't agree, and have embraced identity politics a long time ago.
I don't know what's so suspicious about it. This is the big issue of the moment. Everyone is talking about it, not just Holla Forums. It would be strange to downplay it.
Are you saying that stormfags and Holla Forums have shed their nasal sounding screams of misandrist violence and realized there's worse things in America to be politically worried about than feminism
I really doubt it, I also doubt your judgement because you seemingly compare feminism with their absurd brand of nationalism because both involve identities.
Forget dialectical or marxist feminism, this generation of faggots would honestly take a politician on their word.
Liberal feminists certainly don't care about that, and most sorts of feminists only make it harder for socialists to fix that.
And how did it do that? It's not like there was a radical feminist on the ballot, unless you count Jill Stein, who I voted for btw.
Liberal feminists care about capitalism.
Our fucking candidates were Clinton or Trump. Politically active Americans are idiots.
In case you didn't catch it, I was also digging at you anfems for being useless.
Almost all the """feminists""" voted for Clinton, if you don't recall, as did many leftists on the grounds of idpol.
I voted for Jill Stein. Doesn't make anyone around here special.
Yes. Liberal feminists voted for Clinton.
And fucker shrimp dicks believed in Bernie how is this relevant whatsoever
As for "useless", why don't you start being useful by not parroting what the right believes for no particular reason when you haven't even read feminism throughout Marxism's radical roots, let alone Marxist material in general. It's irritating to me to read, and even more irritating to watch.
Stormfags think feminism is just a part of some kind of overarching Jewish conspiracy, so yes. There would be bigger fish to fry for them.
Meanwhile many leftists are concerned that the feminists among them are double dealing with liberals and effectively shifting the focus away from class issues.
Feminism is where class analysis and cultural bias meet. There isn't feminism without class analysis that isn't liberal.
Oh yeah it's not like identity politics is counter productive, was used by cointelpro to neuter the left, and hasn't been opposed by socialists since the 1st Internationale
Yes yes, I'm not opposed to marxist feminists or anfems on principle but if you're fighting us more than liberal feminists then you're just hurting leftist objectives. You are the most well positioned to turn liberals towards materialism and abandon post-modern politics and yet you're making us out as the bad guys here.
Feminists attacked this guy in pic related for pointing out that superficial identity politics cost the dems the election. I have a feeling you will too.
Not that (You) you gave, but are you referring to the expulsion of Victoria Woodhull?
You know what's counter productive? A majority of you haven't read the material, and couldn't name the members of boards who also share positions in right wing think tanks who pretend to be left
You don't know how the deep state works
You know about less than jack shit
And you lecture me like a toddler how feminism is all the same here to ruin communism when it's been linked at the hip since the beginning.
The problem is and always has been new meat trying to fit in and parrot.
I don't give a fuck about the democratic party do you know where you are
That was not opposition. Furthermore, if you ever read Engels, you'd bitch out about identity politics if I posted from him without ever citing it was of him.
You should read what Marx actually wrote about it.
There are many user's here under the impression (because of a stupid wikipedia screencap) that she was removed from the internationale because of being anti-slavery or pro-women's rights. This is not actually the case. What happened was that she was lying to the members and to the USA, saying that she had received their endorsement to run for president, which she did and failed, and then tried to take all of the internationale for herself in a stupid grab for power.
I was the only one to post links in the theory thread earlier today, mods can confirm
You shouldn't assume things. I have family who work as bureaucrats and defense contractors and I live near DC. It's not hard to realize the role lobbying groups and think-tanks play in governance. I know a high ranking democratic party strategist in my state, the story goes that you can buy off a state delegate by getting the a sandwich.
I have said no such thing. On the contrary I have been criticizing of identity politics and your tactics.
I have hopes it can change. Entryism is a tactic we will have to embrace in the united states, even working outside the two party system.
I think the issue is that one of these children are sick, and people are afraid of the disease spreading to the other. The cynics would cut them apart for that reason, but maybe you can convince them otherwise?
That isn't the deep state
Your argumentation makes you feel like a smarmy worm. You basically did say feminism was ruining Leftism.
So you have hope the Democratic Party can change and you're accusing me of being the dishonest one ruining leftism. Alright, that's about as far as I can go.
Weren't you the one spamming women getting fucked by dildo machinery in an attempt to incite a response election night
If anyone has an illness here it's you, and it's mental.
Why? Every author in those days was using the family as the historical basis for power structures. Not to mention I'm not opposed to the elimination of any legal basis for the family as well as a more general abolition of gender.
No, you must have me confused for someone else.
Why are you such a bully, sempai?
All Asian ass is like me. Stubborn, angry, arrogant, uncaring
It is a cultural thing. Like most cats.
No but if you live in those circles long enough you become well acquainted with it.
Liberal feminism and identity politics, which you kept defending.
Yes we should be doing absolutely nothing to try to change the minds of liberals. And if you knew anything about ballot laws you'd realize that dealing with the democratic party is the only alternative to violent revolution.
post asian ass and we'll forgive you
I don't think you live near Fort Bragg
How the fuck was I defending Liberal feminism
I suppose I really am wasting my time trying right here.
But why all the insults? It just makes you seem so mean, and these nice people just wanna have a conversation!
Just try to be a little nicer…pls!
There were obvious political disagreements as well, namely on reformism. Excerpts from Woodhull's journal Marx was pointing to:
Her pretending to have received their endorsement was one problem among many.
Are you saying you're a nerd?
No, but I can hear the practice bombardments of Quantico in my house.
You were attacking me for attacking idpol.
I suppose circle jerking about theory is our only duty after all.
First quote was supposed to be
Your definition of idpol varies so wildly that it should be attacked and critiqued
If you can't handle critique, then you shouldn't handle debate.
Trusting voting in politicians is as stupid as a solution as I can possibly think of.
Here's my definition. Putting the made up interests of made up identities before class interests and the end of capitalism.
If you read the article I linked you'd realize that's not what I was advocating. Not to mention, the part I was quoting was not about voting but about changing minds.
we'll let it slide just this once
Yes, Marx did have many criticisms of her approach, but to say that the separation was because of advocacy for women and "anti-racist" protestations misses the bigger picture. In fact, further into the document you will see Marx surmising why she might have thought she had received endorsement because the internationale already accepted the the principle of women's right to vote (because they were communists, it naturally includes this without even mentioning!). Furthermore, you are exactly correct when you say her pushing for reformism is what really demarcated her from Marxist analysis; by pushing exclusively for passive protests to end "bigotry," and non-material things, she had divorced class interest and therefore: "[the international's] sole objective ought to be, for the present, the organization and the solidarity of the working class in America."
Y-yes…sometimes…I just got a new book in the mail today!
I was hoping to see anfem's personal ass ;_;
we are all cats meow
hoo wuld won? GaRfeelf or 1000 lasagas?
also, Holla Forums looks a little lonely and could use a bit of lovin'
can't believe I'm saying it, but I've missed you cat poster. There's a new femanon who's been posting on almost all the threads, reddit spacing fucking everything, and having generally thoughtful, highly feels based posts. I have to grant you your sense of irony and shitposting skills.
We go through this every time you blow in here from reddit or hear some fresh new apologia that you think for sure this time will convince anybody if you parrot it hard enough.
You come in with some minor tweaks to your pissweak rhetoric, find the pagans STILL aren't interested in your Good News, then you try a few tired and obvious shaming tactics about how much people have read (which is always fun coming from you kek).Then when people either don't care or you get BTFO'd by literally anyone who has even read so much as the blurb on the back of some socialist literature, you switch over to your rankly embarrassing Asian Tiger Grrrl shit and try a few cheap shots using whatever high school conception of masculinity you have in your sad little fantasy life and throw around a few FELLOW KIDS remarks about triggering or whatever.
Then after all that, you get so frustrated that you finally give up, throw a cute tantrum about how everyone else are all reactionaries and disappear. Until a couple months down the track when you come back with another minor tweak to your spiel and shit up the board for a week or two and the cycle continues.
How about you save everyone the trouble.
That's right! Anfem post your tits and then we can all go home!
I'd nonironically watch a full cartoon series like that if it was made
I'd rather get intersectional with Satan-chan. She might be fucking nuts, but at least she's fun
But I love Holla Forums
Y'all are nice, beautiful people who have enriched my life and made me think more critically about my ideology(s)
It was hard, but I'm glad
Capitalism makes us bit all a bit schizophrenic so I'm trying to be nice
There is much rage in her little heart, and it is painful for me too
She has learned to be aggressive to get her way
I wish I could pet odie..
I'm quite literally never going to show a millimeter of skin to any of you because only women deserve to see this warm ready flesh.
Also this happens to be the place full of people I would least want to fuck.
I mean not this board. This board is actually like leagues better than the rest of Holla Forums.
I just meant Holla Forums.
I mean come on nobody wants another person from Holla Forums
I'd do it. Anything to not be alone anymore…
If comrade jones can and he's fat what is stopping you
I don't even know. I've gone on dates and shit, but no one's ever stuck with me. I may just be too autistic and miss the social cues I need to make relationships with people. What do ya'll even want from a guy? I just don't want to be alone.
/tg/ is good for about 15 minutes until you inevitably encounter "evil jewish leftist gamesworkshop SJWs. i hate them so much"
Wrong one to ask. Most girls are complicated, and most men are complicated, and forming relationships between the two is a neurotic game of needs that one person has and the other person hasn't. When together both people usually feel like the other is an alien, and clench up, the more socially awkward the worst it gets especially for men.
What girls like the most is safety and feeling warm and comfortable and not like if I have sex, this is going to be uncomfortable.
Your rigidity is kind of off putting probably. If someone just wants to feel comfortable, talking to someone who's uncomfortable isn't going to do it.
well no kidding, guys do too.
If rigidity is off putting that's not fair…how can i be sincere without being rigid? are people just not allowed to be sincere with each other?
Show me, sugar
I posted my hand with timestamp a while back in the general thread ;^)
I wonder why that is? It couldn't be because modern feminism is a clusterfuck. No everyone most just be ignorant of how wonderful it is. It's basically a religion at this point.
Get on AIM
You train yourself not to be uncomfortable so people aren't thrown off by your lack of confidence. It isn't about being alpha, it's just what men want: a good lay. You can judge men for the same exact reasons you judge women, though we're more easy to reject because the whole process is a bit more full body and intimate.
You can't fake comfort. When you do, you just feel bad. Just keep a level head and chill out, maybe groom yourself and get a haircut.
AIM isn't accepting my email & needs a mobile :^( Can't add my mobile for privacy reasons.
Who am I kidding, I'm a pussy anyway.. Anyway, cool to know you'd even consider it :D
I even created a new email, lmao.. I tried
We're here for you, user :3
You can share if you want
Most just want someone who's not fake. If you're a burger, just holding down a job & being a decent person is good enough for most of us.
Even either/or is fine.
I was joking nobody uses AIM
But yeah, if you weren't behind a screen, tongue tennis sounds nice right about now.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Guys are way more easy to be rejected. What's more, unlike women we can't expect someone to come up to us and end our loneliness. We have to spend all our time and effort just to find someone willing to give us a chance.
It's easy for me to feel comfortable, but the problem is that when i do I let my guard down, and I think that's what turns them off. Who I really am.
lmaoo.. You're a bad kitty
I wasn't going to ask about the AIM.. I just wasn't going to ask..
thank you user. I hope you're right.
reminder that anfem flags = Holla Forums 99% of the time
I'd say that would be user because everyone on Holla Forums is too lazy to keep up appearances this long.
People accuse me of being from Holla Forums just because I try to offend and use "racial" epithets in jest.
This one's that's that cancerous lesbian that started all that drama a few months ago. The other serious anfems are bisexual perverts that love to flirt. The one from lit and the the statue poster are both really pleasant and that's coming from someone that really dislikes feminism. I've had nice conversations with both of them.
Zizek is as much of a communist as Alex Jones is a fascist
It's not difficult really. Most women nowadays are boring as fuck and want new meaning in their lives. Show something cool that demonstrates a mastery of a skill that the particular woman has interest in and she will be interested.
I hang out, build robots and study politics here. Women are honestly more interested in my club where I build robots and use them to find precious gems.
This is a dialectics of self-improvement: you have to look at yourself in the mirror and accept yourself. You have to be both accepting and happy with who you are, but always interested in self-development to look like you have ambitions. Women will only like men for whom they have respect, and what they respect nowadays is ambition even in the minor aspects.
Step 1: Find a cool hobby
Step 2: Make sure it is socially useful and fun to watch and do with another person
Step 3: Git gud at it
Step 4: Find a girl who likes that and show her
Step 5: If you can't find a girl that likes it, go back to step 1 cause you did something wrong
Step 6: If said girl likes it, make time to share it, but especially make sure he does to; part of making her respect you is that you can lead a sexual interaction
Step 7: Spend enough time together, make your own inside jokes, women like men who have a sense of humor
Step 8: Then seize the means of reproduction :^)
Make her cum hard and she will find it very hard to leave leave.
Rebel is that you?
This isn't Rebel, this is the Tiqqunist Christian Commie
This sounds like a lot of work for very little pay off.
You're so full of poop dude. Half of us dont give a shit about any of that
just be into a bunch of kinds of music that isn't rated on pitchfork go with resident advisor
Take me, now. Lmao.
That does sound pretty badass, though. I always wanted a metal detector, for that reason; to find cool things.
Some good advice for those interested: Find a poor girl(financially), who's nice. We don't ask for much & we value the right things in life.
This. Our panties fly off with a funny guy. If you're really funny, it doesn't matter if you're handsome or not.
I hate men who think they're being funny.
Yeah, it has to be genuinely funny.
I usually mock men internally so when they start making jokes it sends me into catatonic shock and anger and revulsion. Because most of it is self deprecating, and bitch none of you look like you're in the position to take on a Larry David/George Costanza lifestyle. If you did that would be fantastic, but you're being fake.
The pain isn't real.
And that's my problem with most men. It seems like the most casual white brodude douche fuck is so cheery and fucking in whatever frat that I just don't have time or energy to fuck with them at all. Give me awkward give me pained, give me the real exercise.
Most men are so fucking busy trying to be men they never feel enough pain to actually be anything more than an empty mannequin that thinks he's real. Probably in STEM for the money.
Freud was really good at making some shit up on the spot. I bet he was great with dates.
Mind if I post this on the MDE subreddit?
this is an r9k tier understanding of gender
And the thing is I'm a fat dude in liberal arts who makes jokes all the fucking time about how shitty my life is but I'm willing to bet you'll jest about how pathetic people like me are given the chance.
I never said all of them were. I said a certain kind of man is that. You have your brown hair blonde fucking 2.5 something GPA dipshit whos in programming who works out and wants to look as generic as possible.
Honestly no I'd rather talk shit about the other dudes with you as long as you don't get too comfortable. Having an internal dialogue constantly about how pathetic a bunch of people are who are so fucking generic they have to pride themselves on looking the same really does things for your self esteem.
Don't let people guilt you out of it either, everyone's an asshole and deserves a bit of shit.
You're around rich dudes a lot, I guess. I was always around hard-knock types, so the humor was freeing.
Go to a poor neighborhood if you want grit & reality. Trust me.
Funnily enough though, I married an IT guy. We balance each other out well because he's from the opposite upbringing. And actually, when we first started getting to know each other well, he'd make jokes when i was going through bad shit, and I finally just snapped on him once. He didn't make jokes like that again, but he was just trying to cheer me up, so it was sweet in a way. So i can kinda see what you're saying. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for joking.
I'm fucking trashing you internally dude. You're getting fucking destroyed right now.
Oh no I grew up in LA. I know what you mean. I'm just in a college now and it's the exact reason why I laugh at these fucking expensive silver watching wearing men thinking they're being slick as possible.
The worst is when they open their mouths to try to be funny is my point. Maybe I've been on campus too long but I can't remember the last time some dude was genuinely funny. The same feeling all I get is with women, at least they know how to talk shit properly.
If you want to grow up to go to college to look like Milo you dug your own grave you're not getting any sympathy from me
I'm not anfem, dude. ;^) I'm genuinely curious.
I should take this joke trip off
Yeesh, yeah, I'd hate to be around yuppies all the time. I used to have a real chip on my shoulder about rich people in general, who were so oblivious like that. It is annoying, for sure.
She's probably jealous that they get more dick then she does.
its California, most of these men lie they're bi to seem interesting.
Why would I be jealous of people who make it their time to go out every morning living another five lies because they lacked any kind of personal experience growing up to make them interesting or have depth or character
He's talking about us isn't he?
Because they're getting dicked and you're not.
Its interesting
When the autist from Holla Forums asked him about idpol, I transcribed the video for you guys.
This is basically an expansion of what he responded with.
Read Adolph Reed
I'm getting pussy and your not? So?
Does this make you jealous? Probably not, but if you are, you'll probably never be able to please a woman like another woman can. If you don't bite through skin and dig nails deep into her shoulder blade, you aren't having sex you're satisfying an urge like pissing.
I was just joking but it sounds like they really rustle your jimmies. You seem to be very close minded and elitist.
pls write smut, will pay
No surprises
If that's the case, then why is lesbian bed-death and disproportionate obesity a thing?
What about toys in bed. My wife loves this one.
top kek
Because most women are too nervous to break from family and sometimes abuse comes from things not going how they planned.
Sometimes shit goes south. But this is the typical gotcha juvenile bullshit Holla Forums gives you.
Single out a problem and ask why it exists when the reasons are complicated.
Is there a reason why there's so much virginity on image boards still you have people who've posted who have died virginal? What about the abuse statistics?
If anything it sounds to me we're more alike than not.
Different forms of deviance are still deviance, user
What about abuse statics? They aren't in lesbians favor. They're only group thay are statically have more disfunctional in relationships then lesbians are bisexuals. Gay men have the most stable relationships.
There's really nothing deviant about life you shouldn't explore. If you don't want to be a deviant you go ahead and celebrate you're having terrible sad sex hoping she's drunk enough to let you put a ring on it in Las Vegas to get married in a chapel for less than a fuckin hotel room to her crying about it a month later and either getting divorced soon or having a kid and getting divorced
Because your life is a joke
And the more you take it so seriously and holy, the more of a joke you become
If you don't celebrate life's absurdity when you have these little cards going for you, here's to you in the future, gun - back of the head, not temple
Could be worse
Could be a straight couple
Thank you for these gems of wisdom anointed one.
Thanks for calling someone a deviant on Holla Forums. You really don't know where you are.
Most people that are content with their lives don't assume that everyone else is secretly miserable but just hiding it. I hope that someday you'll be able to deal with your issues in a way that doesn't involve self-destructive behaviour under the false assumption that you're the one making the most out of life, and everyone who isn't is just a miserable piece of shit
No statically straight couples have more stable relationships then lesbians. Like I said the only group worse is bisexuals.
u mad, slut?
Amazing stuff. You two should write a book.
I agree, but there sure is people calling themselves feminists and completely forgetting there's even a thing called "class". Certainly this is part of a different problem though, which is lousy rhetoricians turning the term "feminism" into a justification to become professional victims.
That's why the problem is regarded as "idpol" and not "feminism".
Most normal people don't post here and you're in the same boat.
For complicated reasons you probably wouldn't understand
Sex is better not bound by relationship and it gets frustrating when your sex drive is suddenly that of a high school boy and you just want to eat everyone and touch everywhere
It's not very realistic to be in a commitment when cumming so often feels this good
You're the one who needs to find a reason to hate women, faggot.
Gay men don't seem to have that problem. Shouldn't they be having amazing sex for the same reasons. I have a hard time believing the high abuse rates among lesbians has anything to do with all this mind blowing sex you guys are having. Get over yourself.
Because the intellectual of our time hasn't asked, what constitutes a stable relationship?
On average the vagina has 4000 more nerve endings than the penis and all of them are more sensitive from it hurting like a bad tooth ache when your cervix is touched to you feeling cold electric shock down your legs and abdomen.
If you could come this hard so often nobody would ever want to marry
Why is this nonsensical pseudoscience stuff so common among feminists?
Anne Fausto Sterling would be ashamed.
Dysfunctional individuals are good at identifying other dysfunctional individuals, and in other news water is wet
It's literally true that the vagina is capable of a range of more sensation than the dick. Don't like it? Ask your mom what the shitty chromosome deal was for
I love this dysfunction
Tourette's Syndrome. The stereotypical view of it is shouting expletives, but it's much more common to manifest as various physical tics. When I was a young lad I would do weird shit with my legs whenever I got excited, that's because the physical tics can be made worse by emotional excitement, and I believe Zizek has talked about being very nervous whenever he speaks in public.
Of course it could be cover for a taste for nose candy, that would explain his spastic ranting.
I'm going off of rates of domestic abuse.
Ignoring the pseudoscience about vaginas vs dicks. You do realize that men are capable of orgasming for anal stimulation righ?t By your logic gay men should really know their way around a dude's butt better then any women.
I wish you never found this place. You make it so much worse.
If you want to smush it in everyone's face women get angry easily this high off testosterone why don't you just leave it alone and go criticize yourself
I've seen the same argument made by all the same pathetic people and yore all alike
All just as much potential abusers and hair trigger at being called it
All potential cheaters and hair trigger at being called it
All a bunch of losers and hair trigger at being called it
You want to argue about it look in the mirror and shove this finger up your ass and shut up instead
Who conducted said study? In which way arrived to that conclusion? Or is it just you being "B-BUT WOMYN ARE SUPERIOR IN EVERY SENSE, LIKE WE ARE LIKE THIS PLEASURE SENSITIVE LOVE PRONE PEOPLE. MEN CAN'T EVEN COMPETE"?
I mean how much pleasure is derived from sexual activity is an entirely subjective thing. I don't know how someone could "measure" how much pleasure a person got from a sexual act and make such a statement.
I mean I get off by masturbating at diaper porn and feel quite a lot of pleasure out of it. I still remember the first time I used a diaper and how strong and amazing the orgasm was. I'm also pretty sure that I would go nuts from ecstasy if I ever roleplay it with a strong and dominant "mom".
By this I want to say that yes, I agree that social constrictions could be in the way of a more fulfilling sexual life. That doesn't mean that your specific sexual experience is superior to all the others or is by any means a standard for which everyone should seek the "real pleasure".
I mean I'm quite sure people out there aren't secretly diaper lovers waiting to be released from the shackles of society to roam free while shitting themselves in their nappies in an endless cycle of dirty pleasure. I know this is a thing I share with very few people, and even among those groups there's differences about how they get off by it.
Why the fuck are you so angry the clitoris is more sensitive.
I'm not angry about that. I just don't think the correlation "sensitive genitalia = more fulfilling sexual experience" is that strong considering how subjective the entire "sexual experience" is in the first place.
I'm glad that you're enjoying it, just don't think you're some sort of gold standard and feel entitled to act like an asshole with everyone else.
We should devise some sort of contest to see whose junk is more sensitive so we can settle this matter definitively.
I can see that. All I can say is that lesbian eroticism feels like a chamber opened for most people and it's overwhelming in every emotional way.
Sometimes flames that burn twice as bright last half as long.
And things usually end up just as they emotionally began.
Gloating about it feels like you people are clueless
Agreed. Everyone post their cocks.
Where did I make generalization about all women? Who are these pathetic people I'm like? How are we all the same? Who the fuck are you referring to when you say "all"? I was just refuting your bullshit that lesbian relationship are some kind of utopian ideal.
The people who use abuse statistics to prove a point. You.
Ayyy there's no spin on this
Topest kek.
Perhaps you feel like that because your prior experience with males or more constricted women was unfulfilling.
I can understand that. My prior experience without the ABDL was dull and boring. I now cannot see myself in a relationship that doesn't consider this as part of our sexual life.
This is an abuse of metaphor. You must be in an abusive mood.
I've never been with a man seriously nor do I plan it. The only times I've been in a relationship I beat the dude I was with. Does that make me broken?
I think it just means I'm stronger than the men who usually bitch about lesbians on the internet and I could abuse you easily
How does that sound
I guess I am. You know in this case you are more likely to be beaten to a pulp by a girl like me. That's pretty pathetic isn't it
Not really. I'm into that sort of stuff.
I remember when anfem flag was just for shitposting; not taken seriously.
It was a simpler time.
I'm only about 117 pounds.
Infatuation aside, yes, it does make you broken if you actually used that power to abuse the other guy.
Being physically stronger doesn't mean you should abuse from others, specially if that other is your partner. That's fucked up.
Kek. What? You hate when people use facts and figures to support their arguments. You didn't even answer half my other questions. You just started sperging out when you couldn't refute my arguments without bringing up your own subjective relationship experiences. You aren't even bisexual. If you've actually had long term relationships with a man. Maybe I'd take you more seriously because you'd actually be able to compare the experiences. All it comes across as is thinly veiled misandry.
I am so fucking aroused right now. Call me pathetic again, An-fem poster :3
if you're going to post under that flag, at least try to make it believable.
I can.
I'm sorry user. I don't understand what your problem is with that statement.
This thread makes me want to kill myself.
Sounds pretty e d g y. If I saw some guy post what you have, he would be considered some mgtow faggot.
Not really, but it's a little depressing.
It was rhetorical. None of you give a shit about abuse so calling me broken is hilarious. Just two seconds ago you were using abuse statistics to ram down my throat. As point of insult. Don't put it any other way.
If we're being open an honest you are absolutely right and I loved beating this high school aged boy and I loved bruising him. And he wouldn't say shit about it because telling everyone he was beat by his girlfriend was pathetic and I thought it was funny to see someone who wanted to be with me so sickeningly badly be pummeled into insecurity appeasing
That's what happened. You're not wrong. I loved it.
You weren't making an argument. You were doing what I'm doing now
Shitting around for no real reason but it must upset someone
You're a fucking joke who drags every thread you post in off topic with your manic shitposting about the BPD ridden minutiae of your over-charmed life that no one else has any reason to give a shit about.
You're a spectacle. And if this board weren't already riddled with sexually repressed reactionaries who constantly take your bait I'd be legitimately upset with how you drag down the quality of the discourse here.
That is very degenerate my man
You need to build some self esteem and dignity
It's shit like this that communicates the fact that you're the same poster time and time again.
You used to be stable. What's happened these past few days?
Per hour? Pretty cheap 2bh
You know why I do it? Because you are all so shit at being leftists I find no other reason than to use my time to fuck around with topics of conversation aside from leftism since clearly even it makes you miserable and you don't read the material enough to be around radicals. Beatings even scare you
But no, you get pissed off at literally a pin drop.
You can't focus on the topic or focus on anything else, you're a miserable pile of insecure shit who doesn't even care about the new pet ideology he has
Have you seen my flag?
Also, I didn't even entered into the discussion about abuse statistics.
Why did you loved beating that guy? Why you "loved" putting him in that situation? Is there some "fighting the patriarchy" subtext that I'm not understanding here?
Going full denial mode here fam.
I did it because the taming of the shrew bullshit that high school aged kids put through women doesn't correlate with the culture and values I grew up with. And so, I played this kid along who acted confident and was kind of a jock really. And I beat him. Regularly. I don't care what the hell he felt, the moment he tried to fuck, I made sure he bled.
The best part is it lasted six months.
Of course I was. When I was "shoving domestic abuse figures down your throat" or when we were comparing gay sex to lesbian sex. You're a fucking mess. I guess anything that makes you uncomfortable isnt an argument in your mind. You're a fucking mess.
You weren't making an argument hon.
I hate violence :(
what did he mean by this?
Hun hon potato potato
No two different ways to say not an argument
You can't defeat me at this game. You're the one who doesn't understand that the left require strategy and compartmentalization of their problems in order to be effective.
You're just a bully who did some mental gymnastics and found herself in the anfem movement.
Stop posting shitty cats and everything will be k.
Completely off topic but since we're there anyway
I love the way you write English. It's sexy.
That's all.
fuck me and call me your memeboy
I put this flag on because I'm a feminist and I know the idea of a man being underneath the foot of a woman on the internet as outrageous and controversial as Christ taking a shit on Mary
there is a distinct lack of cats all over Holla Forums
when our turn comes, we won't apologise for the purrer!
Who'd win in a fight: Anfem or Milo Yiannopoulos?
You can keep saying that. You're just looking more and more like a petty dumbass. For fucks sake you're actually the man-hating lesbian stereotype. I'm just having fun with you at this point. You're completely incapable of forming a coherent position on anything beyond your bigoted gender nonsense.
I didn't. That's why I said "did some mental gymnastics". She clearly isn't a "true anfem".
T-thanks, user. I try extra hard considering it isn't my mother language. In fact I learned english mostly through videogames and IBs.
Why isn't she a true an "anarchist feminist"? She fits the bill pretty well in my mind. It's a completely cancoeurs ideology. I sign know why anyone would want to be associated with it.
What are you really going to do about it? You can't even cry fake tears about class issues, racial issues, anything you take seriously you never take seriously
Everyone comes here to take a drunk shit on a bunch of awkward losers who think everyone who don't like them and are succecful are Reddit or identity politics ridden tumblrinas
It actually isn't so.
This place just fucking sucks, and you're the one who makes it so by being so angry so selectively.
I can prove it right now by having you follow me along all thread let's go
I doubt it.
I can talk for everyone here, but personally I find it outrageous that someone feels with the right to put their foot over someone else. Period.
Getting a massive hard by the prospect of getting dominated by a woman it's a different subject though. M-muh Foucault.
Welcome :3
I'm the one of? the other chicks in the thread, btw. You write English well, there are just some little things here & there. And that's cool. I learned a bit of Hindi from music I like, too; not my mother tongue either.
You honestly don't care though.
Oh, I had no idea that you knew me that well.
Most men are pretty transparent in their actions
What are you taking about? I haven't posted on here in like two weeks. It's the middle of the year. I'm very busy with work and school. I just have Thanksgiving week off from school. You seem really flustered and angry. Everyone else is clearly just having a laugh fucking with you at this point. I don't have time to duck with some weirdo that clearly has some kind of emotional problems.Get over yourself.
you realize feminism is about removing gender-heirarchy and not about being a sexist towards men, right?
Prickly you cretin.
I'm saying you care more about feminists than actual radical leftism. That much is obvious to anyone intelligent enough who can see what this is
There comes a point when everyone has had enough of pretending to be peaceful to a bunch of condescending fat people and the point has been crossed
You dont even know who the fuck I am, clownshoes. All you have is ranting and personal attacks that assumes what I think. You just wheel out the same old well worn Fin-dom bullshit rants and wait to get a bite like so many less than stable online freaks who live on twitter.
And never mind that you question the dedication of a bunch of shit-posters on an image board that you solely use for shit-posting. Surely you're the only revolutionary here when a real revolutionary wouldn't be so self-obsessed. Whatever work that you do in organizing and activism will always be constrained by just how little you give a shit or think about other people.
I know exactly who you are
Also, I don't know how you can reconcile being an asshole who gets off by abusing other people and the egalitarian spirit of the left. That just doesn't make any sense.
How is it obvious that I hate feminism more then I care about radical leftism? I've barely referred to the ideology in my posts at all. Certainly not in my post with you. Unless your saying that lesbianism is literally synonymous with feminism or something and I never said anything negative about homosexually. I just dismissed your bullshit about lesbian relationships being some kind of mind blowing religious expirenece.
Yeah and fascism is about creating a future for your race and heritage . Come on man. We all know what feminists do in practice.
Do you think. Do you honestly think. Anything this massive in history doesn't get done and accomplished, without cracking a few skulls?
No you don't. You've being arguing with four differentfferent people and assuming they were all the same guy throughout the thread.
You care about me more than I've ever seen anyone passionate about a single topic or subject
Do you know why? I'm a girl who beat up a boy in high school.
You can't get anymore pathetic than caring this much about jack shit compared to everything we talk about here.
Keep throwing entire paragraphs I'm wrong
Flies over your head
Of course, and evidently the skulls of poor insecure teenagers must be the first to get bashed.
Look, I'm not against the use of violence as a tool against the porkies, but there's a difference between using it because you have to and using it because you like to do it.
There's this mapuche (a pre-columbus tribe who resided in what is today the south of chile) that had a saying they used before going to war. It was something along the lines of "we're still human beings".
I didn't know bullying was such a personal topic for you.
Explain me how the unrestricted use of violence will help the left to fight against the bourgeois.
Why even revolt?
The personal is political user. And the revolution starts with petty domestic violence.
People cut off heads, people were shot, and bricks were thrown
But at the end of the day guys, can't the revolution be without the high school bullying?
What are you taking about ? I wasn't even part of that conversation about your domestic abuse. It really seems like you're projecting here. You seem super obsessed woth us fat manbaby virgins losers. For all your tantrums you keep crawling back here.
My dad should have spanked me harder
There's no proof neither a clear correlation between school bullying and any effective leftist activism. Neither have you made any effort to draw said correlation despite saying along the lines of "but we need violence to do it". That makes no sense.
Hahahaha we're really doing this
Do you know what correlates with school bullying? Not being a pussy whipped bitch
You just type exactly the same. Really identity doesn't matter here.
Type the exact same is who? You've been talking to multiple people. The entire thread you stupid moron. I only joined in taking about the lesbian relationships shit. You're a paranoid weirdo.
You shouldn't give yourself that much importance. The only thing that would come out of being an unrestricted violent asshole is that you won't be able to organize effectively with other proletariat.
Again, you're far from being an effective leftist if you're actually like that.
That's pretty rich coming from a feminist. Or at least it would be if you weren't just histrionically baiting.
So much for being against bullying
I never beat anyone after I beat him enough times. As far as I can say, it's out of my system.
You won't be able to reach anyone in the working class either with this 50s blue collar shit
The weak should fear the strong.
That picture is amazing
You are almost always ready to care more about feminists than actual leftism
I told myself that, so sad :(
Good, we're making advances. Come back the next Thursday for your next session.
And btw, it's true that 50s blue collar shit doesn't work anymore, but that doesn't mean that beating people is the answer. The Idpol movement did pretty much that (or at least draw everyone around them far from them by being verbally aggressive) and look what happened.
I noticed that too. It's almost ironic considering the opinions Nietzsche had about women.
Don't expect any kind of logic from anfem. It's a meme ideology.
Only if you post your tits
Ah, but Feminism IS leftism, or are you saying that it isn't? :^)
Here's my cock. It's head is just perfect for you :^)
Anfem check my dubs, I have a nice thick cock for you.
Go back to bed, Rebel.
This guy knows what's important..
*ignore anfem posts* m8s
This is he worst thread I've seen on this board.
I'm starting to think there is a hidden rule among mods that they can't ban people using the AnFem flag, because it's the shitposting flag
There's a limit, though. I'm hoping anfem isn't one of the recently added mods. That would suck.
I like to believe that people online wouldn't be dumb enough to give power to people who'd do this. I like to.
Why can't this shitty thread be locked already? It's strayed waay too far from the original topic.
Not sure if it was the same anfem, but in the general thread the other day, and anfem was threatening to ban someone after they got into an argument, if that poster wouldn't provide a link to back up a claim. If it's the same one, it really should be addressed.
I was considering posting my pic in this thread earlier, too, but then it got super depressing & harsh. I was in a good mood Maybe tomorrow, if I do.
It used to be.
At what point in this thread has this happened.
In a way, this thread proves Ž right that our so-called civilised Western countries today place woman ahead of the man, as a cold, psychological manipulator, and the latter as a small adolescent sometimes solicited to enjoy pleasures. She attacks a target already in retreat.
I banned one of the an-fem posters as she derailed discussion on this thread. There is two other ones. It's a shitposting flag till the user derails threads. Just report.
Which one did you ban?
Thank you. I posted in the mod thread because it's been pretty bad lately. Everyone abandons thread shortly after they enter.
This one
It's dubs not trips. It's a waste of quads.
I told you bout those anfems bro
GG leftypol, its always the posters who point out the hypocrisy of the people here who get the ban hammer.
if only they'd ban the shitposters too so your posts would stop cluttering up our board
My experience is that it's always the faggots who start dumping jpgs and sperging about jews, but I don't trust vols either.
We should make an effort to get regular posters to screencap or >quote Holla Forumsyps before they're banned.
The reason why this happens is that in late Capitalism, where most of physical labor characteristic of industrial Capitalism has been automated or outsourced, men have been effectively reduced to dead weight. Moreover, men are seen as a liability who, by their desire to accumulate and gain means of subsistence and growth to grow their own personal posterity, attempt to revolutionize production in an unorthodox way, i.e. steal shit, be they commodities or the means of production, disrupting existing agreements and arrangements that are already profitable to the Capitalists. Also, women are seen as the ideal consumer and are on average a more compliant worker who will not go on strike, thus a better replacement subject who will not try to cause trouble.
Capitalism welcomes disruption only in the context of creating new niches in markets. The keyword is market: they do not want the means of production to return to the workers, because then they would not be able to extract profit through market exchange; that is why a car that costs $50000 costs $5000 after 15 years of use but a molding or CNC machine that costs the same as the car when it was new, working practically nonstop with about the same hours on the motors, will hold its value with minimal losses.
Tiqqun talks about the concept of the Young-Girl, a perfect consuming subject who is the Spectacle incarnate, in Raw Materials for the Theory of the Young-Girl: though the Young-Girl is explicitly not a gendered concept, feminists have flipped their shit since it evokes semi-misogynistic concepts like the idea of women being the more consuming gender.
Here is Tiqqun's work
And here are the feminists
and here is a critique of Moira Weigel, the author of the criticism towards Tiqqun
that anfem did nothing but bitch and moan. I've also never seen an anfem flaggot post that frequently with that staggering quantity of, excuse the term, reddit spacing. In the end, it was just one person complaining that Holla Forums isn't the same as every other idpol ridden cesspool of "contemporary" leftism.
And they were being a big meanie.
Seriously, they were just unpleasant & destroyed every thread they entered. I hope things are a little better in the next couple of days & discourse is possible again in interesting threads.
please keep this thread open on account of this,
don't bumplock this thread,
It's literal perfection. It demonstrated the dialectical process of that triggered reddit anfem reacting to Zizek's analysis of the way liberal late Capitalism recuperates feminism; she goes apoplectic and tries to derail the thread, shitting liberal ideology everywhere.
Based on the materialist and biological criteria that allows the treatment of women by Capitalism as split-subjects, (they are both capable of industrial labor and reproductive labor) they are perfectly capable of either working towards revolutionary perspectives like working to build FALC, or double-dealing to be corporate feminists, selling out their brothers and sisters in the class struggle. Women are perfectly capable of being liberal capitalist or leftist whenever it suits them. They know their capacity to be fetishized as commodities and use it quite well.