How do any of you anons justify giving money to these shit corporations who only care about money?
Man, the industry has been fucked since day one
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't, i haven't bought a game since 2009.
I'm retarded.
Explain this.
its just pure coincidence
What was the last game you bought in 2009?
You aren't retarded, just the ladder.
Let me rephrase:
What the fuck does Joe Lieberman have to do with video games?
I'm a ladder?
I'm guessing you made the last thread?
We need an age limit for this site, and it has to be at the very least, 30.
No, but watching that reminded me of how pissed off I should be that I have been playing my backlog for 2 years now.
It sounds vaguely familiar, refresh my memory. How is he relevant anymore?
Fuck off upside down Satan.
What else would you call it?
He was relevant, and that's the point.
It never started in 2007. It began with (((Joseph Lieberman))).
I am just so tired of digging and around every fucking corner, there is a jew.
Here's just one thing. Let's just say Lieberman is big on censoring video games.
Make a 30+ board.
Try some keywords, user.
Gran Turismo for the PSP. It didn't even have fuckong career mode for no good reason.
Change the board.
It should give you all the context you need.
Yes, I remember that. What's that have to do with anything going on today?
Did you just realize that Joe Lieberman is a kike?
Oh, okay, that's why I don't know what's going on. I don't pay attention to that white noise.
go back to Holla Forums
It's not "twitter white noise", it's a dev that has been in the industry for a very long time seeing that it's always the same kind of people parroting the exact same kind of shit for the past 25 years.
Like I said, I dont plan on going out and finding them when I am digging, they are just rhere.
sure they are
That sounds very much like white noise to me. There will probably be people parroting the exact same kind of shit in the next 25 years, too.
Define "anything going on today".
Things that happen outside of Twitter. In the real world.
That's right goyim, you don't want to be called antisemitic now do you? Listen to me, i'm your best ally. Now keeo enjoying those videogames!.
yeah ok
This isn't Holla Forums, though. He's talking about video games, specifically the protest against them.
Oh you're overreacting alright. If you don't like the thread why not hide it, why would you willingly stay and lurk a thread you apparently don't like only to be made fun of by the people in it?
Ah how silly of me to want to consider someone else's view points and see what information they can bring to the table, or to see if they could actually prove some grand jewish scheme exists.
I guess I should just ignore that entirely and give no on the benefit of the doubt at all.
you're an idiot
Good goy. That's how i like it!.
So, when did Satoru Iwata lose his way?
when he died
I didn't bring up Holla Forums.
You mean like when the administration puts money into funding games for kids, how Sarkeesian's scripts are used in schools, and how narratives and history revisionism is pushed down your throat using video games as a medium?
I hope aspies are like the aborignals in Australia and get hunted to extinction
Are you fucking stupid? All corporation only care about profit the difference is how they go about it.
Well "outside of twitter" is just Holla Forums, since that's basically throwing GG and any socmedia press out the window.
Remember the moral panic around Mortal Kombat and Night Trap back in the 90s? That was all Joe (((Lieberman)))'s doing.
fuck off
Oh. Another faggot.
Move along.
God bless heart for putting up with that retarded ladder all these years. Truly hes a good man
What are you on about?
You're pitiful.
He's on some alternative world where this thread looks like a reverse-shilling attempt to get people to hate Holla Forums.
Don't question it, its like getting tied in Poe's Law with SJWs.
So how do you anons feel about localization and censorship? What have you given into with a purchase?
This thread was a mistake.
You were on this site before GG. Right?
Holla Forums, /fringe/, and /pone/ surpassed /g/, /x/, and /mlp/ respectively.
I'm talking about the real world, nigger. Go the fuck outside, holy shit.
That's because those boards were slow, to begin with, and horsefuckers, like Holla Forums are faggots.
From the man who brought you Leisure Suit Larry.
This is a board for the discussion of video games, and Lieberman is very much relevant to that.
/fringe/ isn't exactly /x/ and there was no 4/x/ migration
/pone/ IS /mlp/ I must admit, but /pone/ was first board and I don't remember any 4/mlp/ migration.
Holla Forums is fair game. I don't know how they did it, but its a 1-hit thing.
and fuck him too, he sat on Duke4 long enough for the franchise to become a punchline, and then to add insult to injury sold out to fucking Randy Burchford of all people just as a special 'fuck you' to anyone who still held out hope after all that time that Duke could ever be great again.
The gentleman with Sierra is correct. Sega led the way with ratings, complete with pamphlets and phone assistance for confused parents. One of their bigger competitors simply decided whether or not certain games were fit for their platform and accordingly ordered them censored if they were to be licensed for play on their products. This didn't work as well sales-wise, particularly with games like Mortal Kombat which retained the blood and fatalities on Genesis.
I forgot what book it was documented in, but Sega legal counsel Bill White theorized that this competitor drummed up the 1993 hearings because of Sega's inroad through their market share by selling Genesis at a lower price and pegging their competitor as a "kiddie" outfit. In the end, even with a gimmick fuck up like the 32X, Sega won out in the US and Canada, even as Genesis support was passed onto Majesco Sales in 1997.
There were more hearings sometime between the Paducah and Columbine shootings, but those dealt with games on the PC, which has no such restriction or licensing. Even stuffy retailers couldn't have stopped the runaway success mail-order sales of Wolfenstein and Doom if they wanted to.
Are you implying that one kike actually had the influence to cause all this, and that gamers weren't just spit roasted from both the "Moral Majority" right and "Think of the Children" left. Games and gamers were getting bullied from all sides back then.
But Ken was right. The gaming industry had to take a knee and self-police, or else the government WOULD have done it for them - and the results would have been far more draconian than some mealy-mouthed ESRB ratings bullshit which was only followed or censored to conform to so that "family friendly" box retailers like Wal-Mart and K-Mart would carry their games.
I haven't bought a physical music album in over a decade, so I don't know if they still do it, but Wal-Mart used to sell censored versions of albums that blanked out explicit lyrics the way radio stations did
Now with digital/online distribution dominating retail, increased popularity in the wider market, and the blowing over of the moral panic - the ESRB is toothless. Games like GTA push the envelope of what's "acceptable" to sell to try-hard edgy faggots, and most companies only avoid more adult content because the market isn't proven and they don't want to cause a stink that might lead to more senate hearings. They're still walking on eggshells because market isn't proven.
Nintendo were the real censorious villains of that era - because they figured they could get the federal government to put the clamps on Sega who was targeting older demographics with more violent and uncensored offerings - and was by that time an actual threat to Nintendo. Nintendo still has that "family friendly" stigma that they cultivated in the 90's as a means to brown-nose the law makers into tilting the market in their favor.
These complaints go all the way back, exactly 40 years, to a game manufactured by Exidy called Death Race (embedded).
The zombies you run over were interpreted as pedestrians by a concerned mother, there was a report on 60 Minutes, and that was it. I'm sure bar-owners and pool hall managers appreciated the update then.
When is this fucking place going to ban libtards on site? If I see another "go back to Holla Forums!" or some stupid (((opinion))) by some leftist waste of space, I'm shutting these faggots myself. You've been warned, Holla Forums.
The only real difference between liberals and conservatives is the excuses they have for wanting to ban things. Liberals do it because it's offensive to women, and conservatives do it because it's ungodly and degenerate.
You want three quarters of Holla Forums to leave?
This place is filled with millenials thougj.
fuck off christcuck
/int/ been invading for a while. And with those CON leaks shit really hit the fan.
Did you even read my post? I never said I supported any such ban, only that liberals and conservatives are the same damn thing with different excuses. The Alt-right is just a vile mixture of the two that supports censorship of anything they deem degenerate despite the absence of a Christ figure.
It's not, they're just the most active shitposters.
Case in point:
Lieberman's just a senator and calls for censorship have come from both sides of the aisle and from a lot of the goyim as well.
Do you remember that 300+ posts thread from some months ago about "age, virginity status and favorite game". I do.
women outside the home were a mistake
so were jews outside the oven
I remember there being such a thread. As for the content though, those memories have been killed through a combination of time and alcohol.
What are you, 30 yourself? Go change your diaper millenial, people born after 1979 shouldn't be allowed here.
Fucking kiddos born after 1916 leave my board.
Women in general was a mistake. Why can't we procreate with superior men? Kikes, that's why.
Have you ever watched death race (the movie)? They actually run over pedestrians
Fucking zygotes
Are you guys finally willing to admit that the Jews have been behind it all since the very beginning?
I agree, when we finally develop artificial wombs only then can we progress as a species.
People are only against it due to their emotions. The only bright future is one where there are no longer any women and we're all manly homosexuals resembling Greek gods (homosexuality has traditionally been the ultimate form of manliness involving rejection of all femininity, twinks who surround themselves with women are a recent Jewish invention).
Now you know how Holla Forums feels every fucking day.
a person being jewish doesnt automatically make them bad, retards.
Why does Holla Forums always have to be right?
That's reality. Jews are behind, directly or indirectly, almost every single one of society's problems.
Find me a jew that had power and didn't fuck things up for everyone else.
It might as fucking well these days.
Well that's decided.
Twinks have been around since ancient times. It's just that they've traditionally been actual young boys. In the middle ages and Renaissance, they had "castrato" - young men castrated before puberty so that they wouldn't masculinize and could hit the higher notes in operas. They were also notorious butt sluts and probably where the catholic church (who patronized the arts) picked up their love for young ass.
But antisemitism is fucking hilarious.
And the Jews actually do need to gassed so it's both funny and informative.
I bet none of you have ever even met a jew.
Fuck off before i end the pride parade with a fucking grenade.
I have 2 lampshades in my room right now, what the fuck are you talking about?
I don't see how that's gonna stop those two from posting on Holla Forums, mate.
Plenty, Chaim.
Every single time they bend and twist information and outright lie to gain every little advantage they can. Every single lampshade I have met, among the hundreds, has had 100% in his heart the destruction of everything that is not them.
They're like fucking daleks.
Kill all the gays
One good (You) deserves another, Rabbi.
and then people wonder why threads turn into Holla Forums
Dealt with more merchants than any man should have to. Gas them all.
He's the Senator who's responsible for the creation of the ESRB because he wanted to stop video games with violent and sexual content from being sold to minors. I'm surprised he didn't burst every blood vessel in his body yet.
Oh but i have.
I still don't get why OP made this thread.
Is it because he JUST found out that Joseph Lieberman is a kike?
Is this from reddit?
… what?
I would guess. I think OP saw it on Wikipedia and used this new information to make a thinly-veiled Holla Forums thread. Notice his use of a rhetorical question so we really can't discuss anything of substance except what is presented in the image.
That's what I thought. Just making sure.
Holla Forums has to be banned from Holla Forums. They are killing this board.
We Holla Forums now.
Soon all imageboards will be subsidiary's of Holla Forums, even Holla Forums.
That sounds rather boring.
Stephen Fry
Purge Holla Forums from Holla Forums while you're at it
they do that via yt nowadays. there were 2 debates recently, one involving a stuttering nigger, the other a crowd of incoherent marxists.
was pretty embarassing.
search metokur and kulturkampf
You can go back to cuckchan anytime faggot, they post the same template threads everyday so you can go there and have your epic circlejerk about muh Holla Forums 2.0 culture
The Jews at the top are behind most of societies problems, while the common Jew may or may not be a destabilizing shithead. This is like every other race, except that Jews have a hugely disproportionate number of greedy kikes at the top.
The reason posts like happen is because they think we're talking about the average Jew and not the elite. All the red boxes in pic related are Jews in high positions at major media companies.
What? All five members in this thread?
Common jews are heavily weighted towards evil as well, anongsk.
I wonder what leftypol faggots or SJWs have to say about this picture. Pure coincidence?
i wouldnt bat an eye
One was in my class at college.
She had a thing for anal sex apparently.
Pot calling the kettle black much?
Purge everything that's not Holla Forums would probably be the best solution.
Can't handle the bantz or what?
If you get rid of Holla Forums you have to get rid of Holla Forums and any and all political discussion including gamergate, which isn't going to happen.
This place would go down in shitposting flames.
Oy vey
>nothing changes
You just described Holla Forums
Holla Forums is the worst board on this site.
This man is a hero.
This is a reasonable post and also factually correct. Those who still get triggered by antisemitic jokes on a Malaysian carpet munching board like h8chan makes me wonder if they are actually Jews, underage, or retarded. Or worse: women.
You mean Holla Forums? look what those faggots did to Holla Forums
I wonder if I should get diagnosed and enjoy some neetbux
Remember to make a thread on /sudo/ demanding chodemonkey give ownership of the board to you.
Mental disorders are a matter of degree, not simple yes/no questions. You're not autistic, you just suck at relationships. They got rid of the in-between diagnosis (Asperger's) for this reason.
What did they do?
Genuinely curious
>implying I don't miss Gaius immensely every day since the volcano happened
Just posting interracial porn in a poor attempt to piss people off and dragging Donald Trump into conversations so they can call him and his voters stupid. You haven't missed much.
Look at what they're doing to Holla Forums