RINO Senator Jeff Flake bravely decides to clear the way of traitors, starting with himself
One can only hope that more of these traitors will follow this man’s lead.
RINO Senator Jeff Flake bravely decides to clear the way of traitors, starting with himself
One can only hope that more of these traitors will follow this man’s lead.
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If only John insane would make the same announcement.
Just makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
He ran early midterm polling to gauge his reelection chances and they came back bad.
>i'm going to magnanimously retire, while at the same time virtue signalling (((my))) ass off
I guess it sure beats getting destroyed in the primaries. Typical tricks.
Who do we have on deck to replace this faggot? We need to start digging, lest its another McCuck tier homo pedo that kikes can blackmail.
How do normies not see how these people are all part of the same neocon party yet?
It's never been more obvious in politics that both dems and repubs are the same goddamn party.
And now all these leftist come out and praise McCain and flake because they are showing their true colors
Have they not figured it out?
I'm not entirely clear on how the optics of a man giving up on being in politics because it's too mean can be construed as a positive for these faggots
These are the same people who actually though hilldawg had a chance. There is no cure outside of violence being inflicted upon them inb4cianig, I mean it in principlefor now
Bye Jeff, make sure to kill yourself!
He's not wrong but projecting hard.
Democracy cannot sustain when jews and niggers are allowed to contend.
For a politician this equates to admitting to be a total failure
With what, exactly?
He didn't specify a single thing he had a problem with. The closest he got was implying that Trump's shitposting on Twitter was destabilizing the planet and implying that Trump is calling "true things fake" with his criticism of the media. However, he said neither explicitly. Instead, the entire speech was full of flowery words and a large number of quotes and historical references. It was particularly amusing when he praised Madison and read a quote from the Federalist papers, but later said that "we must also have healthy, functioning parties". Perhaps he forgot Madison's words on political factions in the same papers that he quoted.
gives flaking out a new meaning.
Tired: Senator Flake
Wired: Senator Weetabixnoodmihfugga
Why does his nose hook down so much?
He hears the sound of pitchforks and angry white men. Of course he's going to flake.
it is strange how the liberals think it is the republican party moving away from Trump and not Trump removing them from the party
Bannon was already trying to oust this cuck. He hopefully has someone okay lined up.
I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.
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Good news
More of these cucks need to gtfo
Did some research. He's a mormon. His great great great great grandmother had a hebrew name. Could just be an overly Christian thing, that's probably it, made me a chuckle a bit though.
Either way he's a Mormon and they can't be trusted. Plus Mormons fucking love Jews: jta.org
The guy probably sees himself as more Mormon than American. He also dissed McCarthy, after it was proven that he was correct about the extent of communist infiltration in the government. Fucking ridiculous
Heil Hitler, lads. Heil Hitler.
Bastard Flake can't leave the Beltway fast enough, and he sure won't be welcome in Arizona.
Not running again is being complicit and silent based on his own virtue signaling words.
I hope Jamal rapes him and his cuck family
Get in that comment section anons. It's full of cucks and boomers, and boomer cucks.
It's a good start. If we could maintain the current majorities in the legislation we have today and replace those Congressmen and Senators with people who are actually conservative, it would go a long way to pushing back against several of our problems.
The system is potato. Please nuke it, Trump, before a foreign nation is forced to do it.
It's completely retarded to have to keep fighting every couple of years to find the least worst candidate. It would be better to let people impeach bad leaders through referendums, among other things like voting to exterminate the Sackler family since our CIA is even more potato. Think about how fast Obama would have been thrown out if that was possible. We need a Thomas Jefferson to make major revisions to the system and a George Washington to enact them through force because the jews are not going to give up power any other way, not an Andrew Jackson or Carnegie. We gave the jews a chance to let Trump escort them out peacefully. It's time to stop pretending chit chats and muh next election are going to solve anything.
Rep. Dent and a few other (((moderates))) in the House aren't seeking reelection as well.
what? you mean like the second amendment?
plenty of people had guns, so it was possible
the second amendment is meant to be used as an integral check and balance. well regulated militias are the fourth branch of government. this is why there currently is not balance
Yes. The problem is we don't practice forming up. We need a national holiday celebrating the Second Amendment where people can march on Washington with guns, and a law requiring everybody to march after the first campaign promise is broken.