Generation Identity

It seems Gen Identity has started a chapter in the UK. Not sure what to make of it given the nature of (((law))) here, but they might help add numbers and force our enemies to handle more people that are actively against them They might even be more effective than National Action and will apply a more mature and experienced way in red pilling our folk. If they are offering ways of getting work, business ventures, training, banner dropping etc., they will make it far until the ban hammer hits.

Thoughts on this?

This is the leader in the UK, a scouse who seems fresh in the face.

Other urls found in this thread:üsselüssel**

National Action were a terrifying bunch until they got banned (I guess free speech exists only in burgerland for the time being) but they kicked ass and took names. I've been courted here in the states by TWP but I'm skeptical since they went from nationalist trade unionism to far right reactionary


Yeah, I was with NA, but they didn't have it all locked down. We were young and things are different since 2014/2015. We were developing, but we needed more emphasis on getting each other stronger again through financial gain, physical strength, learning law etc.

I had a few of them thinking about going into house sharing for a few years in a designated city to make money and go on from there, but no one went with it. At the end of the day, when you have the money, life is easier and more enjoyable and if you are doing alright for yourself the cause will be easier.

I just want to work, come back, have some bants, play vidya/hit gym and then smash the cause off.

Fuck off turbokike

1. GI is no old-right wing movement. If you’re a part of any kind of national socialist/fascist/chauvinist group or have such ideas, please leave.

2. We stay out of any conflict outside of Europe. Members will not be permitted to use this movement to push pro/anti-Palestine or pro/anti-Israel views.

3. We don’t make any chauvinist remarks about other religions/ethnicities/races – not even for fun. We strive to be the avant-garde of this generation – behave like such or leave.

4. Political activism is hard work, won’t give you any money and requires lots of discipline. Be aware of it.

This is on their site (see below) and it will cause strife on here and even I don't like seeing such cucked fucking rules, but if they lead up to stronger things in the years to come, then it would be good to back them.

Sounds cucky I'll pass

Why are you pro-russian and anti-ukrainian, then? I'm referring to a documentary made by identitarian girl group Les Brigandes where they went to Donbas to shill for Russian separatists.
Please leave with your kosher shit

As an ex-member of Scottish Dawn that got banned also, we didn't trust GI since they were pretty much cucks or with that mentality. As they know, if they are not kosher enough, the UK government will crack down on you, harass you and then ban you. If you are kosher, they don't do fuck all, like with the reds who advocated for more violence in social media than NA did.

Sage since these guys are not Holla Forums

Probably because russophilia has been a French tradition since centuries.

Seems about right. Ukraine seems to make false nationalists kvetch.

I think this is good. They appeal to a different population of people then, for example, national action did. They might not be as radical or ideologically pure, but generation identity people often seem to have relatively high education and probably would have never anyway got involved with more radical nationalistic movements. I think this might normalize "far-right" for the general population for the time being, until a more radical group could maybe step up again some day.

I really liked what NA did and I don't like every aspect of the identitarian movement but things are how they are. Without this the nationalist street movement seems to be nearly non-existent in the UK and the more radical scene pushed so underground that it's practically invisble for the general population.

Searchlight: oldest and most established "antifascist" research organization in UK seem to take them very seriously:

Sorry to directlink use vpn or something.

Protip:searchlight is in a fucking bitter dispute with hopenothate
Protip: you will see alot of shills attacking this thread, they are either: hopenothate,leftypol or searchlight

From my experience with Generation Identity:
They are solid lads. Class A.
Heart in the right place, actions, the lot.
I will openly support them any day.

And what they did with mission Defend Europe is amazing

I believe Eire is active but that's all I know that basically antifa were immediately trying to stop them in the first meeting-it didn't work, GI Eire didn't get scared of them

GI is not even entry-level right-wing politics, full of fags/cucks/women and they refuse to even acknowledge the JQ.

If you niggers want serious people to join don't force anons like me to give out our fucking bankaccount info and personal shit like that.
Don't put up any anonymous payment option if you want (I get that it can attract non-governmental infiltrators), but a meeting face to face to have drink (with or without joining GI) together shouldn't be a fucking problem.

Are you from the European part of GI?
If anyone from Generation Identity reads this and wants extra connections (like-minded people, some willing to take non-autistic action, some could be up for autistic action if needed) in the Northern part of Germanic Western-Europe, reply to this thread (I'll give a temporary e-mail or use anonymous messaging tools) since I still want to join.

Godspeed lads, I heard from other people (that are trustworthy in our circles) that at least a part of you guys are based and let me quote: "good guys".

I'm interested in their end goals. Their rhethoric revolves around relatively vague themes such as culture war, muh Constantinople intense music playing, doing karate in the forest but also refugees. Who are their allies outside of Europe (because they probably have some but won't disclose them)? What's their view on internal European conflicts that have been going on for centuries/decades?

Then read their goddamn blogs and websites, you'll only get divisive pro- or anti-GI stances here.

As I've said, they are trying to play the "not racist" angle and care about PR, which is a mistake.

Identity Ireland is one hopeless faggot who I don't even think is related to Sellner at all.
If you're in Ireland, join the National Party.

No one needs to join them nor do I advise anyone joining them or any movement.
That is entirely your decision.
I can just speak from my experience, I fully support them

They identify as not left an not right if I'm correct. This could mean they don't buy the left vs. right D&C
If they are on our side, I'll gladly fight along them and turn them into men before the happening gets here
This means their message is being well recepted by people who want a future for their children, that's a good thing you mouthbreathing basement-dweller.
Kill yourself

Kik-funded, violent organisation don't like them? Good!

Got a link to that or a title? can't find it immediatly.

I hope for them that's not the average GI-member

I read the founder's book in a PDF once, Holla Forums would agree with 90% written in it I think. I have it on my phone if you wantto read it.
They don't want a racewar, but they declare "war" against the '68ers.
Here's a part of it:

[speaking to the 68'ers-generation]
You abhor everything vibrant and colourful. You
knowingly destroyed everything that was holy to us and
to our ancestors. You damned us to this life in a pale
twilight. You murdered our siblings and abandoned your
You fought against everything natural and killed
everything that had grown up over centuries. Now we are bringing you to justice.
We will tear the sceptre of power from your trembling
hands. If you don’t want to give it up, we will fight you
until you’re dethroned and rendered harmless.
However long it may take, whatever it may cost, we
will defeat you. Your era is at an end. We’ll sweep your
delusional ideas out along with you. You should know
that we will eradicate the power structures you used to
dominate us, root and branch.

Our patience has reached its end.
Don’t think of this book as a manifesto. It’s a
declaration of war.
Our war against you."

How they do it, is not specified.
I think their actions speak for their intentions: taking action where legally possible, while slightly stepping over the line (quite some of them get jailtime for their protests).

The whole anti Frankfurt school shit…everyone is ridiculing you for rebelling against a bunch of dead teachers.

Also this is a decentralized movement. GI France is GI France, Italy is Italy, Austria and so on.
You can't make generalisations like it's a a hierarchic organization or even a single organization at all

Their book also quotes Guillaume Faye, repeatedly. They're kosher.

Thank G-d the "good jews" at Kikebart are there to expose that attempt at infilitration!

I love how this peace promoting fascists are aproaching very slowly, hopefully with some ropes on their hands

Have the docu embedded
Here's the song:
Les Brigandes - Un million de roses (hymne pour le Donbass) - Миллион Роз (Гимн для Донбассa)

I think of it as a metaphore for the Frankfurt-juden, and I don't care what (((people))) ridicule me for.
They rebel against diversity and the breakdown of our culture (without being a kosher civic-nationalists), this means the jew without naming him (muh PR, I know but who can afford it without getting shoa'd in these times as a public organisation?).

Owh, I didn't know that.
I didn't notice kosher tactics though (some parts I disagreed with, but did not seem deceptive)
Also this was written at the start of their movemnt I think, so I'm not sure everyhting in the book is what they think.
If any other user read it I'd like to hear your opinion about the book.

Also: Hitler was a vegetarian, does this make vegeterians NatSocs? I don't think so and the same could be applied to who the book quotes in this case.

Aren't roses a Marxist-appropriated symbol?
I'll watch it, thx

Lefties and jews are extremely afraid of them because they can't label them as "neo-nazi skinhead extremists"
and also because they are very popular with the young Europeans


Second picture from Sellner's Phalanx Europa

We need everyone of our Race to pull together here. Expecting it to be just White working class is bollocks. We need thugs, intellectuals and intellectual thugs. Too many snobs will rise their nose above GI without realising that the more groups we have that have decent numbers and talent the better.

So basically theyre fucking cucks, but theyre cucks we could mould and shape in our own image by hiding our powerlevel…

Pic related will put many a decent nationalist off. I just hope the cunt sticks to supporting them and doesnt actually join.


Again, if the Overton window shifts further and further to the Racial truth, then we will see the likes of Tommy change with it. It is down to us to make the shift and let these characters play their part to move mass amounts of our people.

pozzed and cucked
no wonder all these alt kike leaders are jews and ziocucks

eli mosley is a jew, richard spencer is a gay zionist, dugin is a nazbol antiwhite occult fag and the list goes on

Are you a member? Will they accept ex members of more radical, banned groups….?

plz no bully GCHQ

I realise Holla Forums is ground zero for purity spiralling so theres probably no point in me trying to argue but whats wrong with people like us joining them and pushing our ideas?

Regardless, I simply cannot sit idly by any longer.

if you do anything irl you're a gay jewish fbi agent.

Martin Sellner was in the crew of a neo-Nazi who went to jail for Nazi incitementüssel

Look him

And add 1+1 together

Almond status: Activated

This, and I will work with anyone who is on my side (no kikes though, they'll betray me).

Who will you ally with then? We can't win this by ourselves, we need to compromise sometimes (without cucking ourselves of course). Spitting on people on our side, with the same beliefs (yes, fags and cucks) will not get us anywhere.
I prefer to team up sometimes (not bind me to them) and uncuck them little by little. This works better than isolating yourself because of "keeping the moral high ground".
Kikes are molding our people into fags and cucks, it's our job to make our race glorious and uncucked again.
Otherwise during the dotr we will be lone wolves that were driven out of our lands due to sheer numbers.

It would be interesting but after NA I can't be arsed with putting my neck out again.

What is the crack then? Is he now doing the bidding of intelligence because he was nabbed before?

Our forefathers did this. Think of every sacrifice made and somehow Holla Forums forgets this? They talk about Hitler nver giving in, but I bet he made concessions to his enemies. Choosing battles and allies is important.

Anyone associated with the Identitarians that does not wish to post here, but still wants to contact a willing Holla Forumsack with some useful connections (to stay in contact with or without me joining GI):
Shoot me an e-mail at: [email protected]
This e-mail will stay online for 7 days, you can make a temporary email if you wish to stay anonymous at app dot getnada dot com

I hide behind 14 proxies and VPN's tunneled through I2P, with a laptop that isn't mine running Gentoo from Mc Donald's Wifi so good luck finding me GHCQ and AIVD


Nothing else than hot air.
Pure fucking atsroturf.

This 'movement' doesn't even exist.

Jesus, just go on their site and send them an email. Hoping for one of them to contact you after seeing a temporary post on a Tibetan rice enthusiast discussion board is a bit of a longshot.

That's what I tried to do, see my greentext in

You sound mostly useless and like you plan on voting. Plan on niggers doing random drivebys on white neighborhoods and voting your stuff away until full blown war breaks out.

Sellner wasn't arrested. Ever
But he was one of the best or most avid member of the organization before that man was imprisoned

**really read this page to understandüssel**

Britain will be an interesting testing ground for GI. No other country in the western world comes close to wielding the level of authoritarianism that Britain does. GI’s approach to PR may immunise them from being shut down on the continent but if the British State disapproves of them then they will be gone.

The British Government proscribed NA as a terrorist organisation on the grounds of a single tweet. It didn’t matter that they had deliberately misrepresented the contents of that tweet or even that a single ambiguous message could be enough to cast an entire group as terrorists, it didn’t matter because there is no questioning the state.

Because GI is an International movement Britain will be less likely to ban it by crude measure, I imagine that leading members will either be warned off or be recruited into subversion.

We’ll see what happens.

Do you really think that anyone posting here who isn't a shill still doesn't know that "Gen Identity"like the rest of its clonesis a discordian psyop? Get out of here you retarded kike shill.

No, what's "terrifying" is that in current year there are young nationalists fresh to the scene who don't understand that NA and related groups are all government fronts.

Analyze this nigger's post and analyze it well.
It is a class in glow-in-the-dark stylography.
This is what a spook looks like.


It's all fake.

And by the way, since there are probably some who don't know it yet.

Every time a discredited spook outfit (like NA) gets shut down and a new one springs up, they catch a handful of bright-eyed and zealous neophyte nationalists, so no matter how obvious these operations are to us, it's imperative to expose them every time they're advertised.

Check this shit out, they're using fake imagery. They're holding up blank flags then adding a hilariously unconvincing logo in post processing, they clearly think (further confirmed by the 'talking down' language they're using in this thread) that their target audience is completely retarded.
Wouldn't be surprised if the London thing is also fake because with the recent security incidents on the bridges, they would've been stopped before they got it in place, or detained for questioning under the terrorism act at the very least.
What a crock.

Welp this sounds useless.

No one has said anything. We'll just see what they're about.

k-k-k-kike shill

We're all experienced enough here not to bite the bait. If you don't like groups forming whether they are shills or not, then fuck off.

Then what the fuck is the point?

Because the actual influence of Russia is very plausibly in funding right-wing movements.

Obviously they would do such a thing because of the instability it creates within geopolitical rivals, but incidentally, it might also save the white race.
Ironically, Putin doesn't have to be your friend to be your savior.

At last I truly see.

I don't really know anything about donbas, but it should be noted that Russian domestic policy has literally nothing to do with geopolitical manipulation of other powers.

I see a lot of posting on Holla Forums speculating upon whether Putin is actually a nationalist, a kike puppet, or what-have-you, but the question is irrelevant. i.e. that question is a problem for RUSSIANS.

It is a fact that he benefits from harm to western powers, and since globalists are the establishment in all western powers I can think of, his obvious strategy would be to bolster foreign nationalists.

Personally, I'm fine with that because what might harm America a little bit in world affairs will save the white race.

Kill yourself

There is a reason all successful movements and groups exclude women from positions of power you naive virgin.

GI is jew controlled op
what happened to the boat faggots?

GI has been around for a while and they have failed to estabelish themselves as genuine

there will be no public organizations, they will all get shut down or subverted




That may just be there for legal reasons to prevent the government from shutting them down.

What does this have to do with GI?

There's definitely something odd there. I do not trust her, that's for sure. Here she is with her Alphabet Agency friends, where they just happen to be outside the "Masonic Center".

ELA is a bit unreliable with acute differences in contrast.

They took some selfies and went home. They sperged out on the radio at some NGO ship, only after the Libyan coast told the NGO to go. After the event they claimed their stunt a success because migrant crossings went down, but I think that's attributable to season changes.

Just ignore these sperging leftypol idiots

the shere rage is glorious

Tommy Robinson is a jew, more proof that GI is fucking useless

Real name: Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon

Actually that is proof of nothing. Rage harder leftypol

Intellectual vanguard indeed.

She also has twoo boobs on the back and is an alien

you are giving me an erection

Holla Forums does not blindly follow upstart Nationalist Groups which appear astroturfed, and we're not going to be beguiled by HoneyPots like Brittany and Lauren. Why are you so irate at natural skepticism?

p…please buy my d&c
why don't you believe me


Not the user you're addressing but I'll ask you the same wuestion I asked above and recieved no response to.

Whats wrong with Holla Forumsacks joining groups like this hiding our powerlevel for now and moulding them in our image from within?

Making connections in the real world is going to get us through this mire, not posting on anonymous imageboards waiting for the perfect movement we are completely ideologically aligned with.

Its probably the one guy who always sperges out in threads about the GI.

I do wonder what these goy- I mean guys would say about some rando constantly representing them in an autistic gay light.

this is what leftypol and the hopenothate / searchlight are trying to prevent.
As you can see by their pathetic fails in this thread they are not very effective

You can join whoever, we don't care. We just don't think they are the real deal at all. Again, they don't even acknowledge the JQ. This isn't a group the average Holla Forumsack fits into.

hopenothate and searchlight are like correct the record

is this the best you have?
shill harder

Yes you do. This is why you are sperging out in the first place, remember?

It's already been said, but at best they don't address the JQ or embrace national socialism, and at worst they're informants.

pathetic display of shilling.
In Europe you can go to jail for both mentioned. Especially in Austria.
You are performing on a terribly low tier level

see when the shill gets BTFO, they start spamming.


Then they are not worth joining. Let me know when Generation Identity affect meaningful change.


you missed the part when no one asked anyone to join anything.
you really are a dumb motherfucker aren't you?
who pays such morons, I don't know.
But you aren't worth a penny.

p…please buy my d&c

I have merely stated that people should be skeptical, and that there is no reason for Holla Forums to join. Those very reasonable statements have resulted in a very bizarre and disproportionate response from you.

but your problem is: no one is asking anyone to join and we know this.
are you new here?

Err, the OP video?
The real question is, why are you so vested in shilling for them, albeit terribly?


Tell me how and why this triggers you

go back to leftypol / 4chan

Avoiding the question like a typical kike eh?

Even when you change IPs, we can still tell you're the same faggot.

are you going to cry some more?
do you need a hankie?

You still don't quite fit in.

Unnecessary newlines, just like (((151e80))). At least try to be less obvious.

Certainly not in GenID, that's for sure. I'll stick to Holla Forums and ignoring your weird group.

You just got fucked.
Back to leftypol

If you lot are representative of the GenderIdentity disorder group that does not bode well for them.

on the contrary, I'm not.
But you are destroyed little faggot shill.
Do you need me to spank you again?
Are you going to spam some more

spam some more
and cry harder.
you gave me a stiffy

They don't really. They have been using the same tactics for over six months now they need to come up with something new because it is frankly not challenging to spot them and dismantle in a blink

They don't really. They have been using the same tactics for over six months now they need to come up with something new because it is frankly not challenging to spot them and dismantle in a blink

I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

paved destination, filtered.
sms academies limited spots subparagraph bronze volt subsystem romeo msie. analyzing sdn getting struggled merging sustaining erickson enjoyment coffin sole male.
estate navy lenox ripe upper disorder measures glucose microsystems reels. toxicology ext recorders urbana spacious humanity wolfe nel.
exits tracking subsidies quickly rooms nowadays interim 54 secretly uruguay kayak crawl hypermail amos sad whispered functional. katz properties naomi, gallagher supreme cfa lie fats hug.
61 frank herman webdesign 31.
determinations simulator boris policy depression guam telnet.
testers mechanic bill established mailto, expo seminary differently colonial samuel italia dig balance moisture doses distinction vapor. metropolis motorsport 9 kraft welcomed lama din persuade, blackburn polaroid brook apocalypse.
ships uid activate petersburg sends. plaza guts rockies ate unsolicited orioles violent withdrawal autocad paved difficulty inquiries pose blunt.
59 resurrection trash lethal armed.
gnu connor informed therapeutic deviant. speedway spun rwanda sacred cleansing fcc promotional boca dbz coordinators tbh.


Fuck off CIAnigger

What a bunch of cucks. Anything that isn't explicitly NS is cuck shit.

I love that this blatant kike is insinuating that nationalists are stupid and uneducated. Get fucked, shlomo. Reported

sounds shady af

fuggin saved

Tommy Robinson should get gassed

This is a clear shill, not a Holla Forums user. If he was not a GI shill, then why is his post filled with pro-GI shit?

Either you are hopping IP's or you are some kind of phone poster or something. Obviously homosexual

still trying after you got btfo'd so hard
try spamming some more )

The fact that coonfy allows this constant GI spam says all any Holla Forumsack needs to know. Controlled opposition indeed.

I'm just laughing at your attempts at this point.
You're like a little doggy jumping but can't reach the fence.

p….please buy my d&c

here is some more to trigger you

Did you leave?
Please sperg some more, I have many pictures to trigger you

Nice arguments you have there, Leftypol!
Please enlighten us more with your nigger-tier sperging!

How do you tell it's fake? And why does this discredit their organisation?
We also edit imagrs but more for the memes, not sure in what context this was released.
Also, where did this image come from originally?


That's why I want to have a look at them anonymously, I'm very careful when meeting new people.

Quints of truth

They are part of the group, not leading GI you fucking moron.
I read somewhere one GI member smuggled 500 guns into France and some of them were used to attack a jewish supermarket, so you tell me if they are all controlled op.
I can't find it rn but I'll look it up if you want.

keep glowing.
The harder you try to fit in by copying the in-group language used by others, the harder you stand out.


Yet they have ample funds for top-tier signage and bespoke uniforms.
State-funded Kosher op 100%.

I think they have a bright future infront of them

It doesnt matter whether the women lead or not. Female participation is the death knell of any movement, this has been shown over and over again in history. Besides, Lauren Southern isn't just a bimbo but A FUCKING JEW.

No actual pol/ack/ would condone working with Jews. Not one. Hence why you do not belong here and everyone can tell.

Watching the shills go insane about this is glorious

It really confirms it's a well organized group.
They wouldn't bother with some little skinhead group

Yeah, right. "Sauce?"

Which crew? Which organization? Were other members arrested?

top lel

filtered because low effort, can't read links provided


Anyways, disregard the leftypol retards sperging.

Thing about this, activism isn't for anyone.
For me I don't have time atm really.
It is everyone's own choice if they choose to participate in anything, but the main thing is you have to have time.


Typical tricks, Shlomo.

Are you well lad?
Are you suggesting this somehow has importance to absolutely anything?


when will you start spamming again?
it's immense fun watching you continously fail at trying to shut it down

here are some more pictures to trigger you into sperg mode again



This place is fucking dead, isn't it? I read through this whole thread and 90% of it is just people arguing about whether or not this group is pure enough for Holla Forums. Why not talk about how we can actually (as others have said) link up with groups like this and use this networking to our advantage?

I associate with many people who are quite right-wing, but they don't know much about Israel and the Jewish influence because to most people, it's not readily apparent. What they're more concerned about is the mass influx of Muslims and Africans and Asians, because that's what is right there in front of them. Many too are angry about gay propaganda, because again, that's what they see and what is directly affecting them.

The most important thing is that people are losing their fear of speaking against these things, whereas even just a few short years ago they'd be shocked into silence. I think we need to be patient, and networking with these groups is very valuable. Get people talking, get people learning. They may not meet your standards just yet, but it's a start in the right direction.



I am saying he is a shill who is probably Sinead from Renegade Broadcasting, you fucking newfag.


Actually 90% of the thread is that one guy spamming pictures and ID hopping.

Those are leftypol shills. They are trying to discredit GI.
Ignore them

Basically yes, I agree with you OP definitely has potential

18 billion sorosbux and still acomplish absolutely nothing

Honestly Identity Evropa sounds like a better version of this, but they can always improve down the line. They are worth supporting to get people more willing to the idea of racial segregation, the people need the right mentality if we are ever going to improve this world.

you are getting predictable.
you said the opposite about identity evropa.

ask Soros for a seminar on how to d&c better

You might want to pull your head out of the sand there, I dont think you have a very good perspective. His obvious strategy is to support both sides to cause America and Europe to fall apart, bonus points if communists win (when China gives them heavy weapons)





Excellent post

Didn't the Russian government release a statement that said in case of a revolution in the USA, Russia would support the rebels when it comes to logistics and intelligence. So for all we know, Russia could be supporting BLM and Antifa atm

no proof, eat a bag of your own microwaved feces

actually, you are a fucking retard.


discreditation didn't work, so spam attack, what now? you stupid inate fucking bitch
no proof, you are a worthless sack of shit.
you need to die.
you need to take walk in the middle of the highway.
you are a cancer.
you are a boil
you are rotting inside
this is for you.


that's one nasty butt buffet

Brittany Pettiboner is also banging him, so given hers and Southern's involvement it looks like just another shekel-grabbing scheme. Need to know more about (((who))) they receive funding from.

wtf i haet britney now

That's not how it works. Organizations touting themselves on Holla Forums and the people involved with them are the ones who have to prove their credentials, not us. And all I'm seeing is a bunch of glow in the dark kosher spooks and shills.
In effect, the proof is in that fact that they were allowed to parade down the bridge mere months after two major terrorist incidents, unfurl a tellingly professionally made and polishedgiant "far-right" banner, drape it out within yards of parliament and at no point were they even questioned by one of the many police, PCSOs or undercover security which blankets the area.
That is the fucking proof that they're state. Now hop in the oven and breathe deeply, kike.
also notice the blatant disconnect in the stated rules about being nicey-nicey and not offending non-whites, kikes or pissreal, and all the Hitler and strong rhetoric being posted here, 100% controlled opposition, if you're a young lad new to nationalism, pay attention and remember, this is template honeypot / state-controlled operations.


^ this

Russia supposedly got caught paying for adds and they were PRO BLM. They also regularly support BLM, and the poor oppressed niggers in the US, and in calais, and in the UK, and everywhere. They argued after Charlie Hebdo etc that free speech was to blame, Oxana Boyko or whatever her name is argued that, against a reporter from Britain I believe it was. Anti gun, pro open borders, pro fag and tranny (despite that being illegal on daytime television).. the whole 9 yards. Everything the radical left believes, they push on RT. Just watch an episode of that show, any episode. Try to finish more than 5 minutes without getting mad.. or Thom Hartmans "The Big Picture". Almost Salon tier horseshit.

Here, this ones on the NFL protests. Big surprise, they side with the niggers. He manages to "link" the opioid problem with voter suppression in the first minute and a half, so you know hes off to a great start. Clearly Putin has his propaganda machine pushing for Trump and not communist breakup of the US.

RT. Question More.





Pretty.damn impressive.
Glad I could help to my capacity, some other Anons here helped tremendously too

Reminder Lauren Southern is a military intelligence contractor, suspected jew and former employee of Zionist (((Ezra Levant))), who still pays her.

This Britanny e-celeb was also associated with (((Tara McCarthy))), which is a mongrelized jewish-supremacist shill. Britanny is at least guilty by association. Other shills supporting this include (((Tomy Robinson))) and ex/closeted homossexual "alt-right" bodybuilder Marcus Folin "The Golden One", who also has military background & covers-up for military contractors.

This doesn't look good…

I'm not a member but it pisses me the fuck off people slandering organizations that I know first hand are doing great work.
If you budge in to that shit Soros 18 bilion win.
Not that this is a recruitment thread as OP clearly just asked for opinion and got bombarded with fucking low life piece of shit shills.
GI afaik doesn't ecen recruit onkine you need a voucher to get in.
So fuck you shills

You need to die.

Reported for shilling for honepyot group.




Semi-Sage for e-celeb bullshit but Pettibone did come out of nowhere, latched onto Southern and immediately got tons of shekels. The boat stunt was just a publicity thing for more shekels. If they red pill normies good, but there is plenty of evidence to be suspicious of GI. Wait and see.

Her own words.

And this is a pretty funny parody song.

user, do you know why activists groups like GI in Czech Republic? I've been looking at Dělnická mládež, but they don't seem to be close to me. Do you know any other alternatives to them? They require all personal info and even a bank account to be a member, which I'm not fond of. Could you please find out?

Brittany latches onto anything momentum. First it was PizzaGate, Infowars and Cernovich, then Tara McCarthy, followed by Chopstickman and his crew, Lauren & CO, and now the GenderIdentity crowd. If she's an agent, she's effective I'll give her or him that.

"The Golden One" names the Jew, and every male in Sweden has to do a stint in military service. Of all the youtube Meme's he's the one I'm least suspicious of.

*anything with momentum.

Fuck off and die.
that's better.

What you need to do is have a way in. Someone has to get to know you.
Don't give any fucking bank account through internet that much should be clear. Reach out through fb and ask for detail

And just as I post that, I see they've now linked up with (((Tommy Rabbisson))). Gotta shill fast! By the way, how tall is Tommy? Had no idea he was such a manlet.

Suspicious your fucking mom's cunt.
for what?
Stop fucking working against people that share same goals or end your life

Any push towards white Identity must be supported. Their ultimate goal is to use terrorism by the peaceful ones to usher in more and more hate speech laws which require more and more surveillance. From there it will be suspect for whites to meet in any fashion and any type of movement to retake the land will be futile.

Go play a ski.flute somewhere else
I hope Soros kills dismembers you and uses you for body parts you little.fucking slimy piece.of shit cocksucking bitch

Why did Sellner get BTFO by Antifa though?

You're abnormally butthurt. Tommy, is that you?



Hard to talk about this movement without mentioning e-celebs, which tells something…

He doesn't, he is the guy who tries to redpill PewDiePie - his main purpose is to infantilize and distract nationalist movements. That guy is as much of a shill as the others, he activelly covers-up for agents like Lauren (he banned people who exposed her connections to millitary intelligence). Also notice how he is always travelling and buddying up with "politicians" who are as infiltrated as can be, despite having no visibile occupation besides begging for shekels to buy roids whey protein. If you pay some close attention to him, especially his handshakes, you can seriously ask if he is not a freemason… Also he is an ex-gay, and claims no regrets for it… Beware gatekeepers like him, who are harder to spot…



This is a Soros shill.
Report it.

Why so serious?


it should be understood
Is.attacking this movement because they are scared.

His parents are pretty rich afaik

I'm suspicious of them all, didn't know he covered for Lauren though, not a good sign. Those chicks at the top though, weeew.

Anyone notice that the GenId threads always attract weird shills. I remember trying this out in the boat threads a few months ago. If I posted something pro-GenID, I'd immediately get positive replies in a style that didn't really fit Holla Forums. Then, if I wrote something vaguely negative, I'd be swarmed by very childish shills, with quality like , , . My opinion is that they're certainly astro turfing.
Is using character.assasination here.

Do not buy it.
If you are a self respecting Holla ForumsAnon either report or confront them asking to back up their claims with evidence.

This has gone on long enough. It stops now.

That's the bloody problem. I know several fashy people, but they lack the balls to join an organisation and do real shit in meatspace. But thanks for the answer. I will try to find some of then on Faceberg, they had a protest here some while ago and missed it for some reason.

Any time we question you GI shills, you respond "GO KILL YOURSELF", your organization seems really sketchy.

Main goal with if they fail character.assasination is to shit up the thread to a point no one wants to discuss anymore.
They did this here with spam spree after being BTFO out of any arguments
Mods you know this


No problem m8.
I heeard they are present in Czechia, you should have no problem

They're upset their (((shekel sources))) are being called out. I don't trust anything whores like Southern and Pettibone latch on to. They sound like a glorified version of Proud Boys.

Nice astroturfing. This just makes me even more skeptical of you lot.

I read Generation Identity by Markus Willinger, and at no point did he name the jew. Not even once. Actually, the whole book would be Mein Kampf tier if you would just search and replace every occurence of "baby boomer" with "jew". Basically it's just another example of kosher nationalism.

Do they benefit us ? Maybe, I don't know. It's probably better than the blackpill anyway, and there are undoubtedly some real NatSocs in the movement.

But as of today it's 100% kosher.

Quick anecdote, the leader fo GI in France praised Simone Weil as a strong and independant wymyn the day she died. She's responsible for the death of 7,000,000 unborn white babies in France.

Holy shit. At first I thought you were posting a Jew to insult me as though I was one… and then I saw what cannot be unseen.

Hasbarafag the Religion of Cuck™ic shitskin is shilling against the Identitarian movement again ITT. He is @zogistani99 on Twitter. Get to work he is an Religion of Cuck™ic shitskin and an anti White shill

The fact that they're associated with Tommy Robinson tells you everything you need to know about them.


Kill yourself hasbarafag you gross inbred mudslime shitskin

Are you that /bmw/ autist who sperged out for three days straight with multiple IPs claiming a hope note hate reported "proved" the Alt-Kike was legitimate, and then LARPed about how you used Dicky Spencer speeches to form a "pro-White militia"?

Are you fucking lost m8? Tommy is a full fledged zionist and probably has jew blood swimming in his veins. You on the other hand seem to sticking up for jewry. Very weird.

So this is what Hitler was talking about on debating with the Jew in Mein Kampf…

What do those hand signs mean?

I am not defending Robinson just exposing that subhuman mudshit shitskin Hasbarafag who always shills and spergs out in every thread. This is a White man's board. Shitskins not welcome.

Nobody cares about some twitter autist who has no influence anywhere but inside your head. You on the other hand are deflecting very hard from the light being put on the jews.

Character assasination not quite working shill bitches ah?

Spam some.fucking more

I'm pro-Russian because I'm half Serb-Bulgarian, come at me.


I know some of the guys and will not be brainwashed about them on my board by some fucking piece of shit Soros shills.


The absolute STATE of 8cuck.

stick yiu fucking d&c where te sun don't shine.
And bumping

18 billion Soros dollars + no mods

That schizophrenic kike was in the thread earlier posting about Russians again for some reason

Try to be less obvious next time faggot.

The fucking asshurt of HOPENOTHATE
Thanks for this.
You are proving that you take them serious

This is what the sticky is about. Lol.

Character assasination isn't working. Throw more money at it.
You can't stop Holla Forums and you we will piss on your graves


You will see us pissing on your graves

You aren't from here. Keep screeching into the abyss tho.

Know that you can shit up the thread.
But you are only burning your sorosbux
You didn't stop FLA you didn't stop DEFEND EUROPE you didn't stop AFD you didn't stop KURZ you didn't stop FLA2 and you won't stop anything.
You're burning money JEB style in the furnace.
Which is where you'll end up eventually

Can you make a post that actually has substance? I mean anons have real concerns which are only being met with your screeching. If you aren't a shill then prove anons wrong but you don't seem to able.

I support these lads all day long. Godspeed.

lol jidf asking for gibs

We can tell considering you have been shilling in this thread since yesterday and still can't give us a reason why kosher elements being called out don't get a response.

If you are European you already know these guys are legit.
If you are a shill you attack them.
If you are a Burger and somehow missed all that has already been said about them:

Europe's with you.

Oh I know about them so have a lot of anons. We just question its purpose. You also have disproved any of the criticism and resorted to screeching like it would somehow make lads less skeptical.
These posts here are not being refuted by the likes of you.

If you are against are against us.
For spoonfeding go somewhere else

Who is funding GI?
Why is GI working with Tommy Robinson an informant?

So you can't refute the claims proof shown. Sounds like you lot and especially you are indeed some form of kosher nationalism.

Do you think we are in a court shill?
Lol, far from it.
No one owes you fuck all.
Fuck you little faggot. Google it

I need to refute fuck all little bitch.
Actions speak louder than words.
Sure you can cry about it. But that is all you will do.
Unlike you sad sorosvirginorganreplacementsquadron,
I don't prostitute my opinions based on money. It means zero to me.
Actions, people, their intent and their commitment mean the world. And I will defend those I knew are fighting along me
You can't stop us

Your display of low iq drivel just feeds into why lads should be very skeptical of this group. Your refusal to answer simple questions shows a form of guilt.

Just a little headsup to hopenothate, various lefties attacking us:
You think you have studied us. But I have been studying you for over 6 months now.
I know you instantly when you post. you smell of a decaying corpse.
Which you will become

Truth > money

And remember this if you are an actual Holla ForumsAnon:
if you go against people who are /ourside/ you will experience places worse than hell.
Karma is a bitch


Gargle my dickjuice you schizo

Who is this us? You aren't from here. You can't even webm nor can you format your post like an user. Your shit is fucked up and all retarded.

Lay off snorting that adderall you absolute muppet.

Lay of being a defeatist cuck bitch

Holy fuck. This is your day job, isn't it?

Go outside you little gremlin.

I don't feel the need to hop ip's like the faggots attacking this without any proof whatsoever.
You can cry about it a little from another ip.

I still haven't seen zero proof against GI UK?
Come on, surely with the fucking budget you have you can fabricate some.
Until then,



Have fun polishing your shoes, cuck. WHEN you change your mind and want some boys who will put boots in kike and mussies heads, let us know.

Actually honest user here.
so far all I've seen against them is:
Which could be used to avoid infiltrates, but idk.
I've always got the feeling that that's simply for legal reasons. I've even heard the same about some political parties of Europe, where the leadership are 100% /ourguys/ but cuck out publicly due to pragmatism and retarded laws.
ultimately, we'd need an actual member of GI to give us some insight into this.
literally who?
I mean, if he in fact is a CIAnigger it would be pretty bad, but I don't know anything about this,which is strange.

Well that's all the proof you need about them. It would be one thing for the group to ignore that, but to disallow membership to any member for such "wrongthink" shows you they're inoperably cucked. Questioning the Holocaust is perfectly reasonable, and I've found even people who reject anti-semitism raise questions about that farce (someone like Ole Dammegard for instance).

Just read

And then look at the faggots response to it.
He came here to shill some group and tells everyone who isnt a holocaust believer to get fucked.
If that doesnt make you suspcious you're a fucking faggot like he is.

The only real question is why is he here to shitpost, its either he belong to the group and he is retarded since this wont exactly win him any friends.
Or his original intent was to get people to shit on the group, either way shit thread of no value.

See that's all you need to know.

I was just wondering that. If this idiot is working on the behest of GI, they should shitcan him stat, he's doing more to undermine them than Soros/HopeNotHate.

For the most part, I am pro russia in terms of the bipolar, non globalist outlook within the context of msm but to think that RT US is not pushing shill tactics would be naive. Turn on CNN and BBC or whatever the fuck you choose and they'll do the same. RT is state sponsored so their content will naturally slant the USA in a negative light. They just do so more subtly and more casually. Redacted tonight is hosted by a dickhead and have no idea what they're thinking.'s comments section on the other hand is run by ((( but most of the people commenting know who (((they))) are and see through RT's bullshit when they begin fucking up. They've also stopped banning certain keywords these days. Interesting to follow but would argue that it's a little bit better than tabloid tier sites. Redacted tonight is the biggest trash RT has to offer, you may as well watch trevor noah or Mr. 2 scoops.

Exploiting the racial divide in the US is a common tactic used by America's enemies, it's a really easily exploitable fracture point; the Germans used that tactic too (pic related).

Funny enough, when it came to the French, the Germans used the nigger as a symbol of embarrassment, mocking French diversity.


Judging by the shitty songs and the images you've posted, I reckon you're the Slovenian guy

Cheers mods, thanks for anchoring this astroturf trash.


You are a traitor to Europe
Your head will roll before the others.

Everyone on this board think long and hard who you support and who you oppose. The time where your choices will be judged is soon.

Nah that's too edgy for you, you're only good for unfurling a banner and running away.


I'm not GI.
You are dealing with something far less benevolent.
You will suffer for your actions.

smart reaction. run still can.

Have you tried getting into psychedelics?

I just want to say one thing:
Those who oppose me are likely going to talk to God soon.
Take from.this what you wish,
I can't stand traitors

If you oppose people who stand with us, you deserve to be drawn and quartered. next time you feel like talking shit on your brothers.
I crave for your blood you
edgy take
your larping

That goes for GI too. We have reason to fucking be suspicious of any group. Groups like Spencer, TDS, Stormfront, RebelTV and many e-celebs red pill normies and act pro-white sure, but they are fucking funded by kikes. You came to Holla Forums and shilled for a group. Anons had questions and you fucks started on cue with ad hominems. Holla Forums is not loyal to any group you came and shilled on this board. If GI or any group does something to merit shilling most likely Holla Forums will post the work here, like anons have in the past. If GI shills refuse to account for where GI gets its funding than you can fuck the fuck off of Holla Forums and go back to JewTube with your JewTube "AltRight" whores.

GI shills?
There were none. You fucking stupid idiot. There is alot of groups that are attacking us
We are being attacked left and right and you choose to go along with it.
There are many things I can forgive. Betrayal and attacking brothers is not one of them.

Who's "us?" GI? Again you imply Holla Forums should support GI or any group. OP is shilling & anons raised valid questions which were met with ad hominems. /our/ NatSoc Kameraden did more than wave banners around in the 1930s. In the 1960s, /our/ Kameraden were killed, beaten, and fucking imprisoned. Do the work, present work on merit, fuck off with shilling.

I remember you! You're the same faggot that accused everyone of being a CTR shill who pointed out that Kike Enoch is married to a jewess. Friendly reminder that on the night of the long knives 2.0 that you're going to be fed into a woodchipper feet first! :D

The only hasbarafaggot is you.


Just a friendly reminder to never trust anyone you don't know personally, don't do anything that compromises your well being for the sake of a group that has leaders that are out of touch to you. At the same time, it's great to meet people that have politically incorrect views, so you don't feel like a complete social outcast. The left loves to shun people who don't agree with them to try to make you feel like you're a crazy loser. The views of most of the real people here weren't out of the ordinary 2-3 generations ago. I appreciate anyone who brings to light compromising truths about people trying to be leaders, although without clear arguments, they're only worth so much. Do what you think is right, meet people if you want, stay home if you want. Just remember that with the anonymity here comes the responsibility of trusting no one except your own judgement.

have a bump




Heavy leftist shilling ITT, like in every past GI thread, Holla Forums is such a mess in 2017.