I can't seem to recall having a good one.
Did anyone have a good experience at all using this?
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Long, long time ago I used gamespy to play Mechcommander Gold with some guys that were probably way older than I was.
I was like 12, so I was definitely the kid but everybody was still cool regardless.
I had good times playing some games that used GameSpy, but that was always in spite of, not because of, that POS service.
It used to host halo 1 pc multiplayer and that was pretty good for over a decade ago
I think I played CNC Renegade with it.
At a point it was the only way to really find a server list for some games and was a decent way to get at demos and know what was coming out easily.
Meant to say I was talking about Gamespy Arcade specifically.
feels bad man
That's my experience pretty much.
Yes. In it's infancy in the late 90s. It was pretty handy as a universal multiplayer tool. Used it to play Action Quake 2 with it.
Then it turned to clunky shit when it tried to become 'mainstream'.
Star Wars Battlefront 2
I think you had to use it for Wolf ET. Don't remember, but it worked okay.
MDE never dies
IIRC, Halo: CE used it for matchmaking.
So, yeah, sure.
It was bad enough to let pirates play Borderlands 1 multiplayer
What idiot thought this was a good idea? Thank goodness the GoG version has more options.
Gamespy was the worst POS i've ever been on. It replaced Mplayer (how many of you even remember that?!) back when I played rainbow six (the original).
I was on DSL with no firewall settings at the time and played with no issues what so ever on Mplayer. Then i log in one day and it says "WELCOME TO GAMESPY! We bought out Mplayer and decided to fuck over everything they did!"
I couldnt connect to rainbow six, contact support "lol turn off your firewall"
"I dont have a firewall"
*shrugs* "Oh well, fuck you guy. Lol."
It was shoe-horned into every single game i wanted to play at the time and some games were programmed specifically for gayspy only. No direct connect, no server hosting, just gamespy.
When everyone saw them for the POS they were and they died, no one could play their multiplayer games because "LOL WE DUN DESIGNED IT FOR GAYSPY ONLY!"
Fuck them. I am 150% glad they are gone.
what this goy says
Downvoted for suggesting this over steam.
there are still halo 1 servers up for the PC version.
Yes, the Wii and DS used Gamespy servers and that is why they were shut down
Well back when it first came out, you usually had to go to a server list site, copy the IP and then type connect in the console or via a shitty join ip dialog box. This gave you a server browser that could launch the game directly and save an extra few keystrokes.
Eventually they started to incorporate it into the games GUI itself.
No, considering how Nintendo's Wii and DS online infrastructure relied on it as well as other titles on other systems and PC and then it died.
i could pirate games and still online
that's about it
I'll never forgive them for killing Neverwinter Nights' multiplayer.
Use neverrun.
I remember doing that.
That's honestly pretty cool, but all the non-PW servers are dead now and won't ever be coming back.
I actually would not mind NWN getting an Enhanced Edition, if only to bring back the multiplayer. At least any changes made in SJWs' favor can be easily reverted in the toolset.
How the fuck am i supposed to play Halo CE now.
Why would you want to play Halo in the first place?
And don't pull that retroactive "Halo wasn't bad until 3** bullshit, it was considered shit by non-casuals upon release as well.
Because i like it?…
Some people like to suck poop out of an AIDS infected anus.
No need to be so blunt about your preferences queermo
THUG 2 and THAW online for PS2 nigga. Glicth parks on deck.
Halo CE was fun as hell in Multiplayer. Finished the SP campaign plenty of times and I really liked it.
I used to play Quake through it, and for a brief while, they called it 3D GameSpy.
It was always a layer of bloated bullshit that stood between you and the game. Sort of like Steam but tacked onto games after the fact. Made my toaster run games even more poorly.
Back in the day, I used a GameSpy server browser to play Heretic II. I prefered bladestaff dueling because I was seriously better at it than most players, and I have fond memories of a Last Man Standing mod where one player starts as a giant chicken that instakilled players by pecking them, and when they respawned they were giant chickens as well, and the goal was to wipe out the chickens before they wiped out the normal players.
The day that shitty site IGN bought GameSpy was the day that my childhood died. I practically grew up on GameSpy.
You say that like we're supposed to take autistic faggots seriously.
Quick, fire up Quake or Quake 2 and browse for servers.
All of nintendos online games last gen used gamespy and as far as I can remember they ran fairly well.
If you mean PC, then I can't recall ever using it. I'm sure I probably did at some point maybe for AvP2 but that was pretty much dead when I went on it.
Why are non-casuals becoming more and more indistinguishable with autists?
i always wondered where the fuck everyone was in that game. there was only ever one server up with people on it. occasionally youd get a game on another server going with up to 5 supposed humans.
because there are people who think taking certain video games seriously is a sign of prestige. perhaps this mindset ushered in the mlg gaming trend, with games revolving around competitive matchmaking being order of the day.
The old gamespy 3d was great (and xqf for Linux). But then they went to pure cancer, gamespy arcade, and it was all downhill from there. They had to force people to use gamespy arcade and we held on to gamespy 3d as long as we could.
Halo was garbage. It was many years behind the FPS scene at release.
I played MW2 online with a bunch of old people when I was 8. They would talk about sports and their wives all the time.
Didn't MW3/4 use that? Played the fuck out of those
MW3 as in Modern Warfare 3? That game uses Activision own servers, that's why the Wii of all platforms still has its online mode up.
>Be Applefag
>Played other games forced to be Mac-only on GamerAnger
>Long after I'd switched when Apple took it up the ass from Intel, GameSpy dies
Yup, just open the game, hit list, sort by ping, and play or host. Every game, every time, from beginning to shutdown. It did its job.
It was a game-neutral, publisher-neutral, DRM-neutral, mod-neutral, free, practically standardized, utterly perpetual metaservice back in the days when devs EXPECTED customers to host their own servers instead of being cucked by P2P and 1st-party bullshit.
I hate being at the mercy of fickle corporate scum for everything now.
True, speaking as an OG Bungie fanboy from back in the PiD days, Halo as released wasn't revolutionary, just an unremarkable product cobbled together from the ruins of a revolutionary project. It's still fun in a mediocre way
yeah but it was called gamespy. im sure it was loaded with spyware
Nah, but I have some fond memories of these two
NWN's original campaign was actually pretty fun in multiplayer with some close friends, made up for its general awfulness in singleplayer and the design constraints of a single player + shitty henchmen
Nailed it.
Arguably Gamespy was pretty crucial to enabling the viability of Quake, Half-Life, and Unreal/UT mods that brought a flood of creativity and experimentation into the FPS scene from 1998-2004, or thereabouts.
I didn't realize MW is now associated with cod. Fuck this world fam.
There's still Kali. Other than that nowadays we have Gameranger and Voobly.
Voobly is the most obnoxious imo.
C&C renegade was alright
Best part of Halo PC was Halo Custom Edition, we had sawnose, one of the guys behind supporting the PC version of Halo and you'll never find anyone in the industry like him ever again, before gamespy went down a lot of the big community names like Kornman and the ilk made a patch for HPC and HCE that made calls to the gameranger master servers and sawnose was actually able to publish this community patch to everyone before the update servers got pulled
Shame Custom Edition is all but dead, no real custom map servers running anymore, just stock maps and spics
post more old screenshots oldfag
crysis 1&wars used it and it never got in the way. thats the best i can say about it.
Gamespy was nightmarish. Now that I think about it I had a hard time with Xfire too.
Old multiplayer services were hell.
Xfire was great, used it to communicate in CoD4 MP with my clan and it did the job.
You probably had a miserable fucking childhood then, what a waste of trips.
People are always nostalgic about the past. It was the same with THQ. Everybody hated them but once they went bankrupt everybody suddenly sucked their dick.
Gamespy was shit. The games that used gamespy were decent, but that piece of shit itself was just crap.
I had a fun time with it when it was GameSpy3D, a server browsing app that helped me play my first online games of Quake 2 and SiN.
It went overboard, though.
And it ruined MPlayer -but maybe MPlayer ruined Mplayer, so whatever.
1997 was 19 years ago
I don't really remember any overwhelmingly negative experiences with it, but by god they chose a shit name and branding for their product. Nothing says "safe program for your computer" like a logo of a shady guy in sunglasses, fedora and a trench coat. Especially around the time when people were super paranoid about computer viruses. I remember my parents would always see it and think I was installing viruses onto the computer. I knew it had to be safe because virtually every PC game I played said it needed to use it, but good luck trying to say that as a kid. Seriously, what fucking idiot gave that the OK? No wonder they went under.
I was just thinking about this. My parents asked me several times about the "virus program Game Spies" on our family computer.
Is what you meant to say.
this is your dad stop sucking dick faggot
taste is subjective, user :^)
Your mom is subjective.
this is your mother stop sucking dick faggot
I'm not a hipster, I'm simply capable of recognizing the difference between a competently unexceptional game like Halo, and the dozens of genuinely excellent PC shooters from the same period like Tribes, Outcast, Deus Ex, Serious Sam, SWAT, Messiah, Battlefield, or Operation Flashpoint. And "fun in a mediocre way" is an exceedingly favorable estimation coming from someone who recognizes and deeply loathes what Halo did both to gaming (especially the FPS genre), and to the company once responsible for breakthrough games like Pathways, Myth, and Oni (not to mention the far more ambitious pre-XBox plans for Halo itself!).
Halo is simply a nice game you can play with friends, it's fun for everyone. If you go into a lan party and play with friends Halo is the perfect game.
You can't play bullshit like Unreal Tournament or Tribes in a lan party. With games like these you will have 3 people dominating the entire server and 7 people constantly dying not having fun at all.
We used to play a lot of cs and hl back then and those were definitely very frustrating games to play for most of us. In hl I was basically flying trough the map one shooting everybody and in cs we had like 4 guys who would destroy the rest of the players.
I am normally against games that give noobs a fair chance at winning, but if you invite non gamers to a gaming party you need something like halo that all of you can play.
So Nintendo needs to make a partygame FPS to purge the pretentious pseudo-hardcore cancer from the genre? I haven't played Splatoon, does that count?
Nintendo is to casual, by now. Mario Kart 64 and the original smash bros were decent games. But by now both games have cancer items.
No dice, Splatoon has a ranking system that counts how much you win or lose. You can play unranked matches, but a lot of the playerbase gravitates towards the ranked ones.
Crusader 1 online
pickaxe man rush lol
You… Aren't one of those people - the ones who try to make themselves believe SSB was ever a fighting game, or MK was ever a racing game, instead of both being party games on par with poker - are you?
What about splitscreen/LAN? Maybe their forays into AR with Pokemon will eventually result in a rebirth for Lazer Tag.
Correct me and call me a faggot if I'm wrong, but I don't think that's a thing since a gamepad is required to control your character.
It's of course not on the same level as Street Fighter or KoF, but it is not a total trash game like people on this board claim. I'd say that ssb was better than mk9 and mkx.
Anyway, my point is they are decent party games, unlike the new mario kart or smash bros, which are in my opinion nothing but kid games.
Nintendo sure are colossal faggots
You and I would probably get along, ye Grizzled Ancient.
Yeah, the chick who designed Konoko.
The death of Bungie will never not make me bitter, but out of all the betrayals, lies, and failures from the death of Bungie, probably the most depressing was what happened to Alexander Seropian.
The truth hurts so much.
I don't know anything about what happened, but was always curious. IIRC in an interview Jason disagreed heavily with Seropian on the use of iridescent colors for the Covenant, but it seems like that would've been indicative of other major disagreements. At the very least Jason didn't seem like a total dick-wagging cuntface in the public eye like so many others, not until their latest (and hopefully final) abortion, anyway.
FYI Marty and a small few veterans went and formed Highwire Games.
McLees also designed the H2 box art, which I do like.
I remember using gamespy to find quake servers occasionally and also remember that they bought all of the sites that hosted quake mods then deleted it all
He set up the M$ buyout, rushed Halo out the door, and basically retired young until Destiny. Honestly, I couldn't get that mad at him, how many friends would you jam daggers into the backs of if you were given the prospect of exiting one of the most unstable industries in the tech sector as a 30-year-old millionaire?
He wanted to stay in the game. Almost as soon as Halo 2 was finished, he leapt back in, founded a company named Wideload, and (using the Halo engine) made Stubbs the Zombie. It was ambitious in some ways, too simple in others, but IMHO deserved better than the chilly reception it got. Wideload descended into casual games, then got eaten by Disney (no doubt with hopes of ambitious imagineering work), and ultimately dissolved in a puddle of facebookshit. Seropian's work is now split between academic appearances and slaving away in the AR-bubble mobileshit mines.
Basically, about like what happened to Warren Spector.
I'll have to check out some of Seropian's other games.
I never understood why that game is so fucking unknown. It was fun, had a great mechanic of turning NPCs into zombies, and the writing was surprisingly solid for a game building itself on sillyness. I only got to play it about 5 years ago, and finding a live torrent was painful as fuck. Last I heard, it's completely impossible now.
PIcked it up recently at isozone, works perfectly.