Any Afrikaans speakers on here?

I heard this book is the most accurate interpretation of Van Rensburg's prophecies. But I can't find any pdfs or any English translations of this book. What does the book say his prophecies were?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do this guy's prophecies matter?

I think he was mentioned in the Good Hope threads. Something about him predicting the Boers blowing away bantus, and Britain being destroyed.
I'm too lazy to find and link the actual posts, but if you check the Good Hope threads, you might find it.

Checked. Let's hope someone has read his book, the Good Hope threads might have caught the attention of some Afrikaners.
I think /x/ stuff is fanfiction, with or without the white creole, but it tingles my curiosity and I have good hopes for the poor south africans left

I had never heard of Van Rensburg until the Good Hope threads. I don't put a lot of stock into prophets myself. But there's a lot of meme magic in those threads.

They're actually pretty interesting tbh

So did OP just pump and dump this thread? There's been a few slide threads popping up tonight.
Polite sage for off topic.

Nostradamus is pretty interesting tbh you know, you could contribute anything of value anytime

kek I was going to tl;dr but it's a fucken long ass story. There's a couple good videos on jewtube mayne shiiet.

Slide threads out the ass while highly important threads were unstickied out of nowhere.

Well shit I can only jumble a few words together, I didn't pay any attention in school.

But it states something along the lines of:

Now it sounds real fucked up but I must remind you how he extrapolated this information is some really strange shit. For example the Boer fighters starting their war were envisioned as: "I see a skinny African in the distance, and i felt for my pockets and to which a few grey locusts fell out onto the ground and started hopping toward him."

None of this is word for word and I'm only writing the stuff that I mainly remember,also on my phone so sorry for the shifty post.

Oh and also important to note he predicted the first black president of south africa would be a terrorist and that he would be seen by the entire world as a saint, andn the leader that followed him would be a terrible leader , I think he meant dictator. Also that India would hold a gun to the head of South Africa.

And then we have the Gupta family originally from India, weeding their way into power through the use of bribery and their key puppet Zuma. They've been accused of being able to appoint ministers, with many before their appointments visiting their mansion in saxonwold, for assume friendly chat****.

South Africa is a total shit show right now.

President Zuma has just shuffled the cabinet for the third time this year and its all believed to be so that they can pursue a nuclear PowerPoint building deal(which even the minister of finance who was hand selected had stated we cannot afford).

Fucking nuggets mate

Goddamn vegemite eaters.

Oh no reason to spoiler that one.

I've already seen them tho


I gotchu my nigga, I speak african. muthafucka says ima fuck nikki and beyonce at the same time fam!!!! WOKE NICKA!!! REP 17 CLAN BITCH NIGGAZ!!!!


Because his prophecies are all coming true and they are apooky as shit. He predicted europe being flooded with niggers, a man with hair like a wig (trump) would take away the presidency of the USA from a black young man (Obama), the first SA black president would be seen as a saint by the world by deceit (mandela propaganda), and a bunch of other very interesting stuff. Also he died more than a 100 years ago, so yeah, pretty spoopy.

Its funny when you realize that the guy who brokered the Uranium deal for the clintons was the MI6 head of the russian division.

Found this account of his "UK betrays the US" prophesy. Much more detail here.

Many secret weapons and gas is used everywhere. While horror (atomic?) bombs sow death and destruction, nations will be annihilated. While some nations cease to exist, others will still survive, but will be worthless. It will be a devastating war and everyone will be expected to go and fight.

Wait, wait, wait. The whole Antarctic underground Nazis thing was just before Good Hope.

Here's some more that I found.

Found this also if any anons are interested in reading his prophesies. Not sure how good the translation is but it's still interesting.

On the black invasion of England and France…

What the fuck was that?

Nostradamus is a fake compared to this guy.
Okay, this is what he predicted (There's a lot more but I don't have the book on me so I don't want to skew it all)

- The British would take over and instill apartheid.

- That the world would see a great war, followed by an even great one. That both would originate/be central to germany - also goes on about Namibia.

- That the Boers would gain independance at last but lose the country to the black tribes. That Europe would be flooded by non Europeans. That Europe will be cast into trouble. That the Boers would rise again and re-take South Africa once again.

Vir God en Vaderland. Amen. Ek is trots op wie ek is. Ek dank my God vir sy nederigheid en sy beloftes aan ons. My liewe Jesus is goed vir my. Hy seen my en die kinders en is lief vir ons en al sy kinders.

Give me the sentence and i'll translate for you OP.

What a fucking hack she is. Not even 2 minutes in. "the bow hers". What the fuck. It's Boer. "BOUHRRR" Is this the e-celeb whore that claimed to be an ex saffa but she's talking like she's a brit? I bet you a coke she's probs a fucking half jew or a sandton chick who got out of the country before she was even born. I bet her parents left in the early 90s before the CID or Eeben's guys put mandela in charge. These fucking grandstanders put SA to shame and talk the biggest load of kak imaginable. Suidlanders is funny because we call them kooks, the spokesman smokes rollies or joints, he's a good oke but we're unsure if we can trust him. Remember, FW fucked us, so the white nation is v. divided. Why's he travelling the world and talking shit instead of uniting us back here? I don't know or accuse this man of anything I do not know. I just wonder what his motives are. His interview with John B Wells was good, but Karin/Karen Smith was better to be honest. They're just looking to run. Run to where? To more Africa? Just my autistic blogpost of pure fiction of the russian knitting forum.

Intresting, hopefully i can get a copy somewhere.
As a Dutchfag i do understand spoken Afrikaans for atleast 70-80% but never read a book in Afrikaans,
anyone got experience-feedback on that?

A short summary of Rensburg:

And a bunch of other stuff this is just from what I remember on the top of my head. I would still disagree with the notion that he's similar to Nostradamus, van Rensburg his prophecies are much easier to interpret and less cryptic.

As for his more modern prophecies he predicted a possible third war, giving as clue when it would transpire when the ice would melt.

He predicted that the UK would betray USA in a deal with Russia. It would try to play Russia and US as being an ally to both, eventually US gets pissed about it and they end up with Russia. Russia plays Britain and eventually distrusts them. In Russia the sickle would come again (suggesting communist style leadership would return to Russia) and when that happens it would attack through a Turkey that wouldn't offer any fight. Through Turkey they invade Europe, destroying Britain and taking over southern Europe. They get stopped in Germany because of aid and tech German troops receive from US. The end result would be many places uninhabitable, US stuck with debt it wouldn't recover from in a century, Russia and China defeated along with a destroyed middle east and Germany very wealthy compared to the rest.

This was what I mainly got from his prophecies. I do believe the part about Britain making a deal with Russia, it's very likely ever since Brexit occured that a few years down the line something like this can happen. However I'm very skeptic about the sickle rising again in Russia. Putin opposes communism and there's no reason to implement communist style policies in modern day Russia again.

Ah yes he also predicted that a black flood from Africa would hit Europe, which would cause many unrest. I'm not sure if that was what would cause the three fires. I'm pretty sure he mentioned 3 fires rising up in Europe though I'm not entirely sure what that could mean. 3 countries revolting, making Europe unstable? Idk.

Boers would have to go through a terrible time first, eveything would be destroyed that they hold dear and they would be genocided. From that they would rise again as a people and conquer the hordes.

It is very readable though some sentence structures you might need to google to understand the meaning but it goes surprisingly easy.

Why would a civil war break out in Russia anytime soon? Putin for years has that country within his grasp and in complete controll.

I know Dutch, I also understand Afrikaans quite well because of it.

I will never understand this fuckery. What the fuck man.

Thank you for that!
I did once manage to read a book in a dutch low saxon dialect; which was quite harsh since much (if not all) was phonetically written, and
very diffrent from 'modern' Dutch, ironicly i do understand the (again) spoken version of it pretty well.

Dankie my broer. Ek dink jy is dieselfde user waarmeer ons laas so gesels het. Goed om jou weer hier te sien. Die wereld is besig om te vergaan. Ons is maar almal in dieselfde bootjie. Wees sterk en passop vir die "feite" wat hulle so graag wil he julle moet glo. Ek weet nie wat die toekoms hou nie, maar ek glo Jesus Christus het die antwoorde en dat van Rensburg n ware mens was wat voluit voorteenstaanbar was. Hoe okal, dis goed om my medemense op hierdie plek nog te sien. Ek is nou nie heeltemal van die Hollandse invloed nie, maar meer van die Franse Hugenote…. Maar ons is maar hierdie kant almal gemeng tussen die Hollandse, Duitsers, Frans, partykeers Engels, selfs Ierland…. Ja. Snaakse dae. Lees die boek. "The Boer War" deur Thomas Packenham. Baie interresant en baie goed. Van die min boeke wat veel van die waarheid vertel. Dankie vir jou response en sterkte in Europa.

catcha was: godkem
en toe: iets heeltemal anders… het net n gevoel gehad om dit ook in te sit. Nagse vriend.

Hold on there, broer. The release is coming for us all soon, one way or another.

t. user from the Afrika thread

Nederlander hier, Jullie zijn tof. God met ons!

if you have a skype conversation about nostradamus being legit with your tranny son while he masturbates/ fingers his ass/ sucks himself off, and you are completely comfortable with this as though it is a normal, regular occurrence,
you might be a boomer

mods are asleep, post afrikaans tunes

Because his prophecies are all coming true and they are apooky as shit. He predicted europe being flooded with niggers, a man with hair like a wig (trump) would take away the presidency of the USA from a black young man (Obama), the first SA black president would be seen as a saint by the world by deceit (mandela propaganda), and a bunch of other very interesting stuff. Also he died more than a 100 years ago, so yeah, pretty spoopy.
It's more time travel shit.

The man KNOWS. I have no idea why and how, but it seems 100% accurate at least I am getting my country back eventually.

Post the book in afrikaans then so i can translate it

Sal jou help broeder

Holy fuck this is catchy and classy.

its very important. almost every single one of his pre-requesites for the end of the world is here staring us in the face. and it coincides perfectly with the timing of good hope and the kang being brought to Holla Forumss attention

why do you have this saved

Not him but I have saved every single image, gif and webm I have opened over the last couple of years.

You must have a lot of gay porn.

Video related.

I have a lot of other stuff too. This is from my South Africa/Boer/ folder.

How many tens of gigs of furry porn do you have?


Reads like some Boer's English hate boner fanfick. Interesting non the less even with some of the predictions been very dated. Like English still been in Rhodesia. As well as assuming Britain still owns the Suez canal in Egypt and that Germany has any battleships.
Guess well see when the ice melts.

We could use some more anons:

Not that much I just saw in my boer folder I have a PDF of Sieners visions recorded as is, no spelling or alterations of any kind.

In the north comes a large black "multi-colored" team of oxen, right too the south. Then in the east comes a red bul and more red oxen.

19 Sept

In the East there is a barren place with many woman. Carriages pulls into bushes in the East. (Europe). Carriages in the West moves over a mountain and when its over the mountain I come with them. There is a lot of melted "kuipen"

8 Jan 1917

Carriages without oxen flees out of each other in Europe

19 Jan

In the North West is a bucket of blood that falls over.

13 Mei

In Europe the grass is burning. it makes a large smoke cloud and the fire moves too the South West. In Europe in the north there is a large dam, that is filled with water and suddenly it becomes dry.

One of his predictions of WWIII was the destruction of Palestine while American and Russian forces are fighting in the Middle East. I'm pretty sure this meant Israel, though Israel wasn't established until after he was dead in 1948 (I believe Siener died in 1926).

What's interesting is that was done on a MSM network over 20 years ago and up until recently nobody fully understood the ending about the ice melting. Enter Antarctica and what more people have come to know and accept in just the past 5 years that something major is going on there.

Also coincides with the Third Sargon who'll come from the South to the North to save the ancient "land of the gods". Another interesting note is that he mentions Germany will supply SA with submarines full of weapons to win the war. Germany also has a fairly unknown colonial presence in Namibia, a perfect spot to set up a former 20th century colony right next door. Another interesting tidbit is that a rail line he predicted was supposed to connect the two countries and recently its being repaired after decades of falling into disarray. Also happens to be connecting the territory where that King Negro claims sovereignty.

It's all interesting even if you don't take vision quests seriously. It's easy to see how the other side could orchestrate their own predictions into reality with their resources, but much harder to explain those on the other side who have zero resources from fulfilling prophecies other than natural.

Can confirm

Well if your thinking along those lines, then Britain could mean any part of the British Empire of the time.
What date was that? Because it could make this more interesting

fucking hell this is some of the spoopyest shit i have heard in a while.
that black leader of little importants that gets murderd and mourned for 7 days, think that might be kang cornellius and we mourn him for a week untill we pull the biggest stund in the history of Holla Forums that starts the war?

also germany becomes the greatest superpower,
if he was talking about süd/pol then its possible, would suck though then it means i will get my austrian ass nuked together with them.
now that i think about it that is interressting, the scorched earth polecy from the burgers only nukes a line from the baltic see to the black sea, i havend seen turky being mentioned in the papers.

well lets see what happens, ive made peace with nukelear annialation since childhood, and that lovely little detail that israel will burn too makes it worth it.
to all the burgers out there, dont forget to hunt down your kikes as well, dont let our sacrifice be in vain.
3 times, you idiots killed and died for israel 3 fucking times, get your shit straight!

also with "moarn" i mean digging.

It's from the movie Kruger Miljoene if you wanted the sauce.

I used to think he was stupid but then the more and more I look throughout London the more I see there really will be a race war in Britain. But can you blame me for thinking otherwise? This guy wrote it so long ago back when Britain was super ultra white deluxe. Now it's all crashing down, I can't help think this was all planned. Boers are brilliant guys invented a bunch of stuff, had nukes, etc. Obvious they weren't going to go away.

Thanks user, I'll give it a watch. Heil.

user. Keep in mind that our current reality is crashing down like no tomorrow, the strangest things will be the normal things.

The best way to summarize us Boers = brilliant bastards. The thing about England is scary though good luck too you user

Anyone have a PDF of this book yet? As a Dutchfag I'm interesting in reading it.

Nobody would have saw that much coming 100 years ago. Really, you'd be made fun of by suggesting it.

That's divine inspiration or something. Even if it's a coincidence I want to know more of his coincidences just in case.

Boer here,

Siener's swindle was popularized by Adriaan Snyman and is mostly promoted by cranks and halfwits. Most Afrikaners genuflect to this idiotic "prophecy" because there are some positive and encouraging elements mixed in.

Jan Lamprecht's views: