This game is making me pretty upset...

This game is making me pretty upset. I find it hard to believe that Russian planes are not stupidly powerful and agile compared to literally every other nation in the game.

Why would they be?

kill yourself, OP

you sure showed me

I'm saying they are, as are the tanks


Why are you saging a video game thread?


did someone say russian aircraft?

Then in that case, why wouldn't they be? Don't you know the capitalist pigs lied about the great Soviet might? All of their outdated, poorly constructed equipment was clearly better than anything anybody else could produce. Stop playing games made by retarded slavs

Even stalker?

Stop turnfighting, OP.

He said retarded Slavs, not CHEEKI BREEKI's. Learn the fucking difference you dumb shit between the Ukraine and Russia.

But they are, you're just eating up propaganda spread by capitalist pigs about glorious soviet engineering

Fuck off with your commie kike propaganda
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Top notch thread you gigantic faggot.

How fucking new are you, OP?

not new at all. I don't get asshurt when people discuss games.


They seem to climb just as well and fight just as well at high alt. If it were that simple to kill them, then people would win more matches against them.

post the rest

user, you just need to git gud.

It is that simple. I've played this game a lot and I can tell you that most players are completely retarded.

For example you'll see a lot of american players using P-47s and never sideclimbing even though those planes are only good at really high alt. Most people just takeoff and head straight to the middle of the map at only 2km alt and wonder why planes made for this alt can kill then easily.

I'm side climbing right now in my p-37N. You better be fucking right.

It's a bit garbage though due to it's BR. Earlier P-47s have a better BR.

Everyone is low in this match, climbing was useless

Please tell me you're not playing arcade.

Also if you want to try an overpowered plane that's not a turn fighter, try the Fw 190 A-4.

No wonder you're bad against russians. Altitude advantage is everything against them.

Nope. I only play realistic. I'll play Sim battles when my TrackIR arrives but at that point DCS will be the better option anyway.

I only kick peoples' ass when I play as the Japanese. I simply cannot get good at BNZ planes

this was literally years ago. OP, if you didn't know this by now it's on you

Everyone was at the deck killing each other while I was at 5000m. There is only one plane left and a guy on my team is killing him

They should have fixed this though. There's no fucking excuse

Those aces did not beat those russian pilots by out-turning them, user.

You're playing arcade aren't you.

Shit countries like to overcompensate, even with petty shit.

Can you read?

if you already knew that then why did you make this thread?

is English a difficult language for you or are you a retard? also you should know by now the devs have basically admitted to buffing Russian planes because it was the patriotic thing to do, and most of their intended player base is Russian so they want to please them. even russians have called them out on their "super secrit soviet documents" bullshit.
you are an idiot and you did this to yourself.

In america the military makes sure its shown in a good light in movies.
In russia they probably do the same with video games. Just play something else.

OP I have a suggestion: try playing for soviets and see how it goes.