Director (((James Toback))) has been accused by 38 women of masturbating in front of them, ejaculating on them and in his pants.
Another Hollywood Jew going down
Polite sage OP, delete the thread and try again.
Delete yourself
>(((Anthony Bourdain))) virtue signals about every single one of his degenerate tribe members
What's the bets he's been cracking himself off over horrfied starlets too?
Chaim is angry because he missed the first post?
I think you mean efficient. No reason to archive or link, there is a screenshot. If you want to preserve this great historical moment in case the great conspiracy deletes it from the web forever, save the screen shot yourself.
it is time to remove the juden scourge from our fine planet
I think most normies will never give up their bread and circuses but we can at least try. Now is the perfect time.
Typical kike degenerate, gas is too good for him.
Nail part of his small intestine to a fence post then force him to march at gunpoint. The walking disembowelment
Uf dah, even the b-listers had it rough.
Tie it to a rail and shove him off a bridge. The bungee jump.
Nice. That's up there with helicopter rides
The only kike here is you, moshie.
Here's a fucking archive. KYS, OP for waiting those dubs.
Well played, Satan.
There needs to be a subtle push to pin this more on kikes than #allmen. The latter route is the path of least resistance for most normies and the main message can easily be obfuscated. This is what the #metoo shit was for and I think it was the result of a viral marketing campaign initiated by (((those))) who have the most to lose
Subtle? Start slapping gold stars on the fuckers every time an accusation is made.
pol won't pass trump if some of you keep being this retarded
Who, outside pol is this pic supposed to convince?
Kill yourself hebe.
a well known secret in the industry is that Louis CK does this as well
Where the fuck are you faggots coming from, oh thats right >>>/cuckchan/
Nice OC. Saved. I'm going to spread that normie cunts. Make them feel 'guilty' for financing the popcorn jew.
Let's rename this pig… I don't know but I thought topkek while reading about his perversion. What a fucking loser. If a fucker can be so open and with so many victims for so long, there's thousands more to uncover.
Another sleazy sick rapist Jew pedophile. Its time we sue and boycott Jewish Hollywood for their racist anti-Gentile crimes
Top Kike
I-i-its just a c-coincidence g-goyim! I-it has n-nothing to do with th-their ch-chozeness!
I love when the Jews name themselves.
Issues an apology but doesn't retract. I like the cut of your jib, tablet.
That kike is almost 73? Honestly I'm impressed that he aged so well especially for a kike, in he looks more like your average kike in his 30s.
What is his routine? Drinking infant gentile blood?
Is there any possibility of there being dirt on Spielberg or someone closely associated with him? Because if you forget about degeneracy in general and give it some thought, you’ll realize that he is primarily responsible for a generation of goys’ mental images of their holocaust. When you think what it might look like I guarantee most people have a scene from one of his movies or miniseries in mind. An user posted here that even their choice to use black and white was to confuse goyim into thinking it real footage. For fucks sake the kikes pervert the built in trust one naturally has between their brains and their own goddamned eyeballs.
Is there any suspicion around him of anything other than his regular psyop movies?
Too bad it's not always this easy. It's really interesting though just how little diversity is displayed amongst this rash of outings. Even Loomer is being called out by more than one accuser for being a leg-humping stalker.
Ruining the bread and circuses is imperative to mobilizing the normies, as it has been said for ages.
200 more women accuse filmmaker Toback of harassment…
Stories about the writer-director often referred to him as a womanizer, but what that actually meant did not become clear until the Los Angeles Times published an investigation Sunday in which 38 women accused the writer-director of sexual harassment.
Within two days those numbers swelled as more than 200 additional women contacted The Times and, in emails and phone calls, recalled encounters with Toback similar to those detailed in the story. The majority of the new accounts, which have not been verified, told of Toback approaching women on the streets of Manhattan, offering them the chance at a part in an upcoming movie, and a wide range of unwanted sexual advances and behavior.
“Today Show” anchor Natalie Morales, wrote on Twitter: “… add one more. Exact same playbook by James Toback when I encountered him near Central Park.”
“In all honesty, I thought he was just a creep hitting on me with the oldest line in the book,” Morales told The Times, after detailing her experience on “Access Hollywood.”
“Like I said on our show I was just lucky. I saw pretty quickly what he was up to,” she added.
I was more concerned about the 20 girls a day going through that house full of black athletes.
Coalburners make me fucking sick.
Here we are in an amazing world that we have tamed for them, and instead of being grateful and raising our children in a loving family, they fuck niggers in orgys and then try to "settle down with a good guy" once they're stretched out and used up.
I don't understand. Why not just buy a hooker? He has that kind of money. There is a hooker who looks exactly like whatever actress he wants to bang, who will do more than that actress will, with greater skill, for every actress that he wants to bang. LA is crawling with hookers who will bang that dude for a G. For a couple G, they'll stay the weekend and let him do whatever the fuck he wants, even make him dinner. Which those actresses will not.
Why the fuck do this type of stuff? Why toss out your easy money stream of millions of dollars on some chick who wants nothing to do with you?
It's a power thing. The lack of consent is what makes it fun. Knowing she can't do shit about it because you're a powerful jew.
Just paying a prostitute makes it a consenting business transaction, and that's no fun at all.
I don't get it. I'm probably never going to get it. If I had that kind of money and no real prospects, I'd just give a Russian hooker or two 5k for a three day weekend once every month or two and spend the whole time hammering her asshole like a carpenter with no board. And the thing is… as long as I wasn't a douchebag to her.. she'd THANK me on Monday. I just don't get it.
user you clever fuck. My fucking sides.
Is that rich from reviewtechusa?