Settings that aren't utilized nearly enough in vidya
Playing as the Norse in Age of Mythology comes pretty close though. It just needs more sea combat.
at least we have enough RPGs
Post-Roman Britain
Britain was never white.
Historical games on any genre other than rts. I just want a bizantine-like rpg with barbarians and we wuz great empire n shit
N0 no no, they wuz kangz, weren't they?
That's not King Arthur.
Theocracy (2000)
Bring spooky elves back goddamn
This. The Celts came in and replaced the native black British population and even stole all their culture too, such as the legends of DeArthur. One of the few remaining black folk in Britain, Simon DeMonford, tried to bring order but was cruelly killed by the albinos. The white folk then copied all of DeMonford's ideas and claim them as their own.
Far flung future.
I don't mean cyberpunk, not do I mean "everything is pearl white, we have hover cars and there's no disease etc." I mean thousands and thousands of years into the future. Where there's no such thing as man or machine, because the two have become so intertwined that those singular concepts cease to be. Where there is no difference between their science and our idea of magic.
Nah, fuck that. Let's just keep feeding people today but with hover cars and more digital UIs.
Bronze Age shit.
I read somewhere that Britain's black people were bull-skinned (dark shade of black skin) people who arrived there from Iberia so they weren't natives either,
Then Irishmen came with their magic but they fucked their powers away. Literally.
Yes, the fantasy parts of fantasy worlds need to be more threatening and less mundane.
Dont be silly user, that's just a white afro woman face made of some old rusty material, im not a nigger
The apocalypse.
I don't mean post-apocalypse, and I don't mean right before it happens, either. I mean when that shit is going down.
I can think of at least one game where that's the case, but telling you which game it is would spoil it.
post processing disabled by default
Please die.
Wizard games where you discover the rich and diverse worlds of magic and spirits even if you can't cast shit
Or actual wizard games that feel wizardish. So far only diablo and magicka kinda filled that void.
A game set in the world of Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect?
But how?
mount and blade brytenwalda mod
make sure to play with all suboptions enabled
popolous is not really that, but bretty good
walking dead telltale :^)
Here is my idea:
An open world game think of GTA, but you play as a mutant who has 10 meter long angel-like wings on your back and the game react dynamically to you being sighted by the public. There are different modes like realistic, where you basically get invited to talkshows, celebrities want to take pictures with you, some of them want to take a flight with you, you making workout videos at a gym, training your lats and back and giving everyone around you a moutful of feathers (because your wings are just that big, these are no pathetic wings)
And people really love your hugs, because you can envelop them completly with your wings. Very cuddly.
The other mode has you getting followed by the gubbermint and you get examined by them. Since you are an asmr fetishists they are extra gentle to keep you there willingly.
Hardcore mode is them not being gentle at all.
School or academy settings where you attend school on a futuristic manmade island with everything being made easier through convenient hi-tech technology. Essentially, an Asian country with trains on elevated train tracks, vending machines and phones with fluent language translators.
All sorts of races and nationalities are huddled on this one futuristic manmade island.
Doesn't matter what the school or academy teaches everyone. Could be mecha piloting, mercenaries, cyborg rehabilitation or dealing with the kids who have Jojo Stands.
I just want to explore interesting cities that aren't ruined by giant crowds, drug addicts, homeless people and idiotic car drivers.
I know it's not normally the homeless's fault for cigarettes. But I'm tired of them trying to a bum a cigarette off me, or even a cigarette packet.
No matter how much you have to explain to them that you don't smoke or have any spare money for them to poison themselves for $30.
40K covers a lot of that.
One of the scenes involves some sort of realm of pleasure and lewd. Not really those characters involved I think
The zombie apocalypse isn't even a real apocalypse, faggot. Call me when the ground is rent asunder.
would be sick nasty being a left behind NEET who has to fight off demons and shit. You could even join factions like; angels, humans, or demons. the concept sounds pretty dank but I can't think of a decent dev team who would take it on.
It would be so cool, there would be some demons who experiment with humans. Making them into undead or living zombies. Then there are other demons. Hell barons ruling locally … or maybe that would too OP and the only demonic influence on the world are demonized humans and animals to give the normal humans a suriving chance.
Have you heard about our lord and savior,the omnissiah?
Cataclysm dark days ahead has both of those things?
CK2 or Warband would be a good start.
Dead genre, dead setting. Black & White 2 is the last example I can think of, and it was a turkey of a game subject only to nostalgia and whinging over how it might've turned out better if it wasn't very obviously rushed out the door because of Lionhead playing project loan roulette. Chainmail with banded plate armor, shield wall formations and early feudalism/late tribal kingdoms clashing with old antiquity bureaucracies are the shit, as are low-fi miracles and low fantasy monsters, but this simply isn't a thing.
Essentially does not exist. There's IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 if you like combat flight sims and Forgotten Hope: Secret Weapons slimly counts for a '46 timeframe, but the closest thing I can think of beside those is War Front: Turning Point, which was an alright C&C knockoff set in a kind of lazily assembled Weird War 2 scenario, and it doesn't even have that much of the weird element.
Does not exist. Early access semi-vaporware for scalies with too much money, the shitty I of the Dragon RPG/town defense game, and the canceled Blue Fang Games Hoard project for a kind of Pirates! style game as a dragon before they got enslaved and locked to Microsoft for producing Zoo Tycoon shovelware until the demise of the company are the only representatives of the concept, none of them showcasing being a properly capricious overgrown snake with a klepto complex.
And while we're at it,
This one might actually become a thing after Deathwing and E.Y.E 2 get wrapped up, so it's not hopeless, but the need for a Streum FPSRPG with a healthy amount of build & character customization for slightly rigid original gamebook classes instead of psychotic dice rolling statgen with the gameplay organized around killing boatloads of heretics in quiet-gone-loud raids is great. I want to be the little Tech-Priest militant with a fancy gun, a brain-to-machine spirit analog hacking interface and far too many mechadendrites.
A pity that the "mongols" in that game suck ass at sieges, which is historially inaccurate.
Very very good taste user.
Did you know that if it wasn't for the AI being able to create and feed armies out of thin air, it would be obvious how broken they are? Their normal population is basically like Japan. They just don't have enough births to keep up their population.
And the devs knew about it or else they wouldn't have injected quick fixes into that.
All that said I still kinda love Black and White 2. It's often that way with Peter Molyneux.
LOL. I remember back when I was a kid and always asked my dad to buy me gaming magazines, one of them had a game called "Eye of the dragon" or something like that. Yeah it sucked.
Hearts of Iron 3.
Pike and Shot/late 1500s-1600s warfare
Also an early Cold War RTS would be pretty comfy, early 50s to early 60s
I hope you meant to say Assyria, Akkad, Babylon or just "the levant, fertile crescent" or something like that.
The modern names are disgusting.
nazis as the good guys
Yeah, I read that the first time you posted it. I'd already noticed that the AI is not competent at maintaining itself, but I always assumed this was a result of my kicking the everloving shit out of their armies and thus demolishing their population & forcing continual drafts, which shafts the agriculture hard. I didn't know it was outright braindead and had to be bandaided into working.
I don't know about that. The last time I played was as a pure goody goody two shoes city builder, and the amount of time it takes is heinous. Furthermore, I'm not sure it's physically possible without abusing the burning tree trick to scorch the enemy Epic miracles and prevent a slow death by resource starvation from continued rebuilding after half the town is destroyed by nuclear miracles inside your influence ring. I like the IDEA of B&W2, and also the engine, which has aged bizarrely well in every aspect other than the deliberately zero-fi villager models & screwy phase-in building construction, but I can't see myself giving it another go. Never even tried the evil route, since that seems like it'd be even blander, a shitty Total War game with a little exercise in Kowloon walled city ethics.
I of the Dragon, that'd be one of the ones mentioned. Developed by some no-names in Primal Studios, I think they were garage studio Germans based on the installer language options & overall quality. Was published by Strategy First, oddly enough. It's not entirely terrible, but it's clunky and not very fun. It suffers from what I call firefighting syndrome. The player has to go around protecting scads of townships from monster invasions at the same time as he's trying to clear out new areas of entrenched monsters and protecting the frontier towns in those areas, and it all feels like busywork.
That sort of counts, since the max unmodded timeframe is 36-48, but it's also a little heady and abstract, and while I do have a mind for fiddling with the industrial particulars of the wartime Axis, I'm more intent on the direct use and their results than the whole warfront ala CoH2 Spearhead or even better (and when I get around to getting it) Men of War with Terminator mod. I don't know if I'll ever get into grand strategy. Very fun to read AARs and advise /gsg/ posters, though.
There's one I forgot to mention. Pike & Shot probably isn't popular because it's stupidly complex to code a decently working mixed formation like a tercio, but stupidly simple in the practice of their use, with things either consisting of a Bad War where morale is paramount and manpower paramount after morale or with one side outmaneuvering the other and forcing a more immediate rout that way, with occasional skullfucking of the player and/or enemy AI by enfilading cannon fire. I still think it could be enjoyable, but getting it all to work just right is probably too much of a task for modern devs.
Died before his time.
They're not nearly as cool-sounding as the old ones, but how are they disgusting?
could have at least given me a (you), fucker
I was never pure good. Either pure evil or netural, meaning that I build a very happy and beautfiul city, but I also conquered. I tore down the old buildings and replaced them with new greek buildings. Sometimes I genocided them, sometimes I let them be assimilated.
It's so easy. I am ashamed of you doing this.
The last time to really test the AI and give myself a challenge, I played Black and White 2 without a creature (I disallowed him from doing anything and bound him far away from my village and never ever let him attack anything) and only beat the game through my superior army.
it was quite fun actually. Also easier than I expected.
Are you talking about graphical bugs? Because they were fixable at least for me.
Have you ever played with the aztec mod? It's really fun. You play as the aztecs and you can even make it so that the enemy aztecs are greek, although I wouldnt recommend it because their cities aren't as aesthetic then when you take over.
Oh I knew that they were doing a stupid wordplay.
I played it as a little kid and little me didn't find it very fun. So I dropped it almost immideatly.
I recommed you watch marco's let's plays, the guy who did a wold conquest with albania.
They just don't sound aesthetic.
When you think of Persia you think of a great middle eastern Empire with beautiful towns. Alladin that sort of stuff.
When you hear Iran you just think of a theocratic dictatorship.
I loved history. Ottoman Turks were cool! Give me back the magic! ;_;
Patapon (sorta)
It was fun to spam light infantry as the Turks in Cossacks and see them all getting slaughtered.
I also liked their building aesthetic.
For (you). I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, sorry, I was making a literal statement that I remember when you first brought that up in a god game thread a little bit ago. I thought it was interesting.
How much of a chore is it to run multiple cities at once? I remember migrations in the hundreds always being hell to manage, lots of homeless even with having built up empty neighborhoods for their future inhabitation after having built up huge forest reserves to get the constant wood supplies necessary for the sheer number of villas & strategically placed skyscrapers.
I'm not proud of myself, but finite ore is not something I could fuck around with and the last playthrough I did was to complete it for old times' sake after having never gone properly through it as a youngun. Remember; pure good. That means all ore goes into buildings, and buildings can't do shit about getting hurricane'd, earthquake'd or drowned in lava. In retrospect, I regret trivializing it, but it would've been a slog simcitying AND having to rebuild with scarce resources available to do so. The necessary impressiveness for late map migrations are obscene, and snaking around the starting areas with high impressiveness buildings as the cores of new neighborhoods is tiresome when your influence ring is half as big as it ought to be. Can't even hit enemy artillery and their escorts at my very walls without it being 'evil.' The possibility of progress death leading into a technically unwinnable state by having no ore to keep making high happiness, high impressiveness neighborhoods is very real with how the AI will sucker punch you with practically their whole braindead population worshiping at the wonders at all times.
Frankly, I probably should've just gone neutral and set up multiple self-sufficient cities instead of trying to keep a 'good' alignment along with maximal economic efficiency by turtling up with a minimal standing army in my heinously sprawling Babel. Is there even a benefit to keeping people happy in B&W2? Do they work more efficiently in terms of resource gathering? I suppose that having a sprawling capital would in theory reduce the impact of enemy Epic Miracles by way of the influence ring pushing it too far out, if the AI actually cared to respect the mechanic in the first place. What is the point, beside being able to say 'I simcity'd the game to death over the course of countless hours of monotony and also had to exploit to reliably/technically do it?'
It doesn't surprise me that it's possible by setting up a good agricultural economy to fuel a stupid big military that can exceed the seemingly hardcapped AI manpower on the field, but that is impressive that you'd go to the trouble if nothing else.
Same problem to a lesser degree. Came close to finishing it later in life, but left off at the shitty ranger assassin quest rather late in; both of the brief human missions are really pointless and the game was starting to wear on me. I don't know if I'll ever bother to finish the thing. It's just too half-baked.
No, I'm talking about the very obviously blocky polygonal-body fellows that make up all the NPCs and how buildings are made by a paper thin texture slowly warping into existence up to the roof level. They're not as bad as in B&W1 having polygon heads with face textures, mind, although they do have a weird frozen expression thing going on.
Maybe one of these days. The only HoI3 LP I watched through that I can remember was a Götterdämmerung playthrough, just to see how it could be done, but you don't learn much of the base mechanics from that.
None. You just destory all previous building. Place up some homes. Basically don't make it a sprawling city. Make it a nice and comfy little village. I gave them often a barracks so that at least I could man a 20 something battalion for their defense.
Some of them I make bigger, but basically they are supposed to look pretty.
I even let the enemy take one over to see how they would handle it. I discovered that the vikings for example only go after the one town directly next to you. I build it up super huge.
But yeah, they weren't able to do anything with it. Building armies is completly independent of your population numbers as the AI so that 300 men city gave them no benefit.
Oh, you have to of course convert some into breeders, or they will simply not breed (like the normal AI).
Well as I said I favour a neutral/evil approach.
Also >skycrapers
EWWW! 1-3 levels is fine, but larger makes your city jsut disgusting.
smelters = infinite ore
The granary and the smelter are so incredibly good. I noticed that when playing as the aztecs, because they had no atzec looking granary (but a recent mod just released this year, which is funny if you think about it, that bw2 still has mods being developed). Anyway the granary makes food production so much easier. And you need the smelter too for infinite ore.
Nonono. Look at your soldiers. As long as they look shiny and nice, it's okay to use them for defense of your city. Shiny = means good and good people can do no evil.
Yes. The more happy they are, the more efficent they are. You can offset that in an unhappy city with things like torture chambers and spikes. Not sure if that sets it off completly. But considering that you can just set the time of day to midday (which I used to do, also fucks over the AI, but since they are fucked anyway, who cares?
It's really not that bad. I could have finished the AI off much sooner of course, but I played it like a stereotypical AI and send waves of my man after them.
I've also seen my soldiers level up to very high levels for once in the base game as well and it really helps them out.
The one thing that bothers me if when you are pure evil, there is no more variety in the ground texture making everything look boring as fuck.
I can give you some tips:
Your infantry divisons should have 2 INF + 2 ARTillery + 1 Anti-tank. (you can unlock the extra brigade with technology)
You can variate it a bit more with armor brigades, but keep in mind that you want them moving fast, so dont attach any non motorized stuff to them. And dont spam them too much.
Navy should be all light cruiser stack, but you don't need it because the AI is stupid as fuck.
Airforce should be probably multirole. Don't make the stacks larger than ~10 because of stacking penalty.
Spies can do whatever domestically, but probably keep up national unity. Externally they should reduce national unity of the country you are attacking, especially Russia.
If you are small steal technology from France or the UK.
Make sure to check automate trade in the dipomacy tab. Always research all the technology of the units you have + more education, manpower, research efficency, etc.
And lastly, don't upgrade all your infantry divison to mechanized, unless you want to be dependent on some caliphate in the middle east.
They're not great looking, no. I generally put them on a nice hillside where there's no footprint for anything else and build them up a few levels. If I remember right, building them up makes them increasingly less impressive in addition to the usual malus for lack of building variety.
You don't mean that literally, do you? I always got all the refinery buildings for maximal efficiency on passive harvesting, takes away a lot of work for me, but do smelters really make it effectively infinite? If so, I never noticed.
Well, at least there was some reason to be a goody two shoes.
That kind of boggy lava-cracked swamp look? It's not pleasant, no.
Believe me, I know, I know. Put guns on mainline infantry for punching-back capacity. Put fast units with other fast units. Balance out soft & hard units so that tanks don't take disproportionate losses So on. And encircle absolutely everything, stage breakthroughs with the explicit intent of forming pockets that can be crushed at far lesser expense than what the enemy loses.
I thought that was a HoI IV thing? Heard about it completely fucking the balance. Funny how they managed to make the same mistake as they did with Stellaris, where wolfpacking evasion-stacked corvettes with some pocket ships to give support module bonuses was the best way to go.
Or to build enough synthetics to blacken the sky like industrial China.
No, I am pretty sure it's that way.
Black and White 2 is pretty casual friendly, so they gave you some tools to not run out of ore.
Yeah. It's ugly as fuck and everything looks the same.
I don't even what it's like for HoI4. I have no interest whatsoever in investing any time in that game.
Total War Atilla and it's DLC Age of Charlemagne
Yes, but never? Even when you don't have a technically infinite mine? That's horseshit. If they were going to do that, they should've just had all mines be infinite with different output efficiencies and refineries as a major output and/or throughput booster.
Like I said, apparently it's exactly the same there as in III. Light cruisers en masse cause disproportionate losses on anything they fight. Paradox doesn't learn.
Again with the fucking Lombardposting. How long have you been at it? Is the campaign wrapped up yet?
I am it's still pretty difficult. I remember being very ore starved in some missions and actually trying to stockpile it, because turning 300 ore into 500 ore through refinieries is not a huge improvement.
So I conquered an aztec city. Enslaved every single villager to work into the mines. And I build like 10 smelters in my home province.
I don't think the game would be able to distinguish ore from already refined ore. I mean how would it be able to do that?
Panzer front barely qualifies for this though, with rocket propelled tank destroyers and Maus being in service and what not
Why doesn't this game deserve a port or a remake? god knows why
Because Panzer Front or another light to moderate accuracy tank simulator featuring the usual and unusual tonk game offenders & their kin or taking place in a dieselpunk world at similar tech level would be an enjoyable thing, and therefore must be denied to man as a means of alleviating his material suffering contrary to and aside from the suffocating whim-driven salvation of an authorial and therefore uninvested and arbitrary godhead.
Or maybe devs & publishers are just mutually incompetent and will neither fund nor develop enjoyable products, I don't know.