In all seriousness, user only has half the picture...

In all seriousness, user only has half the picture. Living morally only works if one doesn't contemplate his own existence and see that life is meaningless. Particularly someone on Holla Forums this is apparent, where the notion of procreation is a distant fantasy. Even so procreation is just biological programming manipulating us into the perpetuation of an evolutionary system whose purpose is to spread the misery of life across all corners of the globe. it's delusion to think that we can attribute meaning to our lives with things like "morality". This is a distraction to deter us from evaluating our true nature of animals with a sole purpose. Consciousness makes us believe we're elevated and can have meaning beyond this, but this is just a form of narcissism. What's consciousness without free will?
Both coping mechanisms are wrong. user is right that the redditor is engaging in distraction to detract from his vapid life and also that the nihilism of Rick and Morty trivialises the meaninglessness of his existence, turning it into a comical parade which shields the blow of the crushing reality it represents, but user is engaging in different coping mechanism known as "anchoring" attributing meaning to his life that isn't there. These fall in line perfectly with Zapffe's model for the coping techniques of the conscious mind to stifle any notion that all is not well in the world - all laid out in his The Last Messiah (nominally these techniques are isolation, anchoring, distraction and sublimation).
Both of these people are desperate to not kill themselves. Everything leads towards this one truth, that existence is suffering and there is no meaning whatsoever, but our biological programming is doing everything it can to stop us from discovering this.

People have free will and can make conscious choices of their own accord. They can also make choices that run counter to what biology says should happen, such as giving to charity, donating organs, fasting, choosing not to have children etc. It is easy to say that you are a product of fate and not in control of your actions, it is harder to say that you can choose to exercise your free will and make better choices for yourself.

Either way it begs the question, if life is pointless and you are prepared to look down the nose at anyone attempting to figure out some personal meaning - why haven't you killed yourself yet OP?


this. What I caught was some snippets of Buddhism.

It goes against all my biological programming to kill myself, so naturally I lack the courage to do so.
As for free will I won't delve too deep into why it's an illusion, but it suffices to say every decision you make in life was determined by biological programming and social circumstances. Under controlled conditions your decision-making can actually be predicted with 100% accuracy. I remember a couple years back reading about an AI designed to play X's and O's where it could predict the opponents next move 100% of the time. That's not a good argument in favor of all choices being set in stone but I'm too lazy to write a better argument.
The real tragedy of determinism is that you can't want to make a choice in life. Real free will would be being able to look at two options and decide one or the other in a vacuum, but there's almost always a predetermined want for one or the other, which doesn't necessarily pre-choose what your decision is (people choose to do things they don't want to do every day), but plays a primary factor in predetermined decision-making. If you could determine a fully mapped-out understanding of what your genetics are and what your social conditioning was was to a T, it's obvious whether you choose choice 1 or choice 2 could be predicted. Choosing to do things we don't like is often worked into our false morality or other forms of social conditioning, and empathy is probably biological to a large extent meaning sacrificing one's comfort for another is biological. Equally sacrificing comfort for success in life is predetermined.

Buddhism is an optimistic religion and if I were to believe in any kind of Nirvana I might as well believe in heaven, morality, or a purpose to life beyond procreation.

Sounds like you're just a faggot nihilist/fatalist and you want to drag everyone else down with your rhetoric.

This is incredibly reductionist.

Reciprocal altruism does not account for why people do things for another with full knowledge that they will get nothing in return. If group selection exists in humans, it is exceedingly weak.

t. virgin

Dude, you can't logically explain why we exist. Especially since mathematically speaking the chances of us even existing at all and in several generations through thousands of years are so incredibly low it doesn't work out. But still, here we are, existing, living life.

Life's not meaningless, otherwise we wouldn't exist and be concious about it.


If life is meaningless, how come you are still alive?

I'm not a biologist so of course it's reductionist, though I do know of a couple biologists who definitely agree that free will does not exist. I don't really know how much empathy is biological and how much it's upbringing. I'd guess it's a combination of the two. Ultimately it doesn't matter. I don't need to know of evolutionary theories to realise every decision we make and every decision we're going to make is already written and there's no choice (in the free will sense) involved in anything.
Would you deny that someone could theoretically model the universe from the fundamentals of physics to the complexity of the human genome and every "human" decision would be accounted for and predicted by the simulation? This alone disproves the free will concept.

This was itself predetermined. We didn't 'choose' to exist in the same way we don't really 'choose' anything. Once you understand we're essentially robots on a programmed mission and our sole purpose is to add to the gene pool you'll realise the "meaning" to it all is wafer-thin. Your existence has no more meaning than a simplistic bunny, which is just another robot with more simplistic programming.


You're literally the same as the redditfag.

Go to church.

modern life is paradise if

cumskins have no place in a jewtopia

not for everyone, but if you're a white male past 1945 then it probably is

it must suck being a cumskin tbh. lmao at y'all so depressed and hopeless

So…Holla Forums was right

No, modern physics would prove me right because it is indeterministic on a quantum level. Therefore, total determinism cannot be correct. Even so, a world governed by determinism would still have to accept free will, choice and chance to have a working legal system. If everyone is a product of prior causes, how you begin to assign blame? How would you justify murder being more serious than manslaughter?

Except we transcended this 100,000 years ago when we started burying our dead and 40,000 years ago when we started creating art. Literally before human history. The fact that you want to be less than a caveman speaks volumes. A caveman has a greater connection to the transcendent and understanding of beauty than you.

You're reducing your whole existance down to a knowledge you have about computers. You're basing your knowledge on your existence on something you learned, a knowledge created by humans itself.

How come you know this and decide life is meaningless if you were only here to do a pre-programmed mission? Nothing about what you said doesn't come from human knowledge, the same people you claim to have been pre-disposed into doing the same shit as bunnies without meaning.

Who is the ones behind the programming, why does we exist at all if we're only mean't to reproduce infinitely?

No wonder this thread is the faggiest thing on the front page.