Backpack PC shit

So now this shit is becoming reality, how long until people are walking around with VR shit?

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None of this will be relevant until we eradicate the niggers and shitskins that make it impossible to use technology in public (especially shit that obscures your vision) without being a target for robbery.





You mean people who don't live in a jew hive?
They're executed on sight. Eliminated with the shitskins and added to the pile.



So are in a constant state fucking each other over?

We already have the solution, just fucking bring a gun with you.

Hi, Holla Forums.

Well that's one hell of a suspicious metric. How about you post crimes per year instead ?

Source of the webm?

Not to anyone with any knowledge whatsoever of how these stats are recorded.

And how long batteries for that thing are supposed to last

per 100k is the standard

Nice revisionism, leftard

Suspicious for (((you))), that is.

Fuck, where are these leftytards coming from? Can't we ban them on sight already?

Hour and a half. But you can change it around at least. It's fuck all really but it's something regardless.

So the richest Black neighbourhood has 1/10 of the crime rate of the poorest White neighbourhood?

Only if you're a retard and don't understand how population size correlates with crime. I don't understand why I have to explain this.

Find other stats if you're unconvinced. Doesn't matter how hard you stack it in favour of niggers/shitskins vs whites in the same country. Its going to be in favour of whites doing less crime.

You must be retarded.

Town with 1.000 people has a rate of 158/100.000
Town with 10.000 people has a rate of 196/100.000

Seriously niggers this is not your reality bending safespace.

Full metal jacket

Are you honestly having trouble understanding basic math? Think for a second.

A country with five billion people has five crimes, total.
A city with 10 googles has 3 crimes, total.

The city technically has 'less crime' if you completely discount the fact that they're outnumbered by a 500,000,000 to one. You'd have to be legitimately touched in the head to do that, though.

When you are using "something/100k" you are dividing the population by sample sizes of 100k.
You have two population sizes less then 100k.
1k pop is responsbile for 158 crimes and 10k pop is responsbile for 198 crimes.

What's next are you going to prove gamblers fallacy is not real?

Before its explained in detail how to calculate this, care to tell us how old you are and what your schooling is? Because if you're anything past elementary schooling then you need your money back.

Beattyville: 1,308 (2010)
VP-WH: 11,075 (2010)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't 1 more person in the 1,308 pop town make the rate go up significantly?

(158 * 1,308) / 100,000 = ~ 2.07
That stat came from just 2 people.
If just 1 more person would have committed a violent crime, it would be a rate of 229 violent crimes per person.

The property crime statistic however, if the numbers are true (and based on some cursory research), is a bit more damning, but I don't know what the surrounding areas are compared to it.

That's not how this works. That's not how 'any' of this works.

I wish they had this kind of shit back then in 1999-2005, it would have made lan parties easier for me. Even the first xbox, which was easier to carry around was a bitch to take to a friends lan party.

Okay, I'm curious now, please tell the asspull way to sample 1k and 10k populations by dividing them into sample size of 100k.

I assumed you just copy/pasted normalized crime rates but it seems you lot can't even divide.

alright how about this
100 niggers commit 11 crimes
10 gooks commit 10 crimes
gooks do 1 crime per person
niggers do 0.11 crime per person
NOW do you understand 4th grade math?

Good thing the areas are clearly named so you can go look it up if you want to.

You are also welcome to try and find more damning areas as these were just examples of the poorest/richest without comparable population. You could find a poor purely white area with the same population if you want to. Its just going to be more and more damning for niggers.

Be careful not to use an area with a high Hispanic population as Hispanics are 9/10 times labeled "Caucasian" which is erroneous.

Please answer before I post the formula/link to the formula. Do you even have schooling?

Surprised no one's made a portable one yet.

A portable console? Well we had the ouya and that thing didn't turn out that well.

You expect wiggers to have proper education? Why do you think they'd be ecstatic when niggers and spics are exterminated? They'll have less competition to deal with the muggings.

Shitting on Appalachian people.

Those are the kindest people in the USA, only leftypol shitskin faggots like you wont ever give them the respect they deserve.

Anywho, the only feasible way I can see this going down if it was fully integrated with the headset software instead of being just a desktop PC with straps, almost like a console. That being said, I don't see regular people actually walking through the street while using the VR because no one is gonna enjoying physically lugging 20 pounds of hardware outside around instead of just parking themselves in the living room, but it may be interesting for mixed-reality commercial purposes, like surveying for construction sites and shit

If that's what you think a Holla Forums derail looks like then you should probably go back to 4cuck. We're just being realists. Didn't you learn anything from Pokemon Go?

No, Xbox. Faggots have made portable PS2s, GCs, all manners of shit, but no Xbox.

If it was light, and instead of a visor, you'd have that shit akin to Advanced Warfighter, that'd be great. Playing emulators and shit on your walk to places whilst still maintaining vision.

I'm no statistician, but I don't think you're dividing anything in this case. It's the opposite. It's extrapolating.

Based on the number of crimes in each respective city given its current population, if the population were increased to 100k the data suggests there would be that many crimes. Basically.

5 crimes per year in a population of 1,000 would extrapolate to 500 crimes per 100k. 4 crimes per year in a population of 500 would extrapolate to 800 crimes per 100k. At its most basic that's the general idea, though if its any decent sort of extrapolation it would take more into account than just straight proportional representation.

I'm not sure why you think anything is being divided.

Why would you ever want to walk around with VR shit Jesus I hope this shitty gimmick dies out soon

No clue, but bound to be some faggot who'd want to.

ITT: Holla Forums struggles to understand the difference between volume and density.

Literally the first thing I thought seeing this shit.


Not soon, thanks to positioning base stations.

Since the guy ran away after being asked how old he was I might as well post this. Hope I don't fuck up the formatting.
From a cached version

38,826,898 = 0.0014964 x 100,000 = 149.6


That's because most of Xbox's shit has since been ported to PC. A portable Xbox would just be a Halo player.

if 1 crime happens to 10 people
then at the same rate
10 crimes happen to 100 people


Do you idiots not realize the typical usage scenario of shit like this is going to be large empty spacious warehouses rented out for VR parties?

Those places already exist and they use gaming laptops with removed screens and keyboards to reduce weight.

These backpack PCs are idiotic for use in an arcade setting, dial down the graphics and you can use cheap energy efficient laptops in a durable case instead of a desktop PC crammed into a small enclosure that needs giant heavy batteries and cooling.

All that extra weight and cost for what? A miniscule boost in graphical processing power few customers will notice?


I use a Skylake Notebook with Intel 520 graphics for gaming. I simply stream stuff to it using Steam.
I don't see why I need to carry around an entire gaming PC.

Yeah, people are acting as if things like vid related actually exist. Delusional.

why does this thread exist?

I remember where this was mentioned

Instead of focusing on realistic graphics they go for an arcade style. Cheap($300) low resolution HMDs, an average gaming laptop($500) and some tracking props in a warehouse is all it takes. Compare that to a thousand dollar PC and $600-700 HMD to play expensive mobile tier games alone.

I grew up in an all-white upper-middle class town, lots of "new money" types and also dual-income families.
There were a couple of asians on the fringes to run our chinese food restaurants and whatnot, but it may as well have been 100% white.

Our crime rate was still pretty high. No break-ins or robberies or murders, but shitloads of vandalism, and lots of people getting bricks thrown at them for laughs and shit like that.

I'm sure the crime rate would have more than doubled if the community was more "diverse", since diversity is the opposite of harmony, but just making everybody white isn't enough.
You also have to exterminate everybody under the age of 25.

Jesus, imagine how hot that fucker would be.

This is a smart move. It's been proven time and again that visual style is much more important for immersion than visual fidelity.

So white thrash doesn't exist? I've noticed that a lot of Holla Forumsack are trying to subvert anyone who dares say "white trash".

Our of curiosity's sake what town?

I grew up in a medium sized town in the midwest and "bad part of town" was synonymous with "black part of town".

I could walk home in the middle of the night in the whiter area and still do so after visiting the local brewery but gas stations in the "bad part of town" had bullet proof windows surrounding the counter.

Honestly, I've been expecting augmented reality glasses to link up with smartphones for processing power. A generation later, you'd get "smartphones" without touchscreens, using AR glasses as the display and motion detection for input.
I sincerely doubt backpack computers could see everyday use. The heavy lifting needs to be done by something pocket-sized.

Man, it's scary. The elite have been deliberately moulding the western world into an empire of lambs to the slaughter.

Model citizen.

Holla Forums is white trash, that or niggers role-playing as nazis. Either way they'll never cop to white trash actually existing.

There's absolutely no way to say what everyone, or just the majority of people who use a certain board look like. How do you think you know this? Are you a schizo who thinks he has magical powers?





Most western governments forbid civilians from protecting themselves.

If i could walk around with my sawed-off shotgun in a mad max styled holster i would.

Holla Forums is just mad their board will never be relevant. Meanwhile Holla Forums is shitpoting in real life by sending nazi frogs to politicians and TV personalities

same, the worst part of my town we call "the projects" or just "the ghetto" which is always defined by where the blacks live

I'm not /leftyreddit/ or regular /reddit/

Keep shitposting those smug faces.

They'll come to your country, too.

As soon as it doesn't require a battery twice it's size to run a complex game for 10 minutes. 600W is a crapload of power.