Controllers Yo

So, this controller is pretty good, and the reviews seem fair. I have been using a F310 for awhile and is okay. Anyone else have one?

That D-pad looks awful.

Why don't companies learn? There are already amazing d-pads out there to go on.
The GBA/phat DS being my favorite

Actually the dpad is pretty much on par with Nintendos. I tried the Ps3 contoller, but the battery dies pretty fast and would glitch out sometimes. I also had a modded snes contoller but i think the chip inside screwed up or something, both my pcs wont register it. ALSO! the ibuffola snes controller is pretty good, a little springy, but no much lag.

No? okay

It's weird how it looks like a DS4, the analog sticks are the same, so are the trigger buttons. But the shape kinda reminds me of a XBox controller.

You're not going to get the best controller (ds4) because of pride. How foolish.

Christ never buy a fucking Xbox 360 controller, the d-pad is absolute dogshit.

Yeah, I really hate the xbox controller. I don't care what people say but that position switch is retarded.

Ds4 controller isn't good, and this android one is wired and has really good response/doesn't feel like a piece of plastic crap.

DS4 is best

don't know how people can fucking play with an xbox controller, their shit squared

It's the best.
That doesnt describe the DS4. It describes that piece of shit in the OP.
You're buying a controller for a fucking phone? I'm out.

I have a controller list

+Good controllers
-XBOX ONE controller
-XBOX 360 controller
+Bad controllers
-Everything else

I hope this helps you.

Care to give an in-depth opinion on the controller?




No, I mean I dont have to charge the controller. Dumbass.

No input lag, feels like a Ps2 controller, it isn't too big either. The analog sticks are solid. As I sad before, the ps4 is a piece of shit and I am surprised for the same shape, the GameSir doesn't feel cheap. It was 20$, so that is a pretty good price too.

*tips analog*

Don't you have another Micheal Jackson to kill? or is Kike Sony TM busy with someone else?

Oh yeah, also this adapter is great for the WiiU Pro Controller. No programming either and games actually recognize it pretty well.

Boys, I think we have a genuine shill trying to shill his shit controller.

shut up gog shill.

What is stopping you from using the DS4 wired?

I dont know, the 360 controller seems fatter than the DS, and feels more rigid.

Is that worth one of the worst d-pad's known to man for you?



I got one of these, very tiny but fits comfortably in your hand. I saw one for that skylanders ccrap at first and thought to myself "man this mini controller is great but I dont even care about skylanders.

god must have liked me that day because I found pic related later on and bought it. Works great with dragons dogma.

I dont know, man. While I hate that fucking D-Pad, I also need something sturdy. Thats also why I use wireless, heavy mouses and heavier picks for guitars.

Fucking hell.

Are you a /fit/ big guy with a strong grip?

Definetly a big guy, but not /fit/, not fat either. I am clumsy and I need something that gives me more control. I am not very good on subtle movements.

HAHAHAHAHA! But seriously, kill yourself.

but dude bro fam console gaming is so hardcore

what a bunch of masochists


360 controller has problems with the batteries disconnecting all the time, and both controllers have shitty dpads.

Logitech has some good fucking controllers, and I have to give credit to Valve because the Steam controller is pretty good too: lots of customization options for the 2 pads, 6 buttons on the back side (bumpers, triggers, AND paddles… fucking awesome), and very responsive.

Oh shit using the Wii U Pro with PC? That is a great controller, I'd love to do that.


Clearly he is a connoisseur of fine cinematic experiences

Get on my level, scrub.

wake me up

On this subject, what's the preferred method for connecting a wired Dualshock3 controller to the PC? Searching it gives me all sorts of different answers with all of these different drivers.

Why live

the F310 / F710 are p. good for their price and has better compatibility IIRC, but it's still better to spend a bit more on something more than 'heavy plastic'

wooooooooooooooooow du

What controllers can be most readily converted into vibrators.


You didn't disagree with me, it's just that from your posts your obviously a shill and this is obviously a shill thread. Good job getting butt hurt about it though. Nothing says "I'm not a shill" like getting extra butt hurt when someone calls you one.

In my experience the Wii U Pro controller is the best one, but can take a bit more fiddling around to get running than your standard Xbox controller.

Just once I would like to see a third party controller with a build quality that actually justifies the purchase. Every non-console controller I've tried to date has turned out to be utter dogshit.

Even though I promoted 3 other controllers. Kill yourself faggot.

So you admit you're a shill?

What controller would you guys recommend for PC? I'm hoping of getting a few so I can play local multiplayer games, so nothing too expensive.


Honestly, the Dualshock 4 has pretty much become the de-facto standard PC gamepad because its so stupid easy to setup and has good enough ergonomics and build quality for anything

Or you can get a wired Xbox 360 controller, that plays nicer on Windows games that use DirectInput, but its stupid easy to get around that with a DS4 or any non-360 pad.

this, it honestly causes issues in something where there shouldn't be one.

it's a great controller, i have one myself. the dpads feel quite cheap but the rest of it is pretty cool. the light up buttons are a good feature but they stay on at night time even if you shut down your pc. Also if you get the wireless version, it's not actually bluetooth for PCs, just phones and comes with it's own dongle.


A 360 controller is always a good pick. Make sure its an elite thought. And I would advise not getting the newer ones since they seem shitty and poorly made.

Maybe if you enjoy playing with dicks all day

ever since I got a stick I use it for everything I can tbh. I don't end up hunching over or slouching too much.

I have a friend that swears by the One Elite controller
I have two DS3s, one sends random dpad left signals, the other has the left stick going slightly to the left, but it's not an issue
Probably it was just my fault, they fell multiple times

you know I mean ABXY and not start select dpad whatever

You never made a good argument about why the one you use is good and another bad other than "it's cheap shit". Also if you have a controller surely you have noticed some flaws or stuff whichcould be improved but you never mentioned it, "reviews are fair" my ass.

I have DS4 myself and it's good for what I need it - platformers and fightans twinstick shooters are better with mouse… It's solid - buttons, triggers, d-pad all good, except sticks, those are mediocre at best, some people wear them out fast from what I've read but mine are fine, though I find them quite uncomfortable, maybe I'll replace them someday. Touchpad is bonus and nothing more, you can record some macros to it or use it instead of mouse (don't) but that's it. DS4Windows makes windows recognize DS4 as xbox controller, and allows to turn off the LED and do lots of other shit. D-pad is really nice, its smooth (including the edges) so you don't get sores and the crevice in the center means no input when you slide your finger. Overall shape is good for cleaning it and the back of it is textures so it feels comfortable with sweaty hands I have that problem…
So, like, if you want it for the same shit and is okay with price, it's worth it, if you want stick, I dunno then.

The fact that it's a DS4 and I wouldst not soil mine divine hands with your cheaply-made horseshit

F310 or GameSir G3, seriously don't listen to the Sony kikes on this board. Ps4 controller is fucking garbage.

Doesn't Nintendo still own the patent on the BEST Dpad?

Sony has a good one on the PSP and VITA but for some reason never use it on the controllers.

Also this one is really good, my friend has it and its good quality, has those extra buttons for fighting if you aint got a stick.

Those are some impressive trips, but jesus dude, the F310 has HORRIBLE deadzones.

Oh yeah, cool story bro

Never experienced any.

I need to stop posting for spam

How about you start using sage when doubleposting, or, even better, reply with single post and actually write pros and cons of your totally-not-shilled gamepad and your experiences with it and other gamepads and how it compares to them?

here's how it should look

