Ark survival evolved thread

anyone here prepping for being anally pummeled by the dodo rex this year?
how do you fags plan on stopping that cunt?

what server are you on?
whats your favourite map?

Early access DLC and insulting their fanbase

cmon fam, aside from optimization its already a solid game


Never a word as been so devoid of meaning when used to describe a game's appeal.

Even if the game was really fucking good it still has early access DLC and faggots behind it who insult their fanbase. Fuck them

ive got it running on the quadro equivalent of a 550m

what insult?
also, i know man, but they kind of got sued, and tbh theres already plenty of content in there for the money.


The real reason behind the dlc that the devs are too ashamed to admit is that they were hit with a 40 million dollar lawsuit.

wait what lawsuit? i haven't payed that much attention to the game. I bought it along time ago but ditched it


I tried pirating this game a while ago and it ran like utter shit so I ignored it.

Is the performance better now?

run the nvidia tool if youre on nvidia, tweak settings, look into command line options to squeeze some performance out of it


No, they don't optimize anything at all. Wanna know how they handle shadows? They just lower the radius of the sphere around you that renders shadows. That's it, lowering shadow settings results in having a jarring step from shadowed to unshadowed at x metres (anywhere from 10 to 500 or so).

Rest of the "optimization" is the same, they just don't draw it past a certain range and call it a day. Literally just LoDs.

kill yourself faggot.

wait was the old studio the game Stomping land that vanished off the map?

At least you can get lucky and get some good loot to take out end game players, maybe make a clever base design to make them waste resources. Oh wait this is ARK
I would rather play DayZ

7 Days to Die is a good survival game. It is really about survival and in the default settings players can't break your claimed blocks. Also it is scary as shit when you hear hordes going over your head and you just crawl in your basement hoping not to be heard.

I'm a complete bitch in that gamw. I'm afraid of the standard zombies. The way they move and the sounds they make do it for me. I got bored playing alone but I wish there was a way to play with Holla Forums

into the trash it goes

To be honest I wouldn't like to play with you guys. Don't be offended, but some of you are pretty fucker up and can grief me in pretty creative ways.

I just want to play with butthurt faggots who cry when their fee fee are hurt. I can only be myself around Holla Forums and every other place I have to pretend to be a goody goody.

Maybe you are a goody goody and just have the internet to release tension. Being a retarded troll doesn't mean you are evil.

It's alright on small modded servers. Official is just a tortuous grind fest you shouldn't subject yourself to. Game looks beautiful but optimization is garbage or there's just too much trying to be rendered, get 50fps on a 970.
It's definitely a good game for autismal naval building though, rafts let you build whatever on them and you can embed foundations into the raft thus protecting you mobile fuckery unit. The engine is pretty abusable concerning rafts, you can build father out from the raft base and that bit in the very end inherits clipping so people ended up making long nosed rafts lined with c4 to clip a truck load into the interior of bases. Personally I made a dwarf like character and made a mobile brewery to pass out beers. Most players I've run into are relaxed, but that's probably because I played on 5-10x servers where 12 year olds don't have the attention span for moderate grind. I'd only recommend this game for the sharks and rafting, most everything else is pretty bad.

After a while you learn how to build so hidden that those idiots never find you, at some point you C4 their shit and they get so frustrated flying around on pteras all day but can't find you while you hide in a cave noone cares or even thinks about. One or two players well hidden in this game can do so much damage to the average braindead xD-kiddy alpha tribe.

It's the ISIS-feel man. It makes this worth my time so much.

Forgot to point this out in my other post, this game doesn't really try to stop pirates from playing multiplayer. Pirating only excludes you from servers running battle eye anti cheat, which are the officials and maybe 1/3 of the unofficials.

Man those tiny crawl spaces were always my favorite to find, I wish you could build just a little something in them though.

Quite honestly this is the most true thing in all pvp servers.

I don't, i just feel restricted everywhere except here. I don't shitpost. Everywhere else you have to agree with everyone and their views or face being an outcast. Would you openly talk in real life like you would on Holla Forums

you fags are an inspiration

join a 7x server or so with PVP/VE so children playing during the weekend cant c4 your base offline, have a few friends along for the ride or go lone wolf. Test the limits of how much you can fuck with people like the above metal onion.

Also human wave tactics and autism can defeat any alpha tribe if you are determined enough. If you want to ruin autistic childrens day you do it the imperial guard way. line the walls with bodies till the guns have no ammo to shoot you with.

I bet they were pissed


I run a server and have enjoyed it for 3500+ hours, help me

I actually have a fucking lot of fun with this game but that's through watching anime while raising shit and then painting them with confederate and nazi flags and etc. and making my own fun

Also the fact that I sort of help with development probably is part of my autism for it



Whats the point of this shit.

Is this in an actually playable state yet? I stupidly bought in on a whim pretty early, as some of the proper footage I watched made it look like a playable shitshow survival arena of trying not to get eaten by things or stabbed to death by other genetically degenerated gladiators on Alien pay-per-view. Playable beside running like garbage, at least. I wasn't aware of the horrendously bad grind. Left off on it to wait until it was updated to be less shit. Is there any reason to bother giving it another go if I'm not going in purely to salt the earth for hyperautist shitters trying to play warlord? The soft stat RPG shit on dinos & players seems really dubious as an enabling element for that and as another thing to grind.

Play on a good, small server - playing on popular or official servers, I'd agree with you

I think it is, but it's still difficult to run on high settings without an expensive rig. Getting better at that, too, though. Grind is just as bad as ever but you can find servers for any amount of raised rates you want, from 2x to 100x - find your ideal balance and you're all set.

I thought playing on non official servers that have the right amount of grind for you would be common sense.

Aside from optimization. And a billion glitches and bugs.
Also, if a developer still claims his game is an alpha to avoid criticism they can go fuck themselves when they try to sell dlc. These cocksuckers are almost everything thats wrong with the early access model.

Alright. And if I wanted to become a god damned Afghani insurgent & topple the Shittercratic Repubberlic of Dinostan on the official XP rate servers full of insufferable faglords, how do I go about that in the most efficient manner possible in terms of setup time? Where are the best cubbyholes to stash things and what animals are useful? I vaguely remember there being crouching height caves full of nothing but spiders and titanoboas, which I think are the caves referred to earlier. Can I fit a storehouse in there, with some smaller guard animals? Can they be cleared out in the first place? Hell, can I just use the regular hostile animals as a guard force?

not bad

7DtD is pretty damn good, definitely the best survival/crafting/EA cancer around. There was a Holla Forums server for about a week but the host was retarded and lost a map, then tolerated griefing in the only carebear zone (communal fort) that ended in a murderous free-for-all and everyone quitting.

I might host a Holla Forums server when A15 launches, if it isn't too buggy. Just the ambiance and tension of dealing with zombies is great, but keeping an ear and an eye out for other players and following them home to their secret base is just great. EVE-levels of excitement without the autism.

also players can break claimed blocks, they just get a server-set durability multiplier and send off ear-rape metallic shriek alarms when struck


so does anyone have a torrent link of the recent build release?


i don't understand how people can watch stuff while doing something else. only way i can do that if what i'm watching is really shallow/simple (like a sitcom) or doesn't really interest me, in which case i'd rather not watch at all.

They really should just cap player health so that you can never melee a dinosaur, so that you always die in a single headshot from an axe, or arrow, or bullet, and make tech tiers mean absolute jack shit other than aesthetics and minor details.

are they rabbis or something?

how the fuck would you do that when there are dozends of turrets fucking everywhere?

I by no means think large servers like that are any semblance of playable, but taking down an alpha is easy, man. Turrets? Distract them with something beefy. Walls? Giga, or rockets. Tames? Lure them somewhere else. By far the most dangerous element is the people themselves, and you can just wait those out. Combine the above as needed, add autism to taste, and you'll win every, single, time.

this game is pure garbage, PURE GARBAGE

…You're playing the free offshoot, fam.


so no, it's not any bettter.


rip me

Game runs on high (but not ultra) on a 1070 GTX at 60-90FPS.

Which is pretty alright, looks pretty, bought it yesterday, and it's pretty relaxing to play. I like it better than RUST.

but how bad IS optimization?

try going somewhere with a fair amount of stuff in it

what the fuck does this post even mean?

So… some friends of mine invited me to play basic Ark to manage a tribe or some shit. I'm tempted to buy the game and play… yet the game doesn't temt me besides the dinosaurs and butchering corpses, and I can do it anyway with 7 Days to Die.

Maybe I'll wait until there is some sale or something.

So, is this game worth getting? having a potato PC and I dislike Rust/DayZ-games, is this game any better?