What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?


you have to have a very high IQ to understand this gag

do people really play DOOM2016 anymore? its more of a one playthrough and done game, you can't even get 100% achievements because multiplayer is dead so I don't see why you would replay singleplayer.

Original DOOM is the most played and most ported game of all time. Too bad Cuckthesda has the license to it now.

Maybe two times, because it had a lot of secret areas and switches and stuff that you could get to aswell.

Pretty sure games like Tetris and Snake still have it beat. As many platforms as Doom has been made to run on, from calculators to printers to Smart Fridges, it still have to compete with the millions of plug-and-play and 99-in-1 games that are shat out of China every year


I stopped when I got to hell. The game is just long and boring now that I have every gun.

Can we finally admit that DOOM³ is a very underrated game, and far better than the 2016 turd?


Bethshit is trying to do the "quirky twitter account" Wendy's and Sonic popularized, and failing really hard as always.

They should give me control of their twatter account, I'd give them enough free PR to last a few months in a matter of minutes.

I wouldn’t be so sure. There’s no version of Tetris where you can kill Italian politicians or play as Sonic the Hedgehog.

No. Doom3 missed the point of Doom conpletely. Any faggot who thought Doom was supposed to be a horror game is probably now yelling at his cock because Harvey Weinstein abused women.

the original Doom 3 was. BFG edition was a fucking travesty.

Doom was a horror game fucking brainlet. The graphics of the time just didn't convey it very well.

This. Good luck I've still got my vanilla copies of Doom for PC & Xbox.

>it was great but it's not like my Doom so it's shit!
This is your brain on Holla Forums

The entire self-worth of people with opinions on Holla Forums is about parroting things other anons and ecelebs have said. He probably heard it somewhere.


Your analogy is way too convoluted. No wonder a retard thought this would make sense to someone else.