Oculus founder Palmer Luckey revealed as backer for pro-Trump 'shitposting' group
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Oy vey i've been found out!
So there do exist really rich Holla Forumsacks…
fuck off, this is Holla Forums thread is so thinly veiled it hurts.
Pick one
sage negated fagaloni
No wonder they tried to push for VR. It's to escape the reality that Trump may actually be elected as President.
This is news why?
If he was a clinton shill this shit would've been swept under the rug and only leaked a month later.
fuck off nigger this is Holla Forums with videogames, like it or not
i'll say whatever the fuck i want
Come again?
not bideo
Go fucking kill yourself, goon. Take your counter op shit back with you to SA
It's more half shitting and half counter shitting. I imagine at least 1/3 of Holla Forums is Holla Forums crossposters
neofag has a 1k+ post thread about it filled with salt
of course they're all accusing him of funding a white supremacy group and being a racist
faggots defending jews deserve to die, also i never see you shills complaining about Holla Forums when i play online with Holla Forums, pure coincidence?
also not only is this not video games, but what is there to discuss about this? There isn't some leftist for Holla Forums to get mad at.
I posted this thread here not to discuss the political/election aspect of this news, but what's going to happen to old Palmer in the SJW shithole known as the American video game industry. As well as other video game related aspects of this news other anons might want to discuss.
oh please, post some screenshots
This place has seen better times.
name one fucking way this will impact video games.
So Shillary has her goon CTR army and Trump has his Pepe army. Is any opinion on the internet legitimate? Fucking zionists.
Make VR great again?
It isn't going to be pretty. He will take some flak for this. Behind the scenes mostly. I think they might have learned some small lesson about airing their dirty laundry in public from GG.
Fuck off Hillshill. I'm not going to spoon feed your dumb ass.
How strong are your legs to be able to jump to those conclusions?
Here's an older archive of the first page
Don't have to dig too deep to find the salt
Why do people like this even exist? How can they remain so dumb on the internet age of free information?
I'll admit, that is fucking hilarious. The way they completely disregard him because he is rich and white, even though his money from as close to the american dream as you can get today, and most redditors made it happen
fuck off nigger
I can't handle this level of stupid. I'm fucking out
Did you doubt their commitment to polishing Sony's rod even for a moment? If the Apocalypse happened Neofag would find a way to praise Sony for it.
i hope the vive crashes and burns
Who is this fag btw? Neogaf seems to think his opinion matters.
You should understand user, we are all irrational and decide on issues far before learning about them.
Evidence and facts are usually used as justification for our biases.
It already has.
normalfags in vadeogaems , what did we expect?
it's the future of bideogaems
Not gaming related.
The best part about this is that HE DOESN'T EVEN OWN OCULUS.
They're boycotting something for no reason.
Honestly this guy is done for in the industry. They're going to crucify him.
h-hello Palmer-senpai, plz buy me all the games :)
Why? Because he supports an specific political candidate? This is ridiculous.
Shit taste confirmed
Wait until you get to the posts where they call for Facebook to sue him due to damaging their brand
I'm going to have to cut a lot of salt from my diet, there's just too much to consume in that thread
Because the video game industry as been overtaken by ideological fanatics who purge anyone who thinks differently than them.
Firefox CEO donated a couple of hundred to a group trying to stop gay people from getting married and he was forced to resign because his employees didn't feel "safe" anymore. The MSM went to town on him to make sure it happened.
wtf I love Oclus Rift now!
I'd still get a Vive though if I had to decide on VR.
And look at all that kvetching from people in the industry who are so conditioned to think everyone's on their team and voting for Hillary. Get a load of those Tweets and comments in the Polygon article…
It's funny that Luckey is siphoning Zuckerberg's shekels to Trump.
There's those words again.
You niggers should have picked a better word like Obamas.
Who cares, Holla Forumstard spammers. Your internal burger affairs are boring.
Wasn't nimble america the scam thing?
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
fuck off with your "google" shit goon
Fuck this gay earth, I'm out. If I can't have this man's "Touch release", there's no point in living.
Imagine if bioware cancelled new mass erect development
Holy fuck that english.
The part about you being niggers that should have picked a better word was correct at least.
Ah yes, gaming keyboards and mouses, what a guy.
Do people actually take that yellow jew seriously?
I'm enjoying the butthurt so far.
Fuck off nigger, that google shit ruined chimpout threads.
His girlfriend
Holla Forums, where were you when Touch Release was cancelled?
what the fuck is touch?
Why do people get so up in arms about this shit? I'm not even a fan of Trump but I can't ever get mad at someone for just having a different political view. I don't understand how people can be this upset over someone supporting something they don't.
Virtue signaling
Start writing down names and screencapping Tweets. They're outing themselves more than GG could have done.
They think they are Gods.
Touch Release was going to be some revolutionary shit user, an MMO FPS ARPG with original cyberpunk elements. It would've utilized VR like the matrix.
you're clearly a newfag if you haven't heard of Touch Release
dude is so fucking lucky I'd wife the shit out of her
fuck me up I'm such an unlucky faggot
pls tell me how to get a collection of her shit, I'd don't feel like scavenging social media bullshit
Uh oh, she's one of them g*merg*ters
Delete your pics
Look here.
fuck man oculus rift is too expensive for me, i dont really care about it's games
Okay, you can stop and go back to whichever shill cave you came from.
is correct. Nimble America was a scam, and this is disinfo, and spam, and not related to vidya in the slightest.
Can you just fucking filter yourself already? What kind of fucking retard even browses Holla Forums without having the slightest fucking clue as to what Touch Release is?
Okay user, you can stop posting the weeb gf.
I also have no fucking idea what "Touch Release" is unless you meant "the release of 'touch'"?
I don't get how they can call themselves liberal if they want to censor any idea that doesn't fit their narrative. If the traditional definitions still applied they would be the conservatives and the conservatives would be the liberals. I met a guy from here who was a full on Holla Forumsack that genuinely believed in it all. He thought the jews were controlling media to push the lgbt agenda (this part I agree with) on whites to get them to breed less and get outbred by minorities (this is where he lost me). He hated the idea of homosexuality, but he didn't piss his pants and stop talking to me when I said I frequented /cuteboys/ and liked traps because he was a reasonable human bean. He understood that not everyone agrees with his views and was capable of having a mature discussion about them. When I dropped an "I kind of agree with Trump" to a tranny at my uni, I was treated to a 5 minute scream-fest about how homo/transphobic I was, which was pretty hilarious given that I'm a degenerate faggot.
tl;dr liberals aren't liberals, "conservatives" are reasonable
Whats funny is that all these people are going to boycott Rift now, even though for the most part it won't hurt Palmer, it'll hurt Facebook, which supports Hillary. Maybe Palmer is pissed at what Facebook did to Rift, and he's getting revenge by causing Facebook to get eaten alive by the people they pander to?
And while the Vive shits on the Rift (except for the pricetag and weight), now beta numales are going to prefer one VR headset over another for the wrong reasons.
Things are getting interesting.
Can someone please fucking help me educate this retard on what Touch Release is?
Here I'll post concept art. Lurk more.
im being memed, am i not? alright fuck you too user
no bully
If that thing on the left in that pic has a penis, I'd plow his cute little ass back into China.
" my game's "Touch" release "
the release of the Touch version of a game
the game wasn't even mentioned then was it?
so in that case the answer to my question would've been the second case just as well
Here, fresh from someone who lived through the Third Reich and possessed the original work orders for the camps (until they raided her and jailed her):
>>>Holla Forums7590457
Stop being retarded. The game was called Touch Release, it was a spiritual successor to Deus Ex 1. Imagine the original goals of MGSV combined with the absolute player control given in DX1. It would've revolutionized the industry, even Carmack was behind it. Hell, we had dozens of thread on Holla Forums MAKING SURE we wouldn't have another Shekel Citizen on our hands.
Now that it's cancelled, I weep for the future. Vidya is now truly dead, and our Trump memes have killed it.
Go fuck yourself nigger.
I thought "game's" in this case was possessive indicating it was the release of the touch version of a game already existing?
I never heard of this game. I tried looking it up, but can't find anything. You sure it was called Touch Release?
Critical error in releasing the statement, overwhelmed by grief, he had forgotten basic english grammar. Stop fucking pointing it out like an asshat and have some fucking respect, Jesus.
Educate yourself, I'm not here to spoonfeed you. He probably even deleted his posts on reddit going into serious depth talking about the game. Talk about newfaggot late to the party. Don't you have school tomorrow, summer?
btw guys the mods put the thread on hidden autosage.
Also feel free to come to the Holla Forums thread. Even discuss the video game aspects. Mods there don't care as long as the thread is Holla Forums related because they're not snakes
Pendulums sure swing fast on imageboards, don't they?
Fucking checked. I'm sad pic related never came out, either.
Finally, someone understands the implications behind the death of these game releases. Touch Release would've spearheaded gaming into VR like Quake and 3D accelerated graphics. Fuck me up, I'll probably an hero after this.
it doesn't seem like a mistake if he's made two separate posts with the same phrasing
You fucking dumb idiot. It was called Touch Release because it was going to be on the Oculus Touch. Are you pinoy? Brain damaged? Both?
is it possible the reason you are upset is that you are invested in oculus?
"kitfm" seems to work at scruta.net
Huuuuuuck me, he really can't handle it. Pour one for me, user. Vidya has lost today.
I have seen no evidence to support the claim that any such game called "touch release" exists
even here it is not visible
There seems to be no reason to assume what you are saying is true
A homosexual jew is a 'right-wing extremist'.
Pulling your leg, user. There is no Touch Release. Just doing a meme. Merely pretending and all that.
Amusing because she looks like your average triggered tumblrina herself. Disgusting dyed hair and a bull-ring.
I think that was a part of the outfit. Most current year women dye their hair, but the ring was pretty clearly a part of the costume, as well as the shittier dyed hair.
I didn't see her shirt at first
He shouldn't waste his hundreds of gorillions of shekels like that. He should save it to fund RWDS.
>it's wrong to make a decision whether you purchase a game or not based on the developers personal or political views , they said
yes i'm mad
He just paid for a couple of billboards, max. The media as usual is inflating numbers to make a literal mountain out of a freaking irrelevant molehill.
The whole idea came from cuckchan and most people on Holla Forums think its retarded.
That's why they ban people for contradicting the hivemind consensus and call it shitposting?
Fascists are the filth that needs to be erased from this world in all its form. The communists, the national socialists, the randians, the SJWs, they all deserve to die.
Can we start sprinkling the salt?
Nice comeback faggot, triggered much? Lemme guess, a natsock or a cummie?
Fuck off goon faggot.