Immunizing Indo-European Belief to Ridicule

Alinsky-ite tactics show that ridicule (and the following demoralization) is one of the most powerful weapons against your enemy. How have the semetic religions shaken off ridicule and thus expanded to encompass most of the world? They forbid idols. There is no image of the semetic god in Religion of Cuck™, Christianity, or Judaism. Thus there is no image, statue, or depiction to ridicule, mock, desecrate or deface. If non-semetic religions (ex. Indo-European paganism) are to make a comeback, they must be similarly immune to ridicule. This can be done by focusing ritual and worship on life itself rather than man-like gods. Think of Nature as the grand diety in this pantheon while the traditional Indo-European gods will take the place of archons. There may be places of gathering and worship, but they will not have idols within them. The fields, the streams, the ancient groves, and the cloud-scraping mountains, all of these must be revered and used for worship. Outdoor spaces or indoor spaces with close ties to Nature will be preferred. Any attacks by foreign beliefs will be seen as attacks against life itself, bolstering our ability to resist. To mock or ridicule this religion will be to reject nature itself. And no matter how much they wish it to be so, Nature cannot be mocked or ridiculed, because nature always wins. Our power comes from accepting the inevitability of Nature without falling into nihilism and defeatism. Everything they do will be undone by Nature. They fight a battle they cannot win. They may beg, they may scream, they may pray for their semetic heaven, but in the end, the worms come for us all.

Other urls found in this thread:ßler

Also if someone could be kind enough to repost to 4pol, it would be greatly appreciated. I'd do it, but they block my ISP, and while they may be brainlets with far too many civnats, I think they'd benefit seeing it as half of their threads shill for Religion of Cuck™

You are fucking retarded.

The key to undermining ridicule is to simply not give a shit, and that just takes strength of character and/or autism.

Yeah, get out intl.

I don't have much of an opinion here, but that fucking image is great. Desktop background of the week.

We could just… you know… sacrifice and dominate the mass men… not giving a shit about them and their stupidity… and save our race while creating the ubermensch.

Please show this brainlet where God's physical characteristics are described in any Bible. Pick your favorite version. Is he muscled? Emaciated? What color is his hair? How about his eyes? Please realize an artistic interpretation is different from religious acknowledgement. I do not debate for instance that God may be depicted in the works of various Renaissance artists, but they are not using the Bible as a guide when creating features. They make it up as they go. Thus any image they make can be denied to be the "true face of God" and is resistant to ridicule.

What you're describing sounds like Shinto.

I wonder if you are familiar with the various Esoteric Hitlerist movements.

If you want your religion to have respect btw you need people to be willing to fight for it.

Pisslam is respected because it has many jihadists.

Paganism is not so respected anymore because nobody actually makes a point to find their place in Valhalla anymore.

…and cucktianity isn't respected because there aren't very many of their kind willing to demonstrate a warrior spirit either.

Drop the worshipping nature part and just become a Hermeticist proper.

Me personally I prefer to rely on God himself than half-baked theories coming out of the confused minds of men. God is omniscient and knows and can lead the way. Just reach out to God with your intention and let God do the rest for you.

Utter retard detected.

Supremacy among the living is a myth, because everyone is equally alive. Nature purges the unfit and any species still alive today is only supreme over those who have passed from this world into extinction. You may argue that some traits are more beneficial for civilization, as that is a man-made construction and man may decide what is beneficial for it and what is not. But you cannot decide what traits are beneficial for survivability in nature, as nature is random and can make your selections redundant and worthless in an instant. Dinosaurs may have been magnificent creatures, but their millions of years of trait selection were made worthless in a single day in favor of a small burrowing rodent. Nature chooses, man does not.

…and where are the pagan texts that describe God?

Also the deities in pagan religions are never god in the sense of the Absolute being.

Yes, utter retard here. I acknowledged as such many times. Can you share your world view please?

God is seen as an ideal, not a man. Such as mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker is depicted by the mudshits, yes he was probably some beta faggot, but he is seen as a symbolic figure rather than a mere man.

So we build a better image than Valhalla to fight for. Our salvation will not come from the dead husk of the past. It must be new. The paths must be untread. We can use teachings from the past, but they must be modified for our current surroundings and to fit our current purpose rather than the past purpose they were made for. History rhymes, it doesn't repeat.

How about we stop consorting with them? How is becoming more spiritually semitic going to save us from the semetic disease of Judaism?

Having idols is not just an accident, or something you can change. Having idols mean you have something to idolize, to aspire to be like. Europeans seek strong, beautiful, intelligent figures to emulate. If you take that away, we are spiritually lost people, just like the jews. If you have no aspirations, the only thing you can do is destroy.

Interestingly Shinto survives without corruption to this day. Is it the lack of idols? I wasn't going for something like that, but it seems to fit the trend of idol-less religions surviving while others die out.

I'm not saying it's perfect, but we must adapt to overcome or face extinction. Did the Japanese want to Westernize in the beginning? No, but they managed to take something from a different culture that worked well, add their own twist to it, and make themselves stronger without losing their identity. We can learn from their ability to assimilate improvements.

And I wouldn't say that Jews are spiritually lost. They know exactly what they're doing and they enjoy it. That is their spirituality, even though it conflicts with our own. Two groups of people can arrive at different spiritual conclusions, and it is clear that their conclusions greatly differ from ours. That doesn't make them unspiritual, it makes them different and it means we shouldn't expect from them what we expect from each other, because their spiritual conclusions have lead to a radically different way of life. We don't have to like it, I certainly don't, but they still have a spirituality as a people even though I oppose where it leads.

The problem is that we have idols to ridicule, the problem is our people being susceptible to ridicule to the point of willful racial suicide.
The problem is social conformity to the absolute extreme, where it takes precedent over even survival instincts.
The only solution is letting those who are susceptible to die off in the multicultural experiment, or regain power and construct our culture around healthy morals once again.

Either way it won't be easy. But it WILL be easier than removing part of the European man's soul, to idolize greatness. I would argue that wanting to remove that instinct in the first place is a terrible thing, since what is the point of the white race if not to be great?

Hah I did the same when I first saw it. Your opinion would be valued regardless. The benefit of the chans is that free, uncensored thoughts will coalesce on the best ideas, and that only works when many contribute, even if views differ radically.

Nature is fascistic. Would worshipping nature remove/replace our ideals or supplement/strengthen them? Nature encompasses raw beauty, strength, vitality, nobility, eternity, and so much more. Pardon the pun, but it seems to naturally cover many of the ideals you mention that you wish to preserve.

Eat shit.

You mean besides the kikes constantly mocking, ridiculing, and denigrating Jesus?

You realize that they can mock your perception of natural order right? Which is exactly what kikes have been doing for a century.

This isn't even worthy of gradeschool.

Here is a solution: kill every nigger, faggot, kike, saracen, liberal, and pussy. There the problem has been solved by eliminating all those who are maladaptive shits, all those who fundamentally oppose what we stand for.

The kike can ridicule the sky for being too blue, the solution to ridicule is bullets.

They are lost as a people because they do not strive for their betterment, or the betterment of the world. They are a race of people who thrive on decline, who skim resources from the top of their host while never doing or creating anything themselves.
You can say that it's their "spiritual" prerogative, but in the end it doesn't matter what you call it.
The jews have no idols, no goals, no aspirations. They are a race of people whose only skill is destruction and manipulation. Look at the societies they build, all giant welfare states. Look at their art, it's all deconstructive ugliness. Even the science they create is all theoretical nonsense. Everything the jews do is just taking something from the goyim and re-purposing it for the "jewish way".
The jews need a host, they need something to destroy, because they have no inner worth. They have no ideals, no gods, no idols. They are a lost race of people who can only truly understand earthly pleasures.

We should not take away our gods, our idols. I don't want the white race to end up without a higher purpose, like the jews. It means we stagnate and decay. Even if you wanted to, I'm not sure that it could even be done.

Just think, biologically, we evolved this way for a purpose. Everything that is European evolved from something we needed as a race, the most highly advanced, creative, and beautiful race on the planet. Even our altruism had its purpose in crafting what made us great. We are now going through an age where we're weeding out our weaknesses. The kikes don't understand, that all of their efforts will ultimately just breed a stronger European man in the future.

"Survives" is very generous given its current state in Japan.

Yes Nature worship is at the heart of our racial soul.
And after all, Nature is the god that made Aryans beautiful and jews ugly.

Besides literally every statue and myth written about them that describes them in great detail, down to autistic things like clothing, scars, etc.? Here is one, you fucking retard:

"The goddess of love, beauty and eternal youth, Aphrodite is exceptionally attractive, possessing "unearthly beauty," according to Homer, of which is "visibly unsurpassed" cites Apuleius in his work "The Golden Ass."
Other pieces of classical literature describe her skin as pale and dazzingly white. She has shining eyes with dark, curled lashes. She sometimes adorns her flowing tresses with a flower wreath. Her pierced ears are often ornamented with flowers worn as earrings.
In "Illiad 3," Homer describes Aphrodite's throat as round and sweet. It is often adorned with golden and jeweled necklaces bestowed upon her by the Horai, the goddesses of the seasons. The poet also describes Aphrodite's breasts as "pale and desirable."
Aphrodite often appears naked, but when clothed she wears fine garments dyed with flowers. She often wears a dark blue robe to symbolize her emergence from the ocean. Around her waist she exhibits a magical, golden girdle that perfumes the air with the scent of balsam and cinnamon."

Every single god is given this treatment, and their features were well known among the populace, especially the more popularly worshipped and revered gods.

You are a literal cretin.

Bullshit statement. Deistic gods are still gods, in fact it is very much like the holy trinity in many ways (the lower gods springing from Zeus' head). To be even more clear: The Abrahamic God is actually completely conflicting in makeup and 100% guarantees a lack of freewill due to his definition in the bible. Also his ACTIONS contradict themselves: see the flood and his subsequent promises. Or look at Sodom ffs. Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Either he is perfect, and a perfect asshole who made us suffer. Or he is not perfect with perfect knowledge (therefore free will is possible) and the whole religion is full of shit from the word go.

Kikes wrote and popularized it, so I am going with total bullshit. If God was so perfect, and actually thought kikes were of the devil, he would reveal himself to his people and not leave the miracles in the past for the cavemen who thought fucking rain and normal weather was a minor miracle.

You pulled me in.


Deconstructive, ugly art I can agree with. Poor values I can agree with. But science can be replicated and physical theories get experimentally verified by scientists of many different groups. The current theories are very much incomplete and there are multiple interpretations of the experimental evidence, but the data collected is true. For example, quantum mechanics followed the Copenhagen interpretation for a long time, but newer experiments are also lending credit to the Bohm interpretation. Think of scientists as a separate, artificially constructed ethnic group when they're doing research, but part of their birth ethnic group when speaking to the public and engaging in politics. There is no Jewish science, Italian science, Chinese science etc, because scientists don't belong to ethnic groups while doing science. Only outside of research to they regain these ethnic characteristics.

t. STEM brainlet

Fuck off kike

LARPers are worse than fedoras.

Tell me, since this is a religion thread, why the fuck do people on Holla Forums worship a semitic god? Jesus was a fucking rabbi, correct? Yes, I get kikes "hate him", but do they really hate what control his image affords them? I think not. Before you talk about him turning over temple table and such, answer this: Would kikes have been safer if Europeans had retained their non-kiked religious beliefs or if Europeans subjugated themselves to a god that the jews themselves conjured? Christianity was born as a split in the kikes' temple. As in it was built from, of, and for kikes and those they wished to control. Just happened to be rebellious ones that won out.

Social science isn't science unless their conclusions can be experimentally verified. The vast majority of it can't be verified. Therefore it isn't science and you shouldn't lump them in with actual STEM scientists. As I suggested, scientists act as their ethnic and political characteristics would suggest when talking to the public. The only time these characteristics do not shine through is when designing experiments, as these experiments must be reproducible by someone with completely different beliefs that won't "cover" for them or support them because of ethnic characteristics.

In other words, read their experimental work to discover the truth. Don't listen to the conclusions they give the public, because two people can come to different conclusions from the same data (Ex: quantum mechanics has 4 competing interpretation s). Read the data and decide for your self on a conclusion you should draw from the data. Also check the methodology for experimental errors. Scientists collect the truth, but they don't always willing share it. Sometimes you have to pry the data from them and publicize your interpretation louder than they publicize theirs.

I think it's just a fervent minority. Personally I think they should be left alone as arguing it only serves to divide everyone and there are much bigger fish to fry. Christianity has been dying, albeit slowly, for quite a while now. Probably because it is a hollow foreign religion that can't speak to the Aryan soul. Let it die in peace user.


Experiments can be polluted, results can be inferred, hypothesis can be constructed from a wished result, and all of these things stem from a person's belief structure. Also, science is far from absolute in it's conclusions, as you suggest. The same observations and assumptions don't work on the macro and micro scale as an example. Or how many times has "eggs are good!", "eggs are bad!" type of things been proclaimed by scientists that have experiments and findings. Many times in the same year by different people saying the opposite things, both backed by experimentation.

Conclusions drawn from scientific pondering and experimentation are no more clean from bias and belief than social sciences largely. Only scientific laws get past this, and honestly they are mostly assumptions built upon lots and lots of dependable verification and are likely flawed as well.

Worshipping science is for fags, and yes there is such a thing as "jewish science" as I have illustrated.

Shove your Kikestein poster up your ass, you pompous fag.

t. STEM engineer

1/3 of white people don't even go to church

Your foundation is wrong. There's a confusion here, that is on what a "kike" is. A "Jew" denotes someone allegedly of the tribe of Israel who rejected Christ once He fulfilled the law and the prophets. The religion of the "jew" os Judaism, which was created solely on the rejection of Christ. What we today call Christianity is simply the religion of the Old Testament, held by the ancient Israelites, because it is the fulfillment of the laws and the prophets found therein. By definition, a Jew, or "kike," is not Christian, because the entire conception of a Jew is founded upon the rejection of Christ. You cannot alienate words from their intended, original function. Christianity did not create a split, it created a cult known as Judaism, and Judaism itself created a peoples who you call "kikes."

"Rabbi" simply means teacher. You are a "rabbi" if you teach your son how to shoot a gun. Jesus was not simply a man, Jesus is God. The reason why the cult of Judaism was created was because Jesus pissed off the proto-kikes by taking them down a notch, not only in questioning their authority and rebel rousing, but in taking away their perceived reason for pride, which is the seed Abraham. Because the proto kikes were among the genetic seed of Abraham, they held pride and carried themselves higher than anyone else. However, Christ clarified this, saying that the seed of Abraham is those who do as Abraham do, and put their faith in God. Hence, Israel is not a bloodline, but rather Christendom.

Why is the main selling point of holding on to christianity here because the jews hate it? I could easily say this is why we should worship Allah but no one is going to support it because it's the only semite faith that's been so blatant about it's actual beliefs. There is no question about Jesus' bloodline, he's a fucking jewish rabbi.

That's not "Jewish" science, that's just bad science. It will die as people attempt to repeat it and are unable to gather the same results. No one in this thread suggested to worship science. Science is amoral and shouldn't be worshipped. It takes on the morality of the individual using it: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"

Blatant fucking lie.
"Christianity grew out of Judaism[13][14][15] and began as a Second Temple Judaic sect in the mid-1st century."
Please kill yourself

A religion should be bound by blood, otherwise it will accept subversive converts at some point. See: Current year Pope kissing the feet of invaders destroying Europe.

Science that benefits and is controlled by Jews, such as by publishing, IS jewish science. Unless the media is just "bad media" and our government is just "bad government". You are being a semantic cocksucker. Fuck off.

Let me grab a snopes article to prove you wrong about Drumpf

I've studied the Bible and its history, moron. I don't rely on kike propaganda written by communist NEETs for my information.

All I know is the old testament advocates circumcision so even if kikes didn't write it who ever did was clearly a degenerate

You don't rely on history then, choosing to study the writing of kikes. Got it. What a moron. Are you suggesting Christianity was not borne out of the split of the Judaic temple. Sorry, fuckface christcuck, history is not on your side on this one. Suggesting that this very basic knowledge is a Wikipedia conspiracy is retarded. How about you find a source that says otherwise since you don't like mine. You know I am correct. Squirm you kike loving traitor

No, a religion should be bound by truth. The only greatest virtue in Man is the pursuit of truth. I follow Christ because He is the way, the truth, and the life. I don't like to live with niggers because the truth is that they're not compatible with superior civilization. Truth supersedes everything else.

You follow Christ but don't know Christianity formed FROM the split of the Judaic temple and did not SPAWN the Judaic temple. Ok.

Blood and truth aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, any religion that does not bond in blood is not in line with nature and therefore cannot be true on it's face. Your squirming reminds me of kikes tying string around New York so they can jew god out of the sabbath

Using Wikipedia in a circular argument to prove that Wikipedia is right? You are a mighty LARPer indeed. That, or a kike. Hey, btw, let me did you know the holocaust was real? Check out this Wikipedia article

Checked. Genesis is so neurotic and degenerate it had to be written by a jew

Christianity didn't form from anything. Christ is the fulfillment of old testament prophecy. He didn't just pop out of nowhere. To suggest that He did Christianity came from a split from Judaism is to reject Christ, because you are saying that the Jews have the prophecies that Christ fulfilled belong to the Jews, therefore He did not fulfill them. In accepting and following Christ, you necessarily have to accept the prophecies that He fulfilled, therefore these belong to Christ, not to anyone else who has a claim on them. Judaism formed as a rejection of Christ, because they could not accept the fulfillment of scripture. It's a cult.

Some bad sentence structure here, but you should understand what I'm saying. I'm at the last thirty mins of work, so not too invested in checking grammar and such

You are too stupid to be real. Christianity is borne out of Judaism. Judaism existed before Christianity. Once again, read the Old Testament you fucking dope (Jesus did not reject The Old Testament and its proclamations as you know). Where did this old testament come from, smart guy? Fucking Judaism. So how did that happen if Judaism was formed from rejection of a person who had not yet been born? C'mon, kike, try a bit harder.


Here is a list of the many executed christian clergy, of all denominations, during the Third Reich. (sorry for (((Wikipedia))) but that was just a quick search I made - this is public knowledge.ßler

Honestly there were countless people, I will just drop categories so you get my point. This is a fucking statistic…

And cucky christian groups (done by catholics primarily, not even actual kikes)

The number reaches the dozens of thousands, not to mention the countless imprisoned or exiled - remember the NSDAP barely even killed most kikes as claimed in the holohoax, but there is documented evidence of countless killings of christians - because they directly opposed the Reich.

To, good intentioned, but butthurt christian nationalists, questioning christianity and the church will always mean straying away from God, which is why they, understandably, will gather that kikes must be behind such efforts, again, missing not just the efforts by the Third Reich, but the fact that our ancestors had knowledge of God and worshipped him before the shadowy elites behind christianity subjugated Europe and burned the knowledge of our forebears, destroying all their temples and places of worship, changing their traditions and even setting up falsehoods such as "monotheism"/"polytheism", as to make people believe it's something other than just facets of the same truth. All while the (((people))) behind it believed in something much different than what they preached to their "sheep" - and you just have to look at the Pope and the symbolism in Rome, how he wears "Saturn Hats" and decorates the city with Obelisks.

God is found in many places, under many names in all that is good. The important thing to remember is that God is not found with (((them))) and that it is "us", the common people, against (((them)))). They have no power if they can not divide us and if they can not deceive us, which ultimately will restore God's power to act through the people. That is why they destroy every trace of people's knowledge of God and spirituality. It gives them power. It gives them control over people, when they (the jews and pedophile free-masons at the church) are ultimately behind their religion. This is why we can't have christianity in our ranks, as a plague that people refuse to give up out of cowardice and fear. It's a false path, it has little to do with God, it's like having jews in our ranks and the Third Reich showed us the way.

These people fail to see what christianity has done to Europe, how it was implemented at the subjugation of Europe and who were the (((shadowy elites))) behind it.

We don't need an absolute being. There shouldn't be an absolute being. Once you describe literal omnipotent perfection, then there is nothing left for man to strive towards, since that being already occupies that space.

Nature worship is serviceable. It is preferable to worshiping anything else. I would think you also mean "universal natural laws" and not just trees and rocks.

All that text doesn't matter. Jesus wasn't white. Moses wasn't white. Abraham wasn't white. Even if you believe they weren't hooked-nosed Arabs, they weren't white. Europeans shouldn't worship the god of non-whites. It is humiliating as well as incompatible with our spiritual sensibilities.

An omnipotent perfection equals death, inertness anyway.
You have no more further thoughts, because you are perfect.
You have no more drives, because you are perfect.
You will become fully inert.
Otherwise you are not fully perfectly whole.

That's not a refutation of my point, that's just you asserting a fiction. Once again, Christ did not come out of nowhere. Christ fulfilled the old testament. Jews reject Christ. Therefore, Jews reject the old testament. Because they claim the old testament does not mean that it is theirs.

Say you and your friend like capefags. You both love Batman. However, your friend really likes Batman because he thinks his last name is Jones, just like his. One day, a new issue of Batman comes out reveals that his name is Bruce Wayne. This causes your friend to get really angry and reject the new issue. Instead, he says, he will follow Batman whose last name is Jones. Did your belief of Batman come from your friend's belief of Batman or did his belief in a Batman named Jones come from your initial belief in a Batman whose name had not yet been revealed?

The kikes do not believe in the old testament, they simply hold on to it because they think it gives them power. But they reject it in rejecting Christ. Instead, they write thr equivalent of fan fictions, through stuff like the Talmud.

What I can put forward as my two cents is:
1. ==Codify the beliefs & their structures in a quick and easy way to understand while leaving room for interpretation.== In doing this you can spread the old ways quickly and readily and allow for people to adjust how they believe the religion should be practiced on their own.
2. ==Don't become iconoclasts.== Idolatry doesn't weaken a religion or its movement. Look to the artistic works on Zeus & other Indo-European gods & ancient figures of antiquity. You'll notice that many of them are beautiful works of art and the only people who would bother making fun of them are immature kids and non-believers with shitty arguments to counter. Any and all religions need art to help inspire people, you must simply make amazing art(shouldn't be so hard considering European history.).
3. ==Avoid stupid and complicated rituals.== Adding in dumb rituals like: Burn this candle made from the ashes of the heartwood of a willow that once hung a man and you'll have everlasting fortune – is dumb. Christianity allows for people to believe their religion gives them power by giving people these stupid and convenient rules and strictures for (((god))) to help them out. I'm sure I don't need to bring out any examples of priests scrambling to give someone a reason why god won't save them.
4. ==Describe methods of self improvement.== Much in the same way that Christianity & Religion of Cuck™ offer people a better life through their perceived pious lifestyles, this religion too should have methods of giving someone a better life through a pious lifestyle. I'd recommend different lifestyles for a different god's blessing. As an example: Odin might give you increased ability to retain knowledge and have memory if you deify him and study old germanic poetry on him. Venerate him in his domain of human nature and be blessed. In that example someone may actually receive a true, measurable benefit as well. Reading and comprehending poetry widens someone's cognitive abilities, especially compared to the day to day of this world.
5. ==Define what the gods & their domains truly entail.== Thor for example should be well defined in what he's like, his personality & with very little wiggle room for any kind of dumb interpretations. There shouldn't be any "Thor crossdressed in this one story, therefore Thor venerates transvestites." the scripture should be crystal clear and written with words that can be understandable and yet unused for the most part in day to day life(as to avoid having complications when those words change meanings.)

I hope these ideas help. Good luck.

Then you are a relativist. You are not after truth, you are after what makes you feel good.

The drive to become perfect is eternal, and infinite.

And again, this all doesn't matter to us - what the kikes believe or not. They are parasites and we need nothing to do with them and their cults.

Do as the jew constantly attack and backtalk at any opportunity
The semite breeds (jew and sandnigger) being extremely venomous creatures cant take _any_ venom themselves, you can really get under their skin playing the same game they play

He is trying to say Judaism was formed from rejection of Christ. This guy is a disinformation shill or so brainwashed and retarded he shouldn't even be here. I am more and more convinced Christians know less about Christianity than those who reject it. Just read this fag's writing.

Cool. I did refute you. Completely in fact. You claimed insane untruths to defend your worship of a kike. Like Judaism was borne out of Christianity and not the other way around. When I cited my argument you said "nuh uh, wikipedia is unreliable". I said provide sources that refute my claims and back up your own since you don't like what I cited. You haven't and cannot because you are full of shit.

No, I'm not. I have 1 rule, and that is Europeans should worship a white god, or nothing else.
I do not believe that the Bible is truth, so according to you (a Christian) I am untruthful.
I am a white nationalist, national socialist, identitarian, whatever you want to call me. I care more about the future and health of my race than I do about Semitic ideals of soul salvation.

Read the old testament. Read the new testament. Apply logic. That's my source. Your argument is literally

It's a fallacious argument. Anyway, I'm going back home. Have fun larping.

LARPing as an ancient European>LARPing as an ancient hebrew
Just saying.

who knew you cringetards could reach this level of idiocy

At least this one is a bit more subtle than yesterday's TORniggers screaming about "Kike on a Stick". Is shilling where that 18 billion of Soros' shekels went the other day? They certainly seem to have reactivated, and they're a bit more persistent than Goons and Holla Forums this time around.

Oy vey! Believe my semitic book and regard it as absolute truth or you are a relativist, goy!

They aren't even trying.

Have a nice trip to Tel Aviv, scumbag. Also the bible cannot prove your argument. The bible proving the bible is circular, dumbass. Also it is ridiculous that you don't know about the temples, Rome, and the beginnings of Christianity when you say you are a follower. Fucking retard.

He is saying that god should be a tangible being that can act as an ideal for men to strive for. Not an invisible, omnipotent, omnipresent being crossing time and space. It's a concept that is too abstract for humans to understand and empathize with, and gives them no role model. The only thing you can do for a god like Allah or Yahweh is to worship and serve, not emulate.

Pointing that again - the way to immunize it from the misguided "christian nationalists" and CIAnigger fracture-point shills is to remind others of the actions of the Third Reich, which was entirely Germanic in religion and enacted Kirchenkampf. All you have to do is look at the processions and all the symbolism, the actions of the NSDAP, the foundations of the SS, the outspoken paganism of Himmler, Rosenberg and others, the strong anti-church speeches of Goebbels.

And have no tolerance for christianity inside our own ranks - no laziness to remove it and redpill misguided people who associate it with our values because "muh crusaders" (proto-masons) are all they know of "western civilization". Hitler said that christianity main virtue was it's unerelenting fanatism, taking no criticism for their dogmas and destroying everyone's else. This is no "muh d&c", because there is only one National-Socialist position to take - that of the Third Reich, which was the removal of christianity and the set up of a new religion based on our RACE.

no you have to realize at this point the r/atheist retards started to realize that race is real and that atheism is cringy but they cant accept christianity because of butthurt of one form or another

Jesus is a fictional character based on the actions and teachings of several great goyim. Erasing the accomplishments of those men from history and attributing them to a fictional kike superhero was the ultimate form of Shutting it Down. It kept us pretty thoroughly demoralized for 2000 years.

The default spirituality for the white race is not Christianity.
Not a god, you don't worship Jesus. Besides that, he is hardly an idol. He is a proto-communist who willingly died like a slave.

Inb4 the pope is not catholic, the dark ages is a myth! Fuck you atheist-liberal-kike-satanist (?)

You what, mate? "Paganism" isn't even a single faith itself.


This is actually believable.

As if christcucks have not completely fucked us and continue to. What does the average christcuck think of Israel and the jews? Right. If you think you can trust these men to stand by you as you destroy the kikes and their influence you are insane.

Christianity is a Samson Option. This thread alone has me convinced, and honestly, I used to think the same about as you about muh D&C. I was wrong, and so are you.

What I mean is that the options for a white man aren't limited to atheism or Christianity.

Judaism is a modern religious group made up of multiple factions, kabalah, orthodox, talmuds to name a few. The old testaments Jews refer to people of the tribe of Judah. The Old Testament has many stories to tell about the Hebrew tribes, times when they worshiped golden idols, times when they sacrificed the firstborn to moloch. Many prophets of God came to them, some to warn the kikes against race mixing even (Ezra) but I digress, modern kikes, Ashkenazis and zionists alike claim to be Cohens a lot. The Cohens are the priests there, from the tribe of Levi,… Abraham… Aaron… The lineage. Jesus is high priest forever of the line of Melchizedek the name means literally my king is righteousness. Not derived from Judaism at all.

Fair enough, but the only reason to follow a religion is if you believe it is the objective truth. Everything else is secondary to that. So where a religion came from is irrelevant unless you don't actually believe in it but are trying to use it as a social engineering tool.

The idea that there's a default one by race makes no sense unless you're considering all religions equally valid but only to their origin race/locale.

Nope. You're retarded.

Didn't intend to start D&C. Just wanted to suggest we take things that work for those against us and adapt it to our own ends.

Christianity will always fail our interests and be subverted because it is globalist in nature. It accepts converts from any group, may of which will be subversives. If you need to know how Jews survived 2000 years in Europe without assimilation, it is because they were bound to their religion by blood and did not accept converts. The idea of "converting" to Judaism only really began to take hold with the modern Reform groups. Non-reform Jews don't see them as actual Jews. Christianity will fail us because it is not ethnically exclusive.

Our religion must be ethnically exclusive. This is not negotiable.

European "paganism" was, in it's essence, actually about the same in all the different european peoples. Look up on "Interpretatio Graeca", they could recognize their gods in foreign peoples and lived in harmony. There were localisms, just as christianity has those, with Saints and what not.

Now the religion that isn't a single faith is christianity, which is comprissed of millions of different branches, all infighting and looking for dominance, having wiped out entire sects of their fellow christian brothers in the past, like the Cathars and Hussites, and created religious wars, like the Thirty Years War, that killed half of the German Population while the Turks advanced into the Empire. Christianity was so unified they even sacked Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade, enabling, allong with the crusades weakening the middle-east, the rise of the Ottoman Empire.

Reminder the Crusaders were Proto-Masons and Satanists

Look up ok "Kalergi quotes on christianity".

Revelations describes christ as having hair white like wool and skin white as wool that shines like burnt bronze (or something bronze)

One of the reasons why Whites are as self-destructive as they are is because they have a high degree of affective empathy, relative to other races. What needs to be done is for there to be selection pressure among Whites for less empathy, while retaining other characteristics such as high IQ and high creativity.


Saying Christ cuck makes you sound like a d&c shill. Jesus is not the problem. Call them churchcucks, I mean I know what you're saying and half agree. But it's not Christ who is at fault, Christianity has been cucked since Charlemagne though, but it had some good moments.

This post, right here, is indicative of everything wrong with LARP-anythinger religion-pushers. It's not about believing in something. It's about forcing other people to as a political tool. You're just the atheist that quotes scripture to try to manipulate actual believers.

Nah. Not going to say Churchcuck, faggot. That is no less "D&C" anyways. It in fact means the same shit even if the message is not identical. re: Following things to their conclusion.

Jesus was a kike. Christianity is borne out of the temple of Judaism. None of this is pro-white, and no-one in the church is on your side, dumbass. Your church would likely want to expel you if you expressed your beliefs on race, and if not try and "fix you". This is universal to Christianity, AND CHRIST, so fuck off.

No, you can give lip service to a religion without believing in it in order to keep normies in line. Some people cannot function without a set of so-called divine rules. Look how your average person today has engaged in behavior destructive to civilization because "lol bro god isn't real nothing matters". These people cannot restrain themselves without the threat of divine punishment. Religion keeps many placated who would otherwise destroy society from within. If Christianity was ethnocentric, solely European, and not globalistic, I would go to church every Sunday to set an example for the normies even though I wouldn't believe in a higher power.

REEEEE Paganism is not real, worship king jew REEEE "D&C! (but I will trash Pagans)"

Nigga what is the default religion then? Roman paganism, Germanic paganism, Slavic paganism, Celtic paganism the druids?
oh wait let me guess "no they all were pretty much the same thing bro, let me ignore the cultural and religous differences and try and match these gods to one another
First you are a slave (I thought you faggots called yourselves national socialists not libertards that meme about helicopters) second you don't realize that Jesus IS GOD, third "proto communist" you realize communism was grounds for excommunication pre vat 2 as communists went against hierarchy, morality, religion, etc etc

go sacrifice a goat faggot, you realize there is more to religion then larping in the woods and saying shit.

Whats next "muh burnt heretics"?

and what are those exactly? some of you fucks here are for white people liberalism. not exactly the same reason I am here for

You seem to not understand what a convert is

and thus make up a religion because muh white people religion the church of creativity is already that but then you realize it's cringy bullshit and not a real religion and instead a "white people are awesome" cult

This is probably wise and reflects Kirchenkampf better. Also church is very effeminate in itself adding to it.

Reminder there is no d&c in pointing out the kikery behind christianity in a NatSoc board - because that was the Third Reich policy

This is exactly what Hitler said.

Yeah because I'm the one failing at simple reading comprehension.

Christianity did not come from Judaism because Judaism was not a religion until after Christ.

The shared roots of the three abrahamic religions do not mean that one or the other of them spawned the rest.

The only true OT book was Enochs anyways, but it was left out and it got buried before the library was burnt down, but luckily the Ethiopians kept it since the days of Sheba and Solomon.


The fallacy is in saying one religion is wrong and the other is right. Look at the common thread.

You're right, but only christians do that, despite their religion being full of pagan influences and the (((elites))) behind it believing something much different than what they preach to their "flocks". Only the church tried to impose it's dogma upon everyone else, by force, not to say of the numerous attrocities it has done to Europe and the knowledge and culture that existed before it.

There can be no redeeming for church-apologists and those who attack our own folk out of butthurt and misguided fanatism, especially on a nationalist movement. "Christian Nationalism" is cuckoldry and directly contradicts the Third-Reich policy. They should direct that fanatism upon our enemies, but they never seem to mostly because the ones doing that are CIAniggers and shills because they seem afraid of 5'0 tall arabs, whom they constantly fetishize about going into "crusades" against, while completely ignoring the real reasons behind our problems - which started in their own cult.

I wouldn't really demonize the specific Templar who would eventually join with the secret keepers of megalithic era sacred architectural knowledge to form the Masons. While the tradition of the crusaders as a whole is ignoble, a certain sub-group who occupied Jerusalem performed archaeological and anthropological explorations which led to them uncovering the pre-Christian truths stemming from the Egyptian Horus cult (the astronomer-magi responsible for the establishment of the dynastic era and for laying out the Giza complex which symbolically encodes both the original Holy Grail myth in which a king ritually mirrors the legacy of the divine father-treasonous uncle-hero son narrative in order to bring prosperity to the land as well as being an astronomical clock pointing to certain dates such as the construction of the pyramids and the end of the Younger Dryas). Signs of their presence in Ethiopia also make it likely that they visited the Ark of the Covenant, which houses stolen technology from dynastic Egypt related to the implementation of the Grail cycle. These findings caused them to turn away from Cucktianity, eventually leading to raising the ire of the Pope because the Popes have always been instruments of Semites who know the truth and want to erase all signs of it. Being forced underground led those Templar to converge with the remnants of the mystery schools who traced their lineage back to the Brotherhood of Horus and the megalith builders of Europe, thus allowing for the creation of many pseudo-Cucktian groups like the Freemasons and Rosicrucians whose esoteric underpinnings ran counter to the false Cucktian culture imposed on Europe.

Until Semites infiltrated those groups and turned them into more cabals of traitors. Modern Masons (going back several hundred years) are either know-nothings LARPing about in Old Boys' clubs or vile collaborators supporting the Semitic hegemony.

All Christcucks are in the end slaves of Semites whose worship of a fictional Semitic idol and Semitic tribal deity corrupts them into race traitors. There is no future for Europe under such foreign influence, only by returning to the true, old ways will our peoples ever eliminate the traitors in our midst and then remove the Semites those traitors serve.