Catalonia crashing the EU with no survivors

Catalonia is going to try to pull all their money out of the banks tomorrow causing a run. Do you know who is the lender of last resort? The ECB.

EU banks are incredibly fragile right now. We've all been waiting for the trigger which could expose the debt of Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and this could be it!

If I was on my regular machine I'd photoshop Catalonia crashing the EU with no survivors
inb4 they're a bunch of commies—don't fucking care, they're taking down the new USSR and they couldn't remain communist as a tiny country for that long anyhow especially given how dependent they are on international trade. This isn't (((Franco's))) fucking 1930s no matter how much you wish it was.

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I hope it causes to crash Euro with no survivors.


The EU will crumble first and Spain will have the opportunity to rise again, you Shareblue shill.

Won't they just shut down the banks? Pretty sure that's standard practice for this sort of event. Wonder how mainstream will spin this considering they'd never give the full story.

Reminder that the aim of the (((globalists))) is to destroy Europe’s ‘monolithic’ institutions, of which larger federated nations are obvious examples. Smaller nations would eventually fall under the auspices and protection of a planned ‘EU army’ which would police them as well as protect them and to which they would contribute soldiers. War-grade military readiness is not something they would want in nations. Instead they are ‘dividing and conquering’ in imperial fashion, creating atomized cultural groups founded not in nationalism, but in internationalism. It’ll be like the Roman empire all over again.

user, please stop. I cant have raging erection in workplace.

I wonder this also. When people realize that banks don't actually have their money, I reckon there'll be a dramatic drop in confidence in banking generally.
I'm hoping for an exodus away from the banking jew and into cryptocurrency. Don't care so much which one, so long as it's decentralized and not a pre/insta-mine.

They already tried what to do at Cyprus. Limit the amount you can take from the bank legally. They will block this. No chance in hell this is going to happen.

The crash will come, but not quite yet. A few months more we need to hold through.

They still have money in the banks there? If there any people in America living like Catalonians, you have a duty to do the same thing after Trump decides whether he wants to start WWIII with NK,
Iran or Russia.

Die in a fire OP.

It's an easy redpill to give to people, why they shut down the banks during runs.
The whole "it's their money so why can't they have it?" opens one big can of worms.

nothing is going to happen

t.anoffshoreanon** ~1k cash/day for starter/biz accounts it can go up to 2k/day with better card and more
WDL for e-banking is half a mill/day
Maybe only counts for citizens then?

Goddamn Iberiniggers.
Catalans aren't a real ethnicity. Basques are not real either. Suck it up and accept your lot you unruly lazy cunts.

Occupy Wall Street tried to do exactly this. The problem is compared to businesses and corporations you really don't own nothing goyim. The banks won't even notice, and being pinkos, they will quietly put it back in after a couple days after the world fails to stop for them.

Reposting for great justice, make of it what you want.

Entrevista a Ignacio Ondargáin

Saludos lectores, nos encontramos a domingo 23 de febrero del año 2014. Les escribimos desde la humilde posición de este periodista alternativo a los periódicos, medios de masa y sus empleados que dicen hacer 'periodismo', hoy tenemos la ocasión de entrevistar a Ignacio Ondargáin, ¿Quién es Ignacio Ondargáin se preguntarán muchos? Pues, es un autor aparecido en la red con su famosa y mediocre web; , que ha levantado verdaderas pasiones en foros, redes sociales, es una página web con diversos textos sobre hitlerismo esotérico y publicó su obra sólo en formato digitalizado en internet llamada; La Gran Tradición Hiperbórea (que se puede leer y descargar o en formato PDF o en su web; )

- Buenas tardes Ignacio, lo primero sería que hicieras una breve presentación y nos definieras; qué es el hitlerismo esotérico para los que no conozcan esta corriente.

IO; Muy buenas tardes y gracias por este espacio, pues bien, Ignacio Ondargáin es un hombre de orígenes vascos que desde mi humilde posición he investigado sobre la otra cara 'oculta' de la historia y todo aquello que los medios de masas llaman; MAGIA.

Y bien respondiendo tu otra pregunta, el Hitlerismo Esotérico (yo prefiero llamarlo Wotanismo o Aryanismo, es aquella doctrina espiritual y esotérica creada a partir de la afirmación que Adolf Hitler fue una encarnación de un ser supremo y su obra, el III Reich, la perfección suprema sobre la tierra.

- Vaya cuanta información en tan poco tiempo, ¿entonces el Hitlerismo Esotérico se podría entender que es como una religión?

IO; Partiendo que la palabra religión significa comunión con los dioses sí, pero no, desde una perspectiva de secta dogmática cuya función es enriquecer a un credo.

- ¿Qué es para ti Adolf Hitler?

IO; Difícil de explicar en pocas palabras, para mí Adolf Hitler, fue el Elegido, el Líder de la raza aria, una encarnación de un Dios Blanco encarnada en nuestro plano para llevar una misión predestinada, que en este caso fue la de arrojar a todos los demonios al fuego…

- ¿Y quiénes son esos demonios?

IO; La Sinagoga de Satanás o también llamada, el Gobierno Secreto.

- Vaya esto dicho así, puede sonar un tanto 'conspiranoico' , ¿Y quiénes conforman ese gobierno?

IO; Suena conspiranoico, porque es contrario al pensamiento lanzado por sus medios de comunicación. Quienes están detrás son el Sanedrín Oculto que controla la coalición de Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y su Mecca, es decir Israel.

- ¿El Sanedrín? ¿Dónde están? ¿Quiénes son?

IO;El Sanedrín de Israel, es una antiquísima reunión de jerarcas judíos puros, es decir sin haberse mestizado con otros pueblos, son los que firmaron los protocolos de Sión o los mismos que controlan hoy al presidente títere de turno de Estados Unidos. Y que dónde están, no sabría decirte, pero seguramente sospecho que en Londres o en Estados Unidos.

- ¿Y España dónde entra dentro de todo este entramado?

IO;España, no es más que un vasallo de este Gobierno Secreto, una empresa a su servicio, mas los países ya no existen, son meras empresas al servicio de unos pocos, pero España como cualquier país europeo es controlado por la masonería (una logia secreta basada en el judaísmo más radical), nadie es presidente de España sin que los sabios de Sión no den su visto bueno.

- ¿Y qué me dices de Rajoy?

IO;Un peón más dentro de todo el ajedrez de Satanás.

- ¿Cuál es la meta de todo esto?

IO;La creación de una Judá planetaria, donde el pueblo elegido por un demonio ancestral gobierne desde el trono de Israel sobre todas las naciones gentiles del mundo.

- Te veo mucho mencionar palabras como magia, Satanás… ¿ Por qué?

IO;El mundo es gobernado por magos negros que desde sus logias realizan espantosos rituales abominables en los altares de su señor Satanás y sus ángeles de la muerte, presentes en la Cábala.

- ¿Los cabalistas gobiernan el mundo?

IO;Así es.

- ¿Son éstos los Iluminati?

IO;Así es

- ¿Qué opinas de la situación política internacional actual?

IO;Vivimos tiempos de Apocalipsis, las últimas jugadas de la mano negra que domina el mundo está tocando su final para materializar su oscura obra, en Oriente Medio lo vemos o en el norte de África, hoy en Siria, ayer en Libia, Iraq bajo la administración judeoyankee…

- ¿Cuál es el fin de todo esto? La primavera árabe que llaman.

IO;Extender las fronteras de Israel más allá del Nilo y el Éufrates, algo que llevan queriendo hacer desde que lo predestinaron en los Protocolos.

- ¿Y para España cómo pronostica el futuro?

IO;Arruinamiento total y absoluto, crisis permanente, abolición de la clase media y entronamiento de la Gran Sefarad bajo la bandera de la sinagoga de Satanás. El triunfo del Zohar y la vuelta al reino de Taifas, ¿El independentismo catalán? Es un movimiento totalmente tuteado por la masonería y el judaísmo internacional.

El objetivo final es destruir la nación hispana y abolir su sangre en una oleada de inmigrantes oscuros.

¿Qué tiene que decirme del independentismo catalán ahora que lo menciona?

IO;Que es una abominable creación del independentismo masónico y cabalista… De los marranos y los expulsados en 1492.

This gives me such a weird boner right now OP. As to where? Why, shitposting on 8/pol/ ofc.

This raid is running on fumes


Freedom for all peoples!
Just like the Irish threw of the Anglo yoke, so will the Catalans the Spanish one!
Erin go bragh!

I'm conflicted because I'm a Spaniard and want my country to remain united but at the same time I want the EU to die… Iberia is in a bad way friends

Fuck you you damned Anglo inbred Iberians are the superior race

It's amazing how many people don't know that the bank doesn't have your money, that it's gone the moment it's deposited and that they have no legal obligation to give you anything when you want it "back".

Welcome to Ukraine 2.0 where faggots unironically think commies are based and fashy XD because muh EU

'Federated nations' must always have the threat of secession from its constituent states to ensure that the federated nation is not simply a despotic resource transferring scheme. I don't care if you think they would be weaker apart, France isn't invading anytime soon.

By the way this whole "nationalism is the new globalism, be internationalist or else the internationalists win!" argument is incredibly weak. A nation of disparate peoples is no nation at all. The Jews are the problem, not the Russians.

You can always reunite under saner principles once the EU and its cult-marx ideology that permeates your government as well blows up. Bringing the enemy down comes first, rebuilding can be done later.


Such a thing crashes the world, not just the EU.


Spanish peasants have virtually no shekels. While it's the richest part of Spain it's all locked up in real estate and owned by rich jews / company owners who sure as hell aren't going to withdraw all their shekels in cash.

It's a low income country and I'd be surprised if people on average incl. boomerfags who didn't work for 600 bucks a month have even 10k in savings.


This. From a monetary point of view it is nothing, but it may give a blow to the trust in the monetary system. Unfortunately the next best save haven for normies atm is buttcoins and the like. We may look at a very Jewish future.

Kikeanon, OWS never tried to actually take shit from you. How would you actually stop people from taking assets legally 'owned' by businesses and corporations?
The police will be doing the taking soon enough themselves.
You mean those poor white guys from flyover country? Haha.
The golem's out chimping, what are they gonna do?

Remember to tell us that we're scared and you're not, the kikes own everything, and that cianigger limited hangouts will solve all your problems.

I don't trust buttcoins, ethereum is all jewed up as well.

Just buy stocks in a company that will perform in great recession type times unless you expect a total apocalypse, which I don't see happening any time soon.

There's safe cryptocurrencies, naturally they're all quiet projects that don't see the massive corporate jewbucks being pumped into them. It's like Linux vs Windows in the crypto world now.


And a shame the white multicultural Jewnited States of Zionmerica doesn't get it.
They believe a white multiracial multicultural "nation" is equal to a truly homogeneous society.

Daily ATM limits will dampen the impact but activity over a small few days will sting.

They should dump it all into crypto.

Secession not going to happen. (((They))) will see to it that Catalonia remains part of Spain. By whatever means necessary.

Retard. Never expect stocks to go up.

Play Jewish games, win Jewish prizes.

Franco was a kike

Understand jewish games, rob jews of their prizes.

Its the right idea, but im afraid this is not going to work. You would need to do this on a country-wide scale to scare the kikes and on a European-wide scale to fuck the kikes.

If forcing people of different cultures causes conflict spoiler alert, it does why should Catalonians be forced to live with other Iberians?
Obviously these pro/anti-independent Catalonia debates we're having are pretty irrelevant. Our opinions on whether or not an independent Catalonia are pretty irrelevant at this point as we have no political power.

Catalonia is kike haven and they are a ploy to get refugees into west Europe. EU banks aren't going anywhere you dumb cuck. Jewish paper money never stops being printed. Economics is an artificial game. Calling for destruction of European countries? Wow, what fucking Jew shills you are in this thread. Like says, the EU army would defend these balkans. Not only would more Muslims be allowed to pour in, the artificial kike media will be jacking off and pitting Europeans against each other.

Fuck you

They're a people but they've ALWAYS been part of the Spanish crown as long as there ever was a Spanish crown (so… three time longer than the entire History of the USA).
European countries are a mosaic of slightly different people that have congregated assembled themselves into political entities called NATIONS, forming countries separated by natural barriers, said natural barriers have ensured the people inside it, while having cultural differences have the same ethnicity.

Yes but the current spanish government goes against what the original spanish union was based off of.

Aren't they cucked with maximum daily/weekly witdrawals though? I have an account at Société Générale and can only take out 300 euros at a time.

Fucking SJW


The socialists supported the Spanish president and the Senate to dissolve catalonia parliament.

more like "where were you when the EU killed Catalonia?"

Shorts are based on bank solvency, stocks are not.

Shorting is speculatory financial kikery.

Depends on what happens next. More like will the US support an EU that outright invades in the name of Spanish "territorial sovereignty" because this isn't going away.

You make it sound like those kikes are oh so powerful and all knowing
fucking kill yourself fam