I'm in love with a submarine.
I'm in love with a submarine
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't worry about it.
I'm in love with The idea that someday I might not die alone
yan is just mad for some reason
im going to worry a lot now
literally who
dude just GO OUTSIDE
did you ask him if he was on his period yet
I went outside yesterday for a few hours
I was out there a couple hours back
I mean I go outside almost every day tbh
this was good for me...
*lights a cig
top kek
i might have said disparaging coments about his relationship with his overseas trap internet gf
Go to bars and talk to girls, go to any place with other people at it and talk to people.
Im 20 you goof
and People dont really gather too many places here in the small town
maybe at resutrauntts ? :p
nobody is really eever on the town square much anymore
im going to go outside and hit a tree with my car
why would you do that
dude that's why he's mad at you, duh!
lol the only person fucking stupid enough to even talk to the /lewd/ reject is TP
Grand Slam
Great Job
Many Keks
The manlet is posting xD
Show us your gains, manlet
do et fgt...
move to a different place
Thatts easier said than done now
Especially when i do not drive
that was just for you bbycakes...
what would you do if i punched you in the throat
rude as a motherfucker, motherfucker
i will
i thought the 9gag watermark was a nice touch
apple vape pen
even i don't know why
but i like it
I think I will take my chances waiting here
super bad anxiety and thats not really economically feasible for me atm X:
Nice water mark noob
apple tho... why
the aftertaste of apple after fucking ruining yan
is tasty
left it there just to spite you doots
i dunno man, sucking on fruity things is kinda...
💩 Ni
I haven't hit the gym yet today. Might as well go do that.
so like i was getting my normal rollies and was like how much do those vape pens cost
yeah sure the green one
bye brad
buy a tobacco flavored one...
i'm me
why is life aquatic being played on normal tv
i can't really handle it
hi me
i think i'm vaping too hard tonight lol
im going to
how are you going to react to it
that's not a reply
Vegan vapes are best
Its whatever I say it is.
just smoke regular cigarettes like a fucking normal person
@sama san did you learn how to wear a jimmy hat yet?
holy shit
That was my favorite is not responsible to do you have the best in you are looking forward is it is to use of your own business to be able or somethin that you will have been able or is not responsible in my opinion and I'm going out of your life with you on a scale that you will have the right now is not an expert to get it done before it can get to work on that note to say about this is what the problem in your browser does a person to have an account to access this website to learn about new and existing ones to get it is to use of any such changes are posted a total loss or liability arising under a single point and I don't have time in your browser window in class com for you is to use of any such changes to our website for your business is in fact is a very long and boring to do I need you now
i am
cowboy raw dog all day errday
you didn't say anything
Sometimes saying nothing is more than saying something.
stop it lol
jesus thats alot of reading... could you, you know... shorten it a little
no man... shit feels amazing and shit
Dana can't read
dont do it
im going to say something to you with my asshole
he is probably going to ky soon
it's best to skim and make fun of him
give me one good reason
too much other shit atp to need to read a damn essay
i love you
If you fart i'm leaving.
you crazy kids and your angry rap music
tp pls
i wasn't going to
be nice
Are you sure?
i think when bill murray dies i will cry
Who is #1 rapper?
Gotta be my boy Papoose
me too Teeps, me too
Ha! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
gucci imo
He wasn't even that good in blues brothers
french fried taters tho
Disgusting weirdo.
I'm a disgusting weirdo. Ya caught me.
Only question is, what does that make you?
*punches you in the throat*
a normal person?
well fuck
hey what the fuck is up my man whats ur day been like, you just drinkin beers and sittin on the porch half naked?
Good try.
inb4 normie ree
lol it just fuckin happened i punched you in the throat
Don't punch luka
luka doesnt like to play like that... i like to play, but everytime I do Luka wins :/
already done
yup it just happened right now
not allowed. it didn't exist, it never happened.
pew pew
confirmed tomorrow
fucking excellent
you win this round... again
already happened
you can't even argue
hey luka whats it like up in canada?
a what?
*shares a cookie with you*
nope, i win.
it's nice in canada.
Might make a cheesecake this week
i don't even know why i ask, im in minnesota so it's probably the same
are you a dirty frenchie though or a regular good canadian?
before mobile phones were mobile enough to be mobile phones, they were car phones
how can you not be aware of this
oh yeah you're underage lol
guess it's time to educate children
this is a car phone
fucking gross
*gives you a generic bag of cooking sugar*
I'm better. I'm a west coast best coast canadian.
Good evening.
70s master race
1964 video phone
2004 watch phone
by like 2010 you could get actual watch phones the size of watches
im going to be the last person that was born before 2000 alive
Hey im at ur house
Im on acid
What was #1 song when you were born?
Phil Collins groovy kind of love
Nobody responded to me :(
hey nuzzy
This was directed at scarlet
hey cutie
what are you up to tonight?
what was?
hi scootadoot~
Doubt it
just what i need to hear~
Figuring out how combat works in the new tabletop game I'm playing!
kinda want a Motorola DynaTAK
hey cutie.
Kinda wanna meme
Whats up
baka's underageness has me exploring really old phones
what game is that?
tabletop simulator?
Im on acid at Scarlets house
Glad shes not here >:)
are you going to fucking tell me that hailey and scarlet are two different people
Hailey kill yourself
if you're going to be an american tranny from /lewd/ get a distinct fucking personality
or at least different avatars
this is fucking ridiculous
Schizo cunts
Sick my dick
How humiliating
i still have this phone in a cupboard somewhere around here
Looks evangelion
nah irl tabeltop
only war
it's a warhammer 40k game
Choo choo
Motorola lol
yeah, it's old enough to be around old original evangelion tv show trimes
Is this the matrix
penis sucking
games are fun~
fuck yeah they are
specially when they're about killin aliens n heretics n shit
he knows me so well...
i ain't goin to bed tho lmao
dead board
Suck my dick
make me
who's your master?
post work out shake kimochi
post abs
I won't post them for you.
then why post them at all
I don't plan to, not here.
lol, the computer consoles in the startrek enterprise were powered by 16 powermac G4 cubes
I have no idea who that is haha
Neat, sup fam?
nuffin, wikipedia
Basking in the post workout bliss just watching some shitty anime.
Post tummy
I'm calling the cops
oh well
guess it's another dick rate thread on Holla Forums for tonight
he's from lewd so
call the cops, the can't un-poke you in the bumhole
I've actually never been to lewd I think
They can't save you in time
it's okay! Slower than this board and a bit more... laid back. Less drama and arguing. It's far too passive for me.
Lewd is full of wimps and pansies. Real posters post on animus
so tell me about yourself baka, I don't know you very well.
I'm scoot, aka mr big dick.
im baka
im 16
i have blonde hair and blue eyes and some people find me attractive
I was on Holla Forums at 13 and mainly went on loli threads
then I moved to /r9k/ when i was 14 and 15
then I moved here and now im 16
I'm turning 17 in a month and I'll be a junior.
I like biology and english! And also gym class, but I'm too lazy to go to the gym in my freeetime so I'm just getting fat, but I don't think I'm actually that fat.
I love cocks and muscles and older men.
I also like vidja like Mount and Blade Warband.
I also like to be the dungeon master for my friends when we play dungeons and dragons together.
I loooove driving around and listening to music.
Recently I've been listening to wavves and bass drum of death.
game cubes
So many homovans
this is like the saddest story ever
what kind of car do you have?
it's only a sad story if i kill myself in the end
2016 ford escape
it's mommy's car
na, you have, and still are, wasting your childhood
see the people in your country that say you don't have the capacity to give consent at 16
they were also 16 once, they know better than you
but you say shit like "i like cocks and older guys"
when any older guy you could possibly have been with is guilty of rape, because you aren't actually old enough to know what you want yet, and their desires were indecent
it's really sad.
Rape bait
protip: i fucked dudes over 40 when i was 15
it was definitely rape, i definitely regret it happened, and it definitely haunts me
you have NO idea what you're doing at that age
This. It's also hella creepy
Its like shooting fish in a barrel.
Don't be that guy -_-
Let me google that
obviously you think you know better, you're fucking 16
but this is a sage advice
whatever. don't listen. when you reach an age where your brain is a bit better at making these connections, you'll look back and think, "oh shit, erin was right"
pre-emptive i told you so.
Leave him to it, he'll fast become desu
A used cocksleeve
So what do you suggest I do then.
stop spending your life on the filthiest places on the internet.
kiss girls your own age.
pay attention at school.
stop seeing being a lolicon at 13 as a point of pride, stop looking at that shit.
have a real childhood.
As long as you're not retarded you should be fine. I was edgier, but I wasn't an idiot at 15. If you're gonna bang someone, that's on you.
That said, I totally agree with
Well, the kiss girls your own age, school, and childhood part anyway.
You'll especially regret not paying attention in school
I guess I can try. But where the fuck do I go, I'm completely lost in real life. I don't know where people hang out or what the fuck people do.
i've been trying
i do
it's not a point of pride, he merely wanted to get to know me and that's an important fact, not a good one, but it is important
i never had a childhood and it's too late to begin one, i already need a job and i already drive a car
I mean I was 18 when I found myself in this shithole
Be a young adult
Smoke weed
Kiss boys your own age
Form a band
Grind some rails in your heelies
Be young
school is the best prep for the real world their is. it's like social training. hang out with school friends, get a school gf, etc.
Lolicon is a disease
You know you can get bat shit crazy sometimes, but you still can speak so soundly at times.
oh yeah I knew I'd heard them, I've heard "way too much" on the radio
SUV is safer for new drivers :)
well yeah, i have mental health problems, not retardation, lol
Why don't you try fixing them instead of drugging yourself up every day?
that's literally what the drugs are for
i see three teams of professionals about my mental health issues
what they do is they drug me
I can understand taking drugs to reduce anxiety and relieve built up stress but you don't need to take psychedelics to be happy.
How do you fix a brain?
I'm actually already on my way socially, during the last month of school I was doing very well. Talking to strangers in class, making new acquaintances, hell, I even asked a girl to go to the movies with me. She turned me down, but still.
Next year is going to be a very good year for me socially, I can feel it.
I do hang out with school friends, regularly. Getting a GF is a bit harder though.
Although I hate getting advice, thanks for showing you maybe even care about me a little bit, I appreciate it.
dropped tbh
brah im gettin my daddies corolla in september
fuck that SUV shit I'm going to pick up so many bitches in the new car
nobody ever said need
well shit, you sound more mature already. stick at it.
n-no it was on Sirius Alt Nation, they play a lot of indie music and new artists and stuff
they dropped that song before they were even big I think
Then try to improve baka.
Be better than desu, Baka
Ants Baka?
your logic is i don't need to take drugs recreationally to be happy
well duh
drugs are fun, i enjoy taking them
it's not a case of need, it's a case of want
you don't need to lift to be happy lenko, why not stop
I dislike it though, I used to talk like this a lot, it's why a lot of teachers loved me and I was always in good company around adults.
I act this way because it's cathartic, and I have no other place to show such feelings.
ah, i usually listen to an 80's station
sure, i'll make an effort
stick at it, it will become natural. no problemo.
Posting here isn't terrible, just try and only use this place as a side thing.
Growing up is hella important
When you hit your 20s your teen years will be what begins defining you
True, sorry I'm butting my nose where I shouldn't and that's rude. But lifting makes me happy, I don't need it to be happy. Just like you it's a want not a need (at least for happiness that is). But to do what I want to do I need to work out and build muscle. Diet properly, take the right supplements and grow. I'm sure you know this but I have a passion for martial arts/fighting. I was damn good at it too as a kid. I was literally one degree under a black belt at the age of 10 in tae kwon do. That too is also a desire.
no thanks, I enjoyed what I was doing much more before
I think I need to get back into lifting, it was a much better place to release.
Anyway, I'm going to sleep.
Yeah, I can tell already.
I have a passion for experiencing the effects of mind altering substances.
It's something I like to do.
your music taste changes a lot in teenage years I think
fair enough.
Going to do multiple sets of 10 pull ups with 20 second rest intervals in between.
/end blog
actually, fuck sleep
Ill just reset my clock today
yeah, i hear it's when
you make the most music-related memories, and when your tastes are really cemented
Damn, now my brain is going into overthinking mode. RIP Me
Think it's time to update my cv and go job hunting
overthink bout what
Life, the universe and everything.
Hey, how do you feel about this post that someone made on /sci/ about millennials being degenerates and being fucked in the head in general.
"Live is a reaction by definition. We can only react to something and behave accordingly. When there is nothing to react, humans can't behave.
Starvation, sexual deprivation, fear. People lack of all of this common stimulus. And became apathetic.
So they need to invent a new class of problems."
Tbh mi familia, I think it's right. I think it ties into the theme of strife pushing us to new heights, and without it we stay the same. Much like how people in Africa just stayed in mud huts cause they weren't pushed to anything else, they dealt with everything and needed nothing more.
teach at a school?
-looks through the movie shelf, clinging to his blanket. Wants to watch something before bed-
I think the growth of social media and the internets increased incorporation into life has something to do with it. Like "in my day" you used the internet extremely sparingly, it was a slow luxury. But now every adolescent and teen is firmly ingrained in the net.
I think it does have the basis to cause more early set degeneracy simply because young adults are exposed to more adult themes then I was growing up. I didn't start really thinking about girls and the birds/bees till I was 13/14 probably, and now I think it's the case that kids younger are being more exposed to that shit.
I believe millenials are more degenerate, but then I would say that
"Come over to this side of the arena" - Stinging Arachnid, Life Fighting games.
I don't know dude, kids were exposed to rough shit in the past, even more so in times like the middle ages, and they got wives n shit and acted normally. I think it's just that lack of stress, I think there needs to be actual competition to survive in order for us to really thrive.
It's like evolution mayne, there needs to be that competition, or else we won't evolve.
Bring their existence to a swift conclusion- announcing voice of the life fighting game
what happened to your teaching job?
tbqhwymf i think we should just put 8 year olds in gladiator pits
Well, the fact that pretty much all our(western) natural needs are being met, we are inventing new issues and problems
Like, before stresses were about enough food to survive and praying you didn't get cholera and stuff.
Different age
Different plague
What kinda movie?
I didn't feel ready to do it, like I didn't want to do it. Things might be different now. Who knows. Maybe I should aspire for an management job here
-looks up at you with wide blank eyes...doesn't know-
I'm bad with recommendations.
Have you seen Kingsmen?
-shakes head no and holds up a copy of Ninja Turtles-
True, I suppose.
And who's to say that this plague is deadlier than any other, that the plague of lazy teenagers and 20 somethings is the thing that's gonna end it.
I think you're probably right, there's now just more places to see kids being stupid, that's why we think it's the biggest problem.
That works too, I suppose.
Have fun, Sonata.
Nigger Turtles is garbage
You have bad taste in movies
Plus larger and faster platforms to share the information with.
Instant communication means sharing of "problems" occurs.
Would we all really have been bothered about Syria if this was the 1880s and only had broadsheet to go by. For the common man atleast
s-so many links
-gives you a beebop action figure-
-is watching a goofy movie- XD
who are you again?
Lmao, yeah. And I suppose it puts more pressure on us to communicate, before we only shared important shit cause we could only communicate rarely, now it's just constant communication.
I don't even give a shit now and I have that shit at my fingertips.
You shouldn't watch movies before bed anyway.
f-for you
become a manager!
hi erio!
An assistant post might be opening up soon
Thanks babe :^)
jesus fucking christ
posting has become a way to say "i exist, acknowledge me"
talking social problems with scooter and resetting my alarm, that's why im up so late
-wonders why not and braces himself for a scary answer-
Scoot is 20 years old, he don't know nothing about nothing
Ask Smiiles about your problems, she's the older poster here
It gives you bad dreams, ofc. Nigger Turtles should be alright though. Don't watch Munich before bed >_<
Wasdat mean even?
Just a face
I guess, but it's always good to hear what your peers think as well!
I never see smiles tho.
What a coincidence.
I live on a yellow submarine.
Thanks Erio? Bloodchan
I'm actually 27
-hides under the blanket ... doesn't want night horses-
It's okay, Scoots.
I won't tell anyone that you're an old man.
scoots is old
-yawns and gets bored by the movie-
hows the graveyard, dude?
0.o -night horses AND graveyards? This can only mean one thing...HALLOWEEN!
Ah, I'll be on the lookout for her then.
I'll tell her you said she was nice!
Halloween is pretty far away dude...
imagine you was an crab
snibeti snab
fug no snib
Sleep snug, Smug.
sleep snug, smug
Kinda miss Wish tbh
hi soto
I miss haikus more
i miss her too :/
I miss that dyke trying to score points like a hole in the head
-looks disappointed and clutches his punkin pale close...nu...nu candy?-
-tries to crab too, but thinks he's doing it wrong-
4chun cookie speaks troof.
that's a trilobite silly sonata c':
n-no candy here sorry!
Top 5 missed posters
1 Pritty
2 Andy
3 haikus
4 blood chan
5 yogs
I forget what his boyfriend's name was.
don't sleep snug never smug again
No, not Amy.
They were always fighting in threads like an old married couple.
And then outright denied any sense of emotion between them.
A couple'a tsuns they were.
You're so mean.
no you don't
Sniper wolf?
I had a game crush on sw lol
i only knew about her like after i played my first mgs game ever (MGS4)
i've never played any other mgs game.
Mgs1 is the best game there ever was
Well, she's not very nice to me. I'm Blood-chan btw
Whachu reading?
Shut the fuck up
D/w it millenials
Shower time, brb.
But it's shower time.
-puts a camera in the shower-
bloodchan is erio?
hi bloodchan!
lmao 3 is objectively the best MGS game
Ehh Erio is an influence on my life, he's helped me out a lot over the years and I owe a lot to him
bloodchan is not erio then
i see...
bloodchan is bloodchan
and erio is erio
Yup, he even gave me the name "Blood-chan"
what were you before?
I'm not arguing the toss
Pound for pound mgs1 is superior
i enjoyed 4
because it's the only one i've pla yed
Ikarous Pet-Class
Hey, what's going on ?
-looks around curiously-
take off the rose tinted glasses squiddo and face up to facts, MGS 3 is just better than MGS 1 by almost every way.
all your names are confusing to keep up with ;-;
I would be aroused by almost anyone saying that to me, but strangely enough you don't have this effect on me.
Hi...Baka ? Do I know you ?
His boyfriend was "Y"
No, I'm new!
Hi I'm baka!
I get that a lot... Jsut call me BC. Erio also gave me the name "The Whore of Babylon" and this tripcode too
Oh...Okay then
Erio has some really creepy pictures in this folder...
-gives you the stuffed rabbit before wandering off to sleep-
I read that in Temmie's voice from Undertale. Like "oY ! I'm BAKA !!!". I don't know why, pretty funny though.
Like I said countless times, it's because you're deceiving and it's impossible to tell what yu really are. I can't be aroused because as far as I know you could be a sentient cockroach and I wouldn't even be surprised. And cockroaches are not arousing.
dunsel gave me my name
I never finished undertale ;-;
so who are you then?
-hides my knife in it- hehehe sweet dreams
Tenshi is too cute... I don't like her...
Yeah! He's also kinda my bf kinda not really but I like to think so since we talk everyday...
How old is he? I mean, not his actual age, but how long has he been around?
Oh I don't know... like 8 years I think... You'll have to ask
And you should date her
Don't talk about yourself like that....
Bend over
The Lone Wanderer. The one who travels this world to end his solitude, and yet never seems to find the female being that could put an end to his misery.
That sounded cooler in my head. Basically I'm just a socially ill man with Asperger and a craving for affection beyond human tolerance, which makes me drown into despair.
And Undertale is great and you should finish it.
That's called honesty. If you were honest I wouldn't have to question everything you say.
holy fuck what really?
god damn
I want to but... he said someone hurt him and he doesn't want to do anything with anyone from /lewd/. I think he just doesn't like me enough, or just wants to focus on irl shit now.
Also he's my dom please don't call him a she~
Females are the source of misery, friendo.
Just a tip from a friendly r9k poster :^)
Ah, that's unfortunate. Perhaps once you get a taste of this intolerable affection you won't want it.
Yeah, it's pretty good, but I didn't really find it interesting enough to finish, tbqhmf.
I don't know how
Who am I really? I'm a very shy and very modest person... I have a slight blood fetish. I like to go hiking and backpacking, I like long walks and I like to travel but I don't like planning trips so I just tag along with people
I'm going to post this on Holla Forums
That you put cameras in someone's shower to watch them wash?
Oh yeah... I like to use the female pronoun when referring to everyone, you'll get used to it
She'll come around, you can't give up, prove to her that you wouldn't hurt a fly
Yes, I'm going to convert the video to WebM and post it
Rin, this is SD
"I said so"
Have you ever dated a guy before, Luka?
no u
I suppose so, but it seems like he's more interested in real life options, he even got a date with a girl.
So I-I'll just let him be...
Someone is guilty
I'm just in my secondary dump folder.
Oh, I don't care.
The lens was so full of steam I just kind of ignored it.
It's not like the RNG changed any.
How're you ManankaSD?
i've never dated a human before. in my whole life.
i don't know what a relationship is.
i don't know what love is like.
cold, so cold
You've dated robots
Baby don't hurt me.
Don't hurt me.
No more.
-hugs you from behind and squeezes- awwhh.. I'm sorry to hear that... is there anyone else you like?
No, I just like being called a slut
I have fogless lens!
That makes me want to crie
I'll be very honest and say that the rare times I had a girlfriend where among the happiest times I ever had. All the rest seems dark and dull and depressing. So, I'm not convinced, from experience. Afection is basically a physiological need for me.
Okay, see that shit ? You talking about yourself ? THAT's what you need to do more often, and I know it's at least partially true because of the blood fetish and you're not crazy enough to invent that. Crazy enough to have it, but not enough to tell people "Hey, I have a blood fetish" if it wasn't true, because there is no good outcome from this.
That's even slightly adorable.
Which video ?
confirmed luka only dates subway
Best back off if you're anything less than a footlong guys
Damn even I dated a few humans in my life, I didn't love any of them but still...
Did someone say reverse trap swords?
I think these are the reverse trap swords.
It was pretty darn fogged when I took a peak.
Are you sure you put it on?
;~; lonely
I'm also a serial killer
Rin posted a video of herself in the shower lol
Im sure, I was in there with you
Why don't you date someone :/?
Don't spread lies!
The characters they're cosplaying are male.
love is like a a box of condoms choose the right one and we are all fine, choose the wrong one and you are screwed
I read that as "don't spread legs"
You can date non-humans ?! What kind ?!
I'm greatly interested in this video.
Also, I'm pretty sure the serial-killer thing is a lie and that just makes me want to ignore you.
Blood, you can't tell social misfits to go date someone !
Oh, that's who was handing me shampoo and stuff.
Why even life?
Why into life even?
they are too far away...
eww... lewd.
What? Like online?
Nah, not really, I haven't really gotten to know anyone else that well..
But irl I have a crush on my gay friend. I told him and he rejected me.
Asked another boy out and was rejected.
So I'm a little janked right now. Plus school is out, and I don't know where the fuck other teenagers go.
Ah. Do you work hard to get that need fulfilled then?
be a good slut and you get to be a girl
Why is that RIP?
Why. ;~;
nope that wont work.
too confusing!
I'm a shut-in because whenever I try to make bonds with people it ends up being a huge failure. If I knew how to avoid that, I could actively change it, but in my current state anything I could do would be a waste of energy that could worsen my situation.
I feel morose
Them legs though.
Okay I need to get read for church, bbl
Don't do it again.
And maybe I'll consider not blank-linking you anymore.
Have a good day.
tbh as lewd as i made it, its fairly accurate if you get the alright one you are fine but the broken one? shits got a good chance of down hill very fast
Loco more
Avatar as hila 😂
Hila is why Israeli women are perfect
I wonder how many tangerines you can get up loco
At least shwifty five.
...but they are boy legs? ._.
scary america!
i want someone nice
The models are girls.
But they're cosplaying boys.
They are dressed to look as much like boys as possible.
But they're girls.
So, reverse trap.
gotta put in effort for that one
The only way to find that perfect partner is to throw yourself into it, and try to find them.
You may find people who aren't what they seem,
come to hate people you thought you loved...
You may even get hurt along the way.
But you'll never find that perfect someone if you don't try.
oh.... i get it now
i did, and nothing happened.
Sorry for the delay, had to afk.
Why would I want to make bonds ? Because I can't stand being alone ?
This neonazi shit is irritating Blood.
I wanna watch the video though.
And I thought Luka was a man.
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