LAPD has Opened a Criminal Case into Weinstein for the Rape of an Italian Model in 2013
LAPD Opens Criminal Investigation into (((Weinstein)))
Way to go LAPD, let gang members run free and nigger /spic violence against white people go unpunished for 'lack of resources', but take the time to pursue whores complaining about the entertainment industry who's highest honor went to a convicted pedophile who fled the country.
Really rattles my raisins.
Top fucking kek, nice try.
I don't understand why people don't physically mail carfentanil powder in envelopes to low-life scum in high positions of power. It's less detectable than anthrax, and just as or even more deadly.
He's going to suicide and setup a pretext for new laws to be enacted protecting criminals.
Because they don't open their own mail.
inb4 LAPD concludes nothing
Will go nowhere and be used to sweep the whole thing inder the rug.
i don't understand why you don't track down steven spielberg and shoot him in the face.
t. an old timey prospector
t. FBI
I want this kike to burn as much as the next person, but to be real, It's fucking L.A. Either it will be like or he's going to get a celebrity circus trial and get a year or two of (((rehab))) like he is now or serving house arrest. Even if he does get convicted for something, it's going to be minimal at best. Either way, he'll go quiet for a while and eventually come back "rehabilitated" to Hollywood's open, jew-loving arms, like nothing every happened, just like that other pedo (name escapes me) who got an award several years ago to huge applause.
The ones in Hollywood are, yes. All these others coming forward about shit won't ever name names and ruin their lifestyles. They don't actually give a shit or they would have been speaking out and/or leaving years ago if they hated it as much as they claim. Instead, they put up with it for years without a word because they wanted to be famous and rich and were told this is how they can achieve it. The music industry is equally kiked and disgusting and almost no one there so far has taken this opportunity to say anything for the same reasons. And on the occasions someone does get too bold and gets outed, nobody ever presses the issue. Right now it's just "oh, it happened to me too, but I'm not saying who did it" and "it's so disgusting that it's like this" and nobody questions it further, they just shift focus back to Weinstein like he's the sole cause of it. He's just a scapegoat being punished because he got too brazen and couldn't be hidden anymore. Once this is over, it will go back to business as usual. The entirety of Hollywood and everyone in it needs to be burnt to the ground for anything to change, they're all complicit.
Notice how he keeps pushing the "I have a problem/disease, I just need therapy" like all celebs do when they get busted for something. I think they think they can attempt to normalize it to the public, like "oh it's just another part of that small sleazy slice of Hollywood that rarely happens, I hope he gets the help he needs and comes back soon, I like his movies."
>(((LAPD))) investigating a Kikewood yidd
It's like putting an Obama appointed agent to investigate Hillary Clinton's corruption.
Actually opiates, especially carfentinal and opiates like it, are pretty easy to obtain. It's actually kinda sickening, and if you have good opsec, it is pretty hard to trace.
hopefully as part of the investigation Harvey has a big greenish-black mole on his cock, and the LAPD drag him in to photograph his smallish greenish-black moley cock as part of the investigation.
Fuck your demoralised effortpost bullshit tbh
Shills' options are so limited on this Holla Forums that they've completely switched over to demoralize/self-defeatist/blackpill posts. They have nothing else left but that. Mods are gonna end up banning those guys as much as general spam posts and the occasional obvious butthurt lefty.