Purple Revolution in the USA

Days after the election, the Clintons met with Soros to discuss new their new plans going forward in a Trump Presidency. As we all know, Soros' goal is to create instability in the Unites States. He's known to finance color revolutions across the globe, such as the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring and Ukraine. This will happen next in the USA. It's the plan. THE PURPLE REVOLUTION. The PR friendly Clinton explanation is that it symbolizes red America uniting with blue America. But we should be aware it's just another color banner operation for Soros.

Enter the #MeToo & Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. For a moment I believed we could push elite pedophilia rings into the mainstream but we didn't quite play our cards right. Instead women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.
We should know by now that many women's groups are fronts for Soros style infiltration. Now that they have control of the narrative, Soros is injecting his Purple Revolution into the idea of preventing sexual assault. Trending right now on Twitter is #PurpleThursday. A harmless hash tag. Or is it? Taking a scroll down I see a lot of women's organizations suddenly with purple t-shirts, all coordinated with one another for "Purple Thursday." It's to stand in solidarity with domestic violence survivors, and of course they throw in LGBTQ support for good measure. This can easily sweep the normie-sphere and quickly become an EVERY Thursday is Purple Thursday kind of event. Then it's every day is a purple event, or else. Think about all of those pink "Pussy" hats from the Women's Marches, which was a test run for this sort of thing. Purple and pink go hand in hand. These are signs of a growing color revolution movement. Using purple and pink for vague "pro-women" and "anti-harassment" causes is to sucker in the vast majority of the population. Of COURSE no one WANTS people sexually assaulted, it's hard to say you're against that, which is why it's being used. It's a stage for more Soros-funded networks to weave their way through the country and psyches of normal Americans. Keep your eye out for any celebrities donning purple, advertisements for marches that are in purple, and movements that are attributed to attaching a philosophy to color. If they can convince millions of people to wear stupid pink vagina cat hats….

Here's an article if you want to read more on the purple revolution.

Let us not forget that Soros just gave the Open Society (pro-open borders, pro-globalism, etc.) SIXTEEN BILLION DOLLARS. This will not end well for us if we let the infiltration continue. Be weary of all NGO groups and activist groups popping up.

Other urls found in this thread:


dead liberals can't fuck anyone over

He's been starting the whole purple thing for a while now
We saw the beginnings pretty much day 2

So why doesn't Donald Trump just kill George Soros? He seems to have all the time in the world for giving weird threatening speeches at the UN in exchange for Netanyahu taking dumps on his morning cereal or making room to offer China a complete status quo on trade in exchange for "help" with North Korea even though it isn't clear how Korea is a problem for anyone in America except for defense industry and military parasites trying to scam the American people some more.

You would think the guy who has the final say so on JSOC would be able to get this resolved in fairly short order.

Something else was brought to my attention. Pope Francis' "Share the Journey" initiative is sponsored by Caritas International is funded by an ecumenical "advocacy" NGO called ACT Alliance. ACT is composed of more than 140 organizations with names that sound associated with churches or religion, but their publications address leftie issues, like climate change and refugees/immigration. Both Caritas and ACT use Fran's Laudi Si as a guiding document for their "advocacy work."

They are definitely using this stuff with Hollywood to double down on the propaganda. Lots more women and non-whites will get major roles in front of and behind the camera going forward. They really want to create the narrative that women are constant victims from predatory men.

It wont stop when hes dead, his constituents will carry on the operation with or without him. The Open Society foundation is already aware of what to do when hes gone. We can try to meme his death but that will be a moot effort, we need a better plan.

Nice find OP. Didn't Trump wear a purple tie recently? I seem to recall it was his first time wearing it according to some anons. Not trying to piss on your parade or anything.

It isn't enough to just meme his death, user. The lid needs blown off and subjects of topics like jewish supremacy need to be brought to light. Make it a common talking point of "democracy makers", the international clique, "philosophers of communism" if you will.

Sometimes we have to accept that someone wearing the color purple is just wearing the color with no ulterior motive. But we have to watch for celebrities/politicians that virtue signal and visually signal using the color. Then comes the lapel pins, ribbons, and t-shirts for mass consumption.

Is this at all linked to the pseudo-holiday "International Fetish Day" with the slogan "Perverts wear purple" since you're supposed to wear purple to show your support?

Let's look to history:

Laid out in early 1963 by the Shah of Iran, this series of reforms included education, land, and women's rights. The Iranian Revolution in 1979 removed the Shah from power and installed the current regime, led by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

In a span of four days in February 1986 this coup, also known as the People Power Revolution, brought down the 21-year old dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines. The use of yellow ribbons throughout the demonstrations led to it being called the Yellow Revolution.

This revolution started in 2002 and culminated in May 2005 when more than a 1,000 demonstrators gathered outside the Kuwaiti parliament to demand women's suffrage. The demonstrators wore pale blue to demonstrate the long struggle for suffrage. The color of the signs of the protesters led to the naming of the revolution.

Beginning November 22, 2004, millions of Ukrainians, clad in orange, held nationwide protests over perceived election fraud in the presidential election.

The October Revolution, also called Bolshevik Revolution, the second and last major phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia, inaugurating the Soviet regime.

I doubt the Iran one is relevant.
The Religion of Cuck™ic revolution was the product of a puppet government that had killed pretty much all other opposition.

So why doesn't Donald Trump kill everyone involved in the Open Society? Seems like a better bang for our buck than killing everyone in North Korea because Kim Jong Un isn't dumb enough to give up his nukes because ZOG asked him to.

Purple is a nice color and then they have to go and fuck it up. Why did the faggots have to ruin rainbows aswell?

Purple is the color for royalty. Fitting in a way for a woman who thought herself fit to lead because her husband lead.

I think there is counter-memetic potential in the color they chose.

Please please please let them do it.

I'm glad someone else took note of this state of affairs.

Keep an eye on the New America Foundation. I wager some of the funds might slip through that laundering firm.


ok what is going on?



They took the NICE shades of purple too, fuck them!

Purple had been taken by the faggots for a while now

Fag brigade rolls out a plan to enforce their rule with an iron limp wrist.

Nigel farage & UKIP were controlled opposition the entire time which is why they completely disappeared from relevance

They're using purple because it is a part of their Free Mason symbolism.

We could always take it back

True. Something to do with Saturn

What's the point of purple? It's just a wink and a nod to others who are in the know. What does that achieve? What kind of meming is this?

I know it has something to do with Saturn

This may help


How do you fuck up that badly?

This pdf may have some valuable information on how color revolutions are started, and the signs of one. Don't worry, it's in English.


I didnt write it.

Is it time to call the doc?

Better hurtful than purple

Increase the dose.

Here's another that short and sweet AND it has flow charts


Yeah, we heard about it when it first came up retard. What is your fucking point at this juncture beyond sliding?

Yeah, why ruin the color purple. They just need a sign.
I suggest picking their nose like Henry Kissinger.

The memes, jack.

Obviously this is the realm of memetic warfare, so instead of asking "should we kill Soros" we should be asking "how can we ruin the color purple"? THe key of the color revolution hinges on predictive programming, specifically subconcious association of the color purple with "emotionally charged topics", so you simply have the completely ruin the association of the color purple with those topics.

Clintons are in Europe at the moment. Where she broke her toe in the UK. They are also insulting Brexit voters and interefering in the Northern Ireland problem.

What a strange time considering the events in Catalonia and Article 155 activation to begin on Saturday meaning Catalonia will lose its autonomy and be directly ruled from Madrid. i.e literal riots and revolution is coming there.
4th November should be interesting. Lets see if the commies have the balls to attempt an uprising in the US.

Also who just donated $18bn to his own foundation? Who likes "colour revolutions"? Oh yes (((him))).
What just surfaced in the states? Oh yes Clinton links to Russian Uranium deal and bribes.

What a (((coincidence))) they aren't in the country.

This is a powerful meme. Who has the skillz to make an infographic with rioting mobs, the colors of their revolutions, and then the implication we're about to get Assaded?

Purple lantern core are evil feminists who want to deprive the earth of oxygen. They generate power by using the "emotional spectrum" including love.

For hearts long lost and full of fright,
For those alone in blackest night,
Accept our ring and join our fight,
Love conquers all– with violet light!

The best way to go about it is to redirect all of their low energy in our favor. The feminists muddling the weinstein spectacle can be used against themselves by simply focusing on jewish perversion that lets normalfags put the pieces together. So when they hear another feminist try to make it about men and "rape culture," they will sound alien. They already do in that regard. Since the weinstein debacle is about a jew being jewish, the ball is already in our court.

The key is to go meta. Subdued populaces get caught up in the programming. The way to subvert the programming is to go below and above the programming and attack it from both sides. Useful idiots and people completely programmed are lost causes but isolating them from the rest of the population means they are a finite and limited group. We will always have the normalfags that are completely aligned with trump and already hate the mainstream media.

As it stand right now, the purple revolution is dead on arrival. Our main job is to keep it that way and to continue making (((their))) failure state of constant loss.

Shillary won't back down will she? The witch needs to be gassed already.

They're desperate. If they were going down without a fight they would at least have the decency to turn themselves in or wait peacefully for their arrests. They are simply not decent people.

Also shouldn't they be obese and have dyed dyke hair?

grape drank.

wow it's fucking nothing

A Soros / Deep State / Alt-Jewish (anti-West Jews) Alliance Purple Color revolution has been planned for over a decade and was going to be initiated this year regardless of Trump.

The Orange Color revolution in Ukraine was easy. America not so much without preparation.

In America all groups on either side can be seen as Color teams fighting together in two alliances. Think ancient armies dressing/identifying with the same color or sports teams to a degree. There has been a secret plot to bolster Alt-Jewish Alt-Left Color teams and create new ones while taking out any Right wing Color teams of strength. This is primarily done through false flags/LARPers. Dylan Roof and Charlottesville are obvious examples - they wanted to take the Confederate Flag out of action permanently and demonize an entire faction in the coming Color revolution (Confederate/south). This was to take the Far right/NatSoc faction flag/Color group out of the right wing coalition while also imposing 1984 censorship that shuts down Right wing media institutions and to demonize Trump.

Plants/LARPers were used at Charlottesville and it was planned as a trap. Spencer, Cantwell, Kessler are LARPer Color turn-off artists/ sabotage-artists. It's a staged production to the world media to take the teeth out of Far right/NatSoc/White nationalism.

Sandy Hook was another Color neutralizer in one way - it was an attempt to take away the guns from the right wing so they will lose (massive secret weapons caches exist hidden all across America, i.e. see the recent story out of Spain where thousands of stockpiled weapons were found intended for Arabs/Leftists/Terrorists - which will be given to Alt-Left and Muslims on Day One of the Color war).

Remember Dylan Roof supposedly met the nice Black Christians, noted that they were very nice people, then killed them anyway - very obviously a fake narrative to inflame and demonize maximally.

James Fields seems reprehensible - they're trying to nuke any potential sympathy. Trying to make the false face of White Nationalism as bad as possible. At Charlottesville, the only guy with a Nazi flag parading in front of a camera looked like he just bought the flag fresh and unrolled it for the first time. He looks like some kind of Democrat weak lefty. He doesn't seem worried about being associated with the flag. No one is that stupid regarding optics.

Cantwell said he would kill people like a Fed, then cried like a baby and acted crazed (similar to Glenn Beck, another LARP sabotage artist) on camera and had coordinated nude images leak - sabotage artist trying to nuke optics/reputation of an enemy faction or useful tool promoted to defame.

Kessler, former Occupy democrat: Anti-White.

Every statement/speech Richard Spencer has ever made comes across as a turn-off. This includes his mannerisms/optics/delivery/personality/diplomacy between different right wing col groups.

Alt-Jewish CNN was promoting and glamorizing Antifa who very obviously have high level professional help with their optics.

This doesn't stop. The relentless onslaught of false flags against us will continue unabated. There will be a false flag of all Right wing and a false flag of Republicans again and again and again until there are no opposing Color groups left.

Reliable battery of lie detector tests (not fake tests by CIA or others - a fake biased lie detector test is worse than no test) must be done on Richard Spencer, Cantwell, Kessler, and Nazi flag holder to determine that they are LARPers/sabotage artists. If for any reason this cannot be done, it must be assumed they are patsies and LARPers, and any reputation restored and future false flags are watched out for by the public. Charlottesville was a mass hysteria mindrape event taking people further from the truth, and it needs to be undone. 1984 censorship cannot take place because of false flag events. Also, I do not believe Dylan Roof or Adam Lanza killed anybody - they are groomed/forced patsies.

Another powerful Color group are Christians, and the Alt-Jews have tried to demonize them for years and succeeded. Reflecting on all this, the Westboro Baptist church sticks out as another obvious example. The children may really be indoctrinated, but Fred Phelps + Shirley Phelps were LARPERS. All these 4 LARPs fit a very obvious trend/optics and effect on the public spread out over many years - and are lone individuals that act as hyper-turn offs for entire color groups in ways that are ridiculous and unlikely on their own.

This is also why they hate and demonize Trump so much. He has created his own anti Establishment Color rev/group (we need more of those one for each big corrupt chunk of the establishment), red Maga Hats + MAGA, this is why the Alt-Jewish media is ensuring MAGA hat wearers get shamed and beaten to neutralize it.

We have to have morale boost of all our Color groups (including the Confederate south/White Nationalists/NatSocs).

Russia became a kind of Color group, because the globalists fear in a Color war, Russia would assist the right wing and counter the UN. They wanted to block Russia - they also wanted to undermine all the Right wing groups and Trump's election/group by painting it as secretly just Russia, undermining its power.

Pepe the frog became an online cultural Green Color revolution/group. That's why they hate it so much. It's also why they chose purple, being the opposite on the color spectrum of green.

Alt-Jewish groups propped up the LGBT (rainbow flag) as a large color group despite being such a small percentage of the population. ISIS most likely is also a Color group that will fight on the Alt-Jewish side. Mass illegal immigration/Sanctuary cities all fit into this to boost numbers and get ISIS-types in the country. BLM and Antifa are color groups as well.

The UN is a Color group that will fight for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left unless they are called out/demonized. Heavy UN weaponry and APCs have been built up to be given to Alt-Left/Alt-Jews, and they'll attempt to get rest of world involved.

Climate Freakout (fake science) is a counter-religious Color group who fervently believe they are saving the world by fighting for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left. Climate Freakout must be decisively destroyed by dismantling their fake science within the next year.

Communism is the most Alt-Jew ideology in the world because they invariably end up being the secret owners and rulers owning all property. The Talmud explicitly states that Alt-Jews must own all property in the world. This is why they want worldwide Communism, among many other reasons.

This is also the hidden real reason why 9/11 happened.

9/11 was carried out to ensure that the Muslim world "Color group" never fights alongside the Patriotic right wing of America. In the 80s this still seemed possible, with movies like Rambo nodding respectfully toward the Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.

Think about the psychological effect 9/11 had. Muslims would have been naturally anti Alt-Jew otherwise. This indicates how long it has been planned for.

This doesn't just mean Muslims in the west, it means Muslims from around the world who could have joined in a war to save America from Alt-Jews during a Color revolution.

9/11 was pulled off by Neocon republicans and Mossad who are Alt-Jews, also the Saudis. Neocons are 100% Alt-Jew and Alt-Left. They are not right wing. They have been sabotaging the right wing in preparation for this Color revolution.

This has to be reversed. Alt-Jews must be exposed to some degree, and then the Right wing make an alliance with worldwide Muslims and they can still fight on our side.

Jon Leibowitz is an Alt-Jew media personality who typifies this preparation for revolution, so it becomes obvious now why he so fervently spent his life demonizing the right wing and turning a generation into unquestioning Alt-Jew supporters believing lies without them realizing it. They are attempting to take away "trolling" and online discourse by the right wing, because they want to neutralize "red pilling" in the Color revolution as it is a powerful tool to win. It is 100% essential they do not succeed. This is 1984Gate. No one has ever gotten killed by red pilling, whatever you want to call it. Iraq War and Ukraine Color revolution were learning experiences among other things for the elite in fighting insurgents and revolution in preparation to apply that knowledge in America, not for oil. Also to take out dictators who could stand up to the Alt-Jews (Qaddafi/Saddam/Assad).

In preparation for the coming Color revolution, one of the major cultural victories is that the Alt-Jewish Disney company acquired the rights to Star Wars and then created two movies priming the public to venerate/fight on the side of Alt-Jews in a Color revolution. If you study these movies closely, it is easy to spot and indicates the factions in what's coming: Empowered women/Feminists/SJWs/Minorities/UN fighting against straight white males/"Nazi types"/Christians/Empire. They make a point to excessively demonize the enemy faction.

The one powerful rhetoric the Alt-Jew faction has is to call people Racist. We need to start as forcefully calling them Mindraped, Mindraped losers (engineered economic losers to agitate them to want to fight in the Color war). Mindrape of mass-perception is any perversion of the actual truth which changes the course of history.

Calling them Mindraped and stigmatizing it will eventually make them start to question whether they really have been mindraped and engineered to fail at life with to a large degree: failing education/institutions/opportunities/politics, so that they are resentful and agitated into fighting for the wrong side in a titanic color revolution. They are Mindraped by mainstream media and academia, so-called social justice. Antifa/Alt-Left are mind-raped losers.

The result of an Alt-Jew victory would be a combination of 1984, then Communism where the Alt-Jew faction own all the property and can institute this same Communism on the rest of the world using America, then eventually the Elite becoming the sole harnessers of the Singularity to become "Gods" and leaving us out of the picture. Pedophilia will be normalized, and not just that; later on, once it's too late to stop them to some degree, Vampirism (the destruction of human beings and children for elite pleasure) will be normalized to the public.

Too much fucking work. When people call me racist, I agree and then explain why whites are fucking better than everybody else. Start with the cathedrals, move to the Moon landings InB4 "FAKE!!!", and drop a few about science, medicine, tall buildings, literally every piece of technology you're wearing right now, the concept of public health, public order, public education, public finance, and accountability among governments. I touch on how religious freedom is unheard of in nonwhite societies, niggers rape and kill Congo-tier victims, mostly whites, and then I wrap up with a recap of all the affirmative action and welfare we've wasted trying to bring the subhumans out of the Stone Age, only to watch as they inevitably gravitate back toward Voodoo and murder.

Fuck it. Give them all both barrels. Niggers are wild animals who need to fuck off, and if it wasn't for the fucking Jews, it'd have happened a long time ago.

I guess I'll wear my old Macho Man shirt later then.

Ive often considered wearing a blank white arm band to symbolize anticommunism. Just something to say to communists "fuck you" without being openly offensive.

Too easy.

For Heather Heyer's funeral they asked everyone to show up in purple.


I've chosen to honor Heather Heyer by eating less pork.

I know we all hate kekistan shit but it is a part of our color revolution and normie leftists shit their pants over it. It would be a shame if we turned it purple.

Isn't green the polar opposite of purple?
Any graphic design anons want to chime in on this?

When you steal your enemies meme's and make them better, they win.

Eat bacon for america.

Darker, user. We're fighting an underground meme war, not trolling for Boy Scouts.


RIP Heather Danielle Heyer
1985 - 2017
Our hearts are bursting for you.

Actually this would be the perfect moment to make kekistan faggots into our useful idiots.

Does anyone feel it's time to pull the plug on the normalfag skull? You can't be this fucking retarded for this long. How can you not see it's these jews fucking controlling you from step one?

Friends, it is with heavy hearts we meet here today. This larger-than-life woman faced the challenger, and will be missed, as she was on that fell day. I ask you all to join me in rising from your seats, if you physically can, and joining hands to honor the memory of the best damn customer Charlottesville Arby's Store #4612 ever had.

Imagine the butthurt when we meme their faggotry back into something that makes them hurt as we have hurt. I don't think poor Sargon's Heyer-esque heart can take it.

Colors opposite of each other are complimentary colors.
Purple is a secondary color, made by mixing 2 primaries (R&B). It's compliment is actually yellow. If we're talking tertiary colors, made by mixing a secondary and primary, depending on the hue of that purple, it's opposite can range from yellow-orange to green.

My sides


checked and respected. rest in peace grandpa davis.

Trips make it happen. Lavender death squads, lilac slavery.

I prefer the original.


also, as a sidenote: purple has been the color most associated with royalty since ancient Greece, and maybe even before. commies and anarchists want as much association with royalty as they do the bourgeois.


The point is to subconsciously demoralize the left by shitting on their precious purple before anything pops off

And know I know.

I'm pretty sure I remember seeing something somewhere about supporting the military by wearing purple, though I'm not sure if it's related.

History should suffice.

Reminder that purple is the color of the Whore of Babylon and a regal color of the NWO nobility.

I have a good feeling about this.


I knew this was relevant.

That would be preferable. You could pre-emptively disarm their purple revolution by dominating the color before they can act. It poisons the well on their entire campaign and prevents useful idiots that work for free from wanting to join. All they will be left with is crisis actors and that exposes them to being recognized all over again.

Missing the umbrella revolution attempted in Hong Kong against China.

Approve of all of this. Nice work anons.


Yeah. Purple has traditionally been the color associated with royalty.

I know they're an alphabet honeypot these days, but the image alone should be enough to sour it for most lefties.

Also, if you're interested about Purple, you can read about "Tyrian purple" which was one of the first purple dyes. It could only be afforded by the wealthy because the labor required for its production. Hence, the association of purple with royalty.

From Wikipedia:

purple pill muh dick.

You think you're safe in the Philippines?

Since that shitty iq killing term came from the school of frankfurt (as well as other subverted words/definitons like the term 'regulation') They should be referred to as a 'Frankfurtian Argument'

It seems so obvious, though they might welcome the comparison.

Considering how cisbusters, hidden figures, and other assorted propaganda films have bombed in the recent past it will only accelerate the death of kikewood while also inadvertently redpilling yet more normies.

Who the fuck is "they"?

what happens when you mix red pills with blue pills.


Better one.

purple drank bix nood serginn cuff.

Call them 'frankfurters'.

That's pretty shit. A better one would be better violent than violet.

This could have some potential.
I'd do something with it but I'm phoneposting.

yeah, this, make a new agenda retying the colour Purple with Royals.
Right or wrong, Americans are deeply, very deeply uncomfortable with anything Monarchy-like.
Would shoot this campaign in its crib.


Quality post, we need to start weaponizing the normalfag posters on the_donald and maga twatter crowd to spread information about the US Spring/Color Revolution. Maybe even start memeing purple Nazi shit to mess with them and cause some of their supporters confusion.

Also a daily thread on cuckchan might be useful since half the faggots over there have no idea what the purple revolution is.

Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a matter of time

So yeah, ha!
Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a matter of time

I've known you since you were a twenty
I was twenty
And thought that some years from now
A purple little little lady will be perfect
For dirty old and useless clown

So yeah, ha!
Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a matter of time

I know it all from Diogenes to Foucault
from Lozhechkin to Passepartout
I ja kljanus obossav dva paltza
Chto muzika poshla ot Zvukov Mu!
(And i swear, having pissed on my 2 fingers, that the music origined from "mu" sounds)

Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a matter of time

So, yeah, ha - ha!
Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now…

So why don't start wearing purple?
Why don't you start wearing purple?
Start wearing purple for me now!


All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise
It's just a matter of time

So Fio-Fio-Fioletta! Etta!
Va-va-va-vaja dama ty moja!
Eh podayte nam karetu, vot etu, i mi poedem k ebenjam!
("dama ti moja" - you're my lady
"podayte nam karetu, votetu, I mi poedem k ebenjam!" - give us a carriage, this one, and we'll go to some far desolate f…ing place-slang)

So yeah, ha!
Start wearing purple, wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish I promise
It's just a matter of time!

Don't be so quick to forget the XQ nu-school being pushed hard by Steve Jobs coal burning widow Holla Forums.

If there's anything more retarded than attacking a cartoon frog it's attacking "purple nazis"



I know what I'm going as for Halloween now!


forgot THEME

Wasn't this a biblical reference?
Of course it was. Fucking hysteria producing cunts.

They tried even pushing it on this board for a little while with memes.
My guess is:

Which makes me think the whole pedo thing was a psyop all along.

#00FF00 is green.
#FF00FF is purple.

Fill an image with #00FF00, click invert, now it's purple.

Purple is a liturgical colour, that pic is not related to the OP.

Ican't remember exactly but I think it was referenced in a revelation in the bible too… possible the book of revelations, could be Leviticus or something though.

How will these leftist act if they believe the purple revolution is a NatSoc revolution.

No they fear death because they believe they're going to hell.

Don't forget the "Green Revolution" in Iran in 2009 that attempted to put Mir Housein Mousavi into office. It failed, but it was the trial run for the Arab Spring, first time twitter was widely used in political demonstrations


Speaking of color revolutions, don't forget the Yugoslavian one, the bulldozer revolution. Wouldn't be surprised if they did something similar to that, especially because back then an actual bulldozer tore down a building (the national television HQ). They could go for a "tear down the wall" metaphor.

'Purple' is also a Stone Temple Pilots album. Interesting.

Another interesting connection.

It also is a chakra colour representing the crown (can also be cream) and third eye chakras.

Its not theirs in the first place, satanic wizards are hilariously bad at color magic, expecially purple.

It is called the season change. You wear darker colors.
And fuck you for starting some which hunt. Purple is my favorite and I'm not gonna quit wearing it.

Revelation 17 talks about a whore in purple. Defs something psyop tier going on with this. REMEMBER: Hysteria may be used to help pull off heists and other cons/tricks/schemes. I also recall her wearing pearls and red last year. She clearly is either deliberately doing this to "provoke revelation" assumptions and create panic, or she's the whore of babylon…

>[4]And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: [5]And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.


You. Can't.

It will pop off. Nothing can stop it. There is No Future but Nuclear Fire.

Samson Looms.

No. You cannot rid the tiger. It just mauls you.

JFK pls go

Interesting read.

Gold and precious stone = divine good and truth, also 'wisdom'
> And pearls, signifies the knowledges of good and truth which are of the Word with them. By "pearls," in the spiritual sense, are signified the knowledges of good and truth both celestial and spiritual which are from the Word, particularly from the sense of its letter; and because "pearls" signify those knowledges, they are therefore named after "purple and scarlet," and after "gold and precious stones."

This is the important part at the end of the article:
>Having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and uncleanness of her whoredom, signifies that religious persuasion from the holy things of the Word profaned, and its goods and truths defiled by direful falsities. That by "a cup" or "chalice" the same thing is signified as by "wine" because it is what contains, may be seen above (n. 672), and by "the wine of Babylon" is signified that religious persuasion as to its direful falsities (n. 632, 635). By "abominations" are signified the profanations of what is holy; and by the "uncleanness of whoredom" are signified the defilements of the good and truth of the Word. Therefore by "having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and uncleanness of her whoredom," is signified that religious persuasion consisting of the holy things of the church profaned and defiled, and of the goods and truths of the Word profaned, by direful falsities. These things are similar to what the Lord said to the Scribes and Pharisees:–

So basically, she'll convince people that she's the divine truth and good in her trickery. Which is pretty spot on.
Of course.. this is just from that article, it may be inaccurate.

She's trying to divide the Christians from our movement potentially if you see:

Christians were already divided from your ((((movement)))).

Samson Looms

Lets see it then already you hooked nosed rat. In this life or next, you will find yourself in an oven.

I think that's the point of
But thankfully many Christians have begun to become sceptical of the direction the church is heading recently, sticking purely to the bible.

Oh they try to tame it, but it won't work. Hence that charleston rally.

I thought he was the echoes poster.
Bang on time, every time we dig into symbology, the esoteric, the spiritual and prophecies.
It's part of the goal of hysteria.

guys? is this symbol what I think it is?

That's an unbelievably far stretch that depends on christians having an uncanny knowledge of the bible even if it is revelations, which is historically a coded anti-rome message - thus its prediction or future or whatever already elapsed.

We already have a basis for their (((color revolutions))) anyway: &

Could we seriously derail a colored revolution with memes? Is this our next step towards world domination?

Oh guide us kek.

I disagree, Clinton has been pushing for hysteria, I think the biblical connections are the goal here. She's trying to freak Christians out.

Remember: Hysteria and chaos = good hedge money.

Pulple has been claimed already.

Game over Juden.

This nigger again. Get a new gimmick. This one's stale.

Whats wrong goyim?
noticed this shit while watching graphics comparison

Just change the color in the svg file you fucking morons.

The "whore of babylon" imagery is just a rehash of jewish hatred for babylon, something (((they))) helped destroy. Nothing applies here because it hasn't ever applied. The writer for revelations is referencing it because of a repetition of Babylon, and now Rome. They saw them as the same thing and something they wanted destroyed.

The point is that jews never miss a chance to kvetch. There's probably a rabbi in Israel right now kvetching on behalf of a rabbi from 300 B.C. who kvetched over something a roman soldier "said" that was real in his mind, and that reason to kvetch has been passed down in their oral tradition.

So a few hundred bible-memorizing christians will have another reason to not like her. Like they don't already have enough as it is. There's probably a real conspiracy against christians specifically out there but this one has a bigger range of targets.


We must get all of the organisations, boards etc who agree on the yids ready to fucking blast social media with messages. A sustained memetic war is what this is and considering how soft we have gotten since Trump's election let's just hope we get back to memeing at normalfags

Underchecked dubs. I've said for years now that Western Civilization is just the Eldar before the Eye of Terrror.


She's clearly using it as a tool.

Fucking hillarious.

What, is that (((their))) only comeback, Trump is a sexist? Weakness. Unwilling to discuss and unable to fight, only the veil of perceived correctness stops the beginning of the righteous fight for power.

Good work user. Why is the use of colorful such a powerful force?

This is so fucking alt-kike tier cringeworthy,

The pigeon one is funny..


So is the 18 billion going to fund commieday on Nov 4???

Had to make this.

Eat shit Holla Forums.


This is the reason for all the American hate threads on cuckchan. It's all building and building. And I don't doubt Russia may participate in some way.

Look up additive vs subtractive color. If you use light (additive), a mix of everything is white and the primary colors are red, green and blue. In subtractive color (pigments, most common for most people in actual use), the theoretical primary colors are red, YELLOW and blue. Purple is the complimentary of yellow here.

It's "emitted light" vs "reflected light". Ideally yellow pigments absord all purple light… and ideally green light contains no purple light…

So we're going to claim purple and try to get it associated with us in order to screw with Soros and his cronies?

Love it

A redundancy.

They also don't look like feminists.

No artist wants to draw THAT


purple is the colour of royalty.

this event would have been more suitable for a WEWUZ movement.


Somebody's gotta pay for all those purple tee-shirts and purple pussy hats.

oy vavoy, goy.


im too autistic, can someone please shoop a picture of HC's head on Barney's body hugging children?

Made this crappy OC when this Purple bullshit started. Meme difficulty level: nothing rhymes with purple.

Objectively superior color wheel coming through

I think the purple people eater is great for it's subtle illuminati reminder.


No, Saturn's colour is black. But pretty damn close, since purple is the color of the last chakra, and saturn has to do with ending/closure/death


Wouldn't it be nice if somebody went killdozer on the CNN building.

As other's noted, purple is a color beloved by homosexuals and has a rich history in gay rights. What we should do is paint purple revolution as a gay and transgender thing, and then find the craziest of the gays and transgenders and put their crazy in purple with purple revolution graphics.

Best part is those people are usually far left, and they'll eat it up and embrace it.

Derail a color revolution with memes? Good plan anons; but we are going to need serious amounts of autism to pull this off.

First and foremost though, we should try to get all the wrong people in on this revolution. All the retarded far left kikes. Maybe Antifa wants a color change?



Nigga, that's blue.

Any user want to do this to the Antifa logo? Im on mobile at work so no go yet for me, but I will start spreading this shit as soon as I can.

I actually think we can use this. (((They))) want to use it as a symbol of Reps and Dems coming together or whatever, but what if we say that the purple is a "alt right" or fascist color which symbolizes/represents


If we don't apply a symbolic meaning to the color, we can't steal it. It needs to have a meaning that can be easily understood from a simple Wikipedia article. Furthermore, in the process of figuring out why Nazis are now using purple as their go-to color, they'll learn the difference between a person who is blue-pilled and a person who is red-pilled and it will serve as a jumping off point to begin the process.

(checking my dubs)

There's many advantages to using colors as a meme:

Colors are the ultimate memes. But then, lights, basic shapes and movement can be powerful too.

You know your in end times when 5 out of 6 pol stickies with content are linked by one man.

For clarification

Checked. Six out of six, actually:



Fug 6 for 6.. That's one hell of a sauce you gave there from 1996, it was written before the internet got crapped up with Soros / LaRouche PR campaigns in the 00's

>for posterity archive.is/hT6EJ

Holla Forums absolutely BTFO by feminists yet again

You can't even defeat a bunch of menstrual teenagers on twitter!

Take a good look at those, those Purpleshirts are your new overlords.

You're right, but that's not the way we co-opt a meme. We'd do it by purple-shifting all of the memes and eventually people would either subconsciously associate purple with rightist memes, or they would consciously wonder why all of the rightist memes are purple.



hnnnngg. but tbh maintaining and cleaning that thing has got to be a fucking major drawback in a situation without a dedicated armory staff.

Also, as a reminder, a quality bump fire device would be trivially easy for someone to make. and with the same amount of difficulty you could make one that functions the same as one of those link fire devices or what ever they are called I forget but requires less modification of the weapon.

Not everyone should have a full auto weapon, in firefights that arent cqb full auto is a hinderance. BUT, fire suppression is important for squad tactics. Being able to force your enemy to keep his head down allows for your men to out maneauver them.

Nothing will happen. They've got us by the balls and a civil war is our only chance at victory in our lifetimes. Why would they destablize everything when they could just wait one generation and finish boiling the frog? This "purple revolution" is just wishful thinking on our part. I don't doubt that the color symbolism means something but I guarantee it doesn't mean a literal revolution.

this is leftist term, and a very gay one


His son would be a better target.
George will most likley die off with in the next ten years
Where as his son has already been trained to continue on Georges work.

This. Plus his son stays in the US more than the father. A much more accessible target.

No they do not

civil war is and always has been inevitable

Because that would require the kikes doing the one thing they are unable to do… Stop kiking. If they stop kiking, enough of their 'progress' will have been dismantled which confers the possibility of them being imprisoned. So that is never an option for them. And if they keep kiking we will just keep growing and therefor their 'progress' will have been dismantled which confers the possibility of them being shoahed.

When the goyim grow wise to what is going on their only option is to strike first and destabilize the nation. This has been the case since the dawn of written history.

We are already in the very late stages of a communist rebellion. When it comes to the kikes the old saying 'nothing new under the sun' couldn't be more true. They have been using left hand path tactics to push various forms of communism since at least the days of the zoroastrians.

And in every single instance of it they have followed the same playbook.

This is exactly the way it has always progressed. It would behoove every last user to research the origins of abolitionism. If you research the origins of communism you will not get the whole picture because the whole picture begins and ends with abolitionism and communism is just the polished retail store brand name of what they are doing.

They are no serious threat to us. BUT, they will get extremely violent. And when communists get violent any man who is taken alive by them always winds up getting horribly, horribly tortured to death and any woman captured by them will be raped until she forgets who she is.

Make absolutely no mistake about it what they are is not a political movement, it is an entirely religious war masked as a political movement and their religion is abolition of everything that has anything to do with our society/culture. And this is why they get along so well with Religion of Cuck™, they are both the same fucking thing but custom tailored by the kikes to attract specific types of people. Religion of Cuck™ works to attract the savage mind, and abolitionism the unworthy mind, to partake in the seven mortal sins.

Thats all any of this is.. The greatest lie ever told is that we are not currently neck deep in a religious war and that this religious war isnt the first and only war that has ever been waged.

looks like boy love to me

This still baffles me can anyone explain?
What is meant by “colour” revolution?
Why is the Orange Revolution called orange
I never see mass propaganda in a colour or understand what is meant when people call a revolution a colour revolution?

True story

Space JEWS!


Babylonian Mystery shit is manufactured conspiracy to push Jew memes. Never push the jew memes, it gives them power.

But people aren't getting wise in any significant numbers and there aren't many communists either. There won't be a revolution in America because everyone is extremely complacent and can be slowly boiled easily. The biggest threat to the kikes is BDS, people like us rarely even get a mention. I can see a revolution in Europe or other places but the US is too stable and the population too lazy to care about anything.

Holy shit this.

Defeatism shill
How many anons do you think there are?


Not a shill just surrounded by dumbass normalfags. There's several million on cuckchan and probably on the order of tens of thousands here since the active users refers to ip ranges and 90% of users only lurk.

can someone ask Holla Forums for saint's row memes we could repurpose for this?

Checked. Interesting paper.

Killing Soros won't do much as he is the (((Rothschilds))) lap dog and won't do much since they probably have back up plans if he dies.

Johnny Gat shows us the way.
So we third street saints now?

Why not counter it by using lighter colors? The human eye picks up light colors faster then dark colors as an another way of subtly dominating your opposition.Yellow is the fastest the eye picks up, you pick it up twice as fast using your peripheral vision than red

Yellow is a good color. It is the color of Vishnu in Dwapara Yuga (That age which shall follow our present Kali Yuga), so it has prophetic potency. It also meshes with the more chaotic and inscrutable aspects of the chans as it references HP Lovecraft's King In Yellow who echoes ancient Brittany lost to the sea.

This shouldn't be too hard to ruin for them.

this aired yesterday

surely just a coincidence

the non-heretical catholics ask that we call him Bergoglio instead of Francis, so as to not further defile the station of "pope"





Yeah.. the question was more rhetorical. Figured the rest of the post would clue people in. I'm shitting on Trumpstein, in case you couldn't tell.

Are you serious? Lurk more friend.
Pic related was the orange revolution. Now tell me why it's called the orange revolution.

This is how it’s done.
Also, niggers love their purple.

that is absolute horseshit

Reactionary nationalistic populism does not rise in a complacent population.

pull your head out of your ass

First off the last statistic backed estimate that I saw was 5 million on 4/pol/ and 300,000 here. And that is just on the chans. There are plenty of people on the various forums that have never been on a chan. There are even more of us that do not use the internet.

Based on my travels and research I would estimate that there are no less than 12 million of us who would be with the cause the moment the other shoe drops. And then the atrocities of niggers and commies would sent recruits running into our arms. When this goes kinetic we win by default.

The rate at which people are being red pilled has been steadily increasing over the past 5 years with the past 2 years taking off exponentially and the past 2 weeks logarithmically.

Just because people arent wearing swastikas on their sleeves yet doesnt mean that everyone you see out in town is a centrist pleb.

Take a look at the crowds that showed up for Trump rallies. Those werent people comfortable with the situation in their country. Those were people who were so fucking desperate for things to be fixed that they showed up in such large numbers that venues with room for 20k were turning away 10's of thousands of people. Not just once. Not just twice. But every fucking rally in every fucking city that he went to when he was holding 3 rallies a day for weeks on end.

And yea there was a lot of talk about how loving and accepting and nonviolent those crowds were.. But did you go to any of them? I did. I went to the one in Melbourne Fl. There were over 35,000 whites there.

OVER THIRTY FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND, or 10% of the adult white population, showed up to this rally at 7pm on a fucking tuesday.

And the during that entire rally not a single cucked word was uttered. To the contrary the prevailing conversation of the entire evening was lamentation of the fact that antifa didn't follow through with their threat to hold their biggest riot yet at that rally. Even the sweet old women were talking about how pissed they were that they weren't going to get to see the young lads kill some commie scum.

You need to make up your mind, either get rid of your faggoty black pill or get the fuck out of here and go be a cuck somewhere else.

I see digits.

The way her ass is spilling out reminds me of epoxy foam

Why do kikes have to poison everything I love

I can't believe the KKK actually wears shit like that. He looks like a level 90 basement dwelling literal larper.

Did they really hijack the Hollywood sexual harassment scandals, or is that "hijack" in of itself a fake one, only backed by the media's attempt to damage-control?

All Hail Trump!

(Oooo, purple. Purple's stupid)

associate purple with antisemitism, the stagers of this "event" won't know if they're coming or going.

set up fake social media and meme blitzes for:
the purple brigade of holohoax exposers
purple people for OB for I
purple trumps judeo-bolshevism

you know how there is always an army of shills on breitbart every time they talk about jewry bc there are lots of people who complain about jews did 9/11 etc. maybe try playing a hasbara kid calling such kekish posters "purple", as in "jeez, that was kind of a purple thing to say, you must be antisemitic idiot" or "&#$*% dumb purple jew-hater" or "your kind will rot in hell, purplef@g".

Seems like the yids are signalling for the noisemakers to act out and drown out the pedo/perverted kike coverage. Just don't guve up spreading awareness.


Now you know, where a part of the 18 billions went, that György Schwartz recently transferred to his foundation.

> foxnews.com/world/2017/10/18/george-soros-transfers-18-billion-to-his-liberal-philanthropic-foundation.html

Prepare for a lot more spontaneous uprisings™.


Better an enemy you know than one you don't. Besides, there are rules against assassinating political opponents and I'm not talking about "laws." I'm talking about the agreed upon rules of conduct among the ruling elites. If you start acting like a "mas dog" (That's the way they would see it) you'll end up put down like one.

The reason Trump doesn't kill Soros is the same reason why Soros doesn't kill Trump. If Soros starts acting like a mad dog, he'll be put down like one and the entire System will collapse with him.



It's long but it is worth reading.

For anyone confused they use colors because of the esoterics of colors. The kikes try to appropriate the bits and pieces of ancient wisdom that fit their kikery while perverting the rest of it.

The color purple is the color of the pituitary gland and the traits ascribed to the color purple describe commie faggots to the letter. Not the healthy traits but the traits of 'too much of this chakra make you mentally ill'.


From the PC.


I wonder how many bots though. However, you're right about whites being red pilled at an accelerated rate. We're surfing the Kali Yuga, and the wave is only going to continue to get faster/higher from here.


You must be new, or an idiot, to post about your niggerball fandom here… lurk 2 years before posting or realize that you're actually retarded.

Quality poast, user.




This is some next level schizo shit.

women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.

This is the most important line in this thread. Put the mainstream focus back on pedowood


this guy predicted the race bait pretty well. maybe it was more obvious than I initially imagined

The psychological impact of those is all wrong. Purple is an unsettling color because it combines the edges of the visual spectrum and the wavelengths refract in the eye just a tiny little bit differently. This is why purple text, or text on a purple background, is the hardest to read, assuming proper contrast. It might be better to associate purple with decadence (including but not limited to gay and trans), royalty (as opposed to common people), evil night monsters (enemies of pure, clean, holy, yellow sunlight), and evil decadent out-of-touch royalty of the sort that expects you to serve them hand-peeled grapes and die for them in some stupid war but otherwise doesn't care about you. Let Trump be the primary colors.

You have a good point! Maybe green instead?

A lot of leaks and educated predictions from 2015 have to be read again from the lens that Trump getting elected was not part of the plan. That doesn't make them invalid, but explains why their new plans aren't working properly. What works in our favor is that they had so many things lined up that aren't being orchestrated in the same way and so as long as we properly respond and redirect all their energy in our favor, they will only aid us in destroying them.

Do you even "History" bro? smh



You wanna talk purple? Get a load of these faggots. Gentlemen, I present to you, the (((Party of Reason and Progress))). Founded by virulently anti-Christian atheist David G. McAffee, they're a brilliant Sorosian blend of progressive politics. They're registered as a 527 organization despite openly agitating for Trump's removal.

>pro-(((living wage)))


One of my favorite liberal tricks

Gogol Bordello is a psyop to brainwash the youth to love immigrants. "Immigrant punk" what a fucking joke.


Do it every time they start their colour revolution circus!

I've got a bit of CS experience, I'm considering throwing together an image using pictures from 5 other recent color revolutions (with simple clear caption of country, year) in a 2 x 6 grid with a purple square with U.S.A. Nov 4th captioning it in the bottom right corner.

Anyone have some quality pics like above to utilize for other color revolutions?

God fucking damn it. Why can't a coincidence just be a coincidence without being a (((coincidence))) anymore?

Well, if you go with hexadecimal values of colors, then the opossite of purple (0xFF00FF) is green (0x00FF00). So yes, Kek mit uns.

Nothing surprises me anymore.

These memes. The writing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

could one of you twitter casual plebs tweet €A representatives that they are using Fagpedo symbols in their game.

I think it is odd the way he capitalized certain letters, but the purple thing seems like a huge stretch. Maybe there is a different hidden meaning, but I doubt that's it.

Trump getting elected means that the oligarchs have only one option left, which is a race war, thats why soros has given $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations.


Throw some Pepe Green in the left - use it in the smaller black stripes and the grey outline for the iron cross and friendship wheel.

also burn that kekistani flag


Why contain it?

He's been doing tie color-code this whole time. Red is real trump and blue is "fake" diplomatic trump IIRC. Purple is a synthesis of the two, obviously.

It's worth noting that this use of purple probably has some occult meaning beyond just unity of the red and blue parties. I haven't figured that out yet, though.


Who is the girl in image 5? I want to make a thread about punchable faces and Trudeau is the obviously male punchable face example but that girl has to be the best to show femanons for opinions on a punchable face. She's like the pig girl meme. If you eyes ridges points down from your nose to your ear in that it always looks like you're going "really guise" or crying then you're punch able.

There's that, but if you look at all the color revolutions so far (at least the ones that have a color in their name), you get almost all the colors of the rainbow. The only one missing is the purple one, which is what they're preparing now.

Also, another interesting tidbit, if you look at the color wheel, after purple you go back to red. So my guess is that the "purple" revolution is just to get their mouthpiece (Hillary - she started the whole purple trend, and purple is the color of royalty) into office, and that the next "red" revolution will be the real deal, when they take power over the ashes.

How do you know the next revolution after purple isn't black? It's the color when all rainbow colors mixed together and the antithesis for the color white, the first color revolution.

Thanks, doc.
polite sage for off topic

Doesn't Holla Forums kinda thrive on what would be considered by normalfags to be schizo shit? I mean, Meme Magick, Kek, awakening elder gods with shitposting. All of those come off to normalfags and even some anons as batshit insane, and yet, has been the source of our power for what, the last year or so?

This is a really important thread so I mirrored some of OP's posts on halfchan. You can help by bumping the thread and adding some extra insight.


Why not just Hijack the movement and get all of the Trump supporters to wear Purple MAGA Hats?

Fight Purple with Purple

Yes, this.
And Trump will get a purple toga, for his imperial status.

hm, yes. if we can get trump to wear purple robes, or even tweet something purple, he can co-opt the entire movement singlehandedly.

i think we should co-opt the #purplethursday hashtag, but for fun here is a #mindraped meme just for fun

I call them golemns but mindrape also fits well.

Purple is bad branding psychologically. There is a reason none of the world's national flags contain purple. Purple is also missing from the branding of successful political parties.

In video games with color-coded elemental magic void/dark/necromancy is often purple. Purple is the darkest color on the painter's color wheel. Dark purple gives a disconcerting feeling that affects people subconsciously. Purple lighting is used in clubs because it makes people feel strange when their eyes can't properly focus on anything, possibly leading to altered states of consciousness. A world full of such lighting would feel very oppressive.

So don't become purple yourselves but rather make purple an even worse choice than it already is by strengthening purple's association with negative things, especially things that should scurry away from daylight in a world ruled by decent moral standards. Like, have Trump in golden armor (his color, the opposite of dark purple) vanquishing the purple hordes of Slaanesh or something. A purple movement feels inherently untrustworthy, so go ahead and make Hillary's Whore of Babylon entourage even more so.

Nice meme. Just don't co-opt #purplethursday for MAGA. Co-opt for something else instead, like pictures of RPG necromancers casting purple magic.

I think those that are chanting at him are more hired goons just like our """"""""""""""""""""""protestor""""""""""""""""""""""""" friends funded by the banking cabal.

zombies is probably the best connection to make, since it's already massively established in the american zeitgeist. No will of their own, agressive, destructive, it all fits.

It wasn't always this way

great points. making a connection between purple revolutionaries and dark magic, the dead, zombies etc could derail the movement and turn people off to it. We need some memes to push before the next #purplethursday, then once the day arrives, let loose all cannons.

By the Emperor..

I would rather argue that in this case the colour purple means nobility.

All the color of the rainbows mixed together would be white; it's light after all.

(Look at the beam of light into the prism if you don't believe me)

Also if it was indeed pigments; the mix of all would be brown…

You said Obongo will declare martial law on J20 or December which will launch the Purple Revolution and it did not happen.

Guess what the only thing that has changed is more leftist tantrums but still not enough to start a civil war.

Your plan is trash. I can easily see shills using your dumb plan to claim that Trump is controlled op and a Soros front.

Which reminds me, there is only one Thursday until Halloween. It might be possible to tie #purplethursday to that, making the repeats in the following weeks feel post-seasonal to outsiders.

purple drank



These scummy kikes pushed a "Green Revolution" back in the 50's by fucking over our wheat crops with their undigestable dwarf wheat hybrid cancer.


George Soros
917 902 4102 cell
212 722 1177 home M-Friday
914 234-9712 home/weekends
7368 198th St
Fresh Meadows, NY 11366-1819
(347) 235-1688 - Wireless
Cantitoe St
Katonah, NY 10536
(914) 787-0651 - Wireless
Old Town Rd
Southampton, NY 11968
(631) 287-3191 - Landline
(631) 283-7563 - Landline
[email protected]

Vegas Shooter?

So like Fire Emblem's Elder Magic? Didn't one of its super powerful dark mage characters give up even his voice and soul and personality to become a vessel for the void so he could cast powerful dragon killing shit? He talks by adopting the voice and personality of who ever spoke last in his presence and could be seen as the ultimate autist. This is him in action.

Just allow yourselves to be loved.


Love that spreads aids is worse than hate could ever be.

kekistani is kukistan but you're still from kikestan. also, we should have both green and purple.


it all makes sense now, dysnomia is behind everything.

prank calling won't do shit, user.

Probably a bad idea but… we also have a nuclear option… mlp, mlpol and pony porn. Could muddying the waters with perverted shit work?

doesn't perversion just make (((them))) stronger?

It'd be easy to get them hooked on it, once they are all popularity will die out among normalfags and it will be yet another worthless fringe lefty movement. Just post as one of them and throw in the purple degeneracy


nigga u stupid

Okay, this card game officially fucks with my brain now.

Purple. The color of:
Least naturally color occurring in nature
First color to be synthesized
People with purple auras love ritual and ceremony (Psychology)
Sexual Degeneracy

No need to use anything lewd user. But it does give me an idea.
One can take what the enemy likes and turn it against him.
In this case, we take things that normie lefties like and Ben Garrison them until they freak out about everything being Nazified.

And private military contractors…

You know they say geniuses pick green.


Heavy hung the canopy of blue
Shade my eyes and I can see you
White is the light that shines
through the dress that you wore
She lay in the shadow of the wave
Hazy were the visions of her playing
Sunlight on her eyes but
moonshine beat her blind every time

If fags show up in purple, then you should show up in green. It'll turn from kike coloring into a gamergate coloring, plus green is the color of pepe and greentext and whatnot.

Have some civil war 2 infographs as thanks for obliterating the blackpill shill.

"mu" got my attention. Lots of interesting side tracks. Led me to Groupe µ, a belgian group. From wikip "In the 1970s and 80s they worked on developing a theoretical approach towards visual rhetoric and visual semiotics that involved classifying images according to their differences from plastic and iconic norms."

seems relevant

Maybe it's Holy Week and Shillary's about to get nailed?

Minerva is dead.

No, (((women's groups))).

I have been on cuckchan a lot lately but I see a lot of normies getting generally perved out by all of hollyweird.

Don't you need to get a background check to buy a gun in every state? Like what the fuck are they even talking about I haven't heard of a state where you don't need to fill out a 4473 and get a background check to buy a gun.

I never got this far on the series

So much purple in this thread. This whole thread has been enveloped by the purple scurve..

If this was a viral outbreak, you'd all be infected.

My purple decontamination suit. Pic related.

It should be spelled "emergence," similar to "emergency."
Yes, I have spelling autism. Pls no bully.

I drive across state lines to legally buy weapons from private sellers with no ID. Be sure to use Armslist and Tails/Tor and voice verify to insure no niggers. Use a throw away phone that you do not keep a battery in white at home bought with no ID (this can be done at radio shack.) Also avoid traveling with other activated devices and keep off of future registries.
-Former Marine Sniper and S2

Should be Probability instead of Probably.
Just something else for your 'tism to dwell on


I didn't have to fill out any gay forms in potato state. They do a background check but you don't need to fill out autistic forms. Try living in a state that at least attempts to stick to the 2nd amendment.

Keep kvetching on Schlomo. It's fucking lovely when newer anti-Trump shill posts are from cuckchanners shilling for Hillary, defeatists, goons and now TRSodomites are also coming back to shill again for Kike Enoch. Hasbarafag hasn't been here for a while though.

Its the imperial colour of Rome and the Roman Empire
Those born in the purple were destined to rule Rome and Christendom

Finally somebody unpinned that shit and got that this is a shill OP. A shame the Mods on this site are utterly stupid and love to eat shit even more than the 4cucks mods

Nice arguments.

For most states, that's only true if you buy from a licensed dealer….

In most states, if you buy from another resident of your state (private party) then you don't need a background check. Actually for private party sales, you aren't legally required to create any kind of paper-trail with the government or otherwise.

Honestly, if you are at all concerned with the government's growing power and desire to disarm the public… you should only buy guns from a private party. Go to a gun show, go to a site like armslist.com, buy from a co-worker or friend, etc. Pay in cash and keep electronic conversations about the transaction (e-mail, texts, etc.) to a minimum.

Way too obvious. It creates a narrative where there wasn't any before by linking colours and unrelated phenomena in specific order to give the constructed narrative a foundation myth. This is a textbook example of forced meme, no wonder that 8 falls for it.

Anyone got pictures of some of the more recent soros-backed color revolutions in europe? I'd like to swap out some of these panes.

Grape in Moldova
Jeans/Blue in Belarus
Bulldozer/Black in Yugoslavia

There are probably others too.

The police are on OUR SIDE

What in the fuck is this thread

https : //allthingsopen.org/speakers/

kek it's written in ebonics

Does a pistol purchase from a private seller require any form of paperwork or do I just hand over cash and get my tool? This is great to know thanks user.

Purple has long been associated with Royalty and sacrifice, it relates to the viticulture tradition of the slain and rising King archetype, traditionally however the pigment was extrapolated from sea molluscs of the Phoenician coast, the term itself relating to Purple.

In Masonic tradition the Porphory stone (archaic term for Purple) of the Ark Mariners degree related to those Phoenician associations, in origin the allegorically deeply buried stone was likely the sacrificial altar stained purple.

For these reasons using Purple suggests nobility and self sacrificing idealism, they are the traditional colours of the Church on Good Friday, however of course they are laying claim to values they do not in fact possess but exploiting the subliminal associations, with that in mind it would be quite fitting to literally sacrifice them on an altar and see if they are still as keen on the idea.

Speaking of purple and churches…


herchurch is an incredibly heretical multicultural feminist New Age "Lutheran" San Francisco abomination that somehow manages to remain part of the mainline ELCA despite probably not even qualifying as Christian. They also have a thing for purple.

In their own words:

Feels like Gamergate 3.0 or some shit.
Also we have to coopt this from the inside and create an anti (((elite))) slant in it or split and destroy it.

somehow I missed this Dress Purple day on Oct 24 (yesterday) - see pic related tweet. Hashtag is #IBREAKthesilence

left out a really spicy illuminati card from my earlier collage

The Goddess of Purple is Erika, the Church-of-the-what-could-possibly-go-wrong-psyop still await this ultimate revelation.

I think we all know the end result of that, it boggles my mind how the act of the left establishing a "religious community" isn't banned yet, what should be of concern to everyone is how the left hasn't been declared a mental illness yet.

Pic Related.

I grew up in that shit hole country. Neat.

Heretics seriously need to stop calling it a church and go with cult of Hillery

Okay now I think we have to focus on three important topics in order to save ourselves.

Did any of them even fully succeed? They caused unrest and strife but mostly led to mass incarceration of participants. Their real success was to fuck with markets.

I cannot wait