
Reminder to stay away from the software listed below.

The Linux Kernel is just one small part of the Soros Operating system.

These groups are funded by Open Society Institute that is connected to the Soros Foundation.

Gnome Women
KDE Women

Ubuntu Women
Fedora Women
openSUSE Women
Arch Women
Debian Women

Mozilla Women(Women & Mozilla ("WoMoz"))

What does this guy not fund?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there a source for any of the funding info? Also those are distros, not the kernel.


It's a joke and there is a couple of DEs too.

Post proof of backdoor or GTFO.

Didn't say that.
What I implied is that the GNU/Linux distros listed could be compromised.

Those sound like retarded groups about stuff and not stuff.
Terrible post, try harder.

i just checked and Linus has been extremely inactive in the last year

This is retarded.

Torvalds is the kind of person dangerhair "developers" who wine about diversity 24/7 hate, because he doesn't take bullshit from anyone. He just wants you to write good code for his project.

reminder that mozilla just donated 100k directly to antifa

Again didn't say that the kernel is compromised, but the GNU/Linux operating systems listed.

Slide thread confirmed. Reported. Enjoy your ban. Don't forget to screech about it on /polmeta/, /sudo/, and even /cow/.


Good thing I'm using a libre kernel.

Get good faggot. Use a WM for white men.

Use a libre OS or one with no systemd and youre fine.


GuixSD is pretty damn cool. Instead of SystemD or SysV style init, it uses GNU Shepard which is written in Guile. GuixSD is probably the future of the Linux desktop, or at least it would be if distro developers were good engineers.

*GNU Shepherd

Ha! I am running TempleOS! The FBIggas are never gonna catch me!


I'm in!


what's a kernel?

I wouldn't post that in anything else other than a slide thread hahahahahaha

guix is run by SJWs (join the IRC and say "hello guys" see what happens) and isn't that good in practice despite it's theoretical technical improvements.

_This_ is what's considered a "quality thread" on the main page?! Wtf. Avoid systemdouche /thread

If you're serious, it's effectively the core of the operating system. It's what assigns hardware resources to applications and hands off application instructions to the hardware.

It's a very important component of the operating system, the one that connects to the actual hardware devices. Think of it like this: operating system = car, kernel = car engine.

GNU is an operating system created by the FSF (Free Software Foundation) to create a Free as in Freedom operating system. They had it almost complete, except for the kernel which was stuck in development hell. Linux is a kernel written by Linus Torvalds. So people took GNU, plugged Linux into it and got a complete working operating system. The name GNU/Linux is the proper term because GNU and Linux are different projects by different organizations, but people usually call it just Linux. It's technically wrong though, since a car engine does not make a complete car.

GNU/Linux alone is pretty barebones, so various people bundle it up with all sorts of other (more or less) useful software like Libre Office, drivers, package managers, or desktop environments. These are the various distributions like Ubuntu or Arch. There is nothing magic about those, if you know what you are doing you could also get the software you want to set up your OS from scratch, it would just be a lot of work for something other people have already done better.

And if you are wondering what happened to the original GNU kernel, it is named Hurd and technically works, but it still not ready for practical use.

Guile could have been awesome, but the amount of autism among Lisp programmers is astounding. I remember the first time I read the name "ice-9" in the documentation and I had no fucking clue what that name was supposed to imply. Apparently it's a reference to some science-fiction novel no one has read. This sort of hacker mentality might work when it's confined to small group at an MIT computer lab, but when you are trying to make something for the real world you have to grow the fuck up.