User plays:

user plays:

pt. 4: Assad claims he didn't use chemical weapons, reliable picture sources show another story.

Project Reality is a long running milsim like modification for Battlefield 2 (now standalone), that while not at its peak, still has around 400-600 people playing at all times.
The game takes a nieche between full blown military simulation of the Armed Assault series and actual fucking games, with the tacticool aspects of a milsim without its simulation related clutter, and an expanded upon battlefield-style battle for objectives on XBOX FUCKING HUGE MAPS.
The most populated servers usually support up to 98 players on conventional force vs conventional force conquest-type maps, or asymmetrical warfare type maps which have an organized conventional force finding and neutralizing weapon cashes of the opposing guerilla force, consisting mostly of rag-tag teams of allahu akbars and a BR with 120 ping.
Project Reality heavily emphasizes teamplay and intra- and inter-squad cooperation. It uses an inbuilt mumble client that, depending on your position in a squad, transmits faction tied proximity chat [welcome to the jungle intensifies], squad chat, commander chat, as well as individual squad leader chats.

Important information:
Insurgents can blast nasheeds while driving a bomb-truck into an burger FOB.
You can literally gas the kikes (IDF is a conventional force) in this game.
You can literally unload a nine in the welfare line (african conventional as well as insurgent forces) in this game.
No XP, no perks, no unlocks in this game, plug and play.
This game runs on a toaster, just be sure to turn down shadows.
The launcher has an inbuilt game manual which explains game mechanics in great detail.

The caveat:
The game has rather harsh methods of punishing retards and retarded behaviour built into its mechanics, as well as hawk-eyed hotpockets watching you being a good healslut in the bushes.

Its free nigger, get it.

Regarding time coordination:
Standart procedure is joining the Discord server at time T which is usually at 21h UTC, at which point quite a few anons should be on the Discord playing.

Should you want to play real bad at any given moment, use this
its a magic device that tells you what players play on a given serber, with all possible serbers listed look for the [wwew] tags and join in.

Quick tips:

Vehicle tips:


This weekend´s event is DEFINITELY endorsed by:
[wwew]: the salt must flow

Other urls found in this thread:


Ok so when we are playing again?

It's important to push the gun towards the enemy when you shoot in Africa, otherwise the bullets may not work as intended.

On the 23 aka tomorrow at 21 UTC.

I was impressed, that nigger had everything required to make it as a planetside 2 pro.

Don't die thread, don't fall when I rest my eyes.

These faggots only get interested in shitty games. Pick up the worst most casual F2P game you can think and your threads will all hit thread limit everytime.

Every time. How hard can it be to have a semi-competently trained fighting force?

For none simulation shooters can you guys recommend a good battlefield shooter?
I'm fucking desperate and getting increasingly angry at the lack of any fucking fps of decent size on the PC.


If you don't mind the shitty developer: Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm
Technically a first person shooter ;): Depth

Oh, and Verdun

Seconding Insurgency.

insurgency is CoD for allahu akbar screaming idipys
squad is a pipe dream

Rising Storm is fun, even if Tripwire is literally cancer.

Very hard if you recruit monkeys.


Nothing wrong with insurgency if you know what you're getting. Pubs aren't even that bad. Still retarded, but not horribly obnoxious.

Speaking of pipe dream, anybody knows how Angels Fall First is doing?

Can't really recommend that one other than on sale and even then not really, it's wonky as fuck and runs like shit. I can't play more than one hour or two max in a row for some reason, but I guess that's enough to get a ww1 fix.

That short hair bitch looks so far out of her depth.
She could be a college student, at her local feminist rally.

i don't know a lot about firearms and combat, could some one tell me what the fuck is happening in that webm

is that a combat zone or are they just shooting down the pier in a contest to see who has the most insane firing stance?

It's a gun wiggling contest, those who lose have to run away and the winners get to have their MVP as leader of the country.

nor do the dindus with the firearms in combat

Actually thats some pretty advanced tactics
Not only thanks to those sick moves they are able to dodge bullets, but also thanks to pushing the rife when shooting you are giving more acceleration to the bullets so they fly farther, also if you shoot RPG close to the ground its more accurate because there is no wind to interfere with its trajectory

You can trust me, im a military pro

I mean they managed to down two black hawks after all, they must be doing something right…

what the fuck

heat seeking missiles bre


its a left over from BF2 and isnt actually used

Reminder to meet up at 21 UTC.

does this require buying battlefield 2?

no, project reality is standalone now and free

so you dont even need to pirate it

damn, downloading now

When we're playing Insurgents again I'm taking you fags to drift around in the technicals. We're going to be blasting out yurobeat and running over Ameriki in the name of allahu.

I am a Linux.
How do i get it to work?

Bumpity bump

We are playing soon

Get a load of this goy. Do you also believe Saddam Hussein had WMDs? Did you include this ignorance to trigger responses?

Are you a retard?

Reread the op post again and see his pic related
Then rethink your post

is the concept of shouldering a rifle really that hard to do? Fucking nigs man, how much more stupid can they get

We're playing, join PRTA.


damn you are stupid.
goddamn you are fucking stupid, get out.

Hope to see you tomorrow too ya cunts



Teadrinkers stand tall with cup in hand.
God save the Queen!

Is this shit really necessary, I don't feel like opting out Botnet chrome or kikefox.

It's not entierly necessary, you could just wait for someone to post that they're playing in the thread.
Might be a while though.


Bet you felt really eager to make that post. Faggot.


We're on Candy Van Tactical 2 as ameriki.

Join us in tacticool gorilla warfare

AFF? Done, and most of the launch bugs fixed. Performance is fine now. Just chatted with one of their devs a few weeks back, actually. They've learned their lesson about EA, and will probably start marketing/shilling soon, since the game is actually presentable now.

Nice to hear something good about an early access for once, I kep that game in the back of my mind for a good while. Let's just hope it gets an active community on release.

remember that conflicts in a lot of areas in Africa really come down to tribal skirmishes. the way they have waged battle is significantly different from the way we in the west or more developed areas do. a lot of fighting is basically people showing off how brave they are by standing in harms way and looking "cool" hence the crazy ass getup you always see fighters in. like a lot of native American groups warfare wasn't a particularly bloody affair. you'd get some dudes with bows or spears and set up your line and individual guys would wander off into no mans land and maybe find someone to fight, the focus was entirely on individual warriors and their exploits. Liberia is probably the best example of this shit carrying over into modern conflict. there's a few good article on why arabs lose wars and a pretty good youtube vid that covers that material. the problems the arabs face in making an effective fighting force are small time issues compared to the african nations that still pull this shit, but theres a few african nations with pretty modern, mostly competent armies too.

is that a combat zone or are they just shooting down the pier in a contest to see who has the most insane firing stance?

bumpan this

You could just download their app.

They really just drive into a village and round up all the fighting age men, give them some guns and send them off to the front. These men have no formal training what so ever, and their government is more interested in leading luxurious lifestyles than hiring a proper military to train these chucklefucks to fight.

Playan in 30min.

Gonna joinan

People really need to remember to bump the thread.

We're playing on Candy Van 2 on MEC side.
Get in here mates

Also don't be faggots, if you don't wanna use discord, use + wwew to check if people are playing and ask in the thread.

Glorious APC banzai into the mosque gents

Jets have no place in this game im convinced now.

What happened?

I bet he got his ass stuka´d

I got killed.

I'm downloading now, You fags still playing?

I keep forgetting to do this.

Some of us will probably start playing the the next couple of hours. Dunno when yet.

Also who the fuck is teenbro? Dude just randomly starts playing without saying a word anywhere. is it you?

Playing soon's?

y, I've been playing this mod quite a bit for the comfy trucking/jihad action.


Don't you want to join the discord? Makes coordinating easier.

Waiting on Nacho & Aquarius, they said they would play at some point.

Discord is too cancerous for me m80, I'll just hop on later.

We're teaching the wrong shit in schools

We never use the voice channels, if that's something you're afraid off.

People we're playing on grof, join in!

I wonder, how is an IRC client with extra features "cancerous"? Unless you're just hating it for the sake of hating.

well tbh fam the discord is pretty cancerous any way you spin it
its not if you´re only there when you wanna play but it is all the other times
I dont see that as a problem but some people might

Not afraid of using my voice otherwise I wouldn't be playing this game. Goycord is cancerous because of all the unneeded social media features and web 3.0 faggotry. I'm even willing to go as far as host a ts server for you fags if you'll agree to stop using that jewish shit.

nigga if you want to be consistent with boycotting things with those features youd have to go off the interwebs, just sayan

I'm pretty close to doing that friendo, don't tempt me. Would you niggers be interested in a meme speak server or what?

that would only splinter the group even more
discord was the first to be used and changing that will only cost us people


What the shit. I meant BROKEN.

We have a few without mics, it works out in the end as long as you can type without taking 5 minutes.

Buy one for $5 at your local arab owned and operated computer store.

your loss FUCKO

Worked for me


I prefer not to use a mic and I type slow. Can I still join and just relying on body language?

unless you sound like mickey mouse no one's going to care about your voice

Those aren't jews but a specific sect of muslims.

Just chechens

Grozny insurgency when

Funny tyrant


Say I just wanted to forego the co-op and tactical side of things in favor of generally fucking shit up by charging in and ALLUHA ACKBARing myself like the absolute madman I am. Is this the game for me or should I stay away?

Stay away

If you're not willing to listen to the SL and contribute to the team while having fun then do as said.

Fair enough

what server and what time you dumb niggers?

That turtles is a perfectly good example of why tmnt doesn't work in real life.

so… how does this compare to Overwatch?

They are as far apart as two team based first person shooters can possibly be. Not really something to be compared.

Just felt like posting this since it's related.

can I play on lan? is it even worth it with 4ish players? can you add bots to the match? internet is being shit right now and I'm having problems properly loading that page

Well coop is like playing football with your pals against cardboard cutouts.

People here won't play it because it requires effort to learn how to play it right, like a flight sim.


sheit nigga russians put a straight up mongol at the helm, wise choice

The fact that von der leyen, a cunt whose only real claim to fame is shitting out like 7 children and being the "family minister" is head of defence is still shocking to me, the burgers run the show here behind the scenes we are not a sovereing nation

Playing soon's?

19 utc?

Playing NOW. Join HOG

Just a heads up, we're playing later today.





We're playing PR, come join us!

Can I play with you guys if I don't have a mic and completely new to the game?

we´ve got multiple people without mic playing with us regularily

new month new BMP

We're playing again on F|H sever. Join us fags

We're switching to the ruskie server

cheeki breeki


was doubleposting part of your plan?

As long as you can take orders from the squad leader and you are not one you are fine. Although the more people we have with a mic the better.

Of course.

Taliban bangbus bump because I don't trust you faggots.
get one of these nigger, its what i got sounds fine



Nacho's got some explaining to do.

Cant find WWEW in the server browser, also do I type wwew in the prefix [wwew]? or wwew?

god i love that series

[wwew] as a prefix

Dubs of truth.


Best camo tho

Has [wwew] played Grozny insurgency yet? Because if so I missed it.

Yeah, and we've found that it's very one-sided in favor of the rebels.

So war crimes happened.

I'll give the jews credit, the male only dances look fun as fuck and almost like a wardance to get the guys hyped.

Makes sense tbh.

you will be first to die

That's what I thought when checking the map out.
fug I really missed it

The dutch have literally one single map, and it's all very new. Give it some time.