Rpg game punishes player for not combing through areas

Why is this kinda bad design generally accepted?


Because it's easier to design and still makes money. Sorry, user.

How is this a bad design?

because then the game would be boring you dolt. like elder Shitrolls.


Why is this kinda bad design generally accepted?

What game?

Black Isle shit.

What were you expecting?

you will love fallout 4, user. You can walk away from conversations!

I love Fallout 4 though. If only the guns and crafting didn't suck so much, it could be a much better game.

What do you mean by "punishes"?
That the game doesn't hand you the best possible outcome for not even exploring?

Maybe you should take the hint and realize that your life hasn't progressed since adolescence because you haven't talked a female NPC about the gf quest, or to an employer NPC about a job.



I want to play Todd's game.


have you considered playing bioware games

I will explain.
It is not RPG but it is close enough that it will count, Zelda.

What is gameplay of Zelda games?
It is about doing dungeons and other side activities like more dungeons and mini games. There is story surrounding these games but in reality this is only filler between dungeons. By forcing you to talk to someone you are adding more boring activity that is not why I am playing this game.
I don't want to find someone in the village who have a key to 4 leveled dungeon in his cellar I want to go to cellar and solve puzzles while killing enemies.

One perfect example of this would be HMs in Pokemon. You literally cannot progress through the game unless you talk to random NPC in a town for him to give you HM.
There is literally no reason why it is necessary to beat a game and only stops you from fighting you pocket chickens.

Well fuck I already wrote entire thing above so I won't delete this but you should know you are faggot. pic related.

I'd make the argument for "what if I don't want to talk to him/don't want to say that to him?".
RPGs need to leave in a good and healthy bit of player choice. Otherwise you get boring jazz what's only worth one single playthrough due to being the same every game.

What's wrong? Are you fags autistic or just a bunch of cucks?

lurk more

Gee, user, you seem to know a lot about cuckoldry. Tell us more about your experiences.

is that banner real?

I'm just a normal man with a normal life trying to fit in a bizarre, totally obscure community that is truly alien to me. Bad attempt, huh? I'm just enchanted by how everyone here calls each other cucks while posting pics of animes. It seems to me that you people are devoid of the sense of aesthetics.

Anyway, FO4 has superb level design and exploration. Gun handling is better than Borderlands. It's a lot better than sandbox games because it has a lot of quests even if most of them is unappealing to you. I like the design of the power armors. For a guy who never brought a new game since 2 years ago and hasn't got free time to play video games, I find FO4 to be the best game I've played this decade.

You played your hand too soon, try again next time.

Fucking retarded monkeys made that game

That's some really good bait

you really need-

you got me.


Very nice.

This seems to be a pretty wise man, everybody should listen to him.