Psycic school shooter

This fucker thought he was psycic and told people that there would be a school schooting.

Other urls found in this thread:,amp.html

really makes you think

a thread died for this

im surprised that you didn't filed the e-mail field.


sharpshootin tooter
missed his suicide shot at the end kek
school website

probably gun jammed or out of bullets

Which school shooting is this?

what is this from

think he ran out - check his stutter after firing his first attempt at his head - he shoots the ceiling with his last bullet. fun to watch the different ncp's reactions - check kid in back left. alpha as hell. got shot multiple times, walks up behind the kid anyways.

shooter looks asian lmfao

those duck and hiding son of a bitches made it, kudos to the turtles

He tried to warn them, why didn't they listen?

Googled "school shooter mexico"

I think this is it.,amp.html

Is he unable to count or was he out of bullets?

if the footage is from mehiko than he is just a retarded wetback. they aren't known for finishing what they start…just look at san antonio, tx…half of the houses they attempted to "build" are basically half-completed nightmare structures. same thing goes for when they try to do ANYTHING. shootings included i guess.

Didn't a psychic predict some kind of British bombing? Then there's the whole releases by the CIA recently where they basically state psychic powers are real or something.

Found his facebook page


Kill yourself Levi.

I've had a few prophetic dreams. Most recently an attack with a knife on an airport. That Tunisian beach shooting. Better be safe than sorry when a vivid dream like that is heeded. Usually, you get the weird feels like this.

Psychic here, i just a vision about making a post about being a psychic and here i am making a post about it. This is some next level clairvoyance.

In the year MD +0 hope still leads to disappointment.

Don't forget the reports of children drawing 9/11 related scenes and sharing such morbid prophecies with teachers in the days leading up to the operation.

I suggest Rupert Sheldrake as an entrance point into such matters if one has never before read of psychic faculties. "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home" contains various excerpts from the scientific studies which have been done on these phenomena, nor is it limited to the aspect described by the title.

Go get a reading, know what your life will be like

One human brain operates on a meta level of our own conciousness.
It is beyond the super-ego of your brain, and everyone in tune with their own minds and bodies can sense the disturbance in the vibrations of culture and dynamic interactions of people.
If you are sometimes close enough (or if you are sensitive emotionally) then you can sense this disturbance really finely.

It's hard to describe, but it's a sort of "spidey sense" to say. Feeling how the flock moves and what is going to happen next. You can't really force this feeling tho, just have to sense it.

But seeing how it's a jewbook post it's probably just nothing.

I know this guy, the police took him away and he is kinda retarded

You have no idea how many scammer there are you dumb fuck. Stop namefagging.

I know, namefagged as a condom so shitty smoker faggot gets the fall if this post is found

fuck them for this shit though

Fucking shills covering it up

Could it be a Supreme Gentleman?

He acts like a mix of elliot rogger and chrischan

Maybe he should have stayed in school to learn how to count his shots.


With proper crisis response training, the correct course of action here was to fight. They don't know how many shots the shooter has or how many guns the shooter has. And they aren't exactly hiding successfully, none of them are "hidden". Suzy ducking under her desk does shit for her if the guy came to school today thinking he's gonna shoot Suzy. If everyone tried to take him down, the maximum number of casualties would be equal to shots or everyone in the room. Hiding, we just go straight to the maximum.

I bless these dubs with fresh OC from the oven.

Hopefully pol raids my school with bad reviews and fresh baked school shooting memes

Our brains operate through chemical and electrical connections. That means in essence they are quantum level processors of some sort. More of a quantum level differential engine.capable of differentiating between possible outcomes given enough information.

Once you understand that reality, seeing the possible outcomes is merely a result of practice and time.

Mediation anons, use it.