
Let's talk about Thief.
What is your favorite:

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At least i had Slinter Cell before it became garbage

End yourself.

Have you tried the Dark Mod faggot?

The Dark Mod. If that doesn't count as a thief game then the first one, since it's the one I spent the most time with.

Shalebridge Cradle from Deadly Shadows. That or the one that has garrett going through some MC Escher bullshit.

The opening theme in the FMV of The Dark Project.

I intend to go on a stealth binge soon and I will try Thief out again. It never hooked me, but I did only get to the second level.

You sound like an absolute elflord who should go back to xir ps4.

The mine level? I think that is a good primer for what players can expect in Thief 1 since the level is half supernatural elements and half guardsman and stealing.

I hadnt even heard those pronouns before. Guess who is the closet sjw faggot here.

spare me the bullshit, only little kids fall for that

Do you actually know what The Dark Mod is?


First of all, Thief is an immersive sim. Immersive sim.


Yeah the mine level. Perhaps that was too soon to decide whether it was worth dropping or not.

You fags needa try this shit

Dem double trips.

Despite not getting into Thief 1 I have played a decent chunk of TDM.


Although, if it helps for him at all, while visual technology has just been getting better since Thief (with some stagnation, but still), audio technology (barring some small academic proof of concepts) has just been getting worse since Thief.

Could anybody recommend me decent looking mission for TDM?

Just play fan missions for Thief 1 & 2

Typical shitlord.

Kill yourself twice.

go back tumbrl

Because I think graphicsfags are fucking scum and millennials need to be ovened?

Kill yourself faggot.

Everything done by Melan and Skacky is worth checking out. Graymans missions are also top notch.

If Garrett was a member of The Black Company what would his name be and which members of the company would he be big bros with?

I just found Thief 3 in my library. Guess I bought it back in 2011. I plan to go through the first one, but is the second game worth playing? I've heard it's sort of meh.


Some people say the first is the best in the series, some people say it's the second. The first game has more fantasy shit and more varied maps/enemies in general, The second is more bland imo, but still pretty great. Mechanically, they're nearly identical anyway so take your pick.

Wut? Fans tend to be split 50/50 over which is best but all think both are great, it's really dependent on whether you prefer spooky tombs or steampunk mansions as to which you like most.

Get TFix for Thief 1, and Tafferpatcher for Thief 2, uncheck all the graphical improvement mods when installing.

I'm about to start my first playthrough with TFix, and HD Texture Mod. Is Sound FX Enhancement Pack any good? Anything else I should know?

Difficulty is important, expert unlocks all the content in the mission. It's really the only way to play.

Not only is Thief a shitty game compared to MGS, but guess what? It has such a shit simple story that could be entirely glanced over. MGS actually has a complicated story that carries over into gameplay, and reflects the emotions of the characters onto the player. Thief is just piss easy and Internet story-tier.

I played through Thief: The Dark Project on my second attempt (with 10+ years between them due to having my soul spooked out of me by some a zombie in the mines), but I just can't finish Thief 2. I've probably started it a dozen times and gotten quite far too, but for some reason I just fail to go back to it at some point.

Mansion levels in sneaking games are always tip-top tier.

Has anyone here played the multiplayer mod for Thief 2? Was it gud and more importantly did it work?

Pic related.

Why do you even bother asking. He clearly doesn't know.

Thief II. Though I actually liked all the supernatural elements in T1 and enjoyed levels such as down in the bonehoard and the lost city. Was kinda bummed Thief II toned those down heavily.
Life of The Party, easily.
All of them I guess

Friendly reminder to grab darkloader once you're done with the first two games and enjoy the vast amount of high quality Fan Missions put out by the community.

I recognize this bait

Someone really needs to make a list of quality TDM maps, because a lot of them are pretty lame

Thief 1 because I liked the supernatural stuff and the tomb raiding levels, I also prefer the Hammerites over the Mechanists.
Both games are great though.
Down in the Bonehoard
All of them are nice.
Posting a few.

Trails of Blood
I don't really like thieves guild as a level, but I like the music that plays at 0:45

I still haven't played Deadly Shadows yet, although it has been sitting on my backlog for ages, waiting untill I can fix my computer or I can afford to get a new one, which is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Does anyone else have a hard time choosing between 1 and 2? 2 is a better game for playing as a Thief but I actually started to miss the more supernatura/horror shit and the levels weren't as memorable.

It gets much better. Make sure to hlget the corrrect mod. I think it's TFix but I can't remember or check right now. Other anons will know.

'Immersive simulator is a meaningless term used to link inferior modern games like Bioshok and Dishonored to classics like Deus Ex and Thief. Don't use it.

We really need a new Thief-like game, I'm dying for an actual stealth game since it looks like we will never get a Thief 4.


A first person stealth game, with competent level design and tools/weapons that actually matters that aren't gimmicks. And preferably a good story/narration.

It won't happen.