Discussion about the Aryan Race

Despite what you've been taught in high school the Aryan race is a real thing and isn't exclusively blonde hair blue eyed people.

The Aryans (called Indo-Europeans by modern (((scholars))) due to the third reich) were a people who originated around the caucuses or southern steppes of Russia, and migrated to Europe and Northern India, and all the land in between. In Europe, they occupied new land and replaced most of the pre-Aryan Europeans (some populations remained, such as the Sami and the Basques, also the ancient Hungarians, but they've been replaced by the Slavs). There is still an obvious divide in India between the Aryan north and non-Aryan south, which can be seen in the racial appearance and linguistics of the population.

We're taught that the Nazis made up the Aryan race and it only applied to Germanic/Nordic peoples, which simply isn't true. The Nazis classified Germanics as simply one branch of the Aryan race. If you were Afghani or Iranian for example, you were legally classified as Aryan in Nazi Germany.

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Well, of course. Up through the ‘40s, everyone knew who the five races were and what they entailed.

Pic related are the Pashtun people of Afghanistan and a comparison of a North Indian and a Southern Indian.


Modern Hungarians are Slavs, old Hungarians were Turkik


There is no aryan race in present day. All indo European speakers are simply remnants of them. Pashtuns aren't Aryan. Germans aren't Aryan. Iranians aren't Aryan. They simple speak the remnants of their language which spread through rape and conquest via the chariot all throughout Eurasia.

For what it's worth, the only person I've ever met who self-identified as "aryan" was from India.


He had swastikas hanging on his livingroom wall (in Seattle, WA).



I was going to make a separate thread on this but I'll ask here.

How is it that 90-98% of South American males have genes from Spaniard men and 20% of maternal DNA is Spaniard yet the majority of their population is brown?

This combined with negroid slaves and African admixture in Spain. What did you expect?

Same reason why a negro have have 95% white DNA and still look and act like a nigger, albeit look like a very beige-brown nigger. When it comes to genetics you can get very close but still be so very far away. Washing out the mud is a waste of time and energy. Mixing is never a good thing.

The basques are genetically identical to the other ethnicities of the area. They are only "not aryan" on a linguistical level, and even then thats questionable, since we dont actually know from where the basque language came from.
It might just hav been a made up language that eventually replaced their original language for all we know.

Also north indians are only about 10% aryan, so its mostly a previously conquered region than an aryan homeland, really.
The same coul be said for Iran, ironically enough.

Female DNA determines gene survival.

if there is aryan blood there is chance of redemption

There is some interesting practices in east europe or at least in my area.

See, if your dad had blue eyes but your mom brown eyes, if the kid had blue eyes the mom would put a drop of milk to Chang ethe eye colour of the newborn.

Do not know if it is a folk talltale or not but if there was and currently is some gene demographic warfare and former Aryans are on the loosing side, mothers would be inclined to make sure that at least outwardly their kids are not of the target group.
That and/or she wants them to look more like her.

But if we go a bit on a mind trip, camouflage is not that new of a thing and at least looking the part of the masses is a good way to escape pursuit or avoid being targeted.

Genetic testing kind of puts the kibosh to that however.

Also funny etymology 'kibosh' has…

Germans, Dutch and Scandi's are the purest remnants though.

It came from relationship between other indo-European languages of the Hispania province in Rome that were wiped out after the Cantabrian Wars. It is related to Aquitanian.

Basques are as aryan as slavs and greeks, being an european people that share the homeland with aryan races, but in a different location. They didn't become developed civilization because of constant attempts to conquer their lands; whenever that happened, they gave their territory momentarily, fled to the Pyrenées, then came back. They did this for as long as they came to be called "Basque". Romans, Suebians, Visigoths, Muslims. French, Spanish… all those fuckers couldn't eradicate their culture.

Fun fact: globalists love to make the Basque Country a (((gourmet/cultural))) center in order to weaken their national identity from within.

Well, i know its related to aquitanean, but the point is that we dont know hiw the proto-basque (morher language of the basque and aquitanean languages) came to be. Genetic and archeologic evidence points out that they extremelly related to the other groups of the area, sharing several symbols with both the gauls and the iberian celts. The lauburu is probably the most well known example of it.

And the problem eith basque identity began with the birth of the current concept of basque nationalism way back in the 19th century.
It is not a nationalism based around blood ties and a perception of national unity like most others, but one based solely on language, up to the point that basques who forgot the old language are simply considered "spanish" by people like the ETA, which is stupid.
Back in the day when there was an active push for independence, they wanted no name the country "Euskal Herria", the land of the basque-speaking people, instead of "Euskaldunak Herria", which would mean the land of the basque people.

Another funny tidbit about basque nationalism is "basque paganism".
Most actual archeological evidence points out that the basques had some kind of celtic religion, probsbly similar to the one of the iberian celts, but in the mid 50s leftist shills started fabricating false evidence about the "basque religion" and how there was a gynocentric religion where women subjulgated men and how it was a feminist religion and so on.
So yeah, basque culture is pretty much dead and replaced by a leftist view of what it once was.

Pretty sure that's referring to native Americans.

The French guy who invented the term in the first place claimed that only Germanics were Aryan and everyone else was mongrelized to some degree or another.

I think the most related today are actually Baltics. Usually Aryans are associated with the yamna culture, which has the highest percentage in Baltic states and Eastern Europe.

Oh and Norway

Turkic people are the result of Aryans mixing with Siberian people through mongels and settling Central Asia. So the Aryans couldn't replace a Turkic people in Hungary, because they are one of the ancestors of Turks.


Hungarian language is full of nordik words and has 68% of its ancient word preserved wich is very special for a language. The original hungarian myths and religions are very similar to the nordic counterpart: tree of life story, hollow earth/underword theory. Unfortunately a lot was lost after chistianity forcefully killed everyone who did not convert. Our language is very similar to german: full of "ö, ü" sounds and the structure of sentences is very similar. We have nothing to do with the slavs surrounding our country. Not in language, not in ancestry. We unfortunatrly blended with turks after the invasion of Europe began and in the time when we travelled here from the Ural mountains we "met them" before creating the country. This is all I know as a born hungarian. Nothing hurts more than taking us into the same basket with the slavs. Anchung look at our ancient language and how the letters looked before latin letters got into the norm.

Supposedly if the hollow earth is a thing there should be multiple nations living there(probably many european languages exist in its original form, swedish, finnish, german, english you name it) its not just one country. Stop hating on us. We were always allies with Austrians and Germans.

That list is not complete. You have to classify countries by their neighbors. Denmark and Sweden would also be on top of that list. Over and over again DNA research have only confirmed age old anthropological theories. And it makes sense that the people living on the edge of Europe, furthest away from the other races are the people with the least amount of foreign blood.

One thing I want to clarify: I do not claim that Hungary is in genetic relation with nords in amy way. The language is obviously very far from others and is still an enigma. Its just my theory derived from what I've read.

Excellent graph. Unfortunately after Merkel force fucked the native population with refugees these graphs are getting more and more inaccurate. But the thing is, this graph clearly shows that shitskins and sandniggers have nothing to do in Europe.

Aryan is the name of the proto-indo-iranian people.
It can be viewed as a caucasian sub-race.
Pale skin, black or rarely red hair. Eye colors are blue, green, brown. The aryan sub-race never developed blonde hair.
The only caucasian sub-race which did was the german(nordic) sub-race.

Ther aryan sub-race has nothing to do with the german(nordic) sub-race other than the fact they all belong to the same main race.
When National Socialist Germany mentioned the aryans they were referring to the culture and religion of them. Usually Hinduism.

The Allies/jews after the war redefined the word and the topic all together to create an anti-german, german guilt culture.
It got out of hands and now it is being used all over the world against caucasians.

The uneducated neo-nationalsts adopted the false definition and now spreading misinformation with them.

Now for the picture you posted.
That is a linguistic map. An outdated one at that. Simply because linguistic studies didn't advance at all since the 19th century.
But this is a different topic.

I think the sudden appearance of germans and the fall of Roman Empire is very interesting topic regarding Europe.

The theory that the Baltics and Fins have the highest amount of yamnaya ancestry - despite not even being indo-european - sounds faulty. Something else is going on here. Something is being misclassified, or Yamnaya-like ancestry has multiple sources and is not necessarily IE ancestry.

Do you shills not realize how old such a concept actually is?

Also, Ares, God of War.

They lied about a lot of things in (((school))), it would seem.

Why are turks below niggers then?

Lucky for you, im a specialist in the fall of the Roman Empire. You have no idea hoe much info is withheld.

Alright. salinsky says blame others for your actions?

The Jews call whites and blonds inbred or dumb when they're inbred themselves.

Muh sides.

It depends vastly by region. Mexico has 30% non-mixed indians and 50% mestizos remainder white, Paraguay is 95% mestizo, Uruguay and Argentina are mostly White, Colombia and Venezuela have Black populations, some Caribean islands are majority Black, most of the rest don't have any niggers, they died off and were genetically absorbed into another population.

Funny enough under the Spaniard caste system in the New World it took only three generations for an Indian to "white" their line by marrying only whites, whereas with niggers it was at least 5 generations.

Sudden my ass. Caesar fought Germanic peoples in his Gallic Wars.

Dubs confirm, but most of mixed breed never take it.

Nice dubs, brother. How about you enlighten us while I check your digits?

isnt that interesting to you?
to me, very

Earlier thread full of info just got 404'd
Heres some repost.

That's pretty trippy. Tyr is an awesome band btw.

Saturday is not "Saturn's" day. The roman week was 9 days, Germanic week has always been 7 since earliest the Bronze Age. Just like in modern German Wednesday has been turned into "Mittwoch" in English a similar thing happened to Saturday. The middle-english equivalent was Zedarday, named after the Germanic deity Cedar/Seater. Known to the Teutonics as Crodu/Crod.

Friday is not named after the Vanir Freya, they're all Aesir. Friday is named after Thor's mother Frigga. Odin and Fricka being the couple producing Donar.

Each Aesir does have a rune which goes along with them, if you can figure out which goes to which and implement the fixes, your days will be more powerful. Vanir don't have runes , that I know of because you can't call upon them.

Check out De Diis Germanis from 1648 or Cimbrische Heyden-Religion 1691. It is a strange coincidence after the Protestants declared themselves separate from Rome so many started writing down what they could find out about the old powers. Of course in the 1500-1600s usually deriding and making fun of these deities, but over the centuries that has slowly been evolving.

What motivates you to say such retarded things

According to the Nostratic theory, the Indo-European and Finno-Ugric language groups are closely related. The two branches would initially have had very similar genes. When the test says Yamnaya, it could really be detecting Nostratic rather than Indo-European.

Just because of the spread of the name change doesn't mean it was always that way. Just because you are now in the green of this picture does not mean you were never in the blue.

Like my example of now in Modern-German Wednesday is Mittwoch (mid week) just like Zedarday became "washing day" and then in then for the low-germanics Saturn's day but it was once Krod's Day.

projection is the main staple in a jews tool box

Fun fact about Ares, the Greeks said he was born of the Getae, a Geatish migration before the Goths.

Even more mysterious than the quick expansion of the Germanics is the formation of the Slavic ethnic group. In theory they were unified under one language in the 500s, yet no record of any expansion or empire exists.

Are italians aryan?

Could you give us some, then? I'm a huge sucker for withheld information.

Explain how 99% of miscegenation is white females having a black's child and they act and look more like a nigger than a white, every time.

I backpacked through India and I noticed very clear distinctions, physical and mental ones between the pajeets of the North and the dark slow ones of the South.

Glad to finally know why.

Also the high caste Indians may as well have been their own race, they're so light and they're so objectively better than the others it's like night and day and the night are gypsies which was supposedly their lowest caste they had until they expelled them.

(my mother was a kid in the 60's and she told me about the big push for white-female/black-male race mixing propaganda when the jews stated the forced (((busing))) shit)




pretty much this. I get worked up when I see supposed nationalists using the word Aryan for themselves or for the rest of the whites.

Why the fuck would you listen to kike academics? Aryan was originally used as a term for all Indo-Europeans (who were all originally white) you dumb faggot.

folktalk shit

I am not indo-euroshit. This is fiction.

Have you seen a white nigger before?


1) depends on the country. Some countries in South America do have some pockets of ethnic purity. You’ll find more whites in a place like Colombia than a Central American country. It’s also why I hate the term “Hispanic” because it’s not a fucking race unless it’s meant to replace “mestizo / mischling” in which I would understand the usage.

2) Not all Caucasians are “white” especially those with Mediterranean DNA and especially with Mediterranean DNA that live in a place that’s sunny year round like South America.

From all the Colombians I’ve met they seem to have an arrogance about them that they’re better than people from other South American countries which I think has to do with them seeing themselves more as Spaniards and less as “Hispanic”. Just an observation though. They do come over illegally looking for gibs and defending other spics though so fuck em. I can’t understand how a tall olive skinned person can look at a dark skinned midget and think they are the same people.

Finno-Ugric is an oriental language group from Siberia.

Meh. Argies, Chileans and Uruguayans think they're better because of being more or less white, Peruvians have their pride because of their Inca past, ditto with the Bolivians… all Latinos have their own pride about something or another.

>The Aryans (called Indo-Europeans by modern (((scholars)))
This is the thing I hate most. You always have some wannabe-intelligent leftist going "Hitler believed in the Aryan race but the Indians are the real Aryans :^)" and you have to explain to them that Aryan means Indo-European and that this was a tribe that branched off into India, Iran and Europe and conquered the locals and instituted a government and rule of law, which was why they were the master race.

The Indo-Europeans were an ethno-linguistic group of people who according to the Kurgan hypothesis lived around 6000 - 4000 BC in an area corresponding to modern day Ukraine, Russia and Georgia.
They spread out in all directions and intermixed with whatever people lived there.
Everywhere outside of Europe, they slowly degenerated into mud people. Sorry muds, you aren't white.
Genetics don't just stop changing over millennia, even if you would like to catch a ride on the saddle of northern European genetic superiority by grouping yourself with them. Any white nationalist will laugh at you if you even try making this kind of argument.

Roughly agree, but always be aware that white ≠ Aryan. E.g. Scandinavics are very white, but not very Aryan, due to the high admixture of the I1 haplotype.


Haplogroups means almost nothing. They're only useful to trace movements of peoples.
Autosomal DNA is the important one.

The "intermixing" happened mostly in the 7th century and beyond.
Before that, since the earlier expansions, those places remained pretty much "Aryan".

explain how 99% of miscegenation is Asian females having a beta whites child and they act and look more like a mentally ill psycho than a normal white child, every time

Ask yourself why the majority of blondes are female (80+%), women determine the survival of our race, or any race for that matter. Then again nobody here comprehends how genes work.

Beta Asian Females having the children of Beta White Males. HMMMM I WONDURRRR WHATS GON HAPPEN?

Two trash tier people create scum, the only difference between them and say trash you'd find in rural America…is that they are racemixed.

If the Mother just so happens to be hot, yet she is cruel and FUCKED IN THE HEAD, then no shit you're gonna have crazed HAPA kids who hate themselves.

They are a fucking sad meme at this point.

Non-sequitur. Yes, they trace movements and specifically the male line of influence (Y-DNA) - how is that "almost nothing"? That is very important information.

You're retarded.

Who is Ing?

Also, Odinn and Odr mean the same thing and both are described in the same way. While there's practically no information on Odr besides him being a mirror image of Odinn. It's not big of a stretch to assume they're the same.
Thor's mother is Earth (I forget the old form of the word) by the way.


NO, We wiene keningen. We are Fryans the descendends of Frya as is written in the Oera Linda Bok.

Mysterium Fasces about the OLB

Jan Ott at Red Ice about the OLB

Jan Ott at ACN about the OLB

Summary of "Chronicles from pre-Celtic Europe: (Survivors of the Great Tsunami)"

Saved From The Flood Documentary

The English Sandbach Translation of The Oera Linda Bok

Bump for world-wide-diversity. Miscegenation is a crime against humanity.


For historical evolution, we should not mix with/remove people of different ethnic groups. The evolutionary process is something we can learn from. Anti-Miscegenation/ethn*states would suffice.

Here's some nordic/aryans

The fuck? Where the fuck did you get that tismo?

Finally someone who actually knows what the Aryan phenotype is

may have to do with your meme picture that you posted. Beauty can be seen in all sub-races. Even despite not being as progressive as europeans with cranial structure.

Plus many subraces exist in europe

Mussolini was a alpinoid-med. Note the flat back of the skull.

The look of surprise on Aughra's face that her image was used?

More on-topic. Cranial capacity plays a huge role in IQ. The theory I think that is the most plausible is the neader-aryan. The pure aryans had elongated skulls, it wasn't until the mixing with neanderthal DNA that you see the progressive skull of a robust nordid. This robust skull structure gives an increase cranial capacity with the occipital bun.

Anglo skull structure resembles the long-headed aryan that I'm talking about. This is why the gap between the anglo and the celtic is so huge with IQ historically speaking. Celts have a relative short forehead and small cranial capacity.

And this does also reflect with asians as well. Mongoloid skull structure typically has a larger cranial capacity and it correlates with their IQ. However, with that being said. Asians have a more stable IQ with a higher average. The europeans have a more radical IQ (more intellectual retards and more geniuses) and a lower average IQ

You know that thing is a kikess right?

If you don't know about Tarim basin and the tocharians. Start reading!


Have to agree with the full house. Look up the civilization that existed around 10,500 B.C. more like before kike amirite lel. Either at the end or beginning of the Younger Dryas period? Can't remember now, but if those "conspiracy theories" are true, the Indo-Europeans that made up that civilization were fucking badasses. I'll gladly take being a descendant of that lineage even if it means some Northern poo-in-loos share the same heritage.

Pajeet please. Learn to poo in the loo first.

Sorry for being a lazyfag, but is this related to my post in

Horseshit. Those sponge-brained gimps cheat to artificially inflate their scores. The container is huge, the filling is light and fluffy.

Asians cheat across the board and are only good at copying others.

I always hear this. But when they take an official IQ test and score higher, come on now. At the end of the day it comes down to personal anecdotal experience vs. official IQ test

Besides, IQ isn't even what makes a race special. What good did the IQ do for the Asiatic people if they do not have creativity to invent things?


Huge understatement, check this out.




Check this one out:

and this

AND ITS LIKE IT NEVER EXISTED. It was literally the largest settlement in the world for its time. Take note that babylon only had a population of 60k in 1,500BC. This shit predates it 3,000-4,000 years.


Fucking history, man. Did we cross over into some other timeline or has Aryan dominance just always been ignored for (((reasons)))? It always blew my mind how most of us were taught some dumbass fucks in the fertile crescent birthed civilization… yeah, let's just go with the story that Europeans were barbaric fucks and all of the sudden birthed the biggest-titted, rockin', show-stoppin' culture of all time…

I think it was always just well known before this cultural retardation set in the past 100-150 years or so. It was much harder for (((them))) to manipulate all of history because the technology didn't exist to facilitate such a vast inherent conspiracy that they bring with them everywhere they go. It was far more convenient to focus on specialties that kept them from getting pogomed and to live a life free of hardship while contributing artificially to the host culture.

Since the times of the Smithsonian in the mid-1800's technology has finally caught up to not only discover ancient proofs, but to cover them up, which they've done systematically by either hiding it or destroying it. The jews live on a lie they tell themselves until they believe it as truth, but the lie is malleable while the truth is not. So long as everyone remains convinced on their lie no matter how much evidence comes forward they can always keep shifting the lie.

Spengler takes it one step further with the badassness across the world. He goes as far as to say nobody living in their respective culture has much of anything to do with the ancestors that came, saw, and conquered it because race is more then skin deep. The spirit is what builds and binds the human material into a race.

Can Anglo-Saxons be Nords? What is an Anglo-Saxon? Would the ancestors of Anglos and Saxons be pissed to see it's a single group today?

Disregard the pseudo-fellatio, but damn good post. Very on point with:

We absolutely have to regain that identity as a people if we are to survive, succeed, and, ultimately, dominate (again). In my personal opinion, it can be hard to remain focused on the goal because one gets swept up by the blackpills that exist all around us. What're some ways a regular guy can reconnect with that ancient spirit? apart from lifting, reading (although I always welcome reading material suggestions), etc… I take to heart the phrase I've seen here many a time: don't wait for Hitler, be Hitler. And in the same vein, if not you, then who? It's up to us, and we need to share the wealth of information on how to not only harden our bodies, but our minds and our spirits as well.

germanic tribe. particularly from north germany in what we would consider denmark today.
MAYBE. This is not black and white because jutland/denmark is a bridge from germany to the nordic people. The anglo-saxons lived on that bridge.

The germanic people and nordic people are obviously two groups that we sometimes cluster inappropriately. It is important to note not only did they have cultural differences from religion (odin/norse mythology) but they even had a different skin tone/cranial shape. many Germanic people even have gold-bronze skin (lighter than mediterannids). However, some of the more isolated groups (in the north) are not as mixed with other phenotypes. This explains why the Scandinavians (Britons/nordics) have the palest skin color in the world. The 'German' People come from the Nordic Race, Mediterranean Race, Alpine Race, Dinaric Race, East Baltic Race and Phalian Race. They are not what hitler would have thought of. If you ever look into the HRE you can see just how bountiful the racial differences were within the german community.

Those"dumbass fucks iin the Fertile Crescent" were White. Learn your history before you talk.

Well, if you'll read my post in you'll see that I am aware of "history", but were they really the same people? Thousands of years later?

Not him, but don't use the term white. They had a caucasian skull and many semetic tribes from arabs to jews and also indo-european/iranian people like Scythians/persians.

But to argue his point. All that I posted (>>10846678)
predates the fertile cresent for 3,000+ years and had the largest population in the world for its time.

Look at my post right above this . After 10,500 B.C., were the proto-Ayrans that existed in these regions really the same people by the time the "fertile crescent" period rolled around? Maybe, maybe not. Not an anthropologist or whatever the fuck you need to be to determine that.

I would say 'no'. We can only trace aryans back to the caucus mountains 10-11000BCE. But if you are saying proto-aryan, you're think that they migrated from asciatic culture… settled ukraine/eurasia and migrated back to fertile crescent? I just don't think so. Anything is possible but the aryans are a mystery in that we can only trace them back 12,000 years ago.

pic related oldest swastika in the world (found in ukraine, suprise!)

ignore by shit formatting

Interesting. I wonder what info Hitler and the boys dug up, no pun intended. Could be an interesting point that others have made recently due to the (((JFK leaks))) in terms of NS Germany losing the war provided modern man with the "legend" to continue our struggle and fight. Hard to reconcile that failure was a better option than victory, but I can agree with the basic argument.

Just observing these nice ass digits
Nice. But, let's use these to bring up a real Native American tribe, the Hopi. Too much of a lazyfag to do more research, but they used the swastika in their symbolism, and I'm pretty sure they claimed some of their gods were "pale faced". Whites = gods.

The issue I have is that these people are not aryan. They did not carry a swastika. So it is a mystery and I have no answer for this.

You may be interested in this though:

They are the whitest and most handsome of all the people that I have seen in Indies, and their wives were so beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Incas' wives and to also be taken to the Sun Temple (…) The women and their husbands always dressed in woolen clothes and in their heads they wear their llautos, which are a sign they wear to be known everywhere.

The chachapoya talk about a greater civilization that was before their time. They built their city over the ruins of a superior fallen society. You can tell just by looking at the primitive stone cutting they used while compared to the earlier society. pic related

anyone have a map of the percentage of people with freckles in europe? i'm curious if it's only common among celts

Not sure the map you are looking for but this is the best I can find. Red hair and freckles are thought to be created by the same gene variant. The melanocortin-1-receptor gene is the major freckle gene Melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R). This gene also correlates with r1b DNA so these two maps should more or less give you an idea where freckles are located. That spot in central russia is the udmurt people.

Fuck off gook.

No nigger, that's pink.

You may need better reading comprehension, or you may be the radically low IQ euro-subraces. Asians have higher IQ but lack creativity and geniuses. It's a double edgesword because on the positive they have less retards.

two on the right are golden. One on the left has more nordic/western skin.

Do you want me to tell you how I know you're american?

Are you actually fool enough to believe that Mesopotamian Civilization was a Semite creation?



Bruce Lee was 1/4 german, 3/4 chinese, and far from beta. It really comes down to the culture and upbringing. The culture in the west these days is rotten, broken down, and poisonous. So you get the broken kids, and you get them that way even without miscegenation. Just look at all the white SJW and meth-heads running around the USA.

American Indians and Europeans have the same Brain size per cubic centimeter so how did Euro's become world conquerors while American Indians became teepee niggers?

Not really. Ancient China was pretty awesome. Then the culture changed, communism (jews) happened, and things went south.

I'm fairly ignorant on the topic but doesn't blonde hair naturally occur in the Irish/Celts as well? Or is that due to swedish genes from Viking raids?

I'm no expert, so it remains my personal theory. But I wonder who much of Asian IQ can be traced back to Confucius? As Confuciusim was, among other things, an early attempt at eugenics for intellectual qualities. When ever anyone thinks of smart Asian it's usually Chinese or Japs. Both heavily influenced by Confuciusim and not the nigger chinks of Indonesia or one of them other hell holes.

I'm not sure. But if I had to guess I'll atribute this to asiatic nature of having a stable IQ. A race without geniuses and retards. Same can be said about asians. Who have a higher IQ than most whites. Why were they not as successful or more successful than europeans? They did not have Isaac newton, davinci, radical IQ geniuses are much more rare within their community.


Gauls often had blond hair, so probably.

From an evolutionary point of view, both war and cold climates tend to breed a smarter man. As the dumber in the herd die off from lack of planning for colder months and as cannon fodder. The more peaceful Indian tribes would just run from the more savage ones where as in Europe you can only run so far till you need to develop better weapons and defenses then the attackers. Not to mention a pure Aryan bloodline in Europeans. The thought among some schools is that humanity has seen numerous catalclisim in our past. And the remaining civilization had to rebuild from some earth shaking disaster. This is presumably where myths like Atlantis come from. Nazi ideology, as I understand it, believes that the Aryans where among such survivers that hid in cave system's and emerged when it was safe. This helps explain Aryan symbols being found in different locations around the world. And supports the hollow earth theory. Which unlike some YouTubers may claim isn't that the earth is totally hollow and had some sun in the middle but rather that vast cave system's stretch the earth. Allowing distant areas to be connected through cave networks.

"Puerer" bloodline not totally pure. Forgive me enterner I'm ten beers deep.

please. Don't.

Blame modern dysgenics and the whole "it's not cool to be smart" attitude (((they))) have instilled in most of our people for the wide variance in our IQ.

How does that even add up? I'm not sure when anti-intelligence propaganda started appearing in the (((media))) so let's just chalk it up to around the 50's and 60's because that's about when all this other shit started. I don't think that's enough time to fuck with our IQ's.

You're good.

Don't… what? What he said is, so far, all true.

I think you two are neglecting the fact europe has many subraces with different IQ levels. We even had pygmy people that existed around modern day france that were enslaved by the elite and forced into labor. Their IQ without a doubt was less than average.

People seem to forget europe isn't "white". The celtic people historically have one the lowest IQs throughout european history. But today we just casually brush that part of history off since many people (myself included) are descendants of celts.

See this post

And further about the pygmy people they were NATIVE to europe and there is not much known about them. Unfortunately I have forgotten their name, so if anyone has a link I would appreciate it. I have looked everywhere

okay. I'll keep an open mind. So hollow earth is about caves.. you don't actually the center is hollow right?

and how does this view relate to flat earth theory?

Don't bump threads full of lunatics.
There's already an Aryan thread too.

A flat, hollow Earth? Is our planet an empty calzone?

fuck if I know I don't believe this shit. That's what I'm asking.

The Hopi tribe (believed by some of our resident occultists to be some of the Aincent Atlantians) have a myth that they were forced out of the inner-earth when a great flood was created. There are some variations on this story, it an orally-transmitted story. Almost all versions include a giant "spider" helping them escape.

Embed related is part one of an artistic film that anylizes the aincent origins of man, begining with the Hopi.


but user, thats retarded.

Why is such a thing retarded. The Hopi culture can be traced back to the same time as when Gilgamesh was a contemporary figure (hundreds of years before the Jews stole the epic and made it into the tale of Noah and his arc) and the explanation of a "giant spider" could easily be aincent technology that has long been lost to memory, resembling spiders. The Hopi use the symbol of the Swastica (similar to the Celtic Swastica) and they look rather white except for their skin tone.

They were also civilized, their aincents creating roads and communities like the Pueblo, making adobe buildings. They had, before European contact, a democratic form of Government.

These are all characteristics of Western Civilization.

Angel, a Hopi Girl, photographed by Edward S Curtis (c. 1905). If this girl did not have such dark skin, she could be considered White.


More Hopi women with White Features, not the product of mixed-breeding.

Image one, "Hopi Girl" by Edward Curtis, 1922. Image Two, "Hopi Woman" by Edward Curtis, 1922.

These females have even lighter skin than the "Angel" image, and have many white characteristics. The Hopi are, if the Atlantian Myth is true, Aincent Atlantians. Whether their legend on the hollow earth and the "spider" is, that requires more research. Fundementally, however, these people also have an epic about an aincent flood occuring which caused a great change in humanity, as many Proto-Europeans had as well as Mesopotanian cultures.

bump with "Hopi woman dressing hair of unmarried girl" by Henry Peabody (1900). The Hopi also have high rates of Albino-ism, 1 in 200. They are aincent whites.

Nope. You're off by thousands of years.

Gilgamesh was sometime between 2800 to 2500 BC.

Hopi only go back to the 12th century AD, at most. Before then they were probably cannibal Anasazi.

That is when they first made European Contact, and it was actually the 16th century. The history of the Aincesteal Puelo people (the Anasazi, as you say) dates as far back to 7000-1500BCE. Keep in mind that this is all the tribes history. The Hopi, if the Aicnent Atlantian myths are true, did not necasarilly co-exist with the Pueblo for the entire history of the valley. In fact, they were waring tribes for long periods of time.

They built community, they built primitive brick houses, they built roads. The Hopi were civilized.

If the Hopi later came into the Pueblo lands in the time of the Aincents, it is very likley that they were the civilizers whom taught the Pueblo how to build their Adobe homes.

assuming all of what you said is true (Which its not). How exactly does this go back to platos atlantis?


And those brick houses can't be described as primitive if they work exceedingly well for the environment they were in.

So you're saying wetbacks are White?
Hopi are an Uto-Aztecan people.


The Hopi and Aztecs are both Uto-Aztecans, just as the British and Russians are both Indo-Europeans. They have common roots with wet backs.

It should also be noted that the estimate of the reign of Gilgamesh being between 2800 and 2500 BCE assumes the story to be native to Mesopotania. Gilgamesh the man may be, but gilgamesh the story has possiblity of using the name of Gilgamesh as the protaginist illigitimately (perhaps because the epic was written under his rule?)

You don't say Pharoah Akhenatem was actually Moses because of the works of Josephus and Freud.

You replied as I was draftin and extention to my post. Plato did not invent Atlantis, he merly used it as analogy. The thought that Plato "invented" the Atlantis myth is due to suppression of Atlantian study by you-know-whom. Many other cultures and aincent religious movements mention it, especially ancient Hermetic study (oppressed by the Cathloc Church of Rome), and Hermes (Trismegus), native to Egypt in the time on Amenhotep, son of Hapu. This man was later worshiped as a God.

Plato does not claim it as fictional either. Plato claims that the story of Atlantis was heard by Solon in Egypt, and became an Oral story. Hellanicus of Lesbos used "Atlantis" before plato. Oxyrhynchus Papytus 11, 1359 makes mention to Atlantis.

There was very high probability that the flood was real, there is very high probability that this resulted in a mass migration in human population, and there is a very high possibility that these people led to various cultues around the world. I recall seeing on History Channel that a group of archeologists found in the middle of the Pacific Ocean a series of apparently chissled rock covered in what vaguely resembled runes. The history of the planet is confirmed to have had massive flood periods, as well as movements in the earth's rotation leading to the change of climate. It's not an outlandish idea.

The Aztecs claim that their society was founded by White Men whom in their art resemble Europeans and the Spaniards were awestruck at this. The Aztecs have Pyramids similar to that in Egypt. The Aztecs thought that the Spaniards were Gods and this is why they did not attempt to fight them and invited them in to their society more easily than other Mesoamerican Cultures.

Columbus was 1492.

And I guarantee the Greenlanders never made it to the four corners region.
Nope. The Anasazi only go back to 700 AD at the furthest.

If it isn't mesopotamian, then it's even older than 2800 BC, which makes your claim that it was contemporaneous with the Hopi even more ridiculous.

you share common roots with half negroes, should I call you a Mulatto?

Proto-Europeans migrated to the Americas far before the Vikings did. My belief is that many Indian tribes are the product of Micegination with these Proto-Europeans and the later migration of Orientals accross the berring straight. These "Europeanoids" do not nessasarily need to hail from Europe if the Atlantian myth is true.

Citation: telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9110838/Stone-age-Europeans-were-the-first-to-set-foot-on-North-America.html

What is your citation? My (sadly) limited study shows that indeginous people inhabited the area since at least 7000 BCE

He does not. Out-of-Africa is disproved.

Dummy, I'm referring to the half-white heritage of the aforementioned Mulattoes.

Note your use of the term PROTO-europeans. And that entry into the Americas happened thousands upon thousands of years before even the mesopotamian cultures. We're talking full on ice age. Long before Europeans were even really Europeans, and definitely before Europe received any Aryan input. So your dates are even more off. Ridiculously off. By more than ten thousand years this time.

Tree ring dating, among other methods. We can place any structure in the four corners area to the very year it was built.

Four corners archaeology is solid, but not widely published because the cannibalism thing hurts Hopi feefees.
But they weren't Anasazi. They would have been Oshara, who were predominately seasonally nomadic hunters and gatherers and only nominally agriculturalists (and also probably cannibals). They cultivated corn, but didn't have actual farms or settlements. Ot's more that they planted corn to optimize their next year's nomadic hunting and gathering. They didn't even work out how to make pots until about 400 AD, which was around the time Rome was bailing out of England.

No actually they're very useful, especially on the scale of populations, rather than individuals. Sure, the Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups only trace an individual's patrilineal and matrilineal ancestors, but test a whole population and what you have is a good understanding of the origin of that population in general..

Another slaws are not white thread

I, too, am an historian specialized in the fall of the roman empire, especially about Gaul in the late roman/merovingian period.

What info do you have that is withheld? I know that the majority of historians are like "germans weren't really germans, you stupid goy" but i know there's something wrong with that approach. Can you point me out to some """redpilled""" historian, if there is any?

(sorry for shitty english)

How the fuck does that imply Slavs aren't white? learn how to read you fuckwit.

And we have American Niggers with R1b.
Your point? Nothing.



So, since humans are obviously not one species, what would be the most accurate classification? That each race is a different genus?

fun fact i learned a while back. Caucasians where in the Tarim basin over 2000 years ago.

They are one species. The most genetic distance among Humans is 38.63% between the Onge peoples and the Mbuti peoples.
Species are classified with more than 40% genetic difference.
But there are Races, for sure.>>10860653

>Homo sapiens sapiens - Species
>Caucasoid - Race
>European - Sub-Race
>British -

why is the swastika so pleasing to the eye


It's better than you think – They were ROMANS!

Actually no.

They were part of the indo-european migrations, they're more specifically known as the Scythians and the Tocharians.

The offspring between tigers and lions is much the same as the offspring between Abos and Europeans - severely deformed, usually infertile, etc. Also, compare different crow species - they're far more similar to each other than human races, or at the very least equally similar.

Clearly, Neanderthals are the ubermensch of all the hominids. My favorite Cleve quote is as follows:
""The race does not go to the beautiful, smartest, most creative, most handsome, strongest or most agile in life. Evolution does not favor the "good" and punish the "bad." You don't understand what is being talked about. It normally goes to tapeworms and parasitic dung eating opportunists who find shortcuts around all of that.

You must have missed the hardcore scientific evidence that has now spilled out that not only is Homo Sapiens physically smaller in both brain and muscle mass but that every single thing that has been identified as being constructed by him over the past 40,000 years looks like sh*t thrown into a blender while it was turned on.

His weapons, artwork, culture, crafts and habitations seem like the work of children wherever we have Neanderthals to compare with. Imagine a mob of evil rape mongoloids who have throwing arms like Joe Dimaggio and breeds like locusts. The police, fire and rescue crews can't believe this retarded bitch is killing them from thirty meters away with a rain of spears. After all, these are just retards. Yet every time they try to arrest the evil mob of rape retards a hail of deadly spears cuts them down. Nobody can believe it and when you blink there are hundreds more.

This is how the Neanderthal felt. He probably could not fathom how a retarded ass-monkey could possibly prevail against him when he had six times their physical strength and ten times their agility as a warrior. It didn't matter. They always attacked in groups at least 300 strong and just turned the air into a rain of spears everywhere you looked. The Neanderthal never had a chance to fight any of these creatures. They were no warriors and they had no honor. They were evil spear-chucking rape retards and nothing could stop them. They swept over Europe like a zombie invasion and their hideous women dropped litters on the ground as they walked behind them. The mighty Neanderthal's only hope to prevail against this demonic horde was to develop air-cooled fan belt fed machine guns and manufacture bullets a thousand rounds a day. Their technology just could not catch up quickly enough to save them from the drooling horde of the rape retard armies."

Have any other seemingly accurate Neanderthal depictions, or modern people with Neanderthal traits? Most seem to either depict hybrids or just default to the "they looked like apes" bullshit.

Strongmen are overwhelmingly Neanderthal like in appearance. There are four types of Neanderthal that Cleve identifies, they being the Amud, the Mousterian, the Denisovan, and the Soluterian/Clovis. Steve Wozniak is a good example of a mousterian, Snowden being a good example for Amuds, Cleve himself looks like an admixture between Amud and Mousterian, Denisovans are just "asian" neanderthals, and Clovis I don't really know. The last two also fall into the Mousterian/Amud mixture. Neanderthals have a characteristic "warble" to their voice. Just listen to Wozniak and you'd be able to identify it.

The neanderthal man is a hoax. A jawbone from an ape was found and then a skull was constucted from the imagination of a faggot like you.


Actually no.
Negros and Negritos look very alike in appearance, but they're completely different genetically.
Also, the genetic distance between an Englishman and an Abbo is 34% slightly lower than the other.

We've been decreasing in Neanderthal DNA for a long time now.
Record findings of the Oase 1 man was of 6% Neanderthal.
Today we're only about 1.5~2.0% Neanderthal and we have been selecting for excluding their ancestry from us, as it seems that many diseases are linked to it.

Those percentages are cherrypicked from mixed individuals who aren't even entirely Neanderthal. Varg has plenty of good videos about the topic:

Varg is an idiot. He thinks the "2%" Neanderthal thing is from the whole DNA.
Let me explain that for you:

An African man is 99.7% equal to a Neanderthal genetically, and he has 0% Neanderthal ancestry.
Which means that "Humans" in general were already very similar to Neanderthals, but 0.3% different.

Now, Europeans are 99.72% equal to a Neanderthal genetically, why? Because, of that 0.3% exclusivity, it is 98% sapiens and 2% Neanderthal.

It's a small number, that Varg and his literal Autistic (she said it herself) Wife misinterpreted enormously.
Don't think of Neanderthals as looking like Europeans: They didn't have Light eyes, their hair was either Red-hair or exclusively Black (it's not known for sure), it's not known if they were light or dark skinned and they probably were covered in fur.

That's very disingenuous.
Also with the autism (aspergers) and ADD: rdos.net/eng/asperger.htm

They never said that sameness meant exclusivity, and in a few of Varg's videos he points out that all the samples have been from mixed individuals - not pure Neanderthals. You need to understand that the establishment hides the truth - even ancient populations from more recent times (Ancient New Zealand, America, etc.) are often not tested under grounds of "respecting the natives", even when the skulls are clearly European.

Hivemind, I was about the post the rdos link.

from what i read, apparently the Parthians tried very hard to limit communication between the two. it does seem however that roman emissaries had arrived in china by the 200's. they had started trading Roman glass and Chinese silk by 100.

Interestingly the Chinese refereed to the roman empire as Daqin which means "Great Qin" with Qin being the first empire of china, presumably being a recognition of their power being on par with china's. they also viewed it as a as a utopia at some point.

There are some texts where they talk about Rome's government, though they got this indirectly through Parthia.

Christ, let's start.

so by your logic Africans are 99.7% exclusively Neanderthal? (equality and sameness are synonyms)

No, Africans and Neanderthals are 99.7% the same.
Of the 0.3%, Europeans aren't 100% sapiens, they have 98% exclusive sapiens and 2% exclusive Neanderthal.
Which means, of that 0.3%
0.294% is Sapiens and 0.006% is Neanderthal.

Meaning that, while Africans are 99.7% the same as Neanderthals, Europeans are 99.706% the same as Neanderthals.

The number I'm using is 2%, as 4% is an older number proved to be too much and wrong therefore.


For what purpose, you fucking faggot?

Reported. How the fuck weren’t you banned or refuted before this? There is greater genetic distance between the “races” of humanity than of all other SPECIES distinctions in other animals.

so you are saying…. only 0.3% of europeans have 2% neanderthal DNA?

how come each test has two answers? their differences from the the first test is huge and shows how inaccurate it is.

Does your dumb ass realise that magyars migrated to Europe during the 9th century?

Why'd they shoah gypsies, then?

Take a gander at the column to the right of the FST number and you’ll see why.

so they didn't even test the same thing. with humans they didn't test mtdna. why are you comparing the test?

Make a thread about it

basically this

No, but Pajeet is

You're retarded. To your little brain:
Europeans have 0.006% Neanderthal DNA, compared to 0.000% in Africans.

You're also retarded. The First two comparison are analysing the whole DNA, and the Neanderthal and Erectus ones are comparing just the mtDNA, which isn't even part of our body, but of a pseudo-bacteria living inside our cells, it isn't even our DNA.
Kill yourself, retard.

that is bullshit 23andme said I was 2% neanderthal dna. gtfo schlomo

Where does that leave basques? Does that mean that we are not aryan? Or does it simply imply different roots.
Also are there non-compromising ways to prove "pure" genetics?

2% of 0.3%

Basques are a people who retained the Language and Culture of "Old Europe" (pre-Aryan Europe, inhabited by the Early European Farmers) or maybe even from the Hunter Gatherer Times.
Now, directly or indirectly, Basques have about 20% Aryan DNA still.


So that implies that peoples such as Basques are descended from different groups than people such as Nords or Germanics, I assume. What would be the correct placement of these pre-aryan groups be within an ideal national socialist society, would they still be placed at the same rank as a Nord or Germanic?
Also I've heard that Basques are extremely genetically similar to Celtics (for example, the Irish). What would even be the cause of this? Did one descend from another?
Basically, does that mean, I wuz not kings?

Basques kicked away OR survived those:
- Rival tribes (Cantabrians)
- Romans
- Suebians
- Goths
- Muslims
- French
- Spaniards
- The NWO (Basque country is filled with post-modern shit to erode their culture, yet their traditions are untouched)

Basques are what any Aryan should aspire to be. A testament that thousands of years go through, traditions remain.

They're Celtiberian, which means they are Aryan.

Basques predate European recorded history, but changed significantly after the Cantabrian Wars (Asturians/Cantabrians fled to Basque territory and assimilated with locals). After that, they adopted some Roman culture to avoid being wiped out like their neighbours.

Can't you read, subhuman?

They're not Celtiberians.

So did the Aryans. Again, as I said, Basques are culturally and linguistically like either the Early European Farmers (pre-Aryans) or the European Hunter Gatherers (pre-Early European Farmers).
But genetically? They're very close to Northern Spanish people.
Wrong in many ways.

lmao. are you serious right now?

Well, if you were smart enough I would give you the geneticist link.

Thank you for the response, this is all very interesting. I hope to learn more about our European heritage and backgrounds in order to best preserve it.

Read on celtic culture and compare it then. The facts are there. Basques are from the same cultural group from Celts pre-Roman occupation in Great Britain. They took on their touch after separating from them, but when you compare it with Dumnonian, Welsh and Breton archeological findings of the same period, you'll find lots of similarities. Which is why they are celtiberian.

But please go ahead and keep telling me im wrong without explaining reasons nor giving sources. Or you can read on Cantabrian, Asturian and Basque literature pre and post-Roman occupation and then compare with other movements of northern Spain.

There's a reason those people want independence, and the main reason is they are different from spaniards. The DNA similarities go further the more traditional the family is.

To help you, this is a PCA of Caucasoids.
A PCA measures the genetic distance among peoples, how much they're the same or different.

See these maps? Basques aren't Celts.
The Celts managed to conquer every people of the Iberian peninsula, except the Basques (Vasconians, Aquitanians).
A people who were in a similar position were the Etruscans and Rhaetians of Italy.

Basques are what the Celts would be if they managed to stay in an isolated community. If corruptions to Celtic lineages happened to other people, Basques didn't.

Not at all. The Celts came from the East, from France and Germany, from a primordial culture called Unetice.

Basques are genetically similar to pre-Aryan Europe (which means pre-Celtic), but they still have 20% of Aryan ancestry nonetheless.

Then explain the similarities in culture and religion. Why Basques had the same culture and architecture. Why they even went into warfare the same way. If your culture is not celtic, then it must be something else. And it isnt. I dont want to nitpick this, but theres a lot of confusion going on in this subject just to know who's aryan and who isnt. A cultural group that resisted just about everything humanity could throw at it deserves respect, and if you wanna go full natsoc, those guys could teach a lot, theyre a perfect ally.

No, you're mistaking fundamental things.
First, there are cultural exchanges without mixing.
Second, the Basques as a people, genetically and culturally, are older than the Celts in Iberia.

I posted this in another thread, try to understand it.
It's the basic genetic composition of Europeans.

BedouinB = Arab
EN = Early Neolithic = Early European Farmer
Nganasan = Siberian Mongoloid
WHG = European Hunter Gatherer
Yamnaya = Aryan

Celts were close to that "LNBA" guy (Late Neolithic to Bronze Age).

Your Quora link is claiming that inheriting 4% of your DNA from neanderthals gives you 99.712% in common with neanderthals.

You seem to be conflating the two numbers and implying that that means we have very little neanderthal DNA, when it's actually several percent.

Sage isn't a downboat btw

I'm begging you to, brainlet

I'm saging because this thread is low quality and I don't want to bump it.

Yes, it's 99.712% (for 4%).
Do you know that genetic test from 23andMe that you made?
It only analysed that 0.3%, from which it then gave your ancestral proportions.

The other 99.7% is equal to all humans. Equal.
That doesn't mean that 0.3% is meaningless.

For instance, remember that the Mbuti are 38% different from the Onge?
That means:
99.886% equal, 0.114% different.

So, no, we're not Neanderthals, and yes, tiny differences make all difference.

whats next are you going to show a yahoo answer page?

You can't even understand basic math, what good are you to anything?

Here, imbecile

No I don't

Inheriting 4% of your DNA is different from inheriting 0.3%. Which is it? Post source.

Everyone but you is claiming that 4% of the DNA originated with neanderthal populations. We aren't talking about a 1:1 comparison of the genomes

Sage negated, nigger

what did he mean by this?>>10873878

Christ, you're imbeciles, that's why people like to stereotype us as idiots like you guys.
Here are the Neanderthal sources:

IT'S 4% OF 0.3%
That doesn't mean 0.3% is a small number, it's a gigantic number genetically speaking.
But 4% of 0.3%? Small.

waste more of my time, schlomo? give me a better source than yahoo/quora/youttube.
and like science.sciencemag.org/content/328/5979/710 doesn't even support what you're saying

Let me stress this again: 0.3% is such a gigantic number that it separates two species from each other, the Neanderthal and the Sapiens.
The most genetic distance among living peoples is 0.114% (38%) and "4% of Neanderthal ancestry" actually only means 0.012%.

You haven't even opened the paper, have you? It says right on.
I gave you the Genetic Paper and the Geneticist full lecture.

Seriously kill yourself, mentally impaired.

Is there any way to breed back the aryan race in the future through breeding or genetic splicing if you know the pattern?

Sage negated

Remember to use a condom and avoid spreading autism

nice back peddling there rabbi

Where on the genetic paper does it support your bullshit? I don't see it ANYWHERE
fuck off

no. the aryan race is literally bullshit. they were a cock-tail of races too. on top of that the aryans were only around the persian steps, you're cousins that share a common ancestors. but "aryans" never went to europe, their cousins did.

No, unfortunately impossible because there are no modern populations who would qualify to that.
Only if in the future, genetic engineering managed to do that by taking different parts from different peoples.

waiting on that source, schlomo. you can admit you're wrong

Got it. Thanks anons.

Actually, you're wrong.

You realize that saging and negating sages are meaningless, right?
I'm just saging because this thread is not worthy to be bumped.
The other Aryan thread developed much better than this one here, specially because this one is filled with LARPers, esotericists and Varg cocksuckers.

Actually, it baffles me how can this retard here believes a nutcracker youtuber but not the geneticist itself.

You didn't even understand anything, right? 4% of 0.3% is meaningless.
Your cognitive dissonance is kicking, that's observable from here.

like the issue is you're arguing semantics. Like you even admit it>>10873923
this number is massive and it is the equivalent of 4% but not 'technically'. But seriously, check your source.

I want a source on this because it looks complete bullcrap that ignores too much and lumps too much important information together on key aspects.

no. you are wrong. the aryans are not the root. proto-indo-europeans are. aryans are merely a branch. Are you really arguing against that?

On top of that aryan is a linguistic people. not even a racial one.


also see. You can't even show me.

I will give you a 10 line apology if you can find it on the paper.

Oh, you're talking about that.
There's evidence for the first Indo-Europeans calling themselves variants of the word "Arya", such as with the Alans, Hellenes, Irish (Eirean) and the Proto-Uralics having a word for "slave" Orja (reads Aria).

It's not about semantics, but mathematics.
We're only talking about 0.3% of the Human Genome, the 99.7% of the rest is exactly the same for everyone.

So, 100% of 0.3% is 0.3%
50% of 0.3% is 0.15%
And so on.
I'll give you the paper's screenshots.

I understand what you are saying. I already know this. but 50%=0.15 like you said. Why does it matter how you express it?

Because that's what the 4% means, 4% of 0.3%.
We're not 4% Neanderthal, we're 4% of 0.3% Neanderthal.

YES! And right here
It's the exact same as 4% to 0.3% wait what
I'm retarded I'm confused now. Is this what you wanted?

so … fuck idk

so blacks are 100% homosapien?

and their DNA would be completely different. language is all the would share. (the persians would have been more genetically 'aryan' than the greeks)

Let's us say that you're 48% English, 48% French and 4% Neanderthal.
Of those 0.3%, you would be:
99.7% generic universal human
0.012% exclusively Neanderthal
0.144% exclusively English
0.144% exclusively French

No, they have 13% Homo rhodesiensis and 2% Homo erectus.

It's not.
Read this here:

It was genetically proved that the first Indo-Europeans were a genetically distinct people, the Yamnaya, the expansions were made by people labeled Steppe_EMBA and Steppe_MLBA, genetically Europeans.

I mistook the paper. This one here is from the same geneticist:

what is wrong with keeping it in this format? I really don't understand all it is moving decimals and dividing by 0.3%.
Wtf. Source? Please. That is incredible.

Oh, but I agree with you on the Bulgarian stuff. It was probably mislabeled and meant Northern Spanish or something.

Go back to reddit

Because this format gives the impression that you're talking about the Full DNA, as Varg and his wife interpreted.
But no, you're only talking about the 0.3%.

2% Homo erectus:

WHAT THE FUCK. Listen. Can I get a quick run-down on the significance of this with africans? If 4% of the (0.3) can give neanderthal phenotype/psych traits. What does 13% of rhodesiensis give?

Not well studied, because of Africa being horrible to work with, both with modern and archaic population. Not even with the Neanderthals there are significant progresses.
It seems that White skin, for instance, (or at least just "light" or "not black") is very ancestral.

Also, Australoids are generally black-skinned, but this time it might be due to their Denisovan admixture (another ancient hominid).

Can you tell me why aboriginals are so fucking retarded? Blacks are more intelligent than them.


They have a lot of Denisovan ancestry, might be that.
They also have a type of gene (DRD4 and DRD7) that gives them severe "ADHD", so they can't "focus their minds" as well as others.

So would you infer its true that the darker the skin the lower the ability to abstractly think?

Thanks for what? Also, it's outdated, it's less than 4%, about 1~2%. They made a revision very recently.
And of course, these numbers refer to 0.3%.

Also is it true that the cranial capacity of neanderthals is what gave eurasians more intelligence? And how smart were the neanderthals? is it possible they were more intelligent than homosapeins?

I don't think so. They made one study with skin here:

Fucked the link

Thanks for for the links sorry for being an ass earlier.

Do you post on apricity by chance?

Things get heated, I know. Sorry as well.
I don't post on apricity, but on Genetic blogs. I'm a geneticist myself (starting the career, I'm "nothing" as of now).

My main thing is going around Holla Forums/"Altright" blogs posting these genetic infos about the Aryans (these findings are very new, from 2015).
And I do that to fight non-scientific stuff that's posted in our medium.
You know: "Yes, the Aryans existed, but it's not because they were aliens, or from Atlantis".
And the best of all: they were indeed European.

So, my mission for now is to spread genetic info as far as I can in the /ourmovement/sphere.

Well thank you. If I had the brains to go into a field like that I would love to. I have always been fascinated with anthropology but for financial reasons I was worried about employment.

What will be the implications if the indo-aryans becomes more mainstream. The evidence can only go up here. Do you think it would be possible they were genetically more progressive than modern humans? Or no?

What is the phenomenon that caused them to be so advanced? I know the domestication of creatures led to the wheel. But domesticating a bull into a cow or a wild horse is not a task that is easy.

I have a hunch.
I have always thought it may have been from their philosophical view of life and and founding one of the world's earliest religions.

It's either Indo-Europeans, or just "Aryans". Indo-Aryans is the Indian branch.
But I don't think this will become mainstream, like, confirming all the "Nazi" theories that once there were Europeans who spread throughout Eurasia and founded Empires everywhere? Not gonna happen, the Media, the Educational System are just too pozed for that.
We have to spread it among ourselves and redpill other ourselves, and for that, we have to understand what really happened, not "aliens" stuff.

What do you mean by "progressive"? Advanced? No, they were normal people who managed to create for themselves a very powerful lifestyle which allowed them to did what they did.

Humans domesticated animals everywhere. Dogs, Cats and Cows were commonplace, in Eurasia. The Aryan master play was the Horses.
Now, a phenomenon that allowed them to be advanced? I don't think there were any, but where they lived.
They lived in the Steppes - a vast greenery, which allowed for the Horses and Carts to move freely - it was also a not very fertile land and it was cold, all of the big animals were hunted too.
They were driven to innovate by their circumstances, I think.
I'm not making they seem less special though, because their ways selected the best of the best, it was extremely efficient, and their society was in a way more darwinian than others because of that.

Might be so. Many religions of the time were Shamanistic/Anthropomorphic, based on "magic".
Only two religions were "advanced", the Indo-European, which was full of Archetypes, stories and philosophical anecdotes of nature, the stars, etc
And the Middle Eastern/Early European Farmers supposed Agricultural religion of Goddesses of Fertility, Harvest, Moon, Motherhood, etc

More on the religious aspect. The swastika was used as an icon, something that is frowned upon with other religions/abrahamic ones. Yet when the europeans took on christianity the cross was used as a cross. Do you think that the proto-indo-europeans used the swastika like the cross is used today? The anatolian farmers didn't really have a simple to represent all like the swastika.

Also, when do the semites emerge? from the anatolian farmer?

to change gears some.
Do you know anything about the east asians? I have always thought they resemble africans (nose, and they have the african san eyes). I do know they are genetically different but could it be possible they share a common ancestor (more common than europeans)?

No. The Swastika was used more to decorate stuff, adorn and prestige buildings, etc.
I think it might have been a symbol associated with the seasons and the movement of the stars.

Yes, you're correct, but it may or may not be the case that various cultures realized the star pattern with the seasons just like the Aryans, by judging how there are Swastikas everywhere, even in America.
It might have been due to Indo-European influence, but there's still no proof of that yet.

The Semitic is a branch of the Afro-Asiatic languages who first appeared, possibly, with the Natufians.
Semitic speakers were just like other Levantines of their time genetically (Ashkenazi Jews of today are not like that, neither are Levantines of today, the ancient Levantines/Egyptian peoples no longer exist genetically, like the first Aryans, for instance, who no longer exist as well).

The original Semites are a mixture of Natufians and a population of the Caucasus (probably Caucasus Hunter Gatherers or Iran_Neolithic peoples).

The Anatolian farmers who didn't go to Europe and stayed in Anatolia mixed with these Levantines to create Minoan-like peoples, just out of curiosity.

Japanese/Chinese/Korean? They're a mixture of two populations. One is the Atayal and the other are the Siberian Nganasan.
The East Asian history in the bigger "Eurasian history" is one of isolation.
Yes, me too. Might be because of low divergence (they became isolated from everybody).
No, not that.

If you want concrete stuff to look at, see here:

Okay thanks for all your help!

I forgot to say. They didn't carry Swastikas, but they did carry the Sun Cross:

Wow that actually respembles the christian cross too. Are these not found at the same rate as swastikas?

also.. did you know about this? I was reading about the khosians a second ago.
Pretty interesting stuff. It seems like africans developed their buttocks while europeans developed breast. And asians developed neither? weird tbh

Only the liberal dogma teaches that, the esoteric nazis knew damn well that the cultures in Europe and Northern india/central asia were related.

They also may not have replaced the populations, they may have merely, non violently migrated. Back then there were a lot less people and less likelihood of conflict.

Therefore aryans exist still.

Language mutates over time, modern english is nothing like the language spoken in England 1000 years ago.

they were warlike. They had words like "enslave" "to kill" "soldier".


All cultures were warlike back then.

But I'm suggesting the reason they migrated was due largely to nobody really being there in the first place. Remember, the Ice Age had just occurred, there may have been nearly no people in that area.
That may also explain the disappearance of the Neanderthals to an extent too.

The first Aryans (Yamnaya) appeared around ~5000BC, the Neanderthals vanished around ~35000BC.

This should tell you the genetic research is off. Germanics are clearly the race today with the most advanced blood.

The 99% is defiantly bullshit, but I do not doubt that coalburners make up a large majority racemixing. Almost every racemixed couple I see these days are white female/black male. It's always a frustrating feeling, because on one hand they are perpetuating white genocide. But on the other hand, there usually a good reason why they are fucking niggers and not humans.

Feel free to make your own. Even the favorite guy of many here, Varg, admitted that.
In order in Europe, that's how it goes:
1. Balts
2. Slavs
3. Nords
Graph related is the amount of Yamnaya ancestry in Europeans today.
People like the Russians, Mordovians, Volga Tatar, Udmurt and Bashkir have a lot, yes, but their downsize is that the rest of their ancestry also has tons of Mongoloid admixture, they aren't pure Europeans.

In the Netherlands you can find a six spoke yule wheel everywhere. Also the writing system in Thet Oera Linda Bok is also made from a yule wheel.

Also does steatopygia confirm that niggers just recently started walking upright?

Genetic history doesn't validate the story told in the book.
The "Yule Wheel", as you call it, is also something unrelated to that and is found in many places not related to the Frisians.

The OLB is about the Fryans. The Frisian are one group of the Fryans that kept the longest with the old traditions of the Fryans. Also the Fryan civilization was all over Europe 4000 years ago.

Ok, so let me rephrase it:

Genetic history doesn't validate the story told in the book.
The "Yule Wheel", as you call it, is also something unrelated to that and is found in many places not related to the Fryians.

Okay now I know why (((media))) forces this "look at that ass" news for us

How exactly is it not validated?

Have you ever considered that Yamnaya ancestry is not Aryan? Their customs don't fit the Aryans at all. Steppe warriors suggests Turanian ancestry.


>(((abraham))) stole our Chaldean-Druidic esoteric doctrine ( (((kabbalah))) )

Because the Yamnaya expanded from Eastern Europe into the West.
The dates don't match as well, neither the religion nor the writings.
The "Fryans" are just Aryan-wannabes.

Here, a Sun Wheel in India, brought and built there by the Aryans.
It's not hard to understand it, give it a go:

No, not correct. Aryans and Ancient Mesopotamians were different genetically. Funnily enough, they shared 50% of their ancestry from the Caucasus.

That is exactly what the Oera Linda Book says about Finda's people. A people with their origin around the Himalayas came and conquered the Eastern lands. Over time they touched all of Europe.

The Frisians said there was a tribe called Arys who lived in Iran and India. Their ancestry was the same though.

Except the Aryans originated in Ukraine, not in the Himalayans.
Except the Aryans called themselves Eran in Persia, and Arya in India.

You see, the book was written in a century of mysticism about it, they just finished finding about the existence of the Aryans because of William Jones' speech and archaeological discoveries, it was booming in Europe and even in the US, where people started using Swastikas for everything.

Really, read it, don't be an ignorant:

And also, Genetics don't even corroborate the very existence of Fryans.

Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe

Yes. UR the (most ancient) city of Light. Abraham (some say it means a-Brahman) leaves the city to establish his own monotheistic heresy.

Sorry to tell you, but his findings aren't in accord to Genetics.
Also, the term Brahman/Brahmin is isolated to India and thousands of years apart from Abraham.

Again, Levantine peoples and Ancient Mesopotamians weren't genetically like the Aryans.
Continuity and admixture in the last five millennia of Levantine history from ancient Canaanite and present-day Lebanese genome sequences

Enlightenment pls go. Aryans live on the flat square earth. Why square? Because it is a swastika, and all our problems that kikes+enlightenment 'philosophers stopped earth from spinning around the cosmic axis.

Our endgame is to spin the flat square earth around the cosmic Pole. Yuh!

Here, this is from the book "The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World", a 2007 book who explains in its beginning what was the:
"Aryan question"
How it came to be, what it sparked in the scientific communities and in the commonfolk.
Of course, the book was written by a cuck, and he thought that the expansions were cultural only - but no, the Indo-European expansions were genetic expansions, with real people moving, and these people were Europeans.

But I'm posting these pages here for you guys to understand from where things like the Oera Linda Book come from, or from where Laurance Waddell decided to make his theories.
They're wrong, of course, the Kurgan Hypothesis was proven correct by genetics.

Not at all. The Swastika's meaning is unknown, but the closest thing it may be is an astrological symbol for the changing seasons, linked to the movement of the Dipper around the Polar star.

But yeah, I know you're just kidding.

No, no funny jokes here – I earnestly believe we should leave the suffocating tropes of Enlightenment and modernity. Ours is Romanticism and Idealism, or I'd call it the magical perception of 'reality'.
That's the problem, you want to believe in the 'genetics', 'science', that something could be proven, etc. 'What doth lyfe?', answers that could be given from your position are not inspiring.

Do you want to believe that we evolved from apes and our life is about the struggle for finite resources. Or you'd find more interesting reality where you are a sleeping (potential) angel waging war on the abrahamic god of immobility. And the reason you can't feel it - is because someone has stopped our Lyfe from spinning around the Pole, thus stopped the flow of Vril.

I know and I agree. The joking I was referring was about the flat square earth, that I sure hope you're kidding about.
You're mistaken, European societies are Faustian, not Magian.
Semites are Magian.

It was verified again and again. Proved like mathematics, because it's mathematics - billions of base pairs of ATGC like a computer code.
Being boring or not, it doesn't matter, it's better than eyeful falsehoods.

It's not even a matter of believing, but acknowledging the reality.

If this makes you feel better, sure. I'm feeling good being what I am, not something out of my mind.

Feel what? I'm a very, very spiritual person, but my concepts are abstractions and not invented.

'Societies'? Faust is about the individual. In-dividual. Btw, Faust was based on the real life manichean known as Faustus. Manicheanism comes from the religion of the Iranian Magi.

Or what do you mean when separating Magi and Faustians?
Faust strived to transcend such 'reality'.
That's great! Do you mind telling what do you put in these words 'spiritual person'. (If it's not too personal.) Are you American?

Yes, Haven't you read Der Untergang des Abendlandes? And no, not Manichean or Magian.
No, he didn't, and I call this schizophrenia. Just like a "trans" man thinks of himself as a woman.
I'm Italian. Spirituality for me is the constant striving of the Rational self to identify its biological reality and act in harmony (contrary to leftist thinking, for instance, of going against their genetic and biology, causing stress, obesity, poor mental health, depression, low self-esteem, feelings of being lost, no purpose, no realisation, etc). It's the constant battle of Reason and Emotions inside your mind, with them together with Virtues and Vices representing the Gods and Devils.

I lived in Hollow Earth 10 years

The Oera Linda Book speaks about this. The Magyar came from the East and split in two in the Ukraine area. One group went North, the Finns, the other they didn't know. Today we know it was the Hungarians. It was this group that brought the Nordics their later mythology. A blend of their Fryan one and the Magayar one. I grew up always hearing that the Finns and the Hungarians had their own, non Indo European language group. When I read the story in the Oera Linda Book it immediately made sense.

Finnish and Hungarian are Uralic languages, but they aren't even from the same family.
It's like saying that Slav languages came out of French.
Stop with this Oera Linda nonsense.
Also, this here:
Nordic mythology is Indo-European, how much disinformed are you?
Not at all, holy cow.
Uralic was spoken by the Eastern European Hunter Gatherers, that's why they speak these languages.

About this here:

The Runic alphabet went Eastwards along the Scythian route until arriving in the Altai, where the Proto-Turks (also called East Scythians, or Sakai) lived and adopted a modified version, that's why they're similar.
Then it came West again with the Turks and influenced the Uralic clusters of the Volga, from which the Hungarians came from.
There's no mystery in that, these questions were already answered.

Like I said, they belong to the same language group, a non Indo European one. "Som finsk-ugriske folk regnes de folk som taler finsk-ugriske språk. Noen av de største finsk-ugriske språkene er ungarsk, finsk, estisk, mari, syrjensk og nordsamisk."

Are you a kike? You twist things like a kike.

Was a blend between Fryan and Magyar. I live right next to Finland, so I know this quite well. Finns are not really Indo European, yet they share our myths. Just like the OLB says.

Yep, just like the OLB says. A warlike, foreign race sweeping in from the East. These Yamna are not your Aryans buddy. They're an earlier version of Mongol hordes.

This would have you labeled a D&C kike anywhere else on the board. I guess you get away with it here because people are largely ignorant of science, evidenced by literal kosher theories being accepted in these threads.

You're just retarded, fret not.
Yes, but they aren't descendent from each other, they're separate things. SO it's impossible one of them coming out of the other like you and your book said.
Not agreeing with you, and ousting you for a fraud doesn't make me a fraud.
Your assumptions are completely baseless and outright debunked.
First, Finns and Magyars aren't the same people.
Second, Nordic culture and mythology is Indo-European, it doesn't have anything Magyar or "Fryan".
You see, the Yamnaya were about 50% EHG, and the EHG spoke Uralic, so there are fundamental similarities from cross-cultural exchanges.
But they aren't the same, and one didn't came out of the other.
You're retarded. The EHG lived 15000 years ago, and they haven't expanded anywhere.
The Yamnaya were the expansionists, they were Indo-Europeans, not Uralics.
"Early version of Mongol hordes", are you that dumb? The Yamnaya and the Indo-Europeans were genetically European, and they expanded East as far as the Altai, mixing with the local population and giving birth to the Proto-Turks.
This is genetically attested:

Not him,
But if you actually listen to him. You will see that what he is proposing is a lot more interesting (descending from two major races ENF and yamna = europeans today). It doesn't involve an alex jones conspiracy theory but it opens the horizon to new conclusions. This isn't D/C. And just cause you call him a kike doesn't make him wrong. Listen to what he is saying. Being ignorant isn't an excuse. Tear down your atlantian posters and throw out your oera linda book.

Also, the Oera Linda book was written in this epoch here:
It's a fanfiction from a time where the European origins were being rediscovered.

They both share genetic origins in the Urals, how are they not related?
Seems related to me. Finns have a much higher frequency because they settled in low density areas. Impressive for a hoaxter to guess this right too.

They both carry n1c, so once upon they were. I did not say they were the same people today.
I'm supposed to believe it's just a coincidence they both speak a Uralic language? That it's not because once upon a time a band of warriors from the same place conquered populations in these areas?

I'm not necessarily disputing that. My claim is that it is a mix of the culture they originally had and culture brought from Asian Finns. If your theory says "Aryan invaders" mixed with native Europeans to create European culture, that's basically the same thing.

What are you talking about?

Is that not what we are talking about? Bands of warriors expanding all over the place?

Aryans are farmers, not marauding nomads. They are the ones who brought their wives with them, like Germanics do today (but curiously other Europeans do not, difference between North America and South America). Aryans are supposed to be a noble race, above all. These people you are describing sounds like the ancestors of Genghis Khan. What the hell are you pushing here?

Yet it manages to get all of these things right. Quite a talent this anonymous hoaxter.

Written by whom and for what purpose?

Will you start cherrypicking my phrases without context?
Their languages aren't from the same family, but have the same origin.
Again, it would be like comparing the French and Slav languages.
Genetically speaking, the Hungarians are pretty much the same since the Bronze age as well, while the Finns have input from the Iron age.
They're not genetically the same or close. Russians are more genetically close to Finns than Hungarians.
You said above that Finns are offshots of the Hungarians, which is false, that's what I pointed out as wrong.
They share common origins only.

They had a common origin in the EHG, that's obvious and I didn't say otherwise.

They both speak the same language because they share EHG ancestry, specially from the Volga Uralic base.

So far, everything you said was in accord to what I'm saying

No, that's the point: It's not.
First, Finns aren't Asians, secondly, the Indo-European culture didn't mix with the Uralic one: They shared ancestry, they lived in the same area.

I love these threads.
Would it be wise to say the Pre-IndoEuropeans were Cro-Magnons and the Finno-Ugrics used to be Neanderthals? How do we reconcile this with the Indo-Europeans? Are they predominantly Cro-Magnon with some Neanderthal admicture?
These threads beat ayylmao theories - Aryans coming from the Pleiades, Finno-Ugric coming from Mars after getting there from Sirius, and reptoid ayys being afraid to set foot on Earth.

No and No.
Cro-Magnons lived ~45000~10000 years ago, so, Pre-Indo-Europeans as you say (in Europe), where Early European Farmers (not Cro Magnons) and European Hunter Gatherers (transitory phase).
What you refer as "Finno-Ugrics" or "Uralics" were not Neanderthals.

There's nothing to reconcile because your premise is wrong. Long ago, the Uralics and Indo-Europeans shared a root, with the Uralics being also part of Europe, they didn't originated with Mongoloids or any other Hominid.
We really don't need people like you here.