why those anarkids can't stop saying tankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZ for a while.. Ban the fuck out of them plz
Other urls found in this thread:
t. tankie
yeah kys
because success breeds jealousy
t. ankie
t.assmad tankiddie
they are seriously autistic fucks
tankies should listen to more bookchin
well yeah I am taking most of my info from the The Media of Burgoise I believe that I should fight burgoise while believing it at the same Time.
I'm getting the impression english isn't your first language
not my first language yes.
Let me guess, you come from a former USSR country?
nope, A middle eastern Country, Egypt exactly
Not surprising. Reactionary countries in general tend to produce authoritarian leaning leftists, if any leftists at all.
well not true there's no left here btw .. you can say that libertarian left is in better shape and has more good Opinions more than the authoritarian left with levels.. Seriously Left here is Fucked UP.
So why not be of the libertarian left then? Bookchin would say that the way to start any kind of leftist movement is to start with a study group. All social movements start with a small group of thinkers.
man we are really fucked up and they are too far from me I started to study Marxism and read about Anarchism when I was 15 years old now I am 16 years old can't find anyone near from me can't do discussion on any philosophical, political stuff , etc.. I am really feeling kinda hopeless and disappointed but still trying to search for anyone interested in this.
and about joining any group the only one anarchist I know is kinda lost the hope in the radical changing
he is the only leftist near from me
Well the thing is I'm not telling to join a group but to start one. Seems like really the only option open to you is to study independently until you can go to college, then you should have better luck at finding people more receptive to these ideas.
Maybe if you stopped being such faggots they'd stop?
okay and that's what am doing right now m8
fuck off
tankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZ
tankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZtankiezzzzTankoiezzzTenkieeeez TANKEZ
Seriously though, don't fall into the trap of authoritarian socialism. Look into the works of Murray Bookchin of maybe Abdullah Ocalan. Watch some of his interviews if your understanding of english will allow it.
Quit being a faggot, pull Stalin's cock out your ass, and act like a god damn man you spineless cuck.
I will do man I am doing a study about philosophy and it history and soon will start to study Economy..that's interesting for me tbh.
I will study everything I will try to have more independence in judging.
kys plz
No. You are a faggot who wants the hotpockets to ban the mean anarkiddies because they call a spade a spade. You're as bad as the Holla Forumscucks denying that Trump cucked them before even taking office. Grab hold of your cock and act like a man.
one more time help the world kys
i'm a tankie even though i agree with most of Bookchin in "Ecology of Freedom". Although, anarchists are just silly and can't organize into a cohesive movement, they tend to be lifestylists like Bookchin said
lifestylists was meant to refer to post-left anarchism really. I would say that the left can't organize into a cohesive movement, whether they be authoritarian tendencies or libertarian. Authoritarian socialists tend to create multiple parties, all of them claiming to be "the" vanguard party. Obviously, there's a lot more wrong with them then just that but I won't bother to go into unnecessary detail on why I think Authoritarian socialism is awful. Bookchin does a better job at criticizing them anyways in interviews like "The New Left".
I swear, anarkiddies have no understanding of nuance. You can't begin to discuss the shades of grey of the USSR with them without them shouting "TANKIEEE AUTHORITARIAN TANKIE STATE CAPITALIST REEEEEE"
anarchy lives REEEEEEEEEEEEE