Creature type is Water
How many of these threads do we need a day?
What's your problem?
There's only 4 fucking elements, water, fire, earth and wind. This is some fucking retarded bullshit.
Elementals are incredibly generic and lazy designs but I always love them for some reason if they're just another enemy type.
Have you tried to shoot fire at something under the water ?
Have tried to freeze the water along with the thing in it ?
Multiple shit threads that can be one thread and templates
What's so shit about this thread?
Fish are killed by being frozen in most cases
template threads are shallow and never funny. Doesn't help they originated at cuckchan
Holla Forums itself originated at cuckchan.
And cuckchan was originally made by a member of SA.
So by your reasoning, Holla Forums is extra shit.
oh wait, that's the actual truth
ice > water > fire > water
water is shit
deal with it
You are extra shit friendo.
Threads that are basically just two lines of greentext and a reaction picture, often referring to a non-specific game are almost always made by ruggasmalls. He is probably the most autistic person on Holla Forums and has the tiniest penis even including all the feminine dicked traps and is a nigger so he literally has nothing going for him. He also makes most/all of the playstation-centric console war threads and posts pictures of his collection with his black hand in the shot to bait even harder. He's confessed to spamming up Holla Forums on multiple occasions having a pile of templates pre-written in text files, uses basically the same images every time, and used to tripfag but stopped when he realized everyone had filtered him. He has been doing this shit non-stop for at least 4 years now.
Mark and co. know about it and have been deleting his threads so if you see them, report them. Often he tests to see if the mods are awake by making one thread and waiting to see if it gets banned and if it doesn't he'll slide the whole board until he's banned enough times.
Bitch, water freezes.
Generally to be a rugga thread it has to use an anime pic in the OP. Last I checked PPG isn't an anime.
Still a template, but probably not rugga.
Why isn't lightning an element?
alright cool. lets invite reddit over then because they likely didnt originate at cuckchan.
Get a load of this gwailo.
fire element is actually plasma which lightening is
>I'm a wood pig in the chinese calendar
>I'm actually a fat cunt
It's like you don't even use the full potential of the periodic table of elements!
Chlorine elemental, I choose you!
Have you tried putting ice cubes in water? It makes a nice, refreshing drink. Put some lemon juice as well.
Oh yeah? If the periodic table is so great, then why doesn't it have fire, the best element of all, faggot?
Because it's a periodic table, not a magic table, you dumbass.
Wouldn't fire be an overcoming interaction to wood also? Water would be an overcoming interaction to earth too due to erosion and shit. And how the fuck do those generating interactions even correlate? That graph needs more lines.
I bet you have a dick in your mouth right now.
Just because he's a wooden pig doesn't mean he's a faggot, according to the chinese I'm also a wooden pig but I'm not gay.
Mate you're like 70% water, go out and lay on a bed of ice and see how long you last.
Stop being so fucking gay you massive homo.
Go get AIDS somewhere else.
I love complete bullshit elementals like lead elementals or mercury elementals.
8 Elements. Heat, Cold, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Light and Dark.
Get on my level scrub
Water feeds plantlife, wood is burned to create fire, ash and decomposition becomes earth, deposits in the earth becomes metal, though I'm a bit fuzzy on how metal creates water.
But fire and Lightning have opposing properties, and fire is a mix between a plasma and a vapor.
Lightning conducts through water, while fire is eliminated by water through rapid cooling.
They act differently, so they can act as their own elements.
I'm a metal cock, so nothing's changed.
Apparently i'm charming as fuck which matches up with my social skills being good despite not really being around people often.
But that shit just puts out a bunch of common qualities that people are likely to have, so technically anyone could identify with any chinese calender prediction.
Fire is a combination of oxygen and electricity magic :^)
are you 12? water has an anomaly which makes its desinty lower when it freezes, therefore making it weaker.
Good ol' Barnum effect.
Solid is Under Powered, please buff
I'm supposed to be a normalfag according the chinks
You technically can just make shit solid if your magic sphere is "solids".
Plasma? That's just ionized gas. Phase change that shit to solid.
Acids? That's just a combination of solids in water. Just precipitate that shit.
check my dubs!
Basically any faggot with "mastery" over any of those "elements' should be able to control the others. So the whole system is retarded to begin with.
I'd have to admit, your dubs are worth checking.
Fuck, that's a good point, metal creating water could be referring to wells or spigots made to draw up water.
Go back to school.
How about digging for ores and hitting an aquifer?
Really, user? The others work, but now you're just reaching.
Doesn't pressure just make ice harder?
All your nature elements can fuck itself, i won nerds!
I know you're autistic and that you might even be posting that unironically, but a game where there's an elemental for every element could be pretty good. There's an elemental for every element, halogens are generally thieves, usually in pairs. Noble gasses are lazy fuckasses that do shit. Carbon is a SLUT.
Carbon is the reason why you are alive, young man, so you show some respect.
Just like his mom in both aspects.
Blow it out your ass.
Shut the fuck up retard. I bet you think all ice floats in water.
Fuck you mom, I know how many people you let between your orbitals.
I'm not even kidding, my mom is actually a slut. She's not even MILF material, so she can only pick up drunk ugly fucks at bars.
forgot image for
What's your point, retard? It's the same graph, yours just has a greater range.
That you picked that tiny area and pretended that's how ice always behaves.
Then it's a better graph. Yours even has typos.
Why do people keep making shitty template threads?
Why do mods not delete threads that OP never replies to?
Why do goons never give up trying to shit up the board?
Is Jim Sterling a Gravity Elemental?
It's not a better graph, it's just bigger. It loses some of the finer details. Besides, the point of the thread is ideaguying up some elementals. The idea that an area is 0 C and the pressure increases from 1atm could be applicable in some scenario to create a memorable moment.
You said
and you were wrong. At very low temps, sure, but adventuring around at temps around 0C and encountering some hibernating ice elemental and using some sort of pressure thing to make it susceptible to some effects/attacks/whatever would be cooler and more fun and shit than "oh it just gets harder"
If alchemy isn't magic then why does the Mage's Guild practice it? Checkmate, outlander.
he's talking about the "not too scale" thing.
Condensation on cold metal. In more primitive times that was probably mistaken for water being spontaneously generated from the metal.
Sometimes you have to specify that both time and content need to be the same, lad.
Wait a sec, the effect of alchemy scales with Int instead of Will. Alchemy being magic is a lie. What are the Imperials hiding from us?
Gravity elementals are big guys.
The subject started decent conversation, so what does it matter?
If it was Rugga he obviously failed in the subject he chose. How about you actually let him fail instead of giving him the attention he wants? Because you and other faggots are just bitching about template threads while conversation goes on around you.
If you've been browsing for any decent amount of time you should know that a thread with what seems like the shittiest OP can still turn out well if the right things happen. If you can't observe what's going on around you you should probably stop looking to bitch in any thread, period.
What you should be doing is observing the OP, determining if it can be salvaged. If there's no potential then just stop and report (but seriously, get creative). But yelling "TEMPLATE THREAD" is doing the exact opposite of anything helpful.
The threads will keep getting made because Rugrat is an autist. If you learned how to turn them around and make them work for you then you win and he doesn't. He either wants you to bitch about him or to argue with others if the subject is something like console war bait.
Just use your fucking head.
Once you admit that imperials are just flying demons, everything starts to cling into place.
How deep does this conspiracy go? How many other races are in on it?
well, ice is always on top.
Then what are you doing posting here?
Technically there is no difference between alchemy & chemistry linguistically. Even well up until a couple centuries ago, people still used the terms interchangeably.
The word "alchemy" comes from the Arabic "al-kimia" which is an adaptation from Greek. The term "chemistry" was invented in an attempt by Europeans in later centuries to take words they had inherited from Arabic back to their Greek and Latin origins. But even after that, nobody made a qualitative difference between the two terms for some time and even in Arabic speaking countries today, the word "al-kimia" is still used to refer both to the ancient occultic practices Westerners would brand "alchemy" as well as the modern chemistry taken from the West that is taught in most Arabic speaking universities and high schools. Only the modern West really draws this subjective kind of line between alchemy/chemistry, labeling normal pharmaceutical research as "chemistry" and trying to a create a philosopher's stone as "alchemy", even though 600 years ago, likely no one would have made such a distinction since they were both seen as part of the same general sphere of scientific activity, regardless of whether one was seen as possible or not for whatever reasons.
what does that image mean? radio hazardous signals?
okay what the fuck codenigger, why am I (3) (now (4)). Neither of these posts:
Are me. Unless someone very close to me is also shitposting, which might be possible but I doubt it.
Heat, cold, acid, lightning, light, dark, attraction, repulsion, chemical formation, chemical disintegration, fission, and fusion.
Cool your jets.
If we use the Alan Moore interpretation of magic, then he'd technically be correct.
noun informal
Autistic word for character
"My toon is now level 650! I hope blizzard shovels more shit down my throat."
Addendum: Is acceptable to use in the context of Toontown.
But that makes sense. When water becomes frozen it expands. When you freeze something it causes ice crystals to form and break the internal parts of the thing that is being frozen. It's how McDonalds makes their french fries, they blanch them in water and then freeze them and then McDs employees throw the frozen fries directly into the oil. The ice crystals quickly evaporate, but the internal structure of the french fry has already been transformed by the ice which is why they're so light and crispy.
Now imagine taking a living being made of water and freezing it, and imagine what the ice crystals would do its internal organs and the structural integrity of its body. You don't even have to imagine it, just look up what has happened to some people who got chryogenically frozen and their containment unit malfunctioned. The ice crystals literally turned their entire bodies into a disgusting paste.
You mean Fire Blood, Noise and Metal
Not using Nerve Element spells
would someone please remove this barbarian?