(((bipartisan))) effort to save obamacare

while maintaining the requirement that sick and healthy people be charged the same rates for coverage.


both parties will work to protect the insurance companies bottomline. I don't owe anyone anything, if these leeches can't survive by their own means they have no "right to live" and whatever their condition or situation anyone that impedes my liberty or tries to steal my money deserves to die.

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For fuck sake.
Day of Rope when

God fucking damn this preexisting conditions bullshit. I think the part that galls me the most is I've seen Holla Forumsacks whine about it too.
Fucking vermin, I hope you die of complications from your illness.

I don't understand what the logic is here, if I'm young, physically fit, and healthy then it obviously costs less to cover me and I need less coverage relative to some old, fat guy with heart problems and brain cancer, so why should we be charged the same rate?

I'm not a capitalist kike so I wouldn't mind taking care of my people, but only my people, it won't work when I have to pay for Bonqueque's fried chicken clogged arteries.

Because some pathetic single mother can get on twitter and cry that she wouldn't be able to afford a family plan for her congenitally ruined halfbreed downsie.

don't coddle them, people need to learn to be self reliant, the old and sick may live past their usefulness but they're not entitled to live past their own means. "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."

if she can't afford it that's her problem this country was founded on liberty, if people want to help her they can donate their own time money and energy to a cause, but no one should be able to coerce me to do anything.

If we didn't have to pay millions for some stupid illegal Guatemalan spic to shit out a retarded zyka rat(now an American citizen) it wouldn't be so expensive. There's no reason we should have to pay tens of thousands for hospital visits. I'm not coddling them, I just think the costs are positively fucking absurd. If someone suddenly has to be hospitalized for an accident there's no reason they should become bankrupt and hounded by vulture kikes for the rest of their lives. Again, this only goes for my people, couldn't give a fuck about shitskins.

how do we kill this shit? what are the odds this makes it through congress? I don't want 2 more years of obamacare

fuck this socialist garbage, I'm not responsible for anyone's health besides my own and at the most extreme just myself and my immediate family, if someone else wants/needs my health and money they should at least have the decency to get out in the street and beg for it. Anyone who'd support the government forcing me to "help" them deserves nothing but a death sentence.

Fuck off you libertarian faggot, there's more important things than money you greedy fuck, your mentality is the reason kikes were so easily able to erode our country. I suppose you would never ask for help if you fell on hard times, right? Well luckily for you I care about my people so if you ever fell on hard times I'll still help you out despite me thinking you're a piece of shit.

I might ask for help but I'd never force people to comply if they refused, it's fine if you want to help people and I myself might choose to help people I simply don't want to be forced by the government to do so

It just depends on the government, in its current entity I agree with you. If we had a government of the people(white), by the people(white) and for the people(white) it would be a lot different. I'm a national socialist.

America is originally such a government of the people(white), by the people(white) and for the people(white). "For free white men of good character" Naturalization Act of 1790. No non-white should have any sort of US citizenship in the first place, the founding father's egalitarian leanings have been taken advantage of but they never considered spics, niggers, or redskins human nor women to be our equals, all of this was taken as common sense at the time and they unfortunately didn't see the need in spelling it out.

Yeah, we are naturally a very compassionate people, it's just been taken advantage of by nefarious parasites. The model works very well it just requires a homogenous society, people are more productive when there's a cohesive element where we're all working to our strengths and we're all taking care of one another. None of my people should have to worry about either going broke or not receiving health care because of kike greed, nor should they be shacked with debt that can't be paid back to be taught to hate themselves by foreigners who shouldn't even be here. But, I digress, I understand your frustration, I just think you've misplaced it on this subject. We're in this together anyway, we'll discuss other options when we right this ship.

it's called Phillia, aristotle wrote about it. They should still be expected to be responsible for themselves, excessive hand holding will be a detriment to the race in the long run. Self reliance is more important than living a life free of adversity

mods sticky this shit, 2 more years of obamacare is unacceptable




Exactly this. In a pure white nation where men and women are working together in harmony to maintain a non degenerate and educated society, by all means have a system in place to hell your fellow man. In this current shithole called America fuck off with that shit. Niggers, spics, chinks and the rest of the shitty spieces that have invaded our country don't deserve it. So until we go back to a white super majority country, all I care about is saving myself money.

dubs confirm, self-reliance is the way to go

That sounds like a title of a book

make it a voluntary system or no dice

Focus strongly on names for the midterm elections. Destroy traitors.

das wacist


Your people arent being helped by being forced to pay for some nigger's 14 kids getting cold medicine or some spic with someone else's SSN getting gout treatment you immense fucking faggot, the amount of whites getting helped from this bullshit is minuscule compared to "minorities" and the ones that do are more oft than not genetic chaff in the first place.

Read my other posts, I don't support this for exactly that reason. If it were an all white society, I would however, because like you said it's rare that whites would need to use it but if they did need it they should get help.

Exactly, my parents fed me well as a kid and as I passed the age of adulthood at 12-14 I took my own health into my hands.
I don’t go to the doc regularly because I don’t need to, why would any of the costs for grandparent aged people unrelated to me be passed to me?
Especially when most of these people are the leftist ducks that fuck my society up?

trip dubs confirm fake news, trump will veto

i still wouldn't want a mandate, simply on principal. I don't mind helping if it's just whites but i can't abide being forced to do things by the government

Reminder that you can be exempt from Obamacare by joining a medical cost sharing ministry. You can get better coverage for a fraction of the price.


It bears repeating that republicans have been campaigning on repealing (and sometimes replacing) Obamacare for years, but as soon as they had the votes they refused to do anything about it.

and Trump campaigned on repealing Obamacare as well and is now dragging his feet.
