There are anons that never experienced 1998, the Golden Year, the Year of Dreams, the apex of videogames

There are anons that never experienced 1998, the Golden Year, the Year of Dreams, the apex of videogames

Too young to experience 1998, just right to experience 2008. Those poor anons didn't have a choice and only experienced gamings downward trend into mainstream mediocrity.

I can't help but feel sorry for these anons. They missed it. They missed the best period games ever had. Don't that just break your heart a little?

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The decade between 1995 to 2005 will always be the Golden Age of Video Games

It was a time during the transition era between 2D to 3D, and all the major studios at the time had the resources to really experiment and innovate, the likes of which we will never see again

I think most monthly demo discs in 1998 were more interesting than the entire release schedule of 2016

Don't care. Post more Mokous

nobody missed anything, the only difference now is that you dont actually have to pay for all those great games from the past

the whole 'wrong era' argument sounds like someone trying to justify their age as an excuse for still having this hobby when really they should be enjoying themselves

also there has never been an apex, and probably never will

But by 2005 AAA gaming has become a thing because budgets have exploded through the roof to accommodate voice acting, high poly 3d modelling and animation, high res textures, etc.

I prefer 90-2000, transition from 4 color sprites and chiptunes to 3d and orchestras.

That doesn't even make sense you stupid nigger, obviously any medium that is under aggregation will have reached a peak sometime in its history, even if that peak is only a slight bump above the mean scores of its content

And fuck off, you know there is a big difference between emulation and being there during the time the games were relevant. Original hardware fags are still cancer though

Those are some straight up tight feels, my fellow 90's kid. Remember RCA composite cables?

I did experience, but talk me through it, I honestly can't remember 1998 games. RE 2?

Its not even just 'good for the time', look at a release like Parasite Eve. not only was it the beta for the FF8 engine and much of its design was recycled in FF7 and Vagrant Story but it introduce d mechanics not seen again till the World Ends with You.

1998 wasn't just a stellar new game every week but everything good made after 1998 imitated or iterated on the games of 1998. it is the refinement of everything that came before and everything good after was just a bar imitation of their innovations.

But Deus Ex is the best game ever made, and it came out later.

Nothing's stopping them from playing those games, it's not like the games have stopped existing. Hell, I personally know some teenagers that have done just that, thanks to shit like GOG.

The REAL shame is when people think that just because a game is old it's automatically "bad" and "outdated", and then just end up blowing them off.

Consuming media at the time it came out is different from consuming it way later.
There was, same goes for movies. There's still good releases, but they're far more few between.

ff tactics
parasite eve
gran turismo
metal gear solid
fallout 2
caesar 3
grim fandango
delta force
suikoden 2
sonic adventures
zelda oot

It was an okay year.

Man, I wanted to love it but it had horrible controls.

Fuck man, it was even when Pokemon first released outside of Japan
I mean look at this fucking shit

Even the "Events" section of the article is depressing as fuck, with "Marc Laidlaw, lead writer of the Half-Life series, retired from Valve Corporation.[3]" being one of the first ones

Just because they are late to the party doesn't mean they don't get to play those games. Sure they missed the atmosphere and actual good games reporting but if they aren't hung up on graphics they can still play them.
The thing I actually miss most of all is something I hated at the time and only now see the value of, pic related. It was the ultimate casual filter and we will never see another like it.

Nailed it, we might see something similar with VR in a few years but I'm not holding my breath.

There is nothing wrong with games having big budgets, the reason AAA turned to shit is all the money now goes on marketing to the retarded masses.

Ghost in the Shell
Gex 2
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
Metal Gear Solid

And that's just from my monthly demo disc.

I must have beat that MGS demo like 20 times as a kid. I just couldn't believe it was actually doing what i was seeing on that PS1 hardware.

If you dump millions and millions into development, you have to market to the masses out of necessity. The two things can't be separated from eachother.

Its probably why the 3DS is such a monster library wise. Low poly with modern texture work can look incredible and be waaaaay cheaper to make.

Not true, plenty of AA games spend over $1m on development and nothing on marketing because they know their core audience and their core audience knows them.

You only need to spend $1m on development and $15m on marketing if you want the highest profits possible but this comes with the catch that your game must appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I was playing this with my cousin in 98 and I was playing older games and mods during 7th Gen.
I really didnt lose much especially since my friends didnt play vidya and I didnt live in the US.

That's not at all the subject we were talking about, now is it?

I'm talking about development costs, not development + marketing.
While this list is very incomplete due to few publishers releasing their numbers it gives you an idea of what's going on.

how many copies do you need to sell to break even on a 10 million dollar budget?

I know GTA V was made on a 500 million dollar+ budget, which was considered a fucking record before Destiny broke it, and they made back 800 million off of pre-orders alone

what in that chart disagrees with my point that AAA games cost a fuckton and they have to spend a fuckton on marketing?


My point is that some AA games spend just as much on development as AAA while just skipping the marketing that costs 10 times more than the actual development.
Many simulators are a great example as they have huge maps, very high detail models, cutting edge graphics, solid physics emulation and good netcode while not needing to market as sim fans actively look for games instead of waiting for the TV to tell them what to buy.

It does suck that they missed out as it was happening, but we missed the Golden Age of movies. You just have to try and introduce younger people to older games and hope for the best.

The world in general was a better place then, sans internet porn.

Actual social interactions were required to have a good multiplayer experience instead of random faggots you see online that trash talk people you would never say that shit to irl for fear of getting a good ol' fashioned ass-whooping. Due to social interactions, you were also more likely to play games with people more in line with your age group as opposed to nowadays where you either put up with that whiny little cunt fucking everything up and team killing or you move on until you find a decent group that would more than likely disband after two or so matches. Even if you add people from that good group to your friendlist good luck ever getting them o play with you again. Yes, I know you can add people from here but you have a decent chance of some faggot user lipping off about how good they are only do be complete shit or mediocre at best in my experience.

Also back then was a great time for singleplayer experiences as well, but I don't think I need/want to explain how they slowly devolved into walking sims or interactive cinemas. I truly do envy anyone who didn't get to experience rentals, the original "try before you buy" instead of early access which is just a jewish way of bug testing without having to pay anyone for it. In fact, most early access' require YOU to pay.

Holy shit kid, the only reason any of us oldfags are trying to justify having this hobby is because a part of us wants to believe videogames can still be good, opposed to P2W mobile/mobas and flaccid AAA games with bloated development cycles and delays for nex to no good or apparent reasons.

But I suppose if you like eating shit, then munch away little one.


But you haven't supported that point, at all. And linked a kikepedia chart that presented a completely different story that had an awful lot to do with what I was saying.

I can still play DN3D, Doom, NAM, Redneck Rampage, Blood, Heretic, Metal Gear Solid, F-Zero X, Sonic Adventure and various of other games right fucking now you fucking retard.


I was born in '95, so I guess I'm part of the group. I feel like if I was old enough to really "experience" that era, then it would be worse because I know exactly what I'm missing. Since the slow decline of vidya is the only thing I've known, I'm used to it. Things can either get so bad that absolutely nothing is playable and vidya dies, in which case I'll finish my backlog and move on, or otherwise it'll get better and I can remember that.

insecure underage chill your beans daddi-o

That's just nostalgiafaggotry. The game itself is the same.

I'm having a hard time getting hard evidence just as you would have a hard time getting hard evidence that counters my argument.

While it means you may never believe me I'm still glad I can't find a publicly listed simulator developer as it's part of the industry that hasn't been corrupted yet.

Instead we get our minds blown by how much better these "crappy" old games made by impoverished dweebs are than modern games made by corporate committees with massive budgets.


Just like having electricity in your house now is the same as it would have been in 1890s?

Well that may be so. I can, however, support my own point at least.

With however many articles you'ld like that echo the same sentiment of higher costs raising risks and necessitating more marketing and generally fucking about with the industry.
please use archive.ism/articles/2006/05/06/the-economics-of-game-publishing

No shit.
I still argue it depends on genre, if you are entering the crowded FPS market you are going to need marketing but if you are Bohemia Interactive ARMA has no direct competition so you know about it without ever seeing a single ad for it.

These are the words of somebody who has never played with Power!

I really pity the anons who think MMOs are inherently bad, who have only known trash like WoW or Runescape. They don't understand the potential of the genre.

Speaking of, does anyone know where I can download Quake? For free

BI makes military sims for actual militaries. ARMA is effectively subsidized by the military, several militaries infact, they're probably not the example you're looking for of somebody that had high risk associated with their dev costs.

I wonder what hardware the military are using considering how shit arma runs

worst meme since milhouse

While I don't disagree, it must be said that there is a certain nostalgia bias coloring such opinions.

I remember Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. When it came out I shat bricks. I literally couldn't believe it! Then a decade or so later I went back and my discovery was not that there was anything wrong with the gameplay or story, because those were at the peak of the industrys history I would say.

It was the atrocious framerate on the PS1, the gaps between polygons and the swimming textures.

But there's always a catch. I would always applaud a visionary, risk taking attitude over restraint. It seems this is always the drawback. However, it seems to have become pathological now as the PS4 Pro will prioritize 4K over a steady 60fps in 1080p. At this point, we have sort of reached a halt where performance should be prioritized.

As for my personal preferences, I would say 3D graphics captured into 2D always mesmerized me, like Nintendo ACG games from RARE such as Donkey Kong Country series, Killer Instinct, and on PC the early Fallouts and Desperados.

It just worked, and the games played well too!

FPS hit its highs with Quake III and Half-Life series. Now it's all gone to shit.

Look at this memerscreamer behind the times!

Seconding 1990-2000. So much amazing and revolutionary stuff came out of the early '90s. Post-2000 there were only a handful of games worth mentioning before the console apocalypse drained the talent pool around 2004. Crysis in 2007 was an anachronism.

I feel sad that I missed out on that because I had a shit computer back in those days, but I'm glad that there are fan servers that are forever locked in the glory days so I can examine what it was like. Sure it's probably lacking population or the feeling of changes and updates, but it reminds me that MMOs aren't shit, it's modern designers that are shit.

But I did experience it, I was born in 97

I preferred 1999

Anything that leaves out 92-94 will always be wrong to me.

The games were young, and consoles new,
No dlc yet to be seen,
No critics setting scores in stone.
When us nerds gamed, sometimes alone.
We named names of every genre;
We played in undiscovered ways;
We looked at our new "PC",
And saw all 3d games appear,
As gems upon a silver thread,
Under pre-rendered shadows; there!

The prices were fair, consoles stood tall,
In Elder Days before the fall
Of mighty games in NES and more,
Or Genesis, which now beyond
a shade of roms has passed away:
The world was fair in 90's days.

A golden age on polished gems
In multi-flavored platformers
With rts and beat'em ups,
And RPGs to round it up.
In dungeons crawl, when there was lore
In guides, in games: in every pore.
Undimmed by pay-to win and worse
There MMOs were fun and bright.
There we all saw the rise of WoW
from Warcraft 3; Diablo 2;
There splinter cell, and also thief;
pokemon red and then Deus EX
There Zeldas, Final Fantasies,
To crown its genre: Morrowind.,
Godhand and Half-Life, KoToR and Quake,
Grim Fandango was laid and play'd.
Unwearied then were gamers there;
Beneath a most delightful OST:
The chiptunes tuned, the chimes chimed,
And full orchestras blowed our minds.

Now games are grey, and consoles old,
RTS genre is barren-cold;
No more platformers, or beat'em ups:
but indies and kickstarter crap.
The shadow lies upon our age.
We're branded sexists if we rage.
But still some lonely gems appear
In dark and windless sales on Steam;
There gaming lies in water deep,
Till vidya wakes again from sleep.

I bet you weren't alive then otherwise you wouldn't revere it so unrealistically.

This more than anything makes me sorry for the newer generation. Playing Super Mario 64 on Christmas morning with all the family gathered around the console and being free to move around in game wherever I wanted was absolutely fucking mindblowing to everyone at the time. Now 3D is standard and completely taken for granted, they will NEVER know that feel.


Well that picture pisses me off just looking at it. Fucking conflict on IRQ 4 error that haunted my 486 back in the day. I get that's newer screen shot than 486 days, but still fucking IRQ shits. Non interruptible interrupt mask beeps, fuck….

Never ever games like these will be made nor we will play them

1998 was pretty good, but it's still no 1994 or 1987.


oh, if we got off our lazy asses and made them theyd exist.
did you ever play warlocked on the gameboy color? that was pretty fun for an rts on the fucking gameboy color. im sure if one of us learned the ropes in game maker studior or whatever we could get a game like that out in a few months

I do have some big plans, but it just requires a large amount of time and skills I don't have.
I went for the one-man-army build, but can't do everything. There are still some gems being made here and there, like Magicka or Warband.



Clearly they are not for you, reddit might suit you more autist chan!


does reddit not have images?

is this some kinda meme or something? Why does OP keep avatarfagging

Honest question bud, which site did you come from?

Inasmuch as anything 2hu is a meme. It's from some chinamen who's learning english's pixiv.

literally yes
actually correction it'd be having it in the 1890s but better in every way due to peripheral advances since then, just like games
so on and so forth

It's a shame OP, but i think the three years from 97 to 99 were equally important. It was something magical, the three years when nearly EVERY mainstream game released was great or legendary.


Its actually what most Japanese game companies call the "Golden period" then the "Silver period" and starting 2008 its the "western period" which just about says it all.

not my fault i was born late. for me, the golden years are 2010-2016. minecraft, terraria, COD, forza, skyrim etc

someones gonna look back at this and remember it fondly as the golden age when mods didnt cost money. and the internet wasnt as legally strict and scary.

nah i was just shit posting, its shit


I want underage millennials off my board

here you go:
improvements since the 1890s due to propagation of electricity in the common market:
having electricity now is better in every way compared to having it in the 1890s, not the same or somehow worse
I'd think when asked if it would be the same now or then you'd reply,


i hear you, but its going to get worse and were going to look back at this and go "oh man that was way less terrible"


The entire argument didn't hinge on functionality in the first place. The point was that there is no impact to turning on a light switch in current year.

Novelty is a very real part of the human experience, and to say that seeing electric lighting or the first 3d games decades after they've become commonplace is the same as seeing it for the first time in a world where it had not existed before is completely missing that.


Sure, I can plug old consoles in now, but it will never be the same.

I don't understand the OP picture. What does Mokou want boy to do?

They can go back and play all the 1998 classics. I think I will go do that.

The games are still just as good.



Checked and confirmed for best year of vidya.


Every moment of my life is a desperate and failed attempt to fit in.


The games made in 1998 still exist, I don't see how the year having passed is a loss to those too young to have appreciated it at the time.

you have a point. although measures are being taken against illegally downloading those old games and places like gamestop no longer sell old products. its getting more difficult to play the classics.
but if they were out in the open able to be played? some wannabe old fogeys love to shit on children for playing retro pixelshit, but this may be a wonderful thing as it shows theres certainly a sizable group who arent so caught up in the graphics and are interested in 'retro' games. even if its just for some sort of faux gamer cred its bound to leave a lasting impression and chances are they would genuinely enjoy themselves.

Top Tier:
'80s Gaming

Mid Tier:
'90s Gaming

Shit Tier:
Gaming After 2000



Hello my friend

What a beautiful duang



What a cocksucking whore.

OP, you're just assuming younger people don't play "outdated" games. I was born in 1994 and play very few games outside of 1996-2002. New games just don't hold up to my old ones. Guild Wars 1 and Dragon's Dogma are my outliers. There is a specific culture here that appreciates older games, so people that play those come here, regardless of age. That's why I lurk.

There's no point to talking about the normalfags who play games just to fit in, since they only care temporarily about whatever fad game. Even if they played "golden era" games, it's just as good as Telltale or whatever to them. normalfags generally aren't anons, tho.

Sure if you're a pleb.

That just proves how shit today's games are.

Have you visited reddipol?

baldur's gate

Any other elderly anons here?

Fuck you, see:

I mean, the year of Duke3d and the year of Mario 3 can nearly stand on the merits of those single games, but the 98 list is pretty fuckin staggering. You could spend your entire life just playing those few games and their mods.

this was better than expected

I was there, but I missed most of the good games until later. I played MGS, Parasite Eve, Thief, then got Half Life and its mods kept me from playing pretty much anything else until EQ took me under for a few more years.

Yeah, I totally wish that I could go back in time to a lot of fuck all. Oh boy, a 3D Zelda game, a 3D Mario game and a 3D Final Fantasy game.. Oh wait, they sucked. Deus Ex didn't happen until 2000, Planescape: Torment was trash that had to be patched a dozen times to make it not CTD every 5 minutes, and Diablo 2 also didn't happen until 2000.

Sorry, what were the "apex games?" Don't act like you loved RE2, all you ever do is shit on tank controls, Final Fantasy Tactics was pretty decent .. but guess what? I CAN STILL PLAY IT. Yeah, why would we ever want to be in 2016 where we can still play games that came out in 1998, when we could instead wish away all the good games that came out after 1998 and just play the games from 1998? Fuck off, you god damn hipsters.

I was 17 in 1998, it was amazing.


I was about a year older. I miss the ad campaigns from those days


its not like those games are exclusives to consoles with proprietary hardware that has to be meticulously reverse engineered to have a chance at playing them.

Console exclusives are the cancer ruining vidya


They way you experience games depends on your previous experiences.
If this wasn't true you'd only need a game you enjoyed once to satisfy you for the rest of your existence.
Why do we save the best for last?
Our condition demands an ever increasing amount of pleasure.

There is no hope for vidya anymore.
Today everyone knows the industry is shit and it only surprises us by failing even harder.

I agree with you on a general level but some of your opinions are questionable and require your urgent reprogramming into forcing you to have better opinions.

Oh dear.

Pretty much. There's great games either side, of course, but 1995-2005 has all the major genres established but not stagnant and, as you mention, plenty of funding and creativity to go around.