How would you fix it?

How would you fix it?

There's really no fucking way too fix it

Its not open ended enough to turn into an RPG and even if it was Columbia wouldn't make a good open-ended RPG setting anyhow because of how limited your movement is

Honestly, Bioshock Infinite should've just been a fucking movie, it probably would've made more money as a movie anyhow

Cancel it.

Even the fundamentals (basic gunplay) were dogshit. Might as well start again.

Less social justice bullshit, more gameplay

More gameplay, more weapons to carry at a time, more emphasis on time shifting during gameplay, not tying previous Bioshock games to it, leaving out the retarded timey wimey "there's always a lighthouse!!1" bullshit, and rewrite the entire ending to be something less retarded than Levine's Doctor Who wet dream



Make it an open world survival game with crafting ;^)

Does someone have those F.E.A.R. vs Bioshock Infinite pics?

give the bitch DD's and make the shit game play like the trailer


add more enemy types
make player character vocalizations extremely rare
overhaul the plasmids so the powers arent indistinguishable from each other. Shit i could probably just copy the plasmids from bioshock1/2 without changing anything
actually i would change incinerate to combust and make it so you could combust airships
30 minutes after you rescue her elizabeth falls off columbia and is presumed dead, she doesnt show up again until the end
new plasmids that permanently change your attributes while making you incompatible with certain other plasmids
upgradeable grid inventory system that lets you carry 4-5 heavy weapons at max capacity or many smaller weapons
special ammo crafting from materials you scavenge. Weapons are also upgradeable through this crafting but its more like the power to the people machines from bioshock 1 in that you cant expect to fully upgrade every weapon you come across in one game promoting adaptability and character originality
overhaul the shield, health, mana system. Enhancements are instead gained through special and sometimes optional boss encounters. shield is removed and replaced with a special plasmid projected shield that is very fragile and uses alot of mana
Ammo and health will overall be much harder to find
Story carefully crafted by people with their heads not up their ass about topics the writers fully understand and cover things like the blindness of nationalism, ivory towers , and the isolation of being in a floating city and how easy it is to circlejerk when your in a city of people who agree with your ideals (cult stuff)

a bunch of other stuff too but mostly id make the ai not retarded

And done

Actually make it like System Shock.
At least Bioshock 1 and 2 had some resemblance to the game they were both based off.

For one, like most people have said, carry all the fucking weapons, two have health packs and some replacement to the eve syringes, because then I would actually be able to use vigors and not sit on my ass playing call of duty until my fuckhead daughter throws me some salts.

Who doesn't?

Bring back more than 2 weapons, have better plasids/vigors that aren't just stuns (or don't have them at all), don't make it linear as fuck, have choices that are actually meaningful to some degree, have more enemies besides the five or so that exist, rewrite the entire plot completely possibly with the E3 2011 draft, although it might have been fucked then also.

So basically, remake the whole game completely from scratch.

Maybe go back to school and educate yourself you neet virgin than you could understand it.
In fact change your OP to read "I'm too stupid to understand this game, pls help".


Also, can I ask where the whole "Bioshock 2 is garbage" meme came from when it's vastly superior to Infinite?

Make the character able to carry every weapon and make weapons actually unique and interesting, not another machine gun and shotgun. Rivet guns, soldering irons, harpoons, anything that looks like an engineering tool, not a weapon.
If you have to explain it with story, make his jacket have a riple in space inside. Every weapon is stored in some small room somewhere unimportant and he reaches inside to get it. You only get that ability after meeting Elizabeth.
Make this a part of the plot as well. Columbia doesn't have guns for civilians as they abhor violence at first so the Resistance has to make do with tools for weapons, while civies turn to Vigors instead. Law enforcement has guns but they explode after a while of picking them up.

Elizabeth is a witch and Vigors are magic. No science here, that's what they are. You don't have to explain shit and you can get away with a lot more this way. You can even present Vigors needing a special chemical that costs a lot and therefore only the upper classes get to use it, making for a good story telling element as well as a gameplay element. You'll find Salts in the richer areas and ammo for your guns in the poorer areas.

Make the world completely open, not linear as fuck. You can go wheverer you want from the start provided you can find the way there and this includes getting documents to go legally or shooting your way through very tough fights. Part of the game is now about figuring out where you need to go based on your current needs both for resources and for the story. Law Enforcement has a number of platoons it sets around the world looking for you and Elizabeth. The more shit you do, the more platoons show up. They recognize you on the spot and they are moving around Colombia. You gotta keep track of them to avoid being found and keep moving. If you shoot them down, more and tougher platoons will show up and the city will evolve into a violent landscape.

Elizabeth is a fucking trainwreck when you meet her. She doesn't talk, she's incredibly scared of everything and getting her out of her tower is quite a chalenge as her awesome magical powers are devastating as shit. Your mission from the start is to save her and get her out of Colombia, but you are stranded in there when you arrive. Getting out will take carving a new way out instead. From helping the higher classes or the resistance or simply doing your own thing, you will choose who to buddy up with in order to get down to earth.

Elizabeth is the original source of Vigors and the technology that keeps Columbia in the air. Daughter of some powerfull witch, she's expected to learn and harness her powers so she can provide the city with more fabulous shit when she's older and recharge the machine that keeps Columbia in the sky. She does not know it, but she has to die for that process to happen, like her mother did. She's kept in the tower for the protection of everyone that fears the witch but because they will need her one day.
Songbird is a creation of her father, a bird made to capture her mother and now attuned to Elizabeth. The father is dead but the bird still keeps his mission of finding and protecting Elizabeth and making sure she stays in her tower. He goes after you and keeps searching at night when you free her and has the ability to travel in time innately to follow you or look for you in other times.

There are 3 time periods in Colombia, you start in the Present. At anytime you can talk with Elizabeth in specific points of the world to travel back or forward in time to the other 2 time periods: Past and Future. Everything you do in the Past and Present can affect the next time periods and activating or doing something to affect the future is key here to solve many puzzles but you'll also often have to bring something from the next time period into the past to solve it.

As an example, you could try to start a revolution with the lower classes in order for them to seize control of Colombia and so you could lower the city amidst the chaos. To do so, you'd stockpile weapons in the Present to be used in the Future but perform some action in the past that triggers racial tension and the creation of the resistance, leading to a Present where people are actively fighting the upper classes. Perform well here and in the Future, the revolution will have won and you can exit Columbia.

Take out the waifu-bait, give more creative weapons, do away with the two weapon limit and allow more exploration and secrets. Essentially doom in the sky

Sounds hard as fuck to implement traditionally but could be done using something like L4D's AI director if you didn't fuck it up.

The Bio2 is garbage comes from Levine not being involved with it.

Can I say I hate Infinite's story simply because of burial at sea and how the book Bioshock: Rapture did life in Rapture before shit went down much better.


Consider that Legacy of Kain, pretty much allmost all games actually, are about time shenaningans that have Raziel or Kain going back and forth royally fucking the world everytime they do so and it works spectacularly well.
Not that I expect Mobius-tier backstabbing but simply consequences for your actions in another time line is actually fairly basic to make.

The first step to fixing Bioshock Infinite is realising that the whole idea to begin with was fucking stupid. Irrational should have worked on a new title instead of insisting on milking Bioshock some more.

Ken Levine jumps off a bridge. IRL, not in the game.

it was a complete regression of an already mediocre game: bioshock. They managed to learn nothing from the far improved sequel and ignored all the fixes and changes bioshock 2 did for the better.

Aside from wielding plasmids and weapons at the same time, that's pretty accurate.

They did because 2 was made by an entirely different team and also because Levine kept restarting Infinite since he has a diva complex he can't shake off.

anybody else really want to like fear but the sticky trigger on all the guns just makes you drop it?

I would have told Levine he wasn't allowed to rewrite the entire fucking game so close to launch just for a shitty daughterfu. Can you imagine all the bullshit that team went through in 5 years, just for that fucking hack to sink everything because of a Disney princess? I'm surprised his own team didn't toss him out a window.

Make it PC only and give them another six years of dev time so they can at least try to deliver on the first gameplay trailer.

Make the world more open ended instead of a series of levels. Don't run out of ammo during boss fights.

I thought it was pretty cool.



Fear was pretty awesome. Don't know what you are talking about.

Throw it in the garbage.

Because Levine wasn't involved it was considered a soulless cash in. Which is pretty funny after all these years seeing and playing Infinite and how 2 has more soul then the entirety of Infinite and is infinitely better in almost every single regard. There's just so much wrong with Infinite, from shitty boss fights whoever thought it was a good idea to make a really shitty boss fight and copy paste it 3 times needs to be fucking shot, shitty gunplay, 2 weapon lock, a useless support character who enemies just ignore for no real reason (can't have them hard Ken's waifu!!), useless plasmids, a pointless racism plot that does nothing with it (Mattewmatosis summed it up perfectly, you can't be politically correct AND portray and story like that) and a story so fucking retarded I have no idea how anyone didn't stop Ken and call him an utter fuck nut for trying to build a story around something he very clearly didn't understand. The only way you fix Infinite is to replace it with a better game. How the "smart game for smart gamers" bullshit even started is a mystery to me still to this day.

You must always dick the lamb.

You still want to talk about this shit? We've had this 100 times already. Infinite is basically worthless trash from the ground up. It eschews anything that was remotely interesting or fun from the previous games. The story is a pretentious redditor's wet dream with zero actual intellect, depth or meaning. Not to mention Ken Levine is huge bell-end who people think is more clever than he actually is. He rewrote the whole story 6 months before release, pocketed the cash and jumped ship while Irrational crashed and burned.

If you're going to "fix" the game, you might as well just start again and make completely new game.

Obligatory video

I'd fix it by not making it a game at all, but just a movie instead. I'm pretty surprised it hasn't been turned into one already.

I can't believe it took this long to post this

I'd fix it by not making it a game at all, but just a movie instead. I'm pretty surprised it hasn't been turned into one already.

Scrap the whole thing and rebuild it from the ground up with a writer who isn't retarded, a VA other than Troy Baker as the lead, less retarded design at least on par with Bioshock 1/2, either make Elizabeth do more than take a long time to open doors to trick the player into thinking she's useful, or tossing items at them, and if that can't be done then remove her completely. Have her be the character that's constantly out of the player's reach, but just barely.

Add some more RPG elements, maybe choices that actually do something. Go with the original plan of having Columbia be more of a hellhole that's fallen apart like Rapture because that's interesting and makes the people unpredictable.

I could go on. But I think I've gotten the gist.

You mean explaining them at all.

My issue with fear is the environments and the really awful animations on the weapons. None of them feel weighty or punchy.

System Shock 2 gameplay.

Set in floating Ultra-America.

Themes of morality (alternate selves & choices), nation states at crossroads (America has many great examples to use), and the significance (or lack of it) of father figures as both literal and metaphorical entities. Could also cram in some crap about religion or whatever, but I think the game as it is veered away from that because it didn't mesh well. I don't know why Comstock was a prophet and everyone was religious; it worked for the metaphor and the ending, but having Columbia be a theocracy undercut the American aspects; they should have been strict Constitutionalists who are also religious, not submit to religious rule.

Go back to buying charges of Vigors. Have your purchases at shops affect the world in some way, by fueling the economy. Stuff can have different prices in different dimensions. Could explore the moral consequences of that.

Open world. Some areas locked off at the start. Also able to move between realities with a little more freedom, but perhaps some major limitations. Instead of it just being a story mechanic, it could be used to willfully go back and forth, but only at great expense or effort each time. You may not always be able to go back, etc etc.

Fix the gunplay. Make guns less accurate buy more deadly. The gun handling was awful, but the game made you move a lot, scrounge for ammo or a new weapon mid-fight, and actively discouraged camping behind a single barrier. That was the best part of the gameplay: running & gunning and being rewarded for it.

More Mecha-Founders; those were awesome.

The E3 gameplay has good examples of what else needs to be done.

Songbird chases you everywhere. No matter what dimensions or where you go, it's searching for you. You have to hide, or try to fight him off, which should be almost-impossible, especially for a first-time player. Maybe have segments where Elizabeth can be captured and you have to go fetch her before you can continue the story?

Dynamic fights. People sounding alarms (if you don't kill them) to summon Zeppelins, able to spawn in actually-useful items

Dynamic social interactions. Different factions can treat you differently. Crazy people prone to attacking. Ability to offend entire groups of people and start a literal riot.

Big platforms that are connected by a realistic skyrail network.

Maybe more horror sections, or bits without Elizabeth, or possibly both combined… you get some alone time and the tone and gameplay change completely. Emphasize her usefulness by limiting you, but also challenging you in different ways. Could break up monotony, if any builds.

Setting was great. Writing was overall pretty good for a video game. It's too bad the gameplay was so terrible. E3 demos looks great; I'd have happily played that game.

Game is totally fixable… if you keep the aesthetic, and the general story, and build out the gameplay from scratch.

She's so fucking ugly Jesus fuck

How do you expect me to believe that? Bioshock 1 was also shit. From the sound of it, Bioshock 2 is the only game in the series that tries to be a good game.

You niggers


would have been a way cooler game.

Just add it to the pile of corpses over there

Rule 3 nigga

Uninstalling and playing BS1/2
Or even better SS1/2

call the mods I dont give a fuck.


What even are the rules? I don't think I've ever seen them.

You can get banned for dubsposting and posting porn? What the fuck is this bullshit?
These rules are fucking insane.

I see you found the rules page on your own.
You should note that the only rules which are really enforced are rules 1-6.
Eceleb threads are made all the time despite how they break rule 7.