Is supporting police and being against massive illegal immigration racist now?
wow rly makes me think
Is supporting police and being against massive illegal immigration racist now?
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do you really expect to find support for the police on leftypol of all places
go home lil nigga
No, neither of those things are racist.
But they are right-wing.
No, I'm asking if you think it's believable to say that supporting police is racist lol.
I'm not saying leftypol support police or right-wingers.
Frankly, I don't care about it being labelled "racist" (Anarchists being slightly retarded is hardly new) as much as your pro-police shilling.
I prefer Sting's solo work
it said it MAY BE DISGUISED as those things
lrn2logic goddamn
Anarkiddies are fucking retards. Nothing wrong with police, and mass immigration makes it easier to sustain capitalist power structures.
If you support police because you think they're the line between you and hordes of savages that almost always take the form of a black guy - you're probably a racist. If you just support the police because you never think critically about the power structures you live amongst then you're probably just an apathetic idiot.
Supporting police isn't necessarily racist, but it's stupid. No matter how many "good cops" are out there, the police as an institution exist to protect porky from us.
The keyword there is "disguised", you need to read more.
Supporting the police is absolutely racist, in that it involves tacit support of racism.
Not every cop harbors negative feelings toward certain races, but the personal attitudes of individual officers doesn't matter. Only liberals are concerned with personal prejudice. What matters is how prejudice can be expressed.
All police are complicit in the oppression of proletarians, a group which is disproportionately black and brown. In some instances, police activity is especially oppressive in nonwhite areas. Structural racism is an important tactic of the moneyed class to divide the proletariat.
Mostly in the US, because burgerfat cops are terrible.
You could as well say supporting the existence of state itself is racist
The current state? Yeah but a state isn't defacto racist just by the nature of being a state. It's inherently classist, though.
Kill yourself my man
Cops are terrible everywhere. They appear nice in some places because there's little trouble/protests. As soon as their handlers sniff a protest, they drop the nice act and become full on porky bastards.
If it's about police, add "tankies" to the list of "retards".
Do better.
Being against mass immigration is fine. It drives down wages, disempowers workers by flooding the labour market, and makes it easier to divide the working class based around race. Abolishing nations and borders is an ultimate goal, but it can't be done until long after capitalism has been toppled.
Supporting cops doesn't make you racist (necessarily), but it does make you a cuck, and if you support the cops despite their obviously racist activities then it does make you at least an accomplice to racism.
no shit, tell us something we don't know
Nothing lives in a vacuum. Taken on they're own they're not racists but they're issues the t racists primarily concern themselves with instead of capitalism
I have no idea
Whats the problem? The current state and police are both racist. I don't see how that means that every incarnation of a state will be racist. Would the dotp be racist? Probably not but it's still a state.
Funny how everyone didn't notice or decided to ignore the illegal part.
We all have rules we follow as a society. You can't illegal cross the border or overstay on an expired visa in any other country band expect to be allowed to stay. WTF is wrong with your critical thinking?
If you break the law by sneaking in, you are illegal and must be punished and sent back. Get in line like everyone else has/had to. You are not special despite how much your mom says you are. Your ass is not the softest of them all, you will not grow up to do great things, especially if you think you should ve rewarded for breaking the rules and cutting in line.
Sorry, I fucked up. What I mean is what said. Having police as a concept is good (if we were in a socialist society atleast)
Borders aren't real, my spectral friend
What do you propose then to fight criminals?
You kids really get me, fuck laws until one is broken against me. You probably won't call those cops when it happens either right?
Go spend some time with your grandkids, boomerboy.
Not muh president
God damnit, liberals and Holla Forumsacks get closer every day.
Just fuck already under the approving gaze of the Emperor of Man, after signing your consent forms in triplicate.
i don't blindly support groups of people.
depends why you're against it.
i'm sure 90% of people who say they're against it wouldn't be if those immigrants were European.
lets face it.
No, antifa is retarded as fuck.
But fuck the coppers though.
Let's say all cops would from now on refuse to enter black neighborhoods.
Does Holla Forums believe that will make things improve in them?
Yes. They will all kill each other over drug deals or other stupid shit, and the crime rate will drop to zero.
Pplicing is a concept, not strictly a group. You can be supportive of police as an idea rather than subgroups of police.
No, of a massive influx of European immigrants with a culture diametrically opposed to my values showed up wanting to jump the border, I'd be equally against it.
Piece of shit.
s-she's cute
i kinda wanna buy her a doughnut and some couffee
that's like, so eurocentric, that i can't even
you can tell somone's culture from his face, his country, or even the fucking culture he came from !.
people have free will.
as for being illegal, i agree.
breaking the law is a poor way to start in a new country.
and i'm not against deporting illegals, or having borders for that matter.
as long as those people are treated objectively on their individual value and not based on spook.
as for police, i agree with the concept of protecting people, i will not blindly defend a policeman just because he's a policeman.
some people are good, others are bad and fuck up.
i can defend/side with an idea, an individuals but not people i don't know.
What are to talking about? Who are you talking to? This post just leaves more questions than answers…
No attempt! See me after class.
If you don't want to murder pigs you're as bad as the pigs.
the fuck is it with leftypol and killing all police, no questions asked, no matter who they are or their ideology etc etc
not every cop is a class unconscious fascist protector
You're thinking of ex-cops. Anyone worth keeping alive would quit the first time they were ordered to enforce any of a hundred different unethical laws.
"Good cop" is as much of an oxymoron as "peaceful soldier".
They wouldn't be a cop if they were class conscious.
lol fags
almost every job out there is an unethical component of the capitalist system, cops can disobey and be sneaky at ways to "fail" their jobs just like anyone else
But not every job requires you to be a literal footsoldier for the ruling class that has an inherently antagonistic relationship with the working class. Find another line of work.
There are few jobs less ethical than those of police officers.
You can't just throw your hands up in the air, say "oh well, there aren't any perfect options", and then pick one of the worst options available. I would say the average pig is guilty of causing the same harm as hundreds of murders.
All cops are bastards.
The """""good""""" cops are the ones handing out evictions, brutalizing homeless people, and framing innocents for crimes they do not commit. The police exist for the sole purpose of upholding property rights through state sanctioned violence.
Whenever open conflict breaks out between capital and labor, the police stand by capital. Some cops might have good intentions, but they cannot protect and serve when their job is opposed to the interest of 99% of the population.
why should we give a shit about legality?
Limits you as a person.
Is pure ideology.
Suppose the US declared an end to all border enforcement, effective immediately. How many people would immediately get on a plane and migrate to the US? I think something on the order of 100,000,000 is plausible, over not too long of a timeframe. Who does this help, considering that we already have a labor oversupply in the US?
I remember that thread. Jesus thats long ago.
I think on the order of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. It would be the end of civilization as we know it.
empirically untrue
Shoot yourself faggot