Hawaii judge blocks travel ban again, today
Hawaii judge blocks travel ban again, today
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And that says everything you need to know about this fucker.
Anyone got the phone number for this fucker?
Wait, is the ninth ignoring the scotus ruling? I've always been above the law so I don't understand it.
How the fuck do you even say that fucking name?
Elloogie sound
Which is handled at a federal level, not a state level, and the supreme court already said it's fine.
When will these cucks ever give up?
i still don't understand how a single federal judge on a court lower than the supreme court can completely halt executive-level decisions. where in the constitution does it say they can do this?
Watson's Number: (808) 541-1300
Chambers Contact: (808) 541-1470
Courtroom Manager: (808) 541-3073
Cell: (808) 721-2635
Court Reporter: (808) 541-2060
Call these numbers now
Called the courtroom manager. She's there and when I pressed her on why Watson overstepped his authority she went silent and was clearly agitated by her breathing. Hit them hard. Call them and make sure to press
Wait, wouldn't that violate Supreme Court's decision? The hell is going on?
If the Executive branch will not impose via their executive power, the Judicial will continue to run them over at every turn.
This shit isn't to be responded to with bureaucracy, its to be responded to with military force.
I called the courtroom manager, she basically started breathing really heavily when I asked her why Watson was once again overstepping his authority. Call her up at (808) 541-2060. If that doens't work her cell is (808) 721-2635
Anony Moose for President
Trump could impose upon these people. He's the head of the US military. When a regional judge tries to override the legal power of the executive, and the executive responds with limp-dicked bureaucracy, what do you expect to happen?
None of them have been killed yet, the government was envisioned to fear the people - these activist judges fear nothing.
Yes, you called?
Anyone gonna call the numbers? Put the pressure on them.
Actually I just saw it posted on 4cuck in /ptg/. But this is like the nth time ive come across this pasta, is it a meme Or are you just 'avin a laff m8?
If you call, be sure to inform the if NK strikes, theyre the first to go and nothing of value would be lost.
I did call. See
Watson's mailbox is full I believe, but the courtroom manager is still there. Her name is Tammy Kimura, and she got dead quiet once I started asking why Watson overstepped his boundaries. She didn't know what to say so I kept pressing her on the fact that supreme court already said it was fine, and that this case isn't handled at a state level but a federal level. Again she was dead quiet. Needless to say she's pissed off, so please call her up
Oh look, the CIAnigger is trying to derail an important thread where Anons are trying to get something done. What a surprise.
I didn't quite get all that. Could you post the same thing three or four more times?
They did it. I know its literally a political bill, but they found to make it political and virtue signal.
Jesus christ
I'm not a Burger though…
Perhaps theres an user willing to take this info to the_Donald. I would but I stopped posting there after the general and don't remember the password.
Reddit would ban you for posting a phone number.
How much would it cost to get blackwater to bag this faggot?
Hate to say it but this is a big nothing. I bet the administration ignores the ruling.
He can't, and it's about to become abundantly clear. Get popcorn. Salt will be provided.
Wait, is the Supreme Court no longer the highest law of the land or something? Why are these faggots still pretending that they can put a stop to the ban?
Not if its to do with government officials I don't think. I may be mistaken.
That was my thought. Send in MP's
Of course they'd ban you for it. Get real.
Meh. I don't think government offices count bucko.
Like that should stop an user from trying.
The Supreme Court approved it. Hell, I think they did it twice actually. So how the hell does this hold any weight outside of being laughed at?
They literally can’t, this is an abuse of power the judiciary doesn’t even have to abuse. Yet everyone is playing along like they do. This judge needs to be pulled off his bench and lynched for his treason.
Even better.
Do we have any idea where he's living? Try and find his address and phone number.
and yet when it happens trump respects their decision until it is resolved
they all do
About the legalities of it all, doesn't Congress have this authority and not the President? Or did Congress delegate the authority to the President?
None of that has actually mattered for about 150 years.
for real. let google news build them up so the truth can bring them back down ;) this guy basically rubber-stamped his own shit, its hilarious and about as useful as a limp dick. this faggot judge is standing on no legs
The president by a supreme court ruling has the power to ban any group based upon religion nationality. country ethnicity.
That power is part of the executive branch and that was decided a long time ago This includes RELIGION. Trump can literally ban Muslims from immigration and revoke visas an deport them.
The opening sentence..
wew. They are truly selling out to the jews.
Derek Watson Age 50
Current Address
45-660 Luluku Rd
Kaneohe, HI 96744-1855
Phone Numbers
(808) 699-5933 - Wireless
(808) 200-0509 - Landline
(808) 247-0152 - Landline
(808) 247-6502 - Landline
(808) 225-4301 - Wireless
Isn't this kike just blowing hot air? You can't possibly tell me that some judge in Hawaii has more say than the Supreme Court. Even the fucking kikes there ok'd the travel ban.
I hope you're not American. The president has executive authority, he can create executive orders, but only Congress can actually create new laws. The former can choose what to enforce, but the latter can choose what is or isn't chosen to begin with.
that introduction reads like a fucking college kid wrote it. The reference to professional sports is a non-sequitor that just highlights the judge's own political prejudices. fuck obama
Someone should order a fuck ton of pizzas and chinese food.
No, this time a lower court is ruling against the SCOTUS. That's very different from the other times lower court judges they tried to block the travel ban. I don't expect Trump to have the same response, in fact, fuckery like this is probably what he was hoping for.
How to say fuck you in Hawaiian: anal oe
Can we start dumping the Homeless,the illegals,and refugees on states like HI?
You're better off killing them rather than dumping them on U.S. soil.
Isn't this the schmuck Obama gave a big fat check to before he ran off to Tahiti (a non-extradition country) for a while to lay low after Trump was elected?
Hawaii already has apocalyptic amounts of homeless
Hawaii is notorious for giving their homeless plane tickets to states like California in order to unload them.
isn't that illegal?
The case was dismissed iirc, there wasn't actually a proper ruling on it.
Didn't this shit PASS already? How is it being blocked? someone tell me what the fuck is going on, because I clearly don't understand how this works. There was a sticky & everything.
The gall of the Jewdicial system to claim the Executive is exceeding the scope of his authority. Jewdicial overreach is one of the biggest problems facing America.
Not sure, but there was a hubbub about it awhile ago. I know that Hawaii has a homeless problem, despite this virtue signaling they would be the last ones to accept any refugees. Heck, Hawaii seems to hate whenever mainlanders move there.
How does that happen on an Island?
SCOTUS didn't actually rule on the ban, there were two cases and they dismissed one because it "did not represent a live concern"
They have yet to rule on the second which was from the hawaii guy.
One of my favorite historical quotes by Andrew Jackson.
"[Supreme Court] has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"
The court can't physically enforce their decisions.
High cost of living, plenty of tourists to scam, and a warm environment. Mind you, some of these "homeless" are simply bums taking advantage.
This. The one which was dismissed was dismissed because it was moot based on the fact that the travel ban was no longer the one in affect.
Because it's for all intents and purposes, Paradise and you can live in the brush fairly easily just by eating the fruit there.
I lived on Oahu for a couple years so maybe I can answer your question.
States literally have flown their homeless problems to Hawaii. However most homeless you run into are of Hawaiian decent. Mostly lazy psycho shits that never adapted to modern life. They are usually nicer than mainland homeless though. Islanders didn't evolve for modern life, they are simple people, truly dumb. These people now live in a world where a family of 5 all working 2-3 jobs 40 hours a week to barely afford a single household. Asians and rich americans own everything so now its all expensive. Everyone has to have more than one job to work 40 hours because business don't offer 19+ hour a week jobs because they have to pay your healthcare. Hawaii sucks unless your on vacation or rich as hell.
Define "bum". I always used homeless & bum interchangeably.
Also Kek has made sleeping anywhere outside in Hawaii impossible.
Kek, why is a colony allowed to block the president's orders? Strip away all their power already.
When? Last I read it was upheld by the SC, there was even a sticky.
It wasn't dismissed. The court ruled that most of it was fine and could stay in place until they can have a formal hearing later. Judge is shooting his wad before the SCOTUS has got their panties off.
Pacific islanders are lazy gooks.
9th circuit bout to be BTFO again.
You people are all acting like your surprised?
Fuck Gay Marriage, Fuck Immigrants, Fuck Democracy, Fuck the Intelligence Community reading this post, Fuck Corporations and most importantly.
I wish you were on the supreme court.
This is like the fourth time the judge has done this. It should also be noted one of the times he was doing it on behalf of a client who was a known Muslim extremist.
hawaii sounds like the vision obama has for america. Everyone is homeless and dependent on the State except for the wealthy who own everything and write the laws. Democrats think this will be a permanent majority for them…
When the law doesn't work, other means
Fuck it, add a "non-shitskin" country, like France or Sweden to the list and they can spin their dreidels till the gefilte comes home.
Yup. The homeless even had a shanty town on the west side called Tent City. I shit you not it was a town made of trash. Walls made of tires and sheet metal. Like a kids club house but for adults and depressing. It was huge too. Stretched on for at least a mile or two. Then the state came and kicked them all out. All the homeless in one part of the island(shitty part) and they come in and disperse them EVERYWHERE. They then planned to build(yes, after kicking out homeless from their city they started to plan..) some kind of free housing for homeless. Probably not going to be built cause its on a burial ground or nonsense like that. And then a new condo building came up and the condos were to expensive so the gov't forces some of the flours to be affordable at 1/4 million so anyone could afford to live in Honolulu. Now the whole island is flooded in homeless and shit keeps getting more expensive. They also used to have cheap inter island boats but the gov't shut it down cause hawiian airlines wanted to have monopoly on interisland travel. Hawaii is exactly like Obama wanted the country to be.
Boycott Hawaii! They call us "Howlies" their word for White Niggers! The ingrates should have been liquidated long ago.
Hawaii should/should've gotten fucked by an oncoming hurricane. Maybe it would've done the country a favor by washing the 9th circuit into the sea.
It would be a great place to store the Mudslimes, forever!
homeless person ' person down on his or her luck without a home a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of
a bum is a lazy beggar 'gibs AFICTONADO
He's gonna get overwritten and dismissed.
and the beaners ,trapped on a island ! how can we get this going…
God damn cocaniggers.
who would have thought
thankgod for glorious meth to kill off the savages or should we say "hawaii niggers"
I knew an Ismail once. IIRC, it is "is" like in isthmus with "mile" attacked to the end.
We bombed the wrong island.
More like spamniggers.
Well, first some fucktard judge said the government couldn't ban travel based on a religion. Now they are saying the government can't ban travel based on nationality.
Apparently, according to leftist judges, the government has zero power to control immigration based on anything.
I don't think he has enough public support to just go and kill them thanks to the lying media in all it's facets.
Getting a bit jealous of Duterte and his methods these days.
Hawaiians are an insult to spam (which jews and muslims hate, because they're not permitted to partake).
The original travel ban passed, however the original travel ban was replaced by a new travel ban that changes the list of countries. Thus, giving that judge the ability to block it again.
also, where the fuck was this constant judicial obstruction when Onigger was fucking up the country for 8yrs?
that faggot would've necked himself if he had to face even half of the resistance trump is up against.
Fuck that, Ham and Bacon special.
Lol @ all of you faggots celebrating and going crazy about GOD EMPEROR TRUMP in the last thread about the new travel ban happening. I knew another kike judge would just block it and so did Trump. It's all for show.
Well when LITERALLY NOTHING you celebrate pans out like it should it's time to stop celebrating and start berating. Trump is a release valve just like some user said during the election. Nothing he says he will do fully happens. It's either extremely watered down and accomplishes nothing when it gets pushed through or it gets blocked completely.
Obama is a prime example of being able to do shit regardless of the rest of government will support you or not. Trump is a god damn cuck.
Ismail Elshikh, this is the second time he's been a part of this illegal ruling by this kike judge. Back in March was the first time, and again here.
He's asking to get arrested and be a martyr
Either way he will be a hero for cucks.
But who cares, lock his ass up
Well, someone has to pay all that debt that's being forgiven for Puerto Rico, eh?
Derrick Watson is the biggest faggot on Earth.
I wonder if the Supreme Court can repremand that judge, it has happened 3 times now right?
Don't you mean pineappleniggers?
soap box, ballot box, jury box, ammo box.
We're on step 3 right now. Either they give us what we want or step 4 is inevitable.
Trump really needs to go full Andrew Jackson.
9 unelected cunts who basically serve life terms. Enjoy your democracy, goyim, and remember, separation of powers is our greatest strength :^)
Called the courtroom manager. She's there and when I pressed her on why Watson overstepped his authority she went silent and was clearly agitated by her breathing. Hit them hard. Call them and make sure to press
He doesn't have to respect it. Just direct ICE to ignore it as an illegal ruling. I belive Jackson did this with an actual SCOTUS ruling as well. This is just some local nobody thinking he has the power to override the President.
Trump will likely get two more picks.
What was the alternative? King Nigger spending eight years interpreting the Second Amendment by himself? Just look forward to the day when RBG drops dead and her last delirious words are asking Madame President to choose her successor wisely.
You know, this brings up a thought, mostly unrelated to this specific topic, but to Holla Forums's general … well I don't want to say "goals" but, I suppose one of our efforts/focuses (ie: redpilling normies on the JQ)
Essentially, we've pointed out the scotus has, what 3 kike judges on it now? or is it 4? Either way a massively overwhelming gap between demographic representation and court power positions. Why do we not extend this to ALL of the court systems? Find out and create graphics showing just how jew controlled the court system is.
I mean, it would be great, think about how many people are so pissed off at the courts in general these days. How much they despise these faggots legislating from the bench and taking massive overreaches with their rulings and grabs for power. I mean, I bet you'd find a majority of the US population, or at least a vast majority of the white population, thinks the court system is absolutely fucked and deserves to be purged of 90% of its membership. Now, what if we could show them that that 90% thats been fucking up our country, are all (or almost all) kikes? Image the impact it would have when they see that "hey, those judges that are fucking our nation over and trying to take it over from that judicial branch? They're all jews…" Especially if we can connect the court cases of the ninth to all the shit our side hates, point out the judges who caused it are all kikes or shitskins, and spread it around like crazy. Showing how they've taken control way out of proportion to their demographic numbers, and are grabbing power far beyond what they're supposed to have… and all of it kikes or various types of niggers.
It would really rustle those jimmies and get people thinking about what the kikes are really doing, get everyone (except boomers of course, because theres no hope for those fucks) really thinking about where the loyalties lie of these kike judges.
I'd do it myself but.. well I suck at that sort of thing. Also I just spent the last week working 12 hour shifts at.. well a madhouse.. and I mean that quite literally. So I'm going to sleep for at least the next 2-3 days straight.
The problem I have with showing people how Jews control media/courts/government/etc. is that people just shrug and say "Well, Jew are good with money" "Jews are really smart" "Jews are X, Jews are Y". We need to show people WHY they are in those positions too, so they'll say "Jews are nepotistic" "Jews are greedy" "Jews are controlling" and so on. Show they didn't use merit to climb to the top.
Ah, that's when you pull out your trusty tablet and start quote the Talmud to them. I have found using the injunction on commiting a crime in a place you are not known, followed by the injunction on lying to non-jews when discussing the Talmud has a high chance of getting the person's innate curiousity piqued. And then at that point it is just a matter of steering them towards some question for them to answer themselves, and maybe some help in how to most effectively search for answers to said questions.
Wait, so you can't take a ferry from island to island? If true that is completely asinine.
Leftists don't actually believe in borders at all. Just let everyone go anywhere they want so the whole world can be dragged down to their level.
It was blocked before, it was enforced via SCOTUS before.
It'll happen again and they'll kvetch again.
user, I…>>10772017
This sort of kneejerk, reactionary pants-on-head bullshit is how you get morons calling to get rid of the electoral college, or Glass-Steagall. The laws are the way they are for a reason.
The problem isn't giving SCOTUS members lifetime appointments. That law is there so their rulings won't be swayed by fearing being forced out of office. We just have to make sure ethical, fair-minded people get the appointments.
The problem is, this little pissant judge is WILDLY overstepping his authority. The travel ban is a power already adjudicated to the Executive Branch. Trump can ban a stinking muzzie from our country just because he doesn't like his face, the kikes be fucked.
Goddamit. Try this again:
Someone needs to find ginsbergs baby-blood supply and taint it.
King Nigger got away with telling law enforcement not to enforce the law. So it should be fine for Trump to tell the state department not to listen to anyone but the Supreme Court. The worrying thing is that the (((republicans))) are completely kike'd, and would probably support impeaching him. Can anyone think of what grounds they'd have to actually impeach him on over this? It seems like "illegal" executive orders have absolutely no blow-black, so he should be safe.
Eat a dick faggot. King nigger only managed to do things BECAUSE he rents his ass out to anyone who wants to use him as a puppet. He is was and always will be an 75 IQ failure that was only ever given a chance to drive the country into the ground because he was so easy to control.
And he still got more done than Trump has or will. You stupid fucking faggots will suck Trumps dick until the day he dies. He hasn't done any more good than George fucking Bush did for us yet you all pretend he is Hitler. It's fucking pathetic.
Eleven seconds of the triggering he's caused is more than enough justification for it all, regardless of what comes next. I would literally kill you with a melon baller if the Master wished it, simply because without him we wouldn't have autistic screech memes.
Cuck detected
Obama caused racial tensions to rise futher
Quadrupled national debt
Added more benefits to nogs and gave welfare leeches more incentive to stay NEET
Hillary stirred up more shit and enabled corruption and degeneracy
You could say that the monkey was good in fucking up United States and buddy buddy arabs and funding ISIS
Oh look at the demoralization shill.
It's dubious.
But Hawaii doesn't have much choice because its homeless population is massive in comparison to other states.
Lots of people move there for various reasons that don't pan out.
Others knowing they're fucked and going to wind up homeless use the last of their resources to travel there hoping the tropical climate will make homeless living easier.
Pineapple on pizza is fucking disgusting.
order double pineapple
The Talmud is one of the best things they didn’t want non-jews to have. It tells exactly what they think of non-jews and how they treat us in all sorts of circumstances. If you don’t have a copy of the Talmud get one.
Pineapple does however taste delicious on a burger… especially with a little Virginia ham.
Spam and crystal meth, that's what Hawaii is.
I courd take it off your hands
How is he still a judge? Disbar him immediately. It's getting fucking ridiculous.
These days the USA would never permit Hawaiian independence or too much self governance.
It's an essential military port for them.
Are we gonna fucking call this judge or not? Someone needs to. Harass the hell out of him
The SCOTUS needs to put out an official recommendation to not challenge the ruling.
They are prohibited against issuing advisory opinions because of standing requirements.
You deserve this tbh. Should had picked a less shit law tradition.
Down with borders
Down with racism!
Down with civilization? No it’ll magically make us love in a utopia!
What in the actual fuck? How can this judge be allowed to keep his robes?
He should be disbarred after being impeached. Or before, IDC.
Remember that you cucked out when the supreme court reverses this just like the last one. People who claim to support Trump's policies while emphasizing his ineffectiveness baffle me, things have been escalating in intensity since he's taken office. We've made significant moves, domestic and foreign, for the better. And the tables are set for the left to hang themselves at various steps.
I will say, however, that if the ninth circuit isn't disbanded or seriously reprimanded and restricted by 2024 I'm going to be personally disappointed, but not bitter. I guess we need some goalposts for the men who emerge from his administration.