Awful games

Why is it more entertaining to watch people play bad games then to play them?

Because they edit out all the bullshit and post the highlights. Also it's not the bad game that's fun in those videos, it's the person playing them.

because you're nto playing a bad game and someone else does for your entertainment.

What's his name, Holla Forums?

Click the video, it's in the title of the vid.

Check these Dubs

The Irritated Interactive Screen Geek.

Jim McCuck


There are many proper cucks in the industry, I prefer to reserve that adjetive to those who actually deserve it.

yeah right.

They are highly entertaining to play with other people tbh.

Check these slowpokes. James uncucked himself and the press went for his throat

That's more or less what characterizes a bad game. It's more fun to watch than play.

Uncle Jobel a best

kill yourself shill

Hey autismo how are you?

You should leave.

Makes me laugh every time.

James the Unjust, Vidja Ascendant ,created in opposition to Brendan the Just. Tasked with keeping watch over the world, with the authority to judge the value of all things. As he watched, unseen, unknown, his attachment to the world dwindled and faded until it was as nothing. Fitting that he would desire to make the world, too, as nothing. Yet he fell in the war against the gods, and was thwarted, imprisoned in punishment for his heresy.

Have we really gone that far? Are the mineycrafta kids here too?

Vinesauce has always been here. People just hate him more now.

Vinny was always here, the meme is the new thing.

Where's the butthurt of @sundownmotel when he saw that the movie flopped?

i watch the records of some parts of vinny's and joel streams, but only if its some weird shitty game that i would never play myself.

"getting weird with it" is probably my most watched segment, they're just bad at videogames.

I live in Philadelphia and despite the fact that it's many miles from where James lives I see him there every day on my way home from work.
Each day I have to pass through this really shitty area of the city to get home and each time I go through there I see James sitting on the side of the road surrounded by empty bottles of whiskey and beer outside of some shitty bar. A few times I've pulled up really slow next to him to see if he's alright, I only ever do this when he's covered in vomit or blood, a few times he's sworn at me, thrown his retarded kid at my car and lashed out at me.
However recently I pulled up whilst James was vomiting onto his down's syndrome kids' face and I noticed him mumbling something about "fucking monkey fucking cowa fucking piece dog shit wife of mine", I was confused about what he meant and left his child to drown in James' vomit.
A block or two away I see James' wife getting pounded by 5 black men in the fucking open surrounded by 20 or 30 people as they all laugh at a picture of James which one of the men has stuck his dick through, I see his wife take more semen than an aircraft carrier and throw up outside my car.
James then staggers along the road with his pants around his ankles, dragging his kid along the floor and slurring everything he says. He then decides to swing for his wife who dodges him like some kind of fucking Navy SEAL and flattens James with one punch, who lands flat on his kid and crushes its face.
After the nigger fucking crew have moved to another block for their fun, I get out the car and take James' phone out of his pocket. I manage to ring Mike who is saved as "Guy number 15 who fucks my wife", I will note that Mike was pretty high up this list too, I then call Mike who turns up half hour later and throws James and his unconscious child in the back of his pickup. Mike doesn't say a fucking word and I get to keep James' phone. As he drives off Mike just shouts "MINECRAP MINECRAP" over and over.

Yes we have. Note how both of those fanbases are completely filled with trannies and other retards. Not how the board has become filled with trannies and retards compared to earlier days.

The conclusion is an easy one. Vinesauce fanboys are once again the cancer that ruins boards. Just like back in 2011 when they spammed his shitty stream nonstop. The actual streamers aren't much better either with their constant passive aggressive tone in response to any criticism and their flat out severe denial on certain things such as them spamming Holla Forums back when they were starting out.