Trump denounces "alt-right" fascists
how will Holla Forumsacks ever recover?
Trump denounces "alt-right" fascists
how will Holla Forumsacks ever recover?
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post your trump memes to troll Holla Forums
I wonder how long will it take for Holla Forumsyps to understand he wanted to be the President of the United States, and not the president of some extremist subcultures.
Like pottery
Well so much for that.
Holla Forums LITERALLY on suicide watch
Man. So is Trump pretty much just gonna be Reagan pt. 2? Shit, but not some nightmare zone for America (beyond the nightmare it already is).
I think he managed to beat Syriza's record.
The Great Dao of Accelerationism requires the following:
- Trump's party despairing;
- Trump's opponent's voters despairing;
- Trump's opposing party despairing;
- Trump's voters despairing.
Reagan was a total cunt
Reagan was already a nightmare.
Doesn't mean much when Bannon is still there tbh
"I am for the LGBT community!"
"I disavow my alt-right supporters!"
This. Trump is speaking out of the side of his mouth.
Ideological dishonesty.
Which doesn't make sense when half his fucking family are jews.
they were pawns, used and discarded as I told them months ago.
just checked on them an hour ago, they are still in denial.
man they made their bed.
almost feel bad for them.
Not-so-useful idiots.
Trump got as many young voters as the past republican candidate.
they were memeing for him as if their lives depended on it, kek fools.
I maybe dreaming or naive here, but in the near future what is the possibility of one of us becoming a president?
through elections or other "revolutionary means?
The cuck of the decade.
They will be confused with Bannon as adviser.
Mass Holla Forums and Nazi suicide when?
They lack the willpower to kill themselves. There's this nice thing called 'assisted suicide' though.
It's not too late, Holla Forums, you can escape the hypocenter of cuckoldry that you have created if you are prepared to let go of your spooks.
They're always posting "there is no such thing as the alt-right" so it would be nothing new.
he's a top shill without principles. remember, he used to be a proper leninist.
I posted this news article on Holla Forums just now wait for reactions right now
Maybe gas them for the irony
Why are polyps such gigantic faggots?
they will just moderate it out for "shitposting"
they kicked me out yesterday for saying nationalism will pit nations against each other in the end.
top kek.
So you want a corporate NWO of one nation and no more diversity?
Holla Forums already claiming they aren't alt-right and how they totally weren't sucking his dick.
Link to thread:
To be fair pol always hated the term "alt-right".
dat 9-dimensional chess
Bush Sr. was Reagan pt. 2
Clinton was Reagan pt. 3
Bush Jr. was Reagon pt. 4
Obama was Reagan pt. 5
Trump or Clinton, doesn't matter, was gonna be Reagan pt 6
Like pottery
When you make a deal with a demon, there's always a catch.
Praise Kek.
Do that guy throw a dice everyday for elaborating his policies?
so I'm guessing that's a yes?
1) We don`t want ANY bourgeois culture
2) We don`t want ANY states, stateless society is our goal.
3)We don`t want ANY corporations.
dialectical trumpism
hmm, interesting. that seems to be the product everytime this shit is attempted, save for maybe 3) at times.
Oh yes we all know that horrific time period through 1800-1900 when Earth was one world government under the Illuminati, truly dreadful for all mankind.
He was never a nazi or an alt-right guy, it was leftists who pushed that meme. He was always a centrist with an anti-immigration stance.
However, the reason why WN sympathized with him is because it indicates that his election made "right-wing" views less taboo and that leftist pejoratives don't have an effect on folks anymore.
Holla Forums on nov. 9: we fucking did it, we memed trumptard to the WH, praise kek!
Holla Forums on nov 12: who wants to serve muh God Emprurh in the administration to deport jews????
Holla Forums on nov 22: we never sucked his dick, and he is just a tool for us anyway
made asses out of themselves pretty soon.
anyone got screencaps from when Holla Forums went wild over trump's dick?
thanks for correcting the record
this meme was pushed by the hillbeast
no one takes it seriously
They don't like being called alt right
Fair enough
Does that mean he isn't specifically talking about people like them? No. No it doesn't.
They need to wake the fuck up
wow, good point man. I am all for communism now that you said that
Thanks for correcting the record!
Name me three instances when worldwide communism was attained.
I'm waiting. :)
Name three reasons why the education system you attended shouldn't be banned
I'm waiting :^)
I should clarify myself. It was the mainstream press who pushed that meme, they don't identify as being fascists while denounce racism, sexism.
They never identified with label because of how convoluted the label is. Some figureheads like Seventh Son think that it's white nationalism, some figureheads like Milo think that it's civic nationalism.
They do listen and read articles from those figures, but they also listen and read from the mainstream press as well.
thank you!
He clearly has no idea what that means.
Confirmed for lost the argument. :^^🍀🍀🍀
I don't get what's difficult to comprehend about it. It's nationalism with domestic/native citizens instead of white citizens and newly arrived immigrants.
please keep supplying me with loosh
I have a even better definition: Nationality as a meme rather than as a gene.
this is why you fall short everytime
How will they ever recover from having their "movement" being in less than a year transformed from being a loose collection of discredited websites to being united and legitimized as a movement with leadership? I don't know. You tell me, you stupid race-horsing motherfucker.
Everyone take it seriously now. Including them.
This is why you'll never be a major player on the world stage and Trump played you like a fiddle.
kek, your fallacies exist because communists have never and will never attain global control
Why is everybody so assblasted about Bannon? I get it, he runs Breitbart, it's not like he runs The Daily Stormer or RotK.
I mean, he's a reactionary piece of shit but what makes him so worse than say, Gringrich or Giuliani?
feel free to point out my typo if you're out of arguments
Yes, they are legitimized. Right now NPR and CNN are in full damage control mode and are trying not to say the word's "alt-right" at all. They want to always refer to them as "white supremacists" and never, ever say "alt-right" (like Trump just did, and Hilllary did before him.)
nod an agrumend :-DDD
Fascists will never attain global control either, so it's okay. Suffer under your kike system. :L)
I don't know. The "narrative machine" is sort of in chaos right nwo and they don't know if they want to say "Trump is just a republican! He's flip flopping back tot he center!" or "Trump is as dangerous and right-wing as we warned you all along, look at Bannon and this leaked outline from this DHS pick."
Where? Where is this mythical Holla Forums leadership? Where is this mythical Holla Forums organizational structure? Where is this unity and legitimization? All I see is Holla Forums doing as Holla Forums has always done: shitpost on various dark corners of the internet and call it progress.
There isn't one, but these journalists getting whipped into a frenzy are trying to elevate people to leadership, namely guys like Richard Stallman.
Alt right was a retarded term to begin with.
Either it's legit internet neo nazis (and those have been around since forever)
Or some youtuber entertainer going for some edgy comedy and being lynced by the autistic liberal media. (I remember some idiot on this board unironically claiming h3h3 was part of the alt right, pretty retarded)
There's very little in between these two, the term simply has no reason to exist.
(not who you're replying to)
What's bad about Richard Stallman?
It's a joke. Richard Spencer is the guy they're apparently trying to claim as the leader of the alt-right. The Guardian et al.
Holla Forums likes Israel it's a real life ethno-nationalist state that they can only dream of creating in the west.
lol, it's bullshit that communists have never controlled the entire globe? enjoy your delusions
pretty salty response
Don't these same Holla Forumsyps realize that the USSR did the same thing for Jews? How on earth does this jive with their gultural margsism conspiracies, knowing that Stalin wanted to round up all Soviet Jews and tuck them into their own little tiny Soviet ethnostate?
lmao Holla Forumsyps
stay the same, never change. stay irrelevant.
you guys are willfully retarded aren't you, Holla Forums denounces the alt-right for being full of faggots and civic nationalists
his strategic is to say one thing and then do whatever he actually wants, the madman
lol what? you're crazy man. anyways I'm probably going to be banned again, so I just hope you realize that the argument was over choice of words: attained vs. attempted. countries that have attempted global communism and eventually fell to traps 1) and 2) are literal every single one of them. Examples? Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam.
It's almost like he's a politician with thirty years of experience playing the media under his belt!
nah, couldn't be.
lmao Holla Forums
i don't want the mods to ban you, you're too hilarious to take seriously anyway
lol, you don't remember the cold war? do you know what spheres of influence are?
I mean..he isn't technically a politician seeing as his life for the most part is public knowledge.
Ah yes, 4982D chess.
Holla Forums raid is under progress now by several partisans and maquisards from this board
also their mods are GULAGed tbh
Austria and Greece were both within the Soviet sphere of influence, and Stalin intentionally declined to act on strong, actionable opportunities to Sovietize them; in the case of Greece he even strung along the KKE so they'd be less effective against the UK and US-backed forces.
tldr lrn2history
You retards act so shocked when an outsider uses the same tactics as the established. Guess what: The establishment used those tactics because they were effective.
He's a Nixon 2.0 tbh fam.
b-but I thought Trump was an anti-establishment outsider!!
influence just means that you have a good way to implant ideas into a nation. you're telling me that if the soviets won the cold war, they wouldn't try to spread communism to places like Greece and Austria and other parts of Europe? the soviets lost because they didn't have enough resources, is it not plausible they didn't sovietize places like Greece and Austria as it would be a resource dump?
Then why did he invest any resources into stringing along the KKE and making them think support was incoming when it wasn't, so as to intentionally weaken their position in Greece?
This argument presupposes that all "resource dumps" are automatically useless, as well, when in fact they can be quite useful as a spur to a Darwin's Wedge and force the enemy to make investments of their own.
it's cheaper to make Greece think you're going to support them, then actually supporting them. perhaps it was also to keep greece out of the western sphere for a time.
it could have been useful for a wedge, but they didn't have room or resources to defend an undefendable position. the art of war was also standard reading for all in high up positions, keep in mind
You completely misunderstand; Stalin made an effort to weaken the KKE, not to make offers he couldn't fulfill and only discover that too late.
Hillary was Nixon 2.0 2bh
I can see it. I'm just getting the same kind of corrupt, bumbling, crass, and paranoid vibes from Trump that Nixon gave off.
Holla Forums's been decrying the "alt-right" even before the elections. It doesn't help that key figures are weirdos like Jack "I basically fuck men like they're woman" Donovan and Richard "homosexuality is implicitly white" Spencer
I'm not saying he didn't know that he couldn't bolster the KKE, I'm saying there is some strategy to leading a group like that on
really doesn't matter
The Alt Right is a big tent movement and from the outside Holla Forums certainly slots in under there
Nixon wasn't that bumbling, though. Crass and corrupt, sure, but Trump makes him look brilliant in comparison.
it does though
Good, now he can focus on lifting up the proletariat.
just admit it, you're a useful idiot who's the first one that's going to the gulag once it sets in
Pleb tier knowledge and version of history.
lol, it's not even me. but he's right you know
This is just pathetic. Nobody gives a fuck that there are two retards with a poor grasp of English and history in one thread except the two retards who aren't smart enough to know they're retards.
Go peddle some soundbites on reddit for the euphoria you crave.
lol, and you were trying to call me salty
lol but im a different user lol :) ha
you sure burned me there [email protected]/* */
I sure did
lol not got anything to say now typical STUMPFD lol
do you want me to call you a retard? is that what you're yearning for?
lol wow using grammar now and calling people retard now
dont be salty because you got btfo lol
lol whats wrong spent 6 hours of your life getting confused over the words attempted and attained?
are you just going to keep making things up?
Not every Holla Forumsack is Alt-Right, but every Alt-Right is a Holla Forumsack. Deal with it faggots, it's gonna be a hilarious 4 years.
Don't forget to lock Hillary up :^)
thanks for the opinions straight from your anus
what did 'we' lose
every year post 1943
deal with it stormnigger
kek, nice meme
I'm still trying to recover from our Comrade Hillary Clinton losing. I'm not one bit concerned with them.