fuck this i'm pissed
4chan is lost
Other urls found in this thread:
Get out.
cuckchan was lost AGES ago, faggot. what the fuck do you think the exodus was about?
Lurk 17.8 years before posting again, and don't go back to 4chan. If you do, the counter resets.
A thread died for this, reported.
welcome to 2014
you have to go back
There was a rally in Philadelphia few days ago and not one word on here or halfchan. Since May/June the bottom fell out.
Its all dead because the people who were providing the action were paid actors of shias for the most part.
That was his real project, you just dont know it yet. He didnt have a melt down.
implicit faggots not welcome
Played you like a damn fiddle
Didn't 8ch come into existence after 4chan was lost? Years ago?
4chan was lost after Chanology happened, way before Holla Forums existed.
Holla Forums is dead too. I'm an oldfag, been on Holla Forums for years. However, the mods have gone on a banning spree, banning users for no reason, and soon there will be no real users left here because they'll all be banned.
This place is dead, the board is dead, the userbase is dead. It's time to move on.
Holla Forums is just over a few years old, although halfchan allows self improvement threads this place doesn't, make of that what you will.
It's also way more up to date on a Happenings when it Happens the Vegas threads are basically days behind halfchan. Ironically enough the animosity is pretty much one-sided now on fullchan's part.
A lot of people posted about that on other boards. Lurk moar faggot
How is it dead? Holla Forums by definition cannot die because you can always create your own board, it's just the board owners of Holla Forums aren't up to par. I think the election broke them or something, they used to be ok.
Niggertits was lost after Moot banned loli and objected to people closing pools. It's been "lost" dozens of times since then. It's just that, before Holla Forums became a lasting replacement, the refugees tended to come crawling back after a few months.
Now that Holla Forums exists, and halfchan is famous enough that it gets a steady stream of new users crawling in from Tumblr, Reddit and Facebook, it's "lost" in a different way. Now most of the quality content comes from here, and crossposters share it with 4chan (unless the cuck janitors ban it, which is increasingly likely.)
4chan is looking better and better every day.
Are you joking? Normies? HWNDU is the normies shit that ever happened related to pol
Holla Forums proved influential enough to sway an election, so for whatever reason the Mods decided to up their game in control.
shilling your alt-chan while spamming gross necro porn. seems about right actually. ill go there next time i want to watch a dead guy sucking his own cock.
BTW fixed that picture for you
Word filter? Or word choice?
Kill yourself low IQ subhuman.
halfcuck was lost the second raids were made a bannable offense.
It's okay to lurk and post in other websites, both to have an idea of what the gestalt is over there and to influence them to a more correct point of view or leave the site for a better one.
Kill yourself.
forgot to sage
8pol is obviously superior, and I don’t lurk 4pol very often, but calling it dead isn’t exactly correct. It gets a lot more traffic. Due to that fact, it gets “insider leaks” before we do. Often when insiders in any organization or situation leak to a chan site, they use 4pol, and the thread on 8pol gets made later when someone copypastas it.
To;dr: it’s worth it to casually glance at the 4pol catalog periodically.