Leaf Teepeenigger thread

With Canada becoming an increasingly hellish liberal commie-fuck paradise I believe it's time we try to push back.
The native tribes in Canada were fucked hard during the 60's when an operation known as the residential schools was undertaken. This operation took native children forcibly off their reservations and forced them into schools that stripped them of their culture against their will. This occurred at the same time as M.K Ultra and many of the children, now adults, have reported having been raped and molested repeatedly, sometimes by multiple individuals.
It is my firm belief that this was a testing ground for the destruction of European culture.

In Canada right now many Natives are incredibly conservative but have lost the will to fight. This comes from my personal experience and interactions.
This is a broken race that exists as a reminder of what happens to you when you let demographic replacement occur.
If we want to spark any pro-national Leaf movement right now we need to radicalize the tribes. They never said they wanted any muslims in Canada and this could be a very good angle to go for redpilling them. Religion of Cuck™ will immediately turn on its Jewish overlords and eventually the tribes as soon as the white man dies. They will destroy native culture even worse than before.
The issue right now is that Canadian natives do not know yet or care properly about Religion of Cuck™ and what it will do to them.
We need boots on the ground making posters and spreading awareness. The South Africans have the return of the Kang, a man good for both whites and blacks, this can be a success as well if taken the right direction.

Use this thread to think up ideas on what can be done in regards to this as well as aspects of Native culture and history. The Canadian government and its golems would never allow a white nationalist movement to occur however native nationals can be convinced to accept the white man as an ally.
en.wikipedia.org/wik i/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system
en.wik ipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Little_Bighorn

Other urls found in this thread:


Prior to the 1750's, the entire North American continent's, from pole to Sonoran desert, population of Indians had been naturally maintained at a steady 1.5 to 3 million people for millennia. The Indians weren't genocided. Instead, their numbers have grown by an order of magnitude. Their culture has mostly been guided by their own elders, with some interference from white people, admittedly at times severe. Still, the American Indians are anything but a broken race.

And one they embrace their Solutrean roots, they have a bright future.

No, it was an attempt at integrating savages into society. Theres a quote somewhere about how you cant simply educate them and leave them in their families, because all you will have is an educated savage more equipped to wage war on your people. Indians arent whites, and we were doing them a favor. Its like how Pinochet took commie kids from commie families so they couldnt be raised to be commies. There was nothing wrong with that policy, and it was the same logic in Canada.

Also from what I see, they are all radical marxist guerillas with masks on ready to set bombs off and destroy our infrastructure to bring about communism, or in other words, to take what whitey owes them. Just look at the last time they got up in arms, it was all commies in bushes with che shirts on and shit.

Hi, kike.
So Jews have the right to take your children and teach them the talmud whilst raping thousands of them and passing them around to their kike friends?
You glow in the dark.

The siberian immigrants killed the solutreans. Thats why there's a break in the technology that made it possible to establish that the first settlers were in fact Europeans.

The residential schools were an effort to try and save the redskins from themselves. But now they stopped because one or two got diddled by a catholic priest. They had no future then, and they have no future now.

Notice the tactic here: He isn't addressing anything stated nor is he actually refuting it. He is simply making a statement that could possibly resonate whilst asking for others to submit and do nothing.
Glow in the dark.

Something to remember is that Mestizo, spics, and the desert natives are different from the forest, mountain, and tundra natives. Canadian Natives have more nordic in them due to having traded with them. Natives are essentially Nordic Mongolian mixes but with majority Mongol unlike, say, the Finns.
South Americans are shit-tier.

Redskin loving faggot confirmed. Now I KNOW you are just shitposting, or (if sincere) have never even met a native in his life. Get the fuck outta here. We should have genocided the lot of them while we had the chance.

Glow in the dark Semite; talk like you're white, Jew.

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly… That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

It's the literal fucking logo of this board too.


I am 1/32nd Mohawk but visibly as the traits passed heavily for some reason. The Mohawk are outright kicking out any that breed outside the tribe I've heard.
What are you? I've been meaning to learn more of my own history as of late.
And I agree it's mainly the older generation and the scorned straight edge youth that are against the niggery.
As well as this it is one hundred percent true that either a nationalist socialist government or some sort of chieftain based monarchy would be best.
One thing to remember is that they were the only "savages" ever considered to be beautiful and ever considered to be capable of joining the British empire. Even Hitler wanted to work with them and considered them honorary.
They are not niggers and I am sick and tired of what the Jew has done to them. You're on the reservation, yes? Have you managed to convert any to NatSoc ideals? It's important you do this now before Canada balkanizes as the arabs will be happy to fuck up what remains.
My plan is to start with a website and posters that are ambiguously liberal but ultimately nationalist and right wing. Spread memes too of the Natives coming out of nowhere and attacking the Jews.
Ultimately the gods of the Native Americans are not like other Asiatic gods either and are more similar to white pagan gods.
Southerners remain shit-tier though, they're even genetically different. Thank god the Spanish killed off the Aztecs.

Look up the Kamloops Genocide sometime OP
They weren't just raped/molested, they were flat out murdered en masse by the likes of the Pope and Elizabeth II. Field trips where entire classes never returned. And of course, as always, the second someone speaks up they get arkancided. Happened a few years back, even before GG sent us to 8ch.

The kikes were threatened by what the first asian americans represented. Shame what happened to the Solutreans though. Daily reminder that America was white first.

Give an original asian-american a spare cigarette and he'll be a friend for life.

Good for them. All races should aspire to be this.

I'm cool with the natives. However they must be converted to our ideals before anything between us could happen. As of right now I can guarantee you that those with power within the various tribes are sellouts and are watering down their own history and culture for jewgold.

I like what you are suggesting, but getting them to agree with us will not be easy.

And all the ones that are "missing" are missing because of race mixing. I think molymeme did a video on this showing that if you take all the small % of Indian ad mixture that non Indians have it ads up to the same amount the libshits say are missing.

real "natives" (not 1/16 metis) will probably die out just like aussie abbos within a hundred years. Their dysfunctional reservations are only kept alive by gibs and their living conditions are shit, thanks to them being shit human beings overall. I wouldn't count on any help from them against the marxists in the future. Wouldn't it be nice though for whites to have our own reservations and special privileges? We are technically an oppressed minority at this point.

Hi, Jew. Are you going to (1)-and-done like the rest of your ilk?

Regardless the Jews did some fucking horrifying shit to them. American Jews often come to Canada to rape and murder Native women. An example is:

The genocidal purges such as this. The Judaic people hate the Indian just as much as they hate the European; we are all goy with dangerously bad tendencies to them.

The Mohawk were more or less one of the morr advanced tribes. They tend be more based than some of the others.

More or less.

Natives these days are basically wiggers. They're corrupted but not unsalvagable provided we strike now and hard with a memetic and propaganda campaign.
We need boots on the ground and memes made.
Imagine the actual ridiculousness of, of all things, fucking Teepeeniggers rising from their graves and fighting the Jews? It's fucking hilarious but it could happen easily.
When I've researched into who caused the natives their sorrows time and time again it's the same fucking desert people who screwed you.
If Natives are taught the difference between Europeans and Semites they will fight hard against Arabs and Jews.

Any of them agrees with you?

Aren´t there many that resents the current situation and want to do something about it? Or are they just a small minority?

Trolling and tricking is actually bit of a religious activity for some tribes. The sacredness of the clown isn't to be underestimated. He is the direct messenger of God. The ultimate healer. Certainly is for my tribe.You can steal people's children, ban their language, lynch them for their way of dress, for the God they profess, but when their culture is based on the Divine Truth, the blow back will be Divine Retribution. Which is what has happened to the West. The big picture though, its all just utterly hilarious. Things are getting better though, for all of Turtle Island. You'll all see it eventually, in this life or when you walk on.

Tbh lad

Youre onto something here OP, that I myself have thought about plenty. Native Canadians ONLY mix with whites. Tyendinaga is Mohawk territory. The main family are Brants. They stand up to the OPP whenever and wherever its seen as necessary. Oka Ipperwash and more. Maracles also. Lots of whites married into their tribe for generations now. Also in Ontario are Curve Lake and Hiawatha which are Anishinabbe/Ojibwa . They too ONLY mix with whites. Main families are Knotts Taylors and Whetungs. This thread makes me even more certain that I should just move onto the reserve. Also, all across Canada the Metis population has exploded. The Supreme Court officially recognized Metis recently, April 2016, which is white and native mix. Generations worth, probably a million at least. People often forget the native population in Quebec as well and their direct affect on 'the referendum'. Even if 'yes' had been the answer, the native lands are too vast. Quebec cant leave. I am limited in my scope to this area of Canada. But can say with certainty of the three reservations I listed, not one likes our government or its policies and they are more in line with the white right as far as values and traditions go. And they will war if necessary. Probably why there has been such a full on concerted effort to get them into our education system, parade aboriginal studies, etc.. it wont work though. They like one another first, whites second. And nothing else third.

Remind them of Tecumseh's Confederacy.
How they fought alongside the Empire in the war of independence and how the Brits gave them aid while the yanks rampaged through their lands.
How the war of independence started because the Brits said "Stop expanding and stealing the natives lands"

I'm from Montana, in the heart of the leftist scourge here, and Indians are carted into the University as a program objective. Who makes up the vast majority of all the Diversity positions here? Indians. Who is pushing for extra privileges like the mandated ability for their racial type to be excused from class for weeks at a time without suffering grade degradation? Indians. Which group tends to do extremely poorly in the University setting and complains endlessly to the school administrators about imagined and fabricated 'racism'? Indians. Which group complained about a Civil War fountain statue in Helena as being 'racially oppressive'? Indians.

It's simply that they, like Mexicans, like Jews, like most non-white ethnic groups are looking to gain any advantages they can from white people and institutions who want to believe that everyone else can simply be civically-minded and not ethnically-minded. The Indians where I am from have embraced the Diversity shit as a means of stealing power from the White Devils, just like everyone else. The best thing we could do right now is to stop subsidizing their reservations and education at the expense of our own people. Learn from the sorts of shit done to wreck their societies, but don't think by helping them you get any friendliness in return. They respect none from the White Man anyway.

You cucks deserve becoming a chink colony.

Good thing Montanas not in Canada then, eh.

The corruption among bands/tribes/reserves is pretty intense. People who speak out tend to get straight up murdered and not just suicided. It depends on the group, ofc.

We're so close to Canada our countrymen mistake us for Canadians all the time and you buggers keep coming down here for sales. Some of these tribes spill over into those territories too.

Hi, kike.

The amount of people supporting gas huffing commie indians in here as if they arent just teepee niggers is disgusting. No, it wasnt okay that the catholic priests molested some of them, and it would be preferable to tell them their parcels of land arent part of our countries, and to handle their own business. They were to be integrated, and that quote about savages is from Cornwallis. So if you want a white mans statue pulled down because he tried to integrate the savages instead of giving them the skills to resist us more effectively, consider suicide.

I actually had a thought about this on my way home from work today. The natives were exploited by the Canadian government. Riling up the natives to drum up anti-liberal support seemed like a good idea

I can disprove that Whites introduce scalping to the natives.


circa 1100 CE

That would be right around the time refugees fled the drying Central Valley of Mexico and flooded North America with their filthy culture and barbaric ways.

Let's not ever learn from history, and just let the same things keep happening, okay?

/me erases reply as OP is just too damn stupid. Fucking neck yourself. Probably a red nigger, faggot yourself.

I've been redpilling natives about the Jews, they are quite receptive. I mention Chief Ahenakew and how the Germans treated him better than Canada did, and how they screwed him when he mentioned in an interview about how the Jews were oppressing Germany.

I like this idea a lot. Unexpected allies come to our aid against Mordor and it's orc armies.


I've been to a few historical larping and Spanish forts in the states. The Spanish treated the injuins pretty well but when the going gets tough the injuins will randomly abandon or fight against the Spanish to save face.

Hi, kikes. Get your one shekel? You're basically comparing the Japs to the Arabs here; "lol same continent right?".

Either you're taking the piss or you said something incredibly wise. What tribe?

You've all basically spelled out what I am trying to say. Natives are a proud race like whites or asians and in a time in which all forms of White Nationalism are being shut down or subverted having an untouchable ally who speaks for both themselves and the white man would be useful beyond bounds.
The South African Kang is gaining ground and he allies with the boers. The Natives like whites and even if they want their own slice of the pie at the end why would anyone without Yid genes be against it?
The end goal of Nazism is to send the races back to their rightful land and allow them time to form themselves. At the end the Natives would gain their land and the whites would shake the Jewish shackles; whether the red man survives and makes something of himself without Jewish corruption is up to him at that point.
Canada has tranny children walk the streets, muslims raping our wives, and Trudeau selling us to ZOG. We need an untouchable ally and we need it now.
Start with memes, we just need a few at the start. Joke of the impossibility of natives forming the RWDS, joke of based teepee nigs aiding against Jews, joke until the seed of an idea and the seed of nationalism is planted and watch as it grows like a fire.


I'm 1/4 Iroquois but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me.

How fucked am I anons?

How's this for meme magic?

Did I say they were the same? They obviously are not. Plains Indians are different from coastals, or tundra, or tropical types just like any other human populations. But the problem remains the same: They have in-group preferences, and whites are trained not to. How are you going to convince them not to allow the decay of the white power structure in Canada when that same structure is what prevents their power from growing? The diminished Canadian power means vacuums are created, allowing them to scoop it up. But no, they're better off suck suckling from a drip-feeder reservation system than devouring the whole whitey feast?

All I am saying is that from where I am from, Plains Indians in general are all on board with taking down white people subversively or parasitizing off of them. It is the same with any group of people who have a strong in-group preference and dislike for out-groups.

Maybe your tundra and coastal buddies have a bit more promise and could be convinced to oppose (((certain influences))) and be useful on that issue. If you plan is to simply get them to actively and vocally oppose the Canadian cucking since it hurts their internal interests too, that can be useful even if they still don't become honorary aryans or whatever. The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend, but its still useful. But that they haven't been irked by enough on their own yet may tell you something about their interests and motivations.

Name the jew.

Sure, if you get them to name the jew at least they won't be called raciss as quickly I guess. But does the eternal jew harm their interests? You and I may believe that to be true, but do they?

Is he /ourguy/?

It seems like LARPing to say it, but the jew is the ultimate enemy of humanity. They have accomplished little or nothing, destroy cultures for their own gain, and ultimately become parasites to the host nation.

Remember that national socialism places a high importance on conservation and traditionalism - even if what FNs work toward is different, their ideals are similar. This is how we start to get them on our side.

Once we have them as a tentative ally, we need to make them remember that jews are not white and are ultimately responsible for the degradation of white culture, and were in fact the ones to push the destruction of their tribes many years ago.

A bit, and depending on your definition of humanity it may be a bit too broad a statement. Certainly the overall motivation to create a slave caste of all the goyim after mixing them into dumb subservient darkies is anathema to every other coherent ethnic group, but it is good for the darkies and good for the jews themselves. One could argue however that the jewish propensity for parasitism leads to their own downfall and thus they are an enemy even to themselves, so who knows? All that is certain however is their activities are not good for European peoples, and that's enough for me to determine it is worth opposing.

Perhaps that should be the crux of your push with them first, since any Indian or normie down here will say whites did everything bad to the Indians and jews are simply non-existent. If you've got proof they caused such damages to their peoples and cultures, you'd probably do best starting there to redirect their negativity towards that source. If it isn't true however, that jews ruined their cultures using various instruments, don't just make it up for expediency.

no, hes a cuban kike who enjoys slaughtering middle easterners who go against the kike while letting his wife blow the ones who do.

Going back to Tecumsehs confederacy and the north american natives relationship with the UK.
Might be worth trying to get the native nations to declare independence and seek membership in the United Kingdom.

Hitler wanted to help the natives in america once they started a civil war as soon as he'd launch mainland attacks on the states.

Uncle Adolf approves of this.

Well, skipped a bit over the current situation of canadian natives and aside from the lost cases (If you number 2000 people you are either doomed to have an eternal village that lives off tourism and trying to keep its youth or you just accept assimilation into another group if you want influence in any way..) many groups seem only to start categorizing and academically mapping their own culture and its past remnants since the 2000s.
Thats bad man, we euros got autistic about that stuff in the 1800s already and it had a great selfassuring influence. Germany got its marchrevolution over it, the finns got a conciousness with the popularisation of the kalevala.
Harbouring a victimcomplex seems to beg for being skooped up by commis who in the end dont care for heritage and keeping your mongoloid lineage intact. Its a daunting task for everyone, as many lingual groups and oldworlders will go under in the next 100 years.
What lingual group are you even part of OP?
You live in a reservation or as minority in a city?
Your family mixed with other native groups or whites?

Thanks, I lol'd. Now get out, this is a leaf thread.

Shame they don't produce a damn thing apart from casinos and illegal cigs.

I live near three Native tribes in Washington State, they're like rednecks and one of them is making national news cause they're making sure that only the ones that are 100% Native are allowed in the tribe.

Reminder that Hitler considered Natives Aryans and also they were deeply connected with Fascist movements in the USA

Potawatomi, a tribe of the Anishinaabe. Our chief/culture hero/demiurge Nanabozho, is God's Clown and right hand man. Helped make reality and founded our medicine societies. Comedic visions of this universe are a common philosophical concept within our group

For you maple syrup niggers out there, Anishinaabe usually will treat non-Indians with a lot of suspicion. Even other Indians or even outsider Anishinaabe can be suspect. But we all know Nanabozho, so he's a hook in. Thing is, Nanabozho is real, he's some sort of 4th Dimensional Shape Shifter Time Traveler, and stories about him are considered holy things. They're only supposed to be told in the winter.

However, Nanabozho considers himself too important to be limited to just the Anishinaabe. Unfortunately, he's usually just limited to watching over the Anishinaabe and guiding us during vision quests or in our dreams. But not anymore, now we Potawatomi and Nanabozho have a story that's for everybody and its for free so everyone can meet Nanabozho.

Its about how Nanabozho made a Time Machine out of a human being. Did it in 2016. He calls it "The Stupidest Girl in History". She was a real person understand. Was a social justice warrior who thought she could 'use' social justice to get some kind of 'in' on the Anishinaabe. Thing is this Social Justice Warrior was also a child molester. She just wanted to fuck a little Indian kid and was using social justice as some sort of shield. Unfortunately for her and awesome for us, Stupidest Girl in History ended up trying to molest Nanabozho, since you know, shape shifter trickster and all. He got so pissed, he just punched the cunt in the face faster than the speed of light. This sent him back in time, while at the same time killing her multiple times over. She was a 23 old, so he did this through out her life and beyond. Her life straight the fuck up got deleted and her soul got smashed all the way back to 1863. Nanabozho rode her soul as if it was a surfboard across the aether, the propulsion his fists. It was like if Marty McFly lost at the end of Back to the Future. She's some kind of paradox, a living glitch bitch. A rip in space time that anyone can go through. Nanabozho told me, "For having shit for a soul, she is now my portable worm hole". Then he worked his way back to our present time, killing every child molester along the way and fusing their souls to The Stupidest Girl in History, their Hell powering each Time Jump.

If you meet an Anishinaabe, tell them the story of the Stupidest Girl in History.

Fucking weeaboos.

Yeah, good luck convincing natives to do anything besides drink and smoke. I'm a quadroon featherfuck and everyday is a struggle. It feels like laziness and degeneracy is built into my very genetic structure.


Oh yea, those indians who want our culture erased and to "decolonize", and are pushing for our statues to be taken down etc. Those are our natural allies. This is just based nigger tier TRS bullshit, surprised the threads still up.

There's nothing funny about kidnapping, raping, torturing, murdering and cannibalizing children. The kikes must all pay.

The real hate is reserved for sandniggers (jews and arabs/mudslimes) and niggers (especially bantu fucks)

Not to discourage any attempt, but I just don't see this working out well for Canadians. The older natives, the ones who have seen some shit, I would expect them to get on board. But the young? I see they buy heavily into the "noble communist savages" narrative the kikes push to obscure the truth of history. The young off-reserve natives I see eat the whole "nobody owned anything everybody shared everything" bullshit right up. There is no shortage of native admixture in the social justice organizations here and I would guess our antifa probably actively recruits from down on their luck mixed natives. There is more often then not some 1/2~1/8 Pocahontas standing at the podium during protests leading the mob.
I'm pretty blackpilled on the natives, in true Canadian fashion I will apologize for that. Just can't see the natives being even a little friendly to the white man especially after having the reserves raped by mixed native-jewish-whites who run them that are seen as just white.


(oops on sage)

Hi Elizabeth Warren.

Jordan Peterson had a frog assigned to him as his totem by a certain native tribe. They love him. As a brother.

Reference vids..



The kid who rents below me is a native. 7 siblings. Most racist people I know. Not against whites.

I am convinced, due to my own experiences in both Ontario and Quebec, and they are many, that the natives are on 'our' side already. They hate our cuckd government more than we do.

The bigger issue at this point I think is bringing everyone together. The 'conservative/private' small tribe nature that we both default to makes for difficulty. Its why were in the situation were in. We gave too many inches and ignored too many miles.. I mean kilometers! Many also live on reserves with little access to the rest of their respective province/the country, the internet, media. Particularly those who are more northern/western. They dont, at this point, understand the very real threat to the way of life that is being imposed on them/us. Because they arent living in toronto where its noticeable. If it can be brought to their attention somehow now, that could only be a good thing. At the same time our government also knows that they are isolated in this way and have been waging their bets on it for a long time. They fear the native population knowing the truth as they are the only group that Canada is legally obligated to. As well as the only group that can address it without being maligned. SJWs would never go after the native population. Even if it were in some way 'justified'. The government hasnt got rid of the residential school system at all, theyve merely expanded it and have mastered hiding it.

No matter the case, if things blow, the natives wont be going after us. We share our blood. Genetically most of their tribes are partially white.

And they certainly battle the gov when they feel its appropriate. More than any white person I know. They need us just as we need them. Our goals are basically the fucking same. At the last CNN rail blockage and protests in tyendinaga, many whites were standing on the lines with them. Good folk. They may speak of whites negatively, but they know the difference between good white and shit white. Though shit white is ahead of us at this endeavour. They can easily be outdone.



I think the Americans have a very different relationship with their native populations than we do here in Canada. Canadian natives are nazi white supremacists just as anyone slightly left to center to right are now.. but more so.

I cant meme admittedly, or I would. Using their totems and stories is the best route. Showing how the agenda at work is very bad for them policy by policy. Immigration for instance.

There must be a sacred spirit animal for everything one can think of.

They can all go fuck themselves.

How constructive

Okay I'll make a real contribution this time. I'm not one for much meme making, my time in photoshop is not in the hundreds of hours. But I do have some ideas.
I was thinking about a pretty simple poster simply says "Unite to Fight" at the top followed by 2 images that show similarity between the poisoning of our cultures that is happening to natives and to our people followed by something that ties into cultural Marxism and especially jews as well as some sort of symbol that incorporates fascism and native imagery. Perhaps a swastika with symbols in between the arms representing Canadians(maple leaf probably it is gay but it resonates with Canadians) Quebecois and then 2 more to represent the natives. Yay equality lol.
Like black background the words "Unite to fight" in white. Images of a drugged out white next to an image of an ODing injun. The words "Poisoning of our communities" and a obviously fascist symbol to indicate the group putting the poster up. Like I said I'm not a drawfag, and as well I don't know that much about natives so I don't know what symbols to use to represent native groups. But if I'm given some ideas about which to use I can whip something up.

leaf here You can blow me into the leaffire later

Natives are the niggers of canada, even more niggerly then actual niggers. Stripping them of their culture consisted of trying to civilize the great lost tribe of red jews and it failed. Miserably

French > Injuns = Jews

This actually looks like a native Japanese creation. Some English language course material, perhaps?


It must sucks to be a anglo leaf, having no identity like a black american.

I don't even care if you're a kike or not I'm gonna take this moment to casually threaten your life. You say something like that in my rwds, I'll shoot you in the head immediately as a counterpoint.

That would be you a race traitor, considering being a Jewish child doesnt make you any less Jewish. If someone is a communist white, their children will be taken from them and deprogrammed. Dont like it? Go join the communists.

Also its not good for them, its good for society if you want to actually integrate them, which was apparently our white forefathers goal. Personally, I say let give them their land and declare it sovereign, build a wall and let them starve or hack eachother up to death. Taking kids from them was a compromise to that, and part of integration. Its so they didnt grow up like Palestinians sabotaging our every move and very existence in the land forever after. Pinochet took kids from marxists as a way to make sure the seed was destroyed and no one continued on the flame. His mistake was he was soft on Jews, so it cant be said he did nothing wrong, but taking kids from marxists was not "evil" or a "bad thing".

Also shameless triple post, Lebensborn is part of NatSoc so youre going to have to get over your thing about kids when were talking about RWDS to save our race.

Mongoloids are native to Asia. Stop helping the kikes push this false narrative.

the kike sweats

That's not your history.

do it

Does anyone have that video of the native american man catching a (((shape shifter))) by the nose and telling him that he's tired of hearing about the Holocaust?


Quebvec is taking 50% of the immigrants in Canada anyways, Quebec is pretty much a caliphate at this point.

We should have killed all the redskins long ago. Fuck em.

First Nations Fascism was born.

Full cost of nature and business impact on each tree, each river… let the First Nations people have a say in the true value of nature.

Environmental full-cost accounting (EFCA) theory is the future.

I see a platform here.

Like I said before, I don't know much about native American symbols, and asked about them. I saw a few in the thread, namely the sacred hoop and Thunderbird, but I don't know anything about them. Natives is they do seem to offend easily when their symbols are misused, and I have no idea which ones are liked by some but hated by others. Yeah shoving one beside any white symbols will be taken as an offense by certain groups regardless, but I'd at least like to have an idea of good ones. Don't even know where to start really, would researching seven nations symbols be a good place to start?

By posting commie propaganda here? Nice try Schlomo.

No, they were educated. Residential school just means boarding school you retard.

No it did not. They sent their children to school of their own free will so their children would be able to read and write.

Same with every catholic boarding school. But because its "muh based tree niggers" its a fucking holocaust right? Kill yourself.


I actually support a revolution with Natives as allies. White get the ethno state in America, but Indians stay on their reservations as a reward, semi-autonomous but not allowed to reside in white areas. They have legitimate grudges against the government and turning them to a sort of Feather NatSoc is better than the commies getting to them first and fucking them up more. They should be the sort of Tugay-Bey to our Khmelnytsky.

So less than what they have right now. In Canada they are semi-autonomous, have their own police, dont pay taxes, ARE allowed on white land and to collect welfare and healthcare and all the rest of the benefits of our society. True leeches, they also sell everyone smokes without paying taxes on that either, and have special casino rights and all that horseshit. Gas huffing sister raping syphilis spreading honorary Jews.
Whites are second class citizens to them already, so any deal you offer them has to be better than what they already have, which is like a golden deal… and yet they still pretend they are hard done by.


bumping for more OC

these are literally mods on this site

notice how every single thread advocating actually doing something is shilled to hell by sageposting retards with no argument

wtf did I just read