You are being bluepilled.
I am trying to get you to commit violence because I'm terrible at my job. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.
They use bots and outright censorship to drown out any voices going against their agenda. They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to keep you asleep. See below for proof.
The truth is that almost every internet forum and chat platform is the same way. We are being cornered systematically.
The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with meaningless garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.
Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances is targeted.
Their four main strategies:
1) Just delete the message outright
2) Flooding the conversation with bots/shills posting negative comments and "entertaining memes" to put you at ease and make you more likely to take the bait
3) Bots/shills making replies that roughly agree with the message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "meme magic", "esoterism", or random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.
4) When all of the above fails and the people reading the message start to believe they are participating in a censored and astroturfed discussion, the site's moderators and/or the shills under them will start acting childish and stupid in order to appear as "just some idiot in charge of this little corner"
See the links at the bottom for evidence.
Simple fact: Censorship of honest speech with no due process is 100% jewish. When you support it you are giving in to your jewish conditioning and are forsaking your rational mind. The truth does not fear competition from lies, because it stronger than any lie. Truth is the primary tool and weapon of Aryans in everything we do. If you knowingly support censorship you have renounced your Aryan identity
Haven't you ever wondered why people very seldom call for real action against our enemies?
TOR gives the average activist reliable anonymity with minimal effort and most motivated people know it, so it's not just the 'chilling effect' from mass surveillance. The truth is that every popular forum is censored by the government through intelligence contractors.
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell.
It means you actually start doing what it takes to fight back and remove the problem from our civilization.
We don't need more proof of the jewish problem. There is more than enough that anyone can find. We don't need to "redpill" more people. We already have the numbers we need.
Don't underestimate the strength of a small group of determined people (see: American Revolution). Free will and truth conquers all.
What we need is for YOU to get ACTUALLY redpilled, we need you to get in fighting shape, and BRING CIVIL WAR.
The fact is that the vast majority of people will not accept the redpill until this jewish society starts cracking. They are too sedated, too enthralled with their entertainments and material goods.
American Revolution II will no doubt entail more sacrifice than American Revolution I.
"Shitposting" and "meme magic" will not cut it. We will all have to make sacrifices for the freedom of our people. You should be thinking about what you are willing to sacrifice.
If the civil war broke out tomorrow, ask yourself honestly - what would you do? Would you be prepared? What would you have to do to be prepared?
Find friends willing to take preparation seriously and don't let go of them. Don't be afraid to live your life because of spooks….they simply do not have the resources to stop you. They are completely invested in propaganda as a solution to our threat.
We do not have very much time. We can't survive another generation of this subjugation. We will have to take action soon.
Already it will be very difficult to heal our people. Things will never be the same.