I went on a camping trip around Amish country recently and learned quite a bit about their culture. Are they communist?
Are the Amish Communist?
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I'd say Amish are pre-Socialist. Communism is very different beast, after all.
He's just an user acting calmer then usual, and who doesn't know to respond to the comments that he's excited about, those being and .
Also could be trolling, but I've seen anons get excited like him before.
I guess they're like Conservative Anarcho- Primitivists
They have hierarchies within their communities, i.e. women are slaves.
Depends on sect or church of various anabaptists. The ones I know work with and for each other, have a lot of internal fights and splits (sounds familiar) and when they make money it goes to the church elders to divide as they want. So forcing conformity is easy.
Their women seem much happier then most. Make of that what you will.
The women aren't slaves, I say this as a feminist. It's their choice to be there and carry on their way of living.
this. It's a pretty sustainable model of voluntary community living.
There's nothing pre- about it. Marx didn't invent socialism. They're Christian Socialists.
Is it a choice if they are raised thoroughly in that culture, told the outside is sinful, and will lose their entire community if they leave? You should be ashamed to call yourself a feminist. They're one step away from burkas.
Quakers have a history of worker cooperatives for women as well.
That affects men the same. Sounds like equality to me.
But men have all the power there, women can only work in the home and raising kids, and the men moving to the outside world don't need as much social support.
Shit Yank version of the Diggers
What, women can't become careerist cat ladies hiding their misery in guzzling cheap red wine every evening? The horrors!
Except that in the context of the Amish, they let their children go out into the "English" world for a year (called Rumspringa) as adolescents and live it up. Some stay out, some go back. The choice is entirely the individual's.
You really need to read up the Amish to even have this conversation, tbh. It's not like Amish men are going out and becoming ad execs.
So the problem of oppression can be solved by people internalizing it?
The question is how you define Socialism.
If you define it as movement that tries to make Industrial economy work for the benefit of general population - as I tend to do for many reasons - , Luddite solution (well, not actually Luddite, but that's irrelevant) - which removes Industry from the equation altogether - does not fit the definition of Socialism.
We took a 'tour' of the area and the guide was an Amish woman. She was genuinely sociable and happy to answer questions. I'm not sure what her main 'job' was but I had the impression that being a tour guide was probably her main gig.
Also we visited a few restaurants that were entirely managed and staffed by women.
Is it any worse than having them abide by your life choices for them?
You're essentially reducing these women to mindless automatons because they're not living the way you prescribe.
So agrarian societies can never into socialism?
I've heard that its up to each community among the Amish (or Mennonites, I forget which) regarding which technologies they adopt or do not adopt.
Honestly I think it's a healthier attitude towards technology than "push this new technology on the public, give it a few decades and then we might decide to look into the unhealthy side-effects, idk"
Just because most of your economy is agrarian doesn't mean that you cannot be influenced by industry. Some other nation might be industrial and be exploiting you (colonialism) or you might be attempting to industrialize yourself.
But - yes.
Purely agrarian egalitarianism (some Indian confederation from 200 B.C. for example) "cannot into Socialism". Not as we understand it nowadays. They get some sort of tribal model instead: economic basis dominates superstructure.
AFAIK, some communities might share a tractor or something, but they do generally believe manual labor and the fruits of that labor make you closer to God or something.
And they're not completely opposed to technology–as long as it serves the community or isn't derived from the state (they'll watch non-Amish neighbor's tvs which is acceptable because *they're* not using the electricity necessarily)
Is oppression only a problem then, when people aren't a formal participant in it?
If that is case, then feminism should be focused on arranging material circumstances in such a manner that women don't show any resistance to the prevailing order. Limit their social circle to a cultish environment, restrict the books that are available to them, instill fears of hell in them from the moment they are able to understand them…
It doesn't quite follow that universal morality is intrinsically pathological.
Mein gott tankies are dumb.
Their attitude towards technology is reactionary and ultimately stems from the result of technology's oppressive effects on wages in a capitalist system.
They're just plain old primis.
People say the same thing about Muslim women. Are you going to defend sandnigger women for wearing the headscarf too?
Fucking germans got funny names though for it. "Jumping around".
religious studies-fag reporting in.
if you ask most anabaptists what their political leanings are, you'll hear a pretty right-wing answer. the reality though is that most of them are brilliant examples of functioning worker co-ops, see the shakers in new england (even though they're about three members away from going extinct).
Amishes are just pre-industrial communitarians and little more.
Now, Hutterites. That's some full-scale common toothbrush communism.
got it
A lot of similar religions and sects don't do this. Some do it for like a week. I've never met any who do a year.
men and women are both bound by their respective roles, and it's hard to argue that men's (hard manual labor) is better. go back to reddit, please.
Some of the girls are in public schools, but they have arranged marriages as soon as they graduate, and never go out into the world like that.
Their labor may take more strength is outdoors more, but they all do manual labor. There is no other labor for them, unless they are the ones who use tractors.
Except that they are full aware of the ways of the world around them and they make a conscientious choice to remain in their community.
Yes, it's religious garb and women (at least in my country) are free to wear what they want. I don't agree with Middle Eastern countries forcing women to wear niqabs or other such shit, but that's not really my problem.
They aren't.
What's the difference between manufactured consent and authentic consent?
Why is their consent manufactured?
Do you take the same deterministic approach to all peoples or is just women?
Because it is a direct consequence of their (manufactured) circumstances. If we take oppression as only existing when resisted, then the solution would be to make it so efficient that people don't resist anymore. This is the fundamental contradiction of feminism.
Nearly everyone, though I feel it's a tat worse with women.
I don't know, I look at it this way: a conscious choice is all any of us can hope for. Just because you don't agree with the results of that choice, doesn't mean someone's (extremely unobtrusive, peaceful) way of life is flawed.
During my trip out there, we saw some houses had solar panels. I asked our guide how they were allowed to do that.
She said some communities strive to be as self-sustaining as possible, which means cutting themselves off entirely from the electric grid. Some of them use generators, but purchasing gas is kind of a moral issue.
They do use electricity for food production. Many communities have industrial-like operations to produce/package/distribute food to markets throughout the area. Reading Terminal Market in downtown Philly is full of Amish selling food.
There is no conscious choice. There are rationalizations that act as the formalities which ideology requires. The false representation of language will always lead to such contradictions.
It's not the Amish I have an issue with, it's the pathetic ideological cliché's about consent and choice that are spoken as if one recited a fact.
If you don't take oppression as only existing when resisted, you have no meaningful way of separating oppression from things you personally don't like. This is indeed the fundamental contradiction of feminism.
Which is why brutal subjectivity is necessary, objective morality always contradicts itself in horrific farce.
If you are taking 'trips,' then you know fuck all about their system.
Incredibly right wing. Cultural conservatism is a wonder to behold
It's literally impossible for white people to be communist.
I live in the middle of Amish country.
They're not particularly socialist, unless you count the sectarian rivalry.
They are somewhat communally organized, but that extends only through family and church groups.
They're more or less organized around their respective churches.
They're also free market when it comes to economics, I've heard, i.e. they sell their furniture without taxes.
The notion that they're prohibited from owning modern equipment is hooey as well.
I know one who owns a construction company, he's just not allowed to operate the equipment.
There's also one who has a machine shop, same thing.
They just hire non Amish to run and maintain the equipment.
Several of the bigger families in the area also own big passenger vans, they just hire someone else to drive for them.
Never seen one with modern farm equipment,though.
They do all their plowing and harvesting with horse drawn equipment.
I'm going to have to agree with Che on this one. Fuck you and your stupid race. We invented communisim. As Che said the blacks will get in return exactly how much they helped with the revolution, which is none. Lazy subhuman parasites are the reasons we live in such a shifty system. You fuckers will never into communisim because you can't pull your own weight. You want all the benefits without any work. Your no better than the bourgeoisie, if not worse. Kill yourself you useless piece of shit.
Faggy scared-sounding white male attacks white people.
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I went on one camping trip and one tour. Don't be an asshole…
Shabbos goyim erryday